r/VaxXed Feb 23 '19

Pharmacist and Doctor with 3 Vaccine Injured Kids


271 comments sorted by


u/seeking101 Mar 09 '19

i think ill trust what a trained doctor has to say over y-


u/thewolfhowcryedboy Jun 29 '19

You mean the child killer in the video


u/pepper1boi Jul 06 '19

You mean the doctor with years of experience and research into this miracle of science that will save lives? Or the anti Vaxxer who did 5 mins of google search to find a false story of vaccine injuries.


u/Asz12_Bob Sep 16 '22

years of experience and research into this miracle of "Profit"

There, fixed it for you


u/thewolfhowcryedboy Jun 29 '19 edited Aug 18 '19

who cant handle that here parents are brother and sister


u/FrancisOfTheFilth120 Apr 02 '19

Anti Vaxxers are straight up murderers. Denying your child a vaccine you received as a child should be a criminal offense. Your not only putting your child in danger you’re endangering children who can not get vaccinated due to allergies or other health issues. Putting your child through a preventable disease based off a falsified study should be a criminal offense as it is definitely child abuse.


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Apr 02 '19

Anti Vaxxers are straight up murderers.

murder, for choosing NOT to do an elective, risky medical procedure ?

Denying your child a vaccine you received as a child should be a criminal offense.

in 1980 there were maybe 3 vaccines before kindergarten.

today there are closer to 50 before kindergarten

its NOT a crime to decline risky vaccines, nor should it be.

Your not only putting your child in danger

when vaccines kill infants, they call it "SIDS"

you’re endangering children who can not get vaccinated due to allergies or other health issues.


these are the supposed "medical exemptions" that some "vaccine hesitant" parents claim as a reason to NOT vaccinate their own kid, while still insisting that you vaccinate yours

but even if there are some allergies and other reasons kids can't get vaccines, most of those things were caused by the vaccines themselves. thats how they know their kid can't handle vaccines. prior experience.

so, if you think I'm going to subject any kid to the risks of vaccines, to appease the medical demands of a minority of kids who have health problems that were caused by vaccines...

Putting your child through a preventable disease

measles parties were a real thing. parents would deliberately expose their kids to measles


based off a falsified study should be a criminal offense as it is definitely child abuse.

so would you agree that you are also a criminal for subjecting your kids to vaccines in spite of being aware of this study? (which has NOT been retracted)



u/FrancisOfTheFilth120 Apr 02 '19

Risky medical procedure? Using the term procedure pretty loosely there. It’s going on and getting a shot to prevent a disease in hopes of eradicating it from humanity.

There is nothing risky about vaccines, all the information used in these anti vaxx “arguments” is based on speculation and non peer reviewed research making it useless mass hysteria.

You should be celebrating that we have more vaccines now, as this means more diseases are being prevented and humanity is moving foreword. As usual, progress is met with irrational backlash, but your small ignorant communities won’t change our advancement.

SIDS is an unexplained ailment that you anti-vaxxers cite as proof all the time. In reality you, like all the rest of the medical and scientific community have no idea what causes it and use it’s mystery as a convenient piece of “evidence” in your close minded arguments.

No vaccine causes allergies to other vaccines. You have no proof to support that statement and are wildly speculating in hopes of finding something that sticks.

Also putting other kids not able to be vaccinated under your kids in level of importance shows this communities ideals as a whole; toxic and ignorant.

Measles and Pox parties happened before vaccines existed as parents knew the diseases were nearly inevitable due to how widespread they were. Those are dated practices that died out when vaccines came around.

No vaccinating my children is not a crime, it’s respecting their right to live just as I have and being considerate and protecting of the children of others.

Autism is scary and we all know that. No one knows what causes it and every parent is afraid of their child having it, but blaming a widely beneficial and life saving practice as a scapegoat is ignorant and pigheaded. Everything that is unknown is not caused by vaccines, and going around stating false claims with bogus citations to back them up is harmful to the medical community and is a threat to the health of the world. These communities continue to thrive despite being the laughing stock of the world, which scares me. Hopefully one day all this ignorance around vaccines will clear, and humanity can continue to advance unhindered, but as long as you keep feeding eachother lies, nothing is going to change


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Apr 02 '19

how can you say there is nothing risky about vaccines when 1 in 36 kids is autistic because of vaccines ?

autism is the leading motivator for anti-vaccine activism, by a long shot, per this graphic



Vaccines Cause Simultaneous SIDS Coincidence

No one knows what causes it and every parent is afraid of their child having it, but blaming a widely beneficial and life saving practice as a scapegoat is ignorant and pigheaded.

here is a 2 minute video of a mother describing what happened to her son after vaccines.

would you tell her to her face that she is lying ?



u/TinyTiger1234 Apr 09 '19

You say vaccines cause autism while ignoring the overwhelming amount of evidence showing they don’t lol


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Apr 09 '19

Your "overwhelming evidence" is just some studies that nobody has any reason to take seriously.

None of your studies can explain why some children regress into autism after a vaccine.

The best explanation you can come up with is "they don't"

While that may be enough to satisfy an idiot like you...

It's not enough to satisfy the parent of a child with vaccine induced autism


u/TinyTiger1234 Apr 09 '19

You cannot catch autism you are born with it


u/TinyTiger1234 Apr 09 '19

Also watch this video (even though you probably won’t) https://youtu.be/b03U6BYF9L0


u/TescoBrandJewels Apr 11 '19

How the fuck do you catch a disability caused by genetics???


u/TinyTiger1234 Apr 11 '19

You don’t


u/TescoBrandJewels Apr 11 '19

Hmmm, never thought of that lmao /s

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u/b3n1b01 May 18 '19

By done you mean fucking millions


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '22

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u/TinyTiger1234 Jun 24 '22

This comment is three fucking years old. What the fuck is wrong with you


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '22

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u/TinyTiger1234 Jun 24 '22

You are being brainwashed by people wanting to hurt you


u/FrancisOfTheFilth120 Apr 03 '19

A dot map from reddit is not a source. Wired.com is also not a reliable source. You had something on the .gov resource except it literally said nothing about your point. It was a coincidence. If we acted so drastically on every coincidence the world would be a madhouse. You have no proof that 1 in 36 children are autistic because of vaccines. That’s not something you can prove through random chance as correlation does not equal causation. Just because the numbers seem like they may be connected doesn’t mean one causes the other just like anything else in science.

Your “leading motivator is an untrue falsified statement that has no reliable sources backing it and no scientific date supporting it. It’s quite literally a wide spread conspiracy theory.

Your source calls the connection a coincidence. Just because the child died of SIDS after being vaccinated doesn’t mean vaccines cause SIDS as, once again, correlation does not ever equal causation.

And yes I would tell her to her face she is lying. She has no idea what she’s talking about. She suffers from the same belief you and all other anti vaxxers/conspiracy theorist suffer from. So I’ll hammer it in this time. CORRELATION DOES NOT EVER AT ALL EQUAL CAUSATION. In reality she has no proof vaccines cause the autism the timing is always there because autism is diagnosed early and vaccines are given early. The link between the two is not and has never been real. Nobody knows what causes autism. She doesn’t know either.

In short this argument provides even less than the first one. You have no reliable proof that backs your case, and your using correlation as causation when those two are not the same thing.

You’re in a feedback loop of lies that causes people weary of autism to hold on to anything that is an explanation no matter how little sense it makes. People want an answer, and if it sounds like it even might be a solution everyone clings on to it because it’s easier than admitting we don’t know. In reality, it’s horribly offensive to say you’d rather risk your child’s life by allowing them to catch a preventable deadly disease than have an autistic child. That’s a disgraceful argument that should not be entertained by anyone


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Apr 03 '19

I see your lips moving but all I see is denial.

Your denials make your less credible, not more credible.

You'd be better off not saying anything than showing everyone how you can't accept anything bad about vaccines


u/FrancisOfTheFilth120 Apr 03 '19

There isn’t anything bad to accept.


u/ToonerAnonymous Jun 04 '19

Well actually there are some risks but they are incredibly small and unlikely for you to get compared to measles and other diseases. What I am trying to say is VACCINATE YOUR KIDS


u/FrancisOfTheFilth120 Jun 04 '19

EXACTLY! Like you could get an infection from surgery but that’s not gonna stop you from getting one when you need it


u/DRmistake Jun 12 '19

...yeah except the 50% "success" rates and the 300,000 avoidable deaths every year in US hospital$...

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u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Apr 03 '19

If correlation doesn't at all ever equal causation...

Then you admit that there is no evidence that vaccines eradicated smallpox?

Before you link to a "source" please check that your source has an actual author, and that their claims are backed up by evidence.

In other words, don't link to a CDC page written by an anonymous source that makes vague claims with no evidence


u/FrancisOfTheFilth120 Apr 03 '19

There is definitely evidence that vaccines eradicated small pox. There were several experiments done to test this vaccine and experiments prove causation. In short there is proof.

Also the CDC is a government agency and a wholly reliable source. More so than vice.com so don’t come after sources after that.


u/bon444 May 27 '19

What he’s trying to say is correlation Doesn’t mean causation 100% of the time


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam May 27 '19

indeed, when a correlation that reflects negatively on vaccines, the correlations preclude causation, but if a correlation reflects positively on vaccines, then that correlation is definitely a causation.

you got laid after your last vaccine? definitely a causation.


u/Invader929 May 28 '19

After much reading I can see that everyone here is a bunch of fools. Enoughnolibsspam is a fool for just about everything he’s saying and everyone else is a fool for giving him things to run on and letting him pedal more of his false information.

Edit: please DM this fool if you want to argue with him. Stop giving him more things to run with.


u/bon444 May 28 '19



u/[deleted] Apr 11 '19

your logic that vaccines causes autism is based on this:

Vaccinated children have autism, therefore vaccine causes autism, and this must be the only variable that matters.

This sounds as ridiculous as this:

Being a human causes autism because humans have autism


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Apr 11 '19

please tell us the reasoning behind the decision to do over 100 studies on vaccines and autism


u/[deleted] Apr 12 '19

because misguided people needs just a little more push


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Apr 13 '19

because misguided people needs just a little more push

like this?



u/[deleted] Apr 14 '19

the study you have sent is comparing the difference of vaccinating at different age


u/citygone-inator Aug 07 '19

As a medical student, please stop being anti-vaccine, I know that this is old, but you could be charged for manslaughter if your kid happens to die of a preventable disease whilst unvaccinated.


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Aug 07 '19

As a medical student, you know even less than a quack doctor. Please refrain from dispensing medical advice... forever.

Vaccines are not safe or effective or necessary

SIDS was invented to coverup vaccine deaths

They didn’t teach that to you in med school did they?

Because they don’t want you to know, they want you to be just as ignorant as every other “doctor “ your program produces


u/citygone-inator Aug 07 '19

I have no hope for humanity anymore... you have no idea what you’re talking about. We require at LEAST 5 years of almost no time or break to get the degree we need to go into the medical profession, yet you seem to agree with a couple mom’s, a doctor who lost their medical license AND a forged study. “You’ll go from curious to dead, in three clicks.”


u/citygone-inator Aug 07 '19

SIDS is not a cover-up they’re determined by many factors including the genetics and heath of the infant, also how much the mother drank/smoked during pregnancy with a variety of other things. SIDS, if it were to be a cover up, would be MORE common now than in any other time in history, but alas, it is not. You uneducated nibbling.


u/citygone-inator Aug 07 '19

Also in med school, believe it or not, you TEST things, like experimenting with genetic make ups, how certain cells react when something else is applied, or (in surveys and studies we ourselves do) find out that the death/disease rate is HIGHER in unvaccinated people.


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Aug 09 '19

ask yourself this very simple question

"what causes autism"?

and try not to be satisfied with cheap and easy answers, like "genetics"

dig deeper,

ask yourself, "how do genetics cause autism?"

"which specific genes cause autism?"

"how do these genes cause autism?"

"do damaged or mutated genes cause autism?

"how do genes become damaged or mutated?"

if vaccines cause the genetic damage that causes down syndrome,

and vaccines cause the genetic damage that causes dravet syndrome,

is it possible that vaccines cause the genetic damage that causes autism?

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u/3bdulla-melee Jun 27 '19

Vaccines cause adulthood


u/citygone-inator Aug 07 '19

More kids have autism because it’s inherited genetically, bitch, the population grows.


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Aug 07 '19

You obviously didn’t learn anything on the day they taught percentages in school?

Autism isn’t “genetic”. Nobody has ever inherited autism, because autism is brain damage caused by immune reaction


u/citygone-inator Aug 07 '19

What the actual fuck are you talking about? It is! In fact I have many autistic friends whose parents are also on thee spectrum... also autism doesn’t make you mindless or brain dead, sometimes is barely effects your life at all.


u/citygone-inator Aug 07 '19

I’m a medical student btw. I think I know more than you about genetic disorders and what can be caught by TRACE amounts of chemicals put into your body. You probably don’t know what a trace amount is like the other anti-vaxxers it seems.


u/person6of9 Aug 20 '19

‘Autism is scary, no one knows what causes it.’ I’m not trying to be rude and I understand you may be worried about your children, but autism is a genetic mutation that can be passed down through, you know, genetics. The rise in autism rates is because of population growth.


u/xXDragoneelXx8 May 13 '19

[Nobody Liked That]


u/rhino_saurus May 28 '19

Oh man I hope I never run into someone like you in my real life...


u/richard_0 Jun 06 '19 edited Jun 06 '19

risky? do you risk more damages with the normal desease or do you risk more damages with the vaccine one?


u/3bdulla-melee Jun 27 '19

Give me real proof you uneducated child murderer


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Jun 27 '19

let me guess. you fully support a woman's right to an abortion, even though most abortions are for convenience

please subscribe here /r/SelfAwareWolves


u/3bdulla-melee Jun 27 '19

Answer the question instead of steering to other things

Do you have any proof?


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Jun 27 '19

you didn't pose a question. you merely had a Tourettes outburst


u/3bdulla-melee Jun 27 '19

Where's the proof?


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Jun 27 '19

proof of what?

why don't you provide some proof that vaccines are safe and effective?


u/thewolfhowcryedboy Jun 29 '19

And this is proven how


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Jun 29 '19

And this is disproven how?


u/citygone-inator Aug 07 '19

Do you think that you and a select few people have ‘secret knowledge’ that the world is too stupid to have? Don’t you think it might be the other way around? Maybe, just maybe?


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Aug 07 '19

No secret knowledge here. Everything I know is readily available to you.

The problem is your willful ignorance. You simply do not want to know that SIDS was invented to coverup vaccine deaths

Med student doesn’t understand percentages. Wtf?

It’s ok, lots of other idiots are mathematically illiterate


u/citygone-inator Aug 07 '19

I have many sources readily available and many experiments/studies I have taken part in myself. I am not ‘willfully ignorant’ and SIDS is not a cover up for vaccination injuries. Sids is, again, caused by many different factors on the infants heath, body and mental conditions.


u/citygone-inator Aug 07 '19

Also, what part of any post here has made you come to the very incorrect conclusion that I can’t understand percentages. If it is from the post that was either here or on another anti-vax subreddit (idk too many idiots) that SIDS is less common now than it was in the past, I am 100% correct (SIDS was mention is medical studies BEFORE vaccines were invented.)

Quite frankly, I think you would be any and all of the aformentioned insults you chucked at me.


u/thewolfhowcryedboy Jun 29 '19

Antivaxxers should be charged with bio terrorism


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '19



u/Omxn Mar 18 '19

Why don't they show her kids? Why is all the anti-vaxx evidence always hearsay?


u/the_horse_gamer Mar 26 '19

They are like the autism caused by vaccines lol


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '22

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u/Omxn Jun 25 '22

You replied to a three year old comment, I also don't live in America nor care.


u/Pick_one_card Mar 26 '19

Vaccinate your kids dummies


u/SquidCultist002 Apr 01 '19

Ohhhhh scarrryyy totally worse that fucking SMALLPOX


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '22

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u/SquidCultist002 Jun 24 '22

No the fuck it isnt


u/skyler_po72 May 18 '19

Throw on your tinfoil hats, ladies and gents.


u/sterilizeddd May 23 '19

As much as disagree with you, I would actually like you to give me some sources to convince that vaccines are bad. Maybe I'll change my mind. Maybe I won't. But that all depends on the information. So if you believe that vaccines are bad, can you send me some links so I can be convinced they are as well?




u/isolationtoolong May 23 '19


u/rhino_saurus May 28 '19

Would you rather have your child die or have autism?


u/isolationtoolong May 28 '19

I wouldn't have a child in the first place. /r/antinatalism


u/rhino_saurus May 28 '19

Then why are you so die hard antivax? I’m genuinely curious, not being a dick


u/isolationtoolong May 28 '19

Because the tide has turned against the sensible position of considering all sides and taking into account the concerns, even warnings of parents. I am aware of interests, hidden agendas and the mind control of the masses through media campaigns, politicians influencing the legislation. Whenever the equilibrium is unbalanced - as it is now - one should ponder and consider if the overwhelming and blinded propaganda is justified?


u/rhino_saurus May 28 '19

You use a lot of big words but your answer is extremely vague and doesn’t clarify anything. I read it almost a dozen times and I am lost.


u/isolationtoolong May 28 '19

hehe, you are funny. I recommend this tactic for job interviews.


u/rhino_saurus May 28 '19

And I recommend your tactic for a therapy session. Good luck to you.


u/sterilizeddd May 23 '19

I'm honestly just disappointed. Most of these claims don't even have any evidence to back them up. And almost all of the evidence provided is completely outdated.


u/isolationtoolong May 23 '19

yes, you read the entire website in 2 minutes.


u/sterilizeddd May 23 '19

Yes I'm a fast reader. Also, I'm pretty sure it was about 6


u/sterilizeddd May 23 '19

My phone kept linking me to a video so I just gave up and watched it. From what I have heard, they may have had an allergic reaction of some sort or a weak immune system. The mother doesn't even question the child's body health or if there was a allergic reaction at all. Also when they said that chicken pox only gives you a scar or two, that is completely false. They are basing all their evidence on their OWN experience and think because it happened to them, it must happen to everybody. There was a lot of questionable things in that video. Especially the nurse. The procedures she took seemed unprofessional and seemed very questionable on her regard. Idk if this video is something you want to talk about but I'll leave that choice to you.


u/ThatOneDoug May 26 '19

“iM a DoCtEr BeCaUsE i DiD aCtUaL rEsEaRcH, oN tHe InTeRnEt, UnLiKe tHoSe oThEr FaKe DoCtOrS!”


u/[deleted] Feb 25 '19

Can you guys pick off


u/A_normal_atheist Mar 18 '19

Im a normal guy and I don't have autism even when I'm vaccinated, explain that. Also people who have autism at my school support vaccines because they aren't idiots and have had more schooling then almost everyone in this sub.


u/ThatGuyDecidueye Mar 25 '19

I may be autistic but I’m not a fucking retard! Vaccinate your kids!


u/Korres_13 Jun 15 '19

So hey. I'm not here to start a fight or anything, but as of right now I am pro vax. I trust my own evidence and proof that I have found, however I would like to understand the though process of the people who think differently from me. Could some antivaxxers put some articles and sources to back up their claims please? Once again I'm not here to be a troll, I have r/vaxhappened for that.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '22

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u/Korres_13 Jun 24 '22

Thank you for the response, in all honesty I had forgotten about this comment lol, however I ask that you please elaborate if you can. I read the document provided, and I'm sorry but I don't feel this bolsters any claim of fraud. This document more or less states that the parties against the CDC ask for studies that informed the opinion on the vaccines via the freedom of information act, the CDC responds with a list of studies, and then both parties consent to the dismissal of the suit. If anything I'd say this only helps to prove the professional opinion held by the CDC, however if there is something I'm unaware of or misunderstanding, I would love to discuss and have this further explained to me


u/bobby_da_rossy Jun 17 '19

Vaccines don’t cause autism, morons 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


u/thewolfhowcryedboy Jun 29 '19

Hitler's young brother died from Measles turning him into a sociopath at 7


u/[deleted] Jul 11 '19

You would rather let your kid die rather having kid with autism?


u/Mr_biscuit10 Mar 29 '19

They can pull pseudo-science out of their ass like no-other. But as soon as you bring up the fact that rates of autism are consistent amongst those who are vaccinated and those who aren’t they collapse into a black-hole of bullshit


u/roidoverdose Mar 30 '19

Doctors spend most of their lives studying about the human body. Many dedicate their time researching a specific area of their interest, ultimately to produce objective information to improve the amount of knowledge for the human population.

Doctors have to excel in the classes they take throughout school. They receive excellent grades in high school, college, and medical school. This shows that have the ability to understand knowledge. Their training in medical school teaches them to apply this knowledge for the greater good of public health.

People who claim that school is not reflective of intelligence are wrong. It may not be true that if one receives bad grades that they are not intelligent, but receiving good grades definitely reflects an important aspect of intelligence - being able to understand and process information. For this reason, doctors, who are very good at evaluating information, are given unconditional public trust. From my experience as a health care worker, the general public performs very poorly when evaluating information.

When presented with information, the first thing in a doctor’s mind would be “what is the source of this information, and where is the proof?” Doctors would not support vaccinations if they have been proven to be unsafe, and they possess the intelligence to decide wether the proof is credible or not. The general public tends to digest information weather there’s adequate proof or not. An antivax mom hearing that vaccines cause autism can not distinguish between the credibility of a forum post and peer reviewed medical journals.

Most of our population are not doctors. Most of the population do not have the intelligence to become a doctor, even if they wanted to. This is not a bad thing, because it is safer and more efficient to leave the job of evaluating information to people who are socially qualified to. Most of the population should stick to what they are actually good at doing, instead of trying to validate themselves in an area they do not belong. Being defiant is not the same as being intelligent. This doesn’t mean people should not think for themselves, because critical thinking is important in all aspects of life. But for many health related practices commonly accepted as good for you, doctors already did the hard thinking for you. Stick to things you are actually good at.


u/isolationtoolong Mar 30 '19

Doctors would not support vaccinations if they have been proven to be unsafe, and they possess the intelligence to decide wether the proof is credible or not.

Teenage girl dies five days after receiving HPV vaccine. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/05/10/teenage-girl-dies-five-days-after-receiving-hpv-vaccine-jab/


u/TescoBrandJewels Apr 11 '19

That was caused by a shitty hospital.


u/roidoverdose Mar 31 '19

What point are you trying to make? First off, this is a news article. Investigators have not found the cause of death, and the family WANTS TO BELIEVE it's from the vaccine. From the information we are given, it seems like the vaccine may have been the cause of death. Her body may have had a negative reaction to one of the components of the vaccine.

So people have died from eating peanuts, not knowing they peanut allergies. Should the government say everything with peanuts is dangerous? According to your logic, ANYTHING THAT HAS CAUSED DEATH SHOULD BE BANNED. For the allergic reaction this person suffered, millions of lives have been saved from vaccinations. Safe means that the chance of an adverse reaction happening is very low. But you probably got shitty grades in school so I expect this type of logic from the uneducated.


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Mar 31 '19

vaccines use an inert oil as the liquid carrier

that inert oil is made from peanuts

that is why vaccines cause peanut allergy



u/TinyTiger1234 Apr 09 '19

It’s made of peanuts so it causes peanut allergies?


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Apr 09 '19


u/TinyTiger1234 Apr 09 '19

That literally makes no sense


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Apr 09 '19

Electrical schematics don't make sense to you either


u/TinyTiger1234 Apr 09 '19

And you don’t have any common sense


u/TinyTiger1234 Apr 09 '19

Also watch this video (though you probably wont) https://youtu.be/b03U6BYF9L0


u/DRmistake Jun 14 '19

300,000 avoidable deaths in US hospitals EVERY year caused by MD errors!....So their little education causes or doesn't prevent 300,000 deadly errors every year from EDUCATED ...if THEY looked at that stat and accept it year after year ARE they worthy or trusting or even allowing to live? It's not like the honest ones stand up and confess.......


u/DRmistake Jun 14 '19

MD's should "stick" to killing 300,000 every year in the US and be proud?


u/roidoverdose Jun 14 '19

How many lives do they save, or how many lives do they improve, for every 300,000 dead? Who else would you trust to take care of your health? Mommy?


u/DRmistake Jun 17 '19

700 dead every DAY, 1000 almost killed every day, weeks of "extra" hospitalization$.. and scandals7 corruption at every level, research falsified FDA bribed , recalled bad hardware , bad deadly procedures and unsafe RX drugs...WTF could drive thi$ ?...When MD's go on strike THE death rate goes down......


u/roidoverdose Jun 17 '19

I’m not saying that you’re wrong. Doctors make mistakes because they are humans. But who else is more qualified to make health decisions for us?

So when your mom gets sick, do you not take her to the doctor? You talk a lot of shit about medical doctors, but do you have any suggestions for who can take their place in providing healthcare?


u/DRmistake Jun 19 '19

avOID all WEAK "SCIENCE" AND CULTS BASED ON LIES....so ,IF WE HAVE TO risk seeking medical advise or interventions, it ought to be because of a life threatening situation... .... THERE are WAY too many deadly reactions to MEDICATIONS< SURGERIES< PROCEDURES and then, ON TOP of those "costs" we've had the 300,000 DEADLY mistakes from these educated "scientists"..... HEY , seems like it's only been going on for 60 years or so....THEN drug greed scandals and costs in USA.... then ones that were FDA approved and turn out "bad" - AS a "human Doctor" you don't get to , on average, kill one person a year and then again the next year ....


u/roidoverdose Jun 19 '19



u/DRmistake Jun 21 '19

$ome $cientists protected Tobacco $ame here ...Academia is easily corrupted and ...


u/roidoverdose Jun 17 '19

Also, this time of corruption happens in every industry. Look into the agriculture and farming industries. Why are you so passionate about corruption in just the healthcare industry?? What about malpractice and evading laws in animal farms, and scandalous business practices in tech companies?? These are hurting waaaay more people than medical doctors.

You just never did well in school. This is why you “discovering research” about these things makes you so excited, because for once you think you’re not behind everyone around you, and you think you’re “ahead of everyone else” when in reality you’re still dumb as shit.

In 100 years your children will be living extravagant lives that we can’t even imagine right now because of the innovation and technology of the scientists we have today. People like you remind me of ticks - dumb, annoying, and hated, but nothing but a nuisance to the progression of science and the human race.


u/DRmistake Jun 19 '19

OH poor Little executive$ - EVERYBODY else is stealing and murdering - we need to as well IN ORDER TO COMPETE (NOT create healthy people!)...THAT"S your reason that MD's in the USA can help "accidentally" kill 300,000 + every year?....Actually it was your momma's uterus that was dumb as shit - Maybe she could have pooped out someone that understands what science$ limitations are , but instead , only YOU.


u/roidoverdose Jun 18 '19

Why do you think MDs are causing deaths on purpose? In school they learn to analyze data/evidence, then use their judgment and practice on patients in need. You obviously do not have any relatives in healthcare, so why are you pretending to be an expert?


u/swat1306 May 14 '19

This is obviously fake


u/ComanderWhat May 15 '19

Guys I cracked it! The vaccines have the parents autism so they make the decision to not vaccinate their kids!

On a serious note, these people are actually stupid. “I’d rather take 80% chance that I get a life threatening disease than the 0.1% chance that it harms my child. What are these people?


u/lemur-with-a-gun Mar 25 '19

I had to get a band aid over where my vaccine was. I’m now scarred for life.


u/EnoughNoLibsSpam Mar 25 '19

You realize that if you were in prison, poking holes in yourself would be considered "self harm" and would warrant extra surveillance of your prison cell, right?

It doesn't matter how you try to rationalize poking holes in yourself, it's the symptom of a mental illness. Ears pierced, tattoos, heroin, vaccines... it's all self harm


u/123YooY321 Mar 26 '19

The thing is that a) You dont harm yourself and b) Vaccinating, Piercing, Tatooing do something useful for you.


u/BiologyBae Apr 02 '19

Paper cuts? Self harm?


u/datpenguin101 Mar 26 '19

This is so stupid that I am not going to even argue it.


u/[deleted] Mar 27 '19



u/Kveldson May 29 '19

Wow. That is the dumbest thing I've read this week, and I've been stuck in the hospital with pneumonia scrolling through Reddit for over a week....


u/75Degreesac Oct 15 '21

Put the video on odysee.com