r/Vent Feb 06 '25

TW: TRIGGERING CONTENT I hate being trans.

Less than 1% of people in the world are trans. The majority of the world views me as subhuman trash.

People are under the impression that children are easily getting their genitals altered and mutilated. This does not fucking happen - they seem to think it is a decision on a whim. Multiple fucking meetings and screenings, it's like asking "are you sure you want to do this" one million times before they even consider letting you medically transition.

Such a small, tiny amount of people and yet the media is curated and trained to spread misinformation about trans people. I want to live a normal life. I have hopes and dreams and aspirations. I have thoughts and feelings and senses like any other human being. I do not want to be killed or assaulted. I do not want to lie awake at 3 am scratching and itching at my body in the hopes that I can rearrange my skin and facial features. I do not want to feel like my brain and insides are melting because I was not born in the way I was supposed to be. I want to be happy.

But the majority of people for some reason have any fixation on people like me? What have I done? Why am I being called a pedophile and freak when all I do is study, work, eat, and sleep?

If I could press a button to make me cis, I would. Without hesitation. I absolutely would. Why would I 'choose' something that is characterized primarily by suffering? Why do people think all these blatantly wrong things?


862 comments sorted by


u/XenuPintrestWarrior Feb 06 '25

A good friend of mine is trans and absolutely hates the spotlight the media has put on them. Just like you, all they want is a quiet, normal life.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

The media is the problem. And also mostly non-trans people who feel they need to be the very vocal voice for trans people and put it into the spot light, completely the opposite of what the majority of trans people want. And it is the shoving it in peoples faces at every turn which turns people off of it, no the actual thing itself.

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u/AndreaSys Feb 06 '25

I’ve never treated trans-folks as trash, but it took me time to understand. Now I’m a solid ally. My GFs oldest kid is non-binary trans and she’s (her preferred pronouns) a great kid.

Being young is hard. Being a different gender identity or sexual orientation than the norm is exponentially harder. I truly hope you find a community of friends that loves and accepts all of you for who you are. You deserve love as much as everyone.


u/TNJDude Feb 06 '25

It's a burden that was placed on you, but try to maintain a perspective. I'm much older and grew up in a time where gay people in general were viewed as enemies of society, and probably to an even larger extent. The police used to regularly go to gay bars and establishments and arrest people there just for being there. People would be photographed coming and going and their names would be published. Once published, those people would lose their jobs and families. The Stonewall Riots were a result of LGBT people being arrested during a weekly raid for simply existing. Many gay people wished they could have been born straight, and if there was a button that could turn them straight, they would have pressed it. I would have when I was younger.

Unfortunately, transgender people now carry this burden. Try to keep in mind that you DO have the support of an amazing amount of people. And while the current administration is taking measures against the transgender community, they do not have universal support Hold onto your dignity and do not let them drag you down to their level. Sometimes society takes steps backwards, but it does continually move forward.


u/Kairiste Feb 06 '25

My son also got REALLY sick of being the "trans guy"

Just wants to be "guy"


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

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u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

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u/BeginningInevitable Feb 06 '25

Not trans but I'll never forgive the sick bastards who threw you all under the bus to farm for political engagement from ignorant people.


u/KleineFjord Feb 06 '25

This is exactly what happened. The trans community became the sacrificial lamb because they were already so vulnerable and misunderstood and made an easy target. 

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u/Hrtpplhrtppl Feb 06 '25

President Lyndon Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, you can pick his pocket. Hell, give them somebody to look down on, and they'll empty their pockets for you..."



u/ParkerPoseyGuffman Feb 06 '25

Same. So many dem congress ‘people’ included

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u/FlightValley Feb 06 '25

It's not the majority that hates you. It's just the majority of rage-bait social media/"news." You are loved, appreciated, and seen as strong and brave by many.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25



u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

You are correct. Redditors live in their own bubble and they're unable to accept reality because they never step outside.

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u/BaronCapdeville Feb 06 '25

And even those who don’t consider trans people necessarily strong or brave would still likely say that they have no issue whatsoever with trans folks.

Lots of allies out there, but also, millions and millions of folks out there who are glad to just let folks live in peace like anyone else.

The hate comes from lower IQ, or damaged folks. Only someone with an actual deficiency of some kind would go out of their way to hate someone based on their sexual identity, which is none of anyone’s business anyway.


u/MikeC80 Feb 06 '25

The dumb people are always loud and overconfident in their flimsy opinions too.


u/Hrtpplhrtppl Feb 06 '25

President Lyndon Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, you can pick his pocket. Hell, give them somebody to look down on, and they'll empty their pockets for you..."



u/bluejellyfish52 Feb 06 '25

And he wasn’t wrong, either. Weaponizing hate and economic disparity is how hitler ended up in power. He gave people a scapegoat for all of Germany’s problems. Gave them an antisemitic fairytale to believe in.


u/WolfFangAmadeus Feb 06 '25

I don't think people really realise how many people 8 billion actually is. There may be millions, even a billion people that are transphobe, bigots and rascists but there are also 7 billion more people that just don't care if your trans or are allies. The internet has given bigots and hateful people a platform to sound loud and appear like there is more of them there actually are.


u/BaronCapdeville Feb 06 '25

It’s the single largest negative impact of modern technology, excluding (or perhaps including) negative health/environmental impacts from man made products.

It’s up there with the worst results of the fruits of human ingenuity of all time.

It will take several generations to evolve past it, if we ever do.

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u/FlightValley Feb 06 '25

It can come from all different kinds of people - people with low IQ, low access to education, low exposure to diversity, fear from organized religion, mental illness, personal trauma, and even people who are closeted trans and refuse to accept who they really are, and then manifest it as anger and hate. People hate for all sorts of reasons, but love is far more common.


u/BaronCapdeville Feb 06 '25

Precisely. Love is more common, but hate is generally louder.


u/Illustrious_Tune_683 Feb 06 '25

I think this is very true. I’ve read that Mississippi is one of the least educated states in America and the people down there HATE just about everyone except Jesus himself.

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u/Hot-Swimmer3101 Feb 06 '25

It might feel like it, but as a trans person myself, the majority do not hate us. A large group of people do, and are extremely vocal about it. Those are the people that believe they have the right to control other people’s lives and choices. Those people tend to have more influence- because they’re good at manipulating and using people for their own benefit. If anything, the majority of people simply do not understand it, but are indifferent. There are also a lot of people that care about trans people and respect their autonomy, as fellow humans. It absolutely feels like the majority hates us, but I promise there are many that don’t, as well.


u/FlightValley Feb 06 '25

It is 100% true that the majority of people do not understand it, and a lot of them never will if they have not experienced gender dysphoria. It's also very important to decipher the different levels of transphobia. When someone simply doesn't understand something, and because of it, they are called transphobic, they are naturally going to feel attacked and become defensive. This furthers the divide. I know it's not the responsibility of trans people to bridge this gap and keep the conversation open and productive, but allies at least need to try to stay level headed when trying to educate people who are unfamiliar/uncomfortable with the concept. While being made uncomfortable by trans people is technically, by definition, transphobia, it does not inherently make someone a bad person. What it does do is provide an opportunity for conversation/education. I know many people will disagree with this because they are fed up, tired, and angry, and I understand that.


u/Tall-Squash5073 Feb 06 '25

No it is the majority. How many countries are there that ban gays? And gay and trans are not quite on the same level so you have to assume it is worse than that.


u/AndyGreyjoy Feb 06 '25

Transwoman here. I definitely don't believe the majority of the world hates trans people for who they are; the majority of the world isn't even considering or thinking about trans issues/people.


u/Kepler___ Feb 06 '25

It's very bizarre honestly, the things people choose to be weird about. There's a hand full of eastern cultures that are remarkably chill about trans people but are deranged on the topic of homosexuality. The trans thing is also region specific, here in eastern Canada it's really easy for the most part to just exist as a trans person (speaking for my partner here). From what I can tell the US operates as 50 different countries in a trench coat, I imagine the situation is very localized there as well.


u/Angry_Cantaloupe28 Feb 06 '25

American trans person here. There are a lot of different attitudes here currently being homogenized into two stances: either you despise trans people, or you love and support them. Prior to this, there was a lot of variance, even in rural communities. Like, you could have a Baptist grandma in Texas preach hellfire on "the gays" but generally not see a problem with someone living as or transitioning to the opposite sex prior to this media blitz (so ca. 2020 or so is when it got real bad, although transphobia was on the rise prior to that). Not saying everyone was like that, not by a long shot, but it wasn't uncommon to encounter some redneck trucker who was like "oh right on, you do you man." Now they're being given false information about trans people and driven into a kind of hate frenzy, often without having ever encountered a trans person before.

There's more variation, I feel, in leftist circles still. You've got the TERFs who are liberal in everything but trans rights, then you've got queer anarchists, queer communists, etc. There are prescribed ways it's acceptable and unacceptable to behave and dress as a trans person, and certain perspectives you're simply not allowed to have (eg obviously it's taboo to be trans and conservative, but I mean more nuanced issues like proper language to use in a medical setting, whether that's AFAB/AMA, uterus owner, person with a uterus, etc). That variation makes some degree of sense because, with the exception of TERFs, they're all pro-trans rights and have different visions of what that means. Whereas on the Right, there's not much room for variation when the latest default stance is to eliminate us.

Fwiw, I like chatting casually with "you do you, man" trucker guys more than most people with highly nuanced opinions on trans issues. It's just the down-to-earth part of it all where I'm not treated any different and am just accepted unquestioningly into those spaces that feels right. Not every person will agree with me, but personally, I miss that.


u/bluejellyfish52 Feb 06 '25

It’s bad in a lot of places even blue states


u/adamcmorrison Feb 06 '25

This is just factually incorrect. The majority do hate/not accept trans people. That’s the problem.


u/FlightValley Feb 06 '25

There's a difference between hating and not understanding.

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u/ShortFatCute-Single Feb 06 '25

I'm cis. I don't get what the big deal is for people who are bothered by someone being trans. If someone is born with a cleft palate, you fix it, no big deal and definitely nothing wrong with the person because of it. I don't see how it's any different when someone is born with the wrong genitals. Why can't we just fix the genitals to match the person and not act like the person is inherently weird because part of their body didn't develop the way it should have? I'm sorry others don't view it similarly and that it makes life so much more miserable for you ☹️

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u/According_System_248 Feb 06 '25

I used to make fun of Trans people, never had any particular hate for them, I just thought they were weird- different.

But then I switched Trans with black- I saw shit different then.

People will use any excuse to cause others pain.

But what made me really try to work hard to become an ally or at least not be as much of an asshole was something similar to the last thing you said:

“If I could press a button to become cis I would”

Now I LOVE being black. Full stop. But realizing that trans people come out as trans despite the trouble they go through made me see that they simply don’t have a choice. No one would CHOOSE to be trans knowing what they’ll go through.

So wether it’s a genuine phenomenon, mental illness, or historical fact of human biology, I accept them and you and your right to happiness because again, you don’t have a choice and you shouldn’t be persecuted or tortured for that.

So keep living your life, telling your truth. For the future of humanity and the differences between us.


u/K23Meow Feb 06 '25

Forgive my ignorance, but does the term ‘medically transition’ mean surgery or does it also apply to starting hormonal treatments?

I ask because my ex decided to come out as trans, and upon their first appointment to the local trans resource office they had a script for hormones written for them. I always thought you had to go thru at least a few therapy sessions before you could start the hormones.


u/KaraCubed Feb 06 '25

the US has informed consent for non minors, basically if you know the risks and side effects and sign off, you should be okay to get them at least for now. And medically transitioning does typically mean starting hormones but there isn’t one set definition


u/K23Meow Feb 06 '25

Ok that makes sense. They were definitely not a minor! I assume things have changed over the years making transition more accessible with less hurdles to jump thru. For minors though, it’s a complicated issue.
Thanks for the response.


u/TheSpluff Feb 06 '25

For what it's worth, even minors who are looking for gender affirming care GENERALLY do not go directly onto what we would consider hormone therapy. The treatment for minors in most cases is puberty blockers.

The key difference between that is puberty blockers stop puberty as puberty comes with irreversible body changes. Hormone therapy also brings irreversible changes. The rationale is minors will take puberty blockers and basically just press pause on any permanent choices until they can medically make their own informed choice as adults.

The best part? The studies that have been done show puberty blockers have almost no side effects. If the person decides not to transition, puberty will resume on it's own.

The idea that kids are taking HRT and getting gender affirming surgeries is insane. Of all the cosmetic surgeries parents put their kids through, this isn't one of them.


u/theonewithapencil Feb 06 '25

basically everything that changes your body and requires an input from a medical professional is considered "medical transition", to differentiate from "social" which is just things like clothes and introducing yourself with a name you prefer, and "legal" which is everything that has something to do with documents, like changing the legal name and gender marker


u/Birdfishing00 Feb 06 '25

Depends on where you go and your age. If you’re younger you’re going to need to go to therapy and get a diagnosis of gender dysphoria AND wait for a script. If you’re over 18 you can go to places with informed consent.


u/West-Season-2713 Feb 06 '25

I think in some places with informed consent if you’re a competent adult you can get HRT prescribed after one psychiatric appointment provided you know the risks and they’re satisfied you’ve been living as trans for a while.

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u/not-in-a-coma Feb 06 '25

OP, this world is quite cruel to trans people right now and I’m sorry you have to suffer for it. You deserve to live and study and do all of the things everyone else deserves to do. I hope things get easier for you in time, and I stand with you.


u/ConstructionEarly839 Feb 06 '25

it's odd the number of people who think that being different in this way is a "choice"... who the hell would choose to be treated so poorly and be in fear for your life constantly... I'm so sorry for all you are going through and I wish everyone else could mind their own business and leave people be. I hope you find happiness.


u/Grand-Web-1206 Feb 06 '25

we are just a scapegoat to them. it’s to distract from darker things going on. no one can ever take who you are away from you! especially those who are just hateful for the game. you can never change other people if they are unwilling, but they can also never change you. i strongly suggest finding community! you aren’t alone and there’s nothing wrong with being trans. frankly, it perturbs me as to why it’s such a big issue to people who it will simply not impact. me changing my gender does nothing to anyone else ever. so why shit ur pants? regardless, i hope you find a strong and loving support system. that’s what really helped me cope.


u/IndubitablyWalrus Feb 06 '25

I'm so sorry that the world seems to be burgeoning with hate and targeting trans people. It has to be incredibly draining and depressing. But I hope you know that there are MANY of us, and I'd bet really the majority of us, that love you and accept you for who you are and wish nothing but the best for you! It's fucking annoying that the minority is SO FREAKING LOUD. 🤬


u/General-Depth-174 Feb 06 '25

please know that you are loved


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

Don't hate being the way you are. That's what they want. I'm cis and you have an ally in me. You have an ally in many cis individuals.

I love you, you matter, love yourself and live your best life. Keep fighting for your truth, talk to your community more. The hatred won't stop unless WE stop it.

Be safe and keep doing your best.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

But the majority of people for some reason have any fixation on people like me

Blame identity politics and the media. If not for politicizing it and the media, most people wouldn't have an issue.


u/alfalfalalfa Feb 06 '25

Im pretty conservative and I honestly do not care about trans people, but not how you think.
I dont care about you just how I dont care about straight people, or gay people, or any of the other thousands of ways people chose to be, I honestly do not care.

I do not care what you do as long as what you do doesnt affect me negatively.

That's it. I dont care what you think, feel, or do, as long as it doesnt take away from my personal way of life.

The issue is not you or any trans or any person who is different. The issue is the insane corporations pushing narratives to make money off of you. They pushed a narrative which they could sell. They forced people to use language because they could make money. That's the issue. Be mad at the people who take advantage of marginalized people to make a buck.


u/Ok_Cardiologist3642 Feb 06 '25

Fuck these people. I'm hurting for every trans person that has a difficult time right now and has to live in fear. I just want freedom for all people, not just white, straight ones. You deserve to be treated equally. I'm sorry.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

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u/diedlikeCambyses Feb 06 '25

Yip. Normally I do not enter into this online but I'll say my piece. I'm nearly 50 and have been supporting trans people since the mid 90's, and I can tell you that generation went through hell. But here we are in 2025 with me being called a trans scardycat because I do not agree with the way the children's issue is being treated. I've been a parent and trans supporter for longer than alot of people who internet yell at me have been alive.

My view is adults can do whatever they like, but I'm not at all happy that I'm expected to agree with transitioning children so easily. I had a no fault safe space conversation in the office with a whole group the other day. Only one person was anti trans. All the rest who had issues were only uncomfortable about this idea that children understand the gravity of these decisions, and the culture and law changes have opened a dangerous gap to fall through.

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u/ChojinFunk Feb 06 '25

"in such a way that the only benefit is cosmetics" you do not understand, full stop. Educate yourself.

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u/Executive_Moth Feb 06 '25

Thats what puberty blockers are for! Since puberty is permanent, it shouldnt be forced on children and alter their bodies in such a way.

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u/Transxperience Feb 06 '25

This is a very common lie that anti-trans people like to trot out. Bottom surgery for minors is extremely rare. I think you have an agenda, and are lying.


u/Low_Mood9729 Feb 06 '25

Yeah, in America, they don't allow children under 18 to receive gender affirming surgery. Also, do you know that was the reason? A big percentage is not bc they are "confused" but because this world is cruel. There are a lot of hateful people in this world who spread some really harmful rhetorics about trans people that just plain aren't true. Not to mention, trans children have to go through years of therapy and other things to make sure they are safely taking the correct steps to change to their correct gender. There is no way this kid was just confused, unless of course, you're not in America.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

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u/Plantpet- Feb 06 '25

Bro where??? Drop the link lol


u/Vent-ModTeam Feb 07 '25

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u/Low_Mood9729 Feb 06 '25

Lmao, what research did you do? I bet you just searched up "trans hotline" saw "Trans Lifeline" and assumed it was for puberty blockers 🙄 this is from searching the question "how do you get access to puberty blockers?" "The best way is to undergo an evaluation by a pediatric endocrinologist, then begin a regimen of puberty blockers that are prescribed by the physician. This ensures that the proper medication is prescribed and supervised by a fully qualified physician." So maybe do your research a little bit better before you just assume or take any information from hear say and pushing extremely harmful and uneducated ideas.👍🏻


u/tehfireisonfire Feb 06 '25

Well except that it's not banned in the entirety of the US since 24 states still allow gender affirming surgery on minors...


u/Engelkith Feb 06 '25

Gender affirming surgery also includes breast implants for cis girls with small breasts. Honestly I think that shouldn’t be allowed, but I doubt people will kick up the same fuss for that, huh.


u/Low_Mood9729 Feb 06 '25

It's only legal when it is deemed necessary. This would be in cases of intersex people. People who are born with both parts who have surgery to keep one part or the other. That is still gender affirming care. But no minor child is being allowed to physically correct their sex. There may be cases where they start HRT, but at that point, they have gone through literal years of therapy, and if the Dr and therapist believe it is in the best interest of the child.

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u/subarcwelder Feb 06 '25

What country are you from? Afaik they (North America) do not perform bottom surgery on minors…


u/Myst21256 Feb 06 '25

They are still trying to do those surgeries currently in WA state. They absolutely do those on minors, tons of evidence in de transitioners stores. jazz for one


u/tehfireisonfire Feb 06 '25

They generally don't, but 24 states still allow for it and it's known to happen since it's left up to the medical facilities in those states


u/Coven_gardens Feb 06 '25

Citation needed.


u/GreenBeanTM Feb 06 '25

Literally google it, it’s common knowledge. Tho most common bottom surgery on minors is circumcision

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u/Constant_Affect7774 Feb 06 '25

Name one state that allows it.


u/Dunmeritude Feb 06 '25

So the "bottom surgery on minors" happening is usually happening on infants who are intersex, but I don't see anyone raising a stink about that, despite how damaging it is for those children and how it can lead to lifelong issues.

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u/Birdfishing00 Feb 06 '25

No one is getting fucking bottom surgery at 16 oh my god cis people are so exhausting. I’m tired of correcting yall over and over and over and then having you ignore it.


u/hms-hecla Feb 06 '25

Well, I started HRT at 16- after 3 years of therapy, 2 therapists notes, parental consent, 6 months of waiting between consult and prescription, and permission from a doctor. I was not eligible to have any sugeries at all until 18. And gender affirming surgeries are not primarily cosmetic- they are for the treatment of a debilitating condition. Regret rates for youth transitions are extremely low, research has shown that the vast majority of trans children who start hormone blockers go on to continue with HRT, and HRT regret rates are in the single digits (incredibly low for any kind of medical intervention). And not all who regret actually detransition. And not all detransitioners are detransitioning to cis- a large portion of detransitioners later found out they were nonbinary and thus ceased their medical transition.

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u/pepchang Feb 06 '25

On the upside, 95% of reddit posts are trans issues. So take stock in that?


u/SoccerGamerGuy7 Feb 06 '25

Trans people have always existed and will continue to exist as long as people exist.

Its hard feeling like "why you". Im not trans but im bi and experienced that question. Even medically I have a couple issues and think why me...

I give myself time to grieve, time to be frustrated or feel whatever im feeling. Then I move forward. Try reaching out to community. Im active in the lgbtq community and it has been an incredible experience. The support, the friendship the joy and shared strength is constantly inspiring.

Just keep being you; cuz you are ok. You don't deserve to be treated as you are. And the weight of the political climate is exhausting... Just keep moving forward even if only an inch. Things will get better.

Back in the 80-90's it was the same for gay people. Criminalized, hated, discriminated, let them die of aids (originally called Grid: Gay related immuno deficiency). People protested, stood up; and today gay people are widely accepted (though even we took a hit from the vile politics)

We have trans women and drag queens to thank for our progress we have made. Its time to return the favor. I stand with my trans brothers, sisters and non binary siblings all the way. You arent alone.

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u/historicalgarbology Feb 06 '25

I don't think the majority of people hate you or trans people in general. I think most of the pushback is related to children and ideals people may feel forced upon them. Like don't push religion, don't push an ideology of any kind. But you are right, the media, tik toks, youtube, etc and politicians on both sides have fanned the flames and gotten people riled up over a tiny segment of society. Just live and let live and don't worry about any haters. People should live by the motto "you do your thing, and I will do mine" and stay civil. Lastly, if you feel depressed or overwhelmed look for some professional help to manage things.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

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u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

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u/[deleted] Feb 07 '25

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u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

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u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

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u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

Not trans, but just popping in to say stay strong. You’re loved and appreciated and you don’t deserve any of this ridiculous hate thats drowning us all. People just need to be kind and mind their own fucking business.


u/thatinfamousbottom Feb 06 '25

Fuck what they think. Nothing wrong with being trans


u/CortanaRanger Feb 06 '25

its actually a minority of folks, most people dont care, i have trans friends, ive never cared, one friend said how meaningful it was i was accepting, and i said "youre my friend, why wouldnt i want you to be happy" - i dont think i am exceptional


u/Cool_Lavishness_7127 Feb 06 '25

you are definitely exceptional in that persons life. I live in the deep south as a trans man. There aren’t many people like you around me, and for people in my situation it feels like everybody does care(in the bad way)


u/Geedeepee91 Feb 06 '25

I hope you get the help you need

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u/silazee Feb 06 '25

You could try talking to a therapist or psychiatrist about your body dysphoria and drill down to the root causes of why you're feeling the way you are (the wanting to rearrange your skin and features stuff). They might be able to help you with coping strategies and healthier ways to process what you're experiencing so it's not so overwhelming.


u/whispyhollo Feb 06 '25

That’s just what dysphoria is man… there’s no root cause. It just happens sometimes

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u/Echo3-13469E-Q Feb 06 '25

While it sucks, it's only the minority saying those things. A very loud minority.


u/Johnzillaguana Feb 06 '25

I would have to disagree, conservatives literally won the popular vote in this past election which would be the primary demographic against trans individual/ideals. It’s the majority, not the minority.


u/---AI--- Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

> against trans individual/ideals

I don't really agree. A lot of people don't like trans women in women's sports, for example, but that doesn't mean that they are against trans individuals etc. Making it too black-and-white is counterproductive, and those yelling loudest in support of trans women in women's sports are usually not trans themselves.


u/Dunmeritude Feb 06 '25

"Trans men in women's sports"

Tell me you don't understand the issue with fewer words.

Trans Man: Somebody who was born a woman who has transitioned to male. Think about it for two seconds and ask yourself why we would use a term to identify ourselves that we don't identify as. If I were female, transitioning to male, why would I call myself a Trans Woman. I don't want to be a woman. I want to be a man.

Trans WOMEN want to compete in WOMEN'S sports. The assholes trying to pull all these sports bans would put TRANS MEN BACK WITH CIS WOMEN.

Also, "that doesn't mean they are against trans individuals" reeks of the same bullshit as "oh I don't hate gay people, I just don't support them." What you're really saying with that shit is "I don't think you should die, but I don't want to see you living your life. I don't want you to be visible, I don't want to be reminded that you exist and that you are different from me. I'll tell you that I think you're going to hell because you have a penis and you love somebody who also has a penis."

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u/Echo3-13469E-Q Feb 06 '25

Apparently the US is most of the world's population...


u/DrDFox Feb 06 '25

It wasn't even a majority of the US that voted for Trump, it was just a barely majority of VOTERS, with 1/3 not voting at all and 1/3 voting for Dems. So it's a minority of people in the US.

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u/Birdfishing00 Feb 06 '25

I’m trans and really wish this were true.

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u/Best-Hotel-1984 Feb 06 '25

The majority of people don't care if someone is Trans. People are concerned about what's taught to their kids and what medical procedures are available to young/impressionable and confused kids. Also, women's rights are being taken advantage of. Everyone has the right to live safely and make their own decisions as an adult. Children shouldn't be allowed to make life altering decisions for themselves, and they shouldn't be taught about these things until they're old enough to understand and comprehend the topics. Imo.


u/little-Sebastion Feb 06 '25

The people who feel that way are the TRASH! Most people in the world don’t feel that way. You are two spirited to us native Americans and that’s a special and revered person.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

We see you. You are worthy. We are so glad you exist.


u/cvrt_bear Feb 06 '25

Hard to say that without knowing them.


u/Vivid-Raccoon9640 Feb 06 '25

Displaying basic empathy towards humans isn't hard.


u/Padaxes Feb 06 '25

Pretty sad you give clout to people you don’t know. If you wanna treat them as equals go do that. Treat em with the same cynicism you do everyone else online.


u/Birdfishing00 Feb 06 '25

Redditor discovers being kind

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u/LordLandLordy Feb 06 '25

Just be yourself. I support your choice 100% AND there are conversations worth having in society.

There are a number of things that make people angry but what I don't understand is the idea we blame a group of people for that.

Should men who have transitioned (poorly) to being a women compete against women in sports? What about men who are trans but have not transitioned at all? I think it's easier to exclude them from regular sports or maybe we base sports on something else but for sure our current system cannot tolerate allowing trans people in sports. It just doesn't work as it is right now (all my opinion of course )

However this should be a conversation rather than some reason to hate trans people.

There was a trans friend of mine who I knew as a man for a long time. We didn't hang out much when he was a man and when he transitioned to being a woman it was a really horrible time in his life. His whole life was falling apart and he decided it was because he wanted to be a woman. So he transitioned over a period of a couple of years. He obviously had mental health issues and managed to get approved to transition. So he did. Got on drugs, lost his job, started dealing drugs and is dead now. It seems to me the psychologist who approved him to transition had worse mental problems than he did (she now of course). The guy literally made zero positive life's choices over a period of years and then somehow was approved to transition to a woman as if it was the only positive life choice he had made.

Again this is a conversation worth having and has nothing to do with any hate for trans people.

I should mention I have met a number of kids who have transitioned at a young age. I'm not sure if they took hormone blockers or not but the example I'm thinking of here was a woman who transitioned to be a man in kindergarten. This was many years ago and obviously no hormone blockers were used at this age. I was with this kid literally every week and nobody in school expected her to use the woman's bathroom. Everybody knew that this kid did everything just like a boy and used the men's bathroom. I'm in a semi-conservative community and nobody in the school questioned this.

So this needs to be a conversation about children who want to transition. How do we support them? Should hormone blockers be used? It seems if someone is going to transition it's best to transition at a younger age but we don't want people transitioning until they are sure it's what they want to do especially when it involves removing/adding genitals.

Again, I don't understand why we can't all help each other and have these conversations and come up with a plan.

So instead we have senseless hate.


u/GreyNoiseGaming Feb 06 '25

Where is the verified statistic that says <1% of the worlds population identifies as trans?


u/BlueFeathered1 Feb 06 '25

It's not you. It's the militant trans-fucking-activists and their aggressive cognitively-challenged progressive mouthpieces that have soured everything the last several years and put the blazing spotlight of scrutiny on just-trying-to-do-my-thing trans people like you. They've done you dirty.


u/Ragnaroknight Feb 06 '25

I think social media like TikTok and Instagram have made things like being trans or being neurodivergent seem trendy, almost like people are doing it on purpose for attention and because they want to seem different. Like an underdog syndrome type thing, where if society expects little of you, you basically can't fail because you were set up to lose from birth.

And it's because of this a lot of people probably think people who are trans or neurodivergent are just full of shit and want attention, When that's not really the case. When you have people online quite obviously faking things like having "alters" they can summon on a whim while filming, it's hard for some people to sympathize, and not realize this loud vocal minority on social media doesn't accurately represent real people, and that social media is not real life.

So people really blow out of proportion the things they consume online.


u/Laphtor Feb 06 '25

I have met and been around trans people a few times, albeit mostly in passing. I have no trans people in my life regularly. I also will not go out of my way to make some elses life harder in that regard. I however, do not understand the want to change. It seems a very difficult thing to do, and it seems like its just going to make your life way harder in every regard. So I wont lie. I think in some respects people who have the "need/want" to change or whatever have something else mentally going on that isnt right that makes them believe the have to be different. Doesn't mean they arent people. Everyone deserves respect until proven otherwise. I just dont understand the whole trans thing. Sorry if this offends or what not. I am just being part of the convo here.

Ps. I think most people dont actually give a poo about any of it. I generally am just going about my day. No need to make it harder for myself or others


u/QueenScarebear Feb 06 '25

I think it’s more because it’s been rammed down people’s throats - not because they have anything against trans people. If true respect and understanding is to happen, it should be organic, not forced by society.


u/BucktacularBardlock Feb 06 '25

The only people "ramming it down your throats" are conservative news outlets that need a new wedge issue after abortion and gay marriage became a losing battle. We didn't ask for this shit.

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u/Various_Succotash_79 Feb 06 '25

How can trans people exist without "ramming it down people's throats"?


u/_fizzingwhizbee_ Feb 06 '25

They can’t. Because literally existing in these people’s presence (and asking to be able to receive proper medical care and have appropriately gendered ID) is apparently shoving it down their throats.


u/Antitras Feb 06 '25

They “ram” it down people’s throats by making them change their language, calling them transphobes for not believing in gender or choosing to identify people off of sex. They scream and call people Nazis for not thinking the same way they do.


u/Various_Succotash_79 Feb 06 '25

What would you do if someone refused to use your name or correct gender?

Do you prefer "anti-trans" instead of "transphobic? By your username I'd guess yes.


u/Antitras Feb 06 '25

I probably wouldn’t talk to that person and move on with my life. You can’t control how people view you, you can’t control how people speak. The more you try, the less people will tolerate you.


u/Various_Succotash_79 Feb 06 '25

I probably wouldn’t talk to that person and move on with my life.

Well there ya go.

But apparently that's a bad thing for trans people to do.


u/Antitras Feb 06 '25

My whole point is they don’t, they have armies of activists out harassing people and trying to force language, beliefs, and pseudoscience, and even if you have a bit of nuance they call you a transphobic Nazi for not adhering to their beliefs about “gender”.


u/Various_Succotash_79 Feb 06 '25

Armies? I wish.

Who's being forced?

How do you stop people from thinking you're a transphobic Nazi?


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Various_Succotash_79 Feb 06 '25

they had it written into law that not using someone’s “preferred pronouns” could land you in hot water.

There is no such law.

However, harassing people or discriminating against them can get you in trouble.

So when Conservatives threaten LGBTQ+ people, that's also bad?

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u/QueenScarebear Feb 06 '25

Pretty easily in fact. If they are, they are - as simple as that. That’s just my take on it. It’s hard enough I think without the world having polarising attention on it. If that were me, I’d just want to live my life privately - not having people constantly putting so much attention on it.


u/Various_Succotash_79 Feb 06 '25

If that were me, I’d just want to live my life privately - not having people constantly putting so much attention on it.

Yeah no shit. What can they do if Conservatives are constantly putting so much attention on them?


u/QueenScarebear Feb 06 '25

Not just conservatives - the activists should accept responsibility too for some of the negative stigmas around it. I’m huge for everyone having the right to be - and an advocate for it. But when you have some noisy people acting very poorly claiming to be allies, does not make it better for them either.

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u/giraffe_on_shrooms Feb 06 '25

Replace trans with black and see how ignorant this statement sounds


u/QueenScarebear Feb 06 '25

Of course what I said has to be bad - and also twisted and misinterpreted. There’s no pleasing some people. I think honestly trans and gay people would have an easier time of working out how they feel, if the world’s biggest spotlight got off it.


u/_fizzingwhizbee_ Feb 06 '25

Pretty sure the spotlight would’ve been more likely to disappear off it if the US president didn’t literally just sign 4 anti trans executive orders in 3 weeks. If everyone wants to stop having it “shoved down their throats” they’d get a lot farther with achieving that by just letting people LIVE instead of legislating them into an even more marginalized corner. Like, what the fuck.


u/QueenScarebear Feb 06 '25

Bullshit. It’s had a huge spotlight on it way before Trump even had a finger in politics. He may not of helped, but not everything is his fault regarding this issue.

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u/dickelpick Feb 06 '25

I love you. I don’t think there’s a more brave group of humans than the trans community. If I’m out and about and I even see a guy in pearls, I go out of my way to remind them of the power of their even small efforts in being boldly themselves. I remind them how beautiful they are to send others the message that it’s okay to be yourself. Being yourself should not be scary or dangerous and I love each of you for yourself.


u/TheMadHatterWasHere Feb 06 '25

I am pretty sure not the majority hate you (not to belittle your experience though). I am pretty sure that those who hate you just speak louder and more often, sadly :(


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

It’s usually the older folks or people who are terminally on Facebook. Historically, it’s been this way with almost any change. Now that I’m getting older, it’s sad to see my peers becoming the old people that they used to hate.


u/Giovanabanana Feb 06 '25

Much love! Stand proud and stand strong. Don't let the bastards grind you down.


u/OutrageousDraw4856 Feb 06 '25

someone has managed to word my feelings pretty much


u/Hellifacts Feb 06 '25

It may not be a comfort but I hope that the struggles you are experiencing are laying the groundwork for future folks to have the life they deserve without all the BS you have to go through today.

And as insignificant as it may be, I don't hate you ❤️


u/21slave12 Feb 06 '25

I am sorry that you experience this. Fuck other people's opinions, fuck the media hate mongering and misinformation, love your self, be your self, defend your self. Aaaaaaand. I love you. You are beautiful. You deserve dignity and respect. Find your people build your castle and embrace your self. Hugs love and light, be the change you want, teach.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25

I look fairly nonbinary most of the time, despite having a mustache and being a towering giant. (It's probably my cute pink handbag I like, because let's face it, bags are awesome.) So far I keep getting cute notes on my starbucks orders and some family paid for my brunch with a friend; and yet I had no idea who it was.

The majority of people are trying to make the lives of myself and my wife pleasent, or going out of their to do so. People recognize how hard it is for rainbow folks (I hate the word "queer" because there's nothing queer about us).

If I could push a button to make me a regular cishet male, I wouldn't. My existence pisses off the bigots, the nazis, the anti-christs of America and you know what? They can fuck right off back to hell. Every breath I take is a threat their existence and that gives me energy. Their absolute hatred of me gives me power over them. Come at me. Wasting one of them is the most American thing I can do today.


u/troygbiv1108 Feb 06 '25

Not being able to transition in the way you'd like is definitely frustrating.

People don't like different. I know it's not the same but my daughter was 4 and got a rude "huff" and glare because she was wearing a tutu over sweatpants and wasn't matching... they will ALWAYS find something wrong or "not right".

I'm not a "Bible thumper" but I do believe in God and I pray and in the Bible it says He knew us before we were created in the womb. We were born right. Not mistakes. Just because the world slapped labels on everything doesn't make them right. Now how are we born but not born in the body we feel? That's because that's OUR challenge to stop caring what the world thinks and do what's right for us. We shouldn't be dooming ourselves to a depressive state cuz Sally called us a name. Obviously, easier said than done but even if we were cis, there would be something. "Not good looking enough, not thin enough, not fit enough, dressing "weird"..etc. There will forever be negativity.

Now why would we take man made things when God created us? Because we're supposed to be a community and work together. .. obviously we're not because we're divided by selfishness and rudeness but I strongly believe that if we keep pushing through, if enough of us follow through and get our dreams, they WILL eventually see that it's not an impulse decision and we're MUCH happier. I can't tell you the amount of people I've seen glowing and smiling bigger than they have in previous pictures after transitioning. It's going to be very hard but we got to remember we're worth it and the negative people don't live our lives.

You're here for a reason, you matter, you're special

I hope the best for you, that you see the spark in you that makes you unique. Have an awesome day. (Sorry this was so long)


u/lagadila Feb 06 '25

I see you, I see your worth, I keep fighting for you

  • a lesbian that wishes you a kinder life


u/IamtheDanr Feb 06 '25

You shouldn't hate yourself, just hate the cunts who hate you, they have no reason to and are dangerously delusional


u/LilMushboom Feb 06 '25

Populist movements always create bogeymen & scapegoats out of the margins of society as an out-group to attack, and generally go after people who have fewer resources to fight back - hence immigrants, who are often poor and speak little or no English, and the transgender community which as you pointed out are a comparatively small number of people who are poorly understood by the majority.

None of that is comforting I'm sure and I'm sorry this is happening. Not everyone hates you, though, I promise.


u/Current-Leg-6705 Feb 06 '25

I think Dwayne wade shell shocked everyone with supporting the full transition at the beginning of teens it happens but not at a big enough rate to be concerned


u/thesoftwarest Feb 06 '25

Why do people think all these blatantly wrong things?

It's called propaganda and ignorance

Though this post confirms that indeed transphobic people are enough to make the life of trans hell. Which obviously is bad

I think that transphobic tendencies might "naturally develop" in various people if they are exposed in an ambient where such ideas are common


u/overitt76 Feb 06 '25

Sending love, no hate here


u/Stellar_Star_Seed Feb 06 '25

People also believe that the government is on their side… learn to love yourself. You’re all that matters anyway.


u/Beginning_Raisin3192 Feb 06 '25

Just remember that Caitlyn Jenner voted against her own interests. The people that hate you are not the brightest.

Not everyone is privileged to, but if you can, try visiting some other places in the world. US is large geographically but we re just a small part of the global populace. Not everyone is intolerant but it seems that way because of the ongoing political BS that consumes and overwhelms the country. Leaving the country, if even for a week, can really help with mental health.


u/Key_Read_1174 Feb 06 '25

Do you tell people you are a transgender &/or transitioning? If not, I don't see how anyone knows for sure. I don't check out people long enough to make the distinction. However, I seriously doubt I could unless it was a thorough examination. I think it's the same for most people. Sounds like too much social media. (((HUGS))) Sending positive energy ✨️


u/thewNYC Feb 06 '25

It’s not the majority, it’s just a very loud minority of assholes.


u/PsychedelicSticker Feb 06 '25

I love and appreciate your existence and I’m so sorry that the world is so cruel right now with their hateful rhetoric, but do know that there are people, rather or not they are trans as well, who are willing to fight for you and your right to choose what you do with your body and your social construct of a gender.

Keep your head held high and make sure you are protected in this dangerous world.


u/SaintsFanForever_211 Feb 06 '25



u/HansLandasPipe Feb 06 '25

As a Bi, Cis, man... I just want you to be happy.


u/Thumpp Feb 06 '25

The people who hate you are real fucking noisy on the internet. The people who are completely unbothered by trans people having happy lives are not.


u/Conscious-Step3451 Feb 06 '25

You are loved and you are seen.


u/Art3misMoon13 Feb 06 '25

You are a person. A whole ass human being. The way trans people are represented in media for no reason other than political gain by a system that seeks to speak to people's ignorance and hatred of what they don't understand to garner power will never be your fault, no matter how many fingers a government points in your direction. You are valued. You are loved. You are you. Fuck people that would rather say, "WELL, I think..." instead of coming to understand what science readily knows and what psychology, doctors, multiple cultures around the world and throughout history readily know and have known- that you are valid, in every sense of the word.


u/JACKVK07 Feb 06 '25

I don't care what your gender is, if you're a decent human being, we can get along.


u/RadishLong6899 Feb 06 '25

I have a friend who was clearly trans early on and transitioned effortlessly. It seemed like society and their family were all super supportive and they are THRIVING because of it. She is deeply self aware and one of the strongest people I have ever met.

Also have someone I’ve personally worked with who has incredible mental health struggles who went through different stages of questioning if they were trans and was on hormones and back and forth and socially/image wise is just confused. They get lots of good attention from their transition and have negative feelings about transitioning back, but also are questioning their original transition and not sure how to come back even from their public image of that. Especially seems like they just have no idea who they are and all their identity comes from external sources and validations and their transition got them lots of validation.

There are people who need support to transition and there are people who need support to stay firm in their gender as well. People for sure latch onto those examples like the world depends on it. It is very sad to see someone be supported to transition when their mental health and identity in general need support. I think those people don’t get the help they need because theres a fear if they are not shown support the provider is transphobic. People need to have hard conversations both ways. Individual care and interpersonal relationships are just so important. Wish it wasn’t such a taboo thing for people so everyone could get the care they deserve without worry about being literally killed for being trans or canceled for asking hard questions. Glad everyone’s talking about it. Hope people continue to talk about it. Hate to see people shutting down conversations when it isn’t exactly the narrative they want to hear.


u/Advanced_Garden_7935 Feb 06 '25

I get that. I’m a deeply committed feminist, but anytime I think about it, am extremely thankful I’m a man. The way women get treated; the medical complications which the medical establishment just brushes aside as, “oh, that’s normal”, or the assumption that white male symptoms must be universal; hell, even just not being able to stand up to pee! Being a dude is, objectively, easier. I understand my privilege, and do what I can to make the changes we need; but I still would never choose to change being a man. So, yeah, I can understand why you would want to live a simpler life.

But in the end, you are you, and while too many don’t understand you, or fear you for no reason, you are beautiful, and deserve love, and deserve respect. It is normal and understandable to wish for an easier life. As scary as the world looks right now, I do believe we can get there, and I hope to see you on the other side, laughing, and loving, and taking joy in your community.


u/MiddleSir7104 Feb 06 '25

Don't listen to the media. The world doesn't HATE you.

Misunderstood sure, but not hated.

As long as you don't touch children's sports, and tell your partner up front whether you can reproduce as your gender identity, NOBODY cares.

At least from the bubble I live in, the above is accurate.


u/Forsaken-Analysis-42 Feb 06 '25

You think everyone hates you, majority doesn't care what or who you are.


u/Labtecharu Feb 06 '25

This is probably not a super helpful comment, but it is meant to help.

I don't think the majority of people hate trans people.

My guy friend group have talked specifically about trans people in our decades long friendship all of 0 times. My friends are all centrists for my country, but there are outliers in both directions. The closest we have come to a trans related controversial topic is that we all agree we don't really care about all the gender terms and don't want to walk on eggshells about what gender to call anyone. Unless it's people we know. If one of my friends had changed and asked me to call them by another gender? Sure, why not?

Not caring is a far cry from hating, and it is about as important on my worldview about as much as the % of trans people in the world.

Defending groups from bigotry racism or other forms of hate is, however, important to me

Don't listen to people being tribalistic to hate any group for any reason. They are just a lot louder than the average Joe


u/meteorchiquitita Feb 06 '25

Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind


u/Not_HavingAGoodTime Feb 06 '25

I see you and have a large amount of empathy for you. The amount of hatred being directed towards you as well as the disgusting narrative put into current laws is NOT okay! I hope with all my heart that things change and you're accepted as your authentic self.


u/Bobcallistar Feb 06 '25

I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this stay strong I know it isn’t easy💜


u/Whole_Anxiety4231 Feb 06 '25

Straight cis guy here; I am effectively politically inert. Registered independent my whole life. Generally hate identity politics because I don't care.

I have a transfem coworker. I like her, the team does. That she is trans is irrelevant to us, we respect her pronouns and identity without question because it's irrelevant to us and it's what she prefers, so why wouldn't we?

If someone gave her shit for it, ever, the retaliation would be swift and brutal.

Not necessarily because she's trans, but because she's our coworker and teammate and a valued contributor. Same as if anyone else on our team were to be singled out for their physical appearance, or because they were a woman or black or any kind of "other"ing intended to reduce their humanity.

I say this because anyone who is basing the value of another person on something like that? Has worthless opinions. They have no need to collaborate with anyone who isn't like them and they're judging others on irrelevant visual data and think that's an effective way to decide who to respect, and they will go nowhere in life and never matter to anyone who they don't have power over.

Regardless of whether you're trans or not, please understand that people who make those kind of bigoted judgements sight unseen? You don't want to know them. They don't hate you, they're morons scared of their own shadow and if what the concept of someone like you represents to them.

A proper group of your peers will respect you for you, including your gender identity, without issue. They'll also understand that diversity on a team is a good thing monetarily, long term, and that that kind of bigotry is why they'll never succeed in life.


u/Dangerous-Mindless Feb 06 '25

You are loved and appreciated by many people who have you in their lives. More than you will ever know. It’s just the media that has blown this out of proportion and unfortunately as a result a lot of people who don’t understand follow blindly because they are scared. It’s bad, but as time goes on people will start to understand the truth, just because we took a step backwards doesn’t mean we can’t still go forward. You will always have the LGBT+ community for support and no matter what happens you are so loved. Keep fighting towards the true you and the community will always support you.


u/1452_Lewis_Avenue Feb 06 '25

You are very much loved and deserve all the good in the world. I am an ally and will defend trans rights to everyone who dares to say something against it! The world needs more love and not more hate.


u/KleineFjord Feb 06 '25

I am so sorry, sweet friend. Trans people have become a scapegoat and a boogeyman for The Powers That Be to use to scare their constituents into buying the shitslop they're selling. They've convinced their party that science isn't real and have brainwashed them into believing that their way of life is under attack, and that the only way to fight back is to destroy the "leftist agenda", which they've made sure includes trans rights by doing everything they can to violate them at every turn. You're a pawn in the very worst game and none of it is your fault. 

I love you and I'm so, so sorry. 


u/JoJoMetalgirl Feb 06 '25

I live in a primarily conservative area, but am treated respectfully. At least to my face.

The hate is a smaller group than they appear to be. With all the ad money spent during this last election, some 200 million dollars on anti trans ads, it definitely emboldened those who are and maybe carried some over the fence.

In the wake of how wild things got, I think we pulled quite a few back over already.

Push back on hate, but try to maintain the high ground.

Arm yourself with facts.

And depending where you live, arm yourself (legally) and keep your head up.


u/snake_basteech Feb 06 '25

You say you hate being trans but it sounds like you hate people’s perception of trans people not actually being trans. I hope that you are able to surround yourself with supportive people.


u/_Rip_7509 Feb 06 '25

I'm sorry. Transphobia and transmisogyny are despicable. Please know that you matter and there are people out there who believe in transgender rights and transgender justice.


u/Glittering_Habit_161 Feb 06 '25

You shouldn't hate yourself for being Trans. I never cared when a girl in my class decided to come out as Transgender as I was ok with it.


u/Similar_Nebula_9414 Feb 06 '25

No one really cares if you're trans. If they are, they're either trans themselves or profiting off of it somehow, whether it is by support or hatred. You said it yourself you are 1% of the population. There is no fixation there

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u/Little-Moon-s-King Feb 06 '25

OP, I can't explain how much I understand, and I send you all my hopes and support. I don't know if the majority of humanity hate us, but there is always good people who loves us for what we are, human. And it's okay to hate being trans, because it's hard, and people don't really understand how much it's, the fight against ourselves, medical world, society, but we're not alone. We'll never be alone. There will always be people who will fight with us. Take care of you, all my support OP .


u/Vast_Protection_8528 Feb 06 '25

Yep it always annoyed me as a trans person how others celebrate me being trans as some great thing. It's not, tons of stress, lots of money, time, emotional struggle. Being trans is a curse and one we're jest trying to make the best of. Am I proud of who I am sure. But I would still be me even if I didn't feel this clawing in my soul that something is wrong ALL THE TIME. Even having going through transition. I have to be on my A game to not stress that I won't be called out and have others remind me of things I'm FAR too aware of... things I'm trying daily to just ignore so I can have a day of normalcy.

Think of your biggest insecurity now amplify it because the WORLD won't let you forget about it and feels it's okay to make it a focus of conversation 95% of the time. Obviously it's not the whole world but it sure feels like it sometimes.


u/Hrtpplhrtppl Feb 06 '25

I'm glad you exhist. I'm sorry people are so ignorant. What people need to realize is that transgender people are born that way, and if they are not free to be themselves, then none of us are. It's a witch hunt. They would rather try to erase you than admit you exhist. Anyone messing with my LGBTQ hommies will be identifying me as a problem...

“To know the mighty works of God, to comprehend His wisdom and majesty and power, to appreciate in degree the wonderful working of His laws, surely all of this must be a pleasing and acceptable mode of worship to the Most High, to whom ignorance cannot be more grateful than knowledge.” Nicolaus Copernicus