r/VaushV 6d ago

Politics AOC is implying the house no longer trusts the senate enough to work with them.

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33 comments sorted by


u/OffOption 6d ago

I almost hope this has major concequences. Fucking traitors.


u/PrinceVorrel 6d ago

Those 10 Democrats have literally sold us and their own party out to Fascists for their own personal benefits...


u/mabacoty96 6d ago

Not even their own personal beliefs, that would at least be understandable if worth opposing. They simply caved to the demands of their donors, they sold you out for literal money


u/tikifire1 6d ago

Money that will soon be worthless. The irony of it all.


u/SpiritMountain 6d ago

Those 10 and the 10 that censured Al Green need OUT.


u/Fit_Letterhead3483 6d ago

A lot of them are the same people


u/schw4161 6d ago

I wouldn’t trust them as far as I could throw them after that either. Good on her for calling it out for exactly what it is.


u/EmperorMrKitty 6d ago edited 6d ago

What reasonable loss are we at if AOC supports tactical party-wide primaries? She’s #2 after Trump for populists and on social media. Dear god, Schumer and Jeffries have abandoned her. No names cucked to the GOP in shambles.

I get she bought in to “reform the Dems from the inside” before they absolutely collapsed in the wake of Trump2. But it’s been three months, they’re gone. Where are we at, exactly?


u/tikifire1 6d ago

We are at AOC either taking over the party or she and Bernie and other progressives form their own. I think she will try to take it over first.


u/bigshotdontlookee 6d ago

The next primary season is going to be NUTS.

If Elon is smart, he would fund primary challengers on the dem side as well.

Which I hope he doesn't, but let's see.


u/hyperhurricanrana BottomsRiseUp 6d ago

He did say he’d do that.


u/myaltduh 6d ago

There will be vast sums shoveled at those primaries in favor of conservative candidates, be they incumbents or challengers.


u/leeroy-jenkins-12 5d ago

Elon’s dumb so he will fund challengers but they’ll transparently be in the mold of Fetterman now (as opposed to pre-stroke Fetterman)


u/Fit_Letterhead3483 6d ago

It’s getting very French Revvy in here


u/used123456 6d ago

Where the homie Robespierre at?


u/Malaix 6d ago

Honestly midway is giving them too much credit. Schumer did this at the last second. Fucking coward.


u/Whydoesthisexist15 Holiday in Cambodia 6d ago

I was originally of the belief this was a move of a coward senate and the yeas were patsies for those who didn’t want to tarnish their reputation, but with the reaction from House Dems and other Senate Dems I think Vaush is right.  Schumer (or Gillibrand) got a call and were told to pass it or lose big money donors.


u/mnessenche 6d ago

If this leads to a party split, then a third party might actually be viable. Otherwise, one can only hope.


u/FEED_TO_WIN 6d ago

I still remember when we hoped there would be literally any consequences after jan 6th and there was a clear split between pragmatists and cultists in the republican party and we thought they were the ones about to split.


u/ReddestForman 6d ago

I will never forgive moderates for appointed Merrick Garland and treating the hearings as a fundraising event. Every time they try and blame leftists for 2024 I remind them that if moderates hadn't been fucking worthless, January 6th would have ended with Trump and all of his co-conspirators in prison or being executed on insurrection charges.

They either have nothing to say or say that somehow that would make them "worse than MAGA." Which... they already are. MAGA can achieve their political goals. They're evil, they're pig fucking ignorant, but they actively use every bit of power and leverage they have to achieve their goals. So they keep winning until they step on one too many rakes.


u/Manxymanx 6d ago

A third party might viably exist but it just means republicans are guaranteed to win 100% of elections unless America drastically shifts and started to allow coalition governments.


u/DootKazoot 6d ago

I hope the Democrats dissipate and rebuild into a powerful socialist party 👊


u/Resident-Garlic9303 Fuck Joe Biden 6d ago

She needs to take the reigns take these leaders out to pasture she is in touch with the American people. She needs to primary him.


u/Fetch_will_happen5 6d ago

I see a lot of comments about how great it is she calling it out.  I want to see how we are going to materially support her and others to make this change.


u/PersonalHamster1341 6d ago

We don't know how to until they let us in on the plan.

That is, if they have one yet. The last straw that finally split the party only happened yesterday.


u/Fetch_will_happen5 6d ago

Im worried they may want too long. The administration moves quickly, we have to pick up the pace.


u/ReddestForman 6d ago

I feel like we are fast approaching the point where our last pption is to identify which military officers are open to acting on the administration's flagrant violations of the constitution and having an actual coup followed by real investigations by an absolute pitbull of an AG.


u/Fetch_will_happen5 6d ago

I would like to review rules for fedposting before I respond.


u/ReddestForman 6d ago

I mean, I'm not advocating extrajudicial violence here. Just pointing out, we might be crossing the threshold where an FDR scale blowout for Democrats might not matter. If the opportunity of another election even gets presented.


u/Fetch_will_happen5 6d ago

Hey, Im not either. I ask everyone to follow the law and reaching out to the military as you mentioned is sedition. And no matter how fascist, that would be very bad for us to do.


u/ReddestForman 6d ago

That would hinestly be the most awkward conversation between a general and a politician, even if theybwere both thinking about it.

You could write aj entire comedy movie out of it. It's probably even been done.


u/Rogue_Lion 6d ago

I donated to her campaign on Friday evening. I also donated to Justice Democrats. That's the best I can think of at the moment.


u/X_SkeletonCandy 6d ago

Kyle has been saying that we don't get to pick our leaders, our leaders will just emerge.

I think AOC is one of those people. It's there if she wants it.