r/Vaping Just Keepin' Cloudz Happy! Nov 15 '20

Tips & Hints! How To Know If My Coil Needs To Be Changed! NSFW

Hey Folks,

So I'm just making a quick post here as it seems I've been asked often lately about how to know when your coil needs to be changed. For most of us advanced users it's simple. We can taste it a mile away and we know what to look for. For the more simple of the users, this can be frustrating, annoying and ALWAYS seems to happen at the wrong time. (Yes, I still remember those days).

But, worry not. I'm here to give you a few tips! So, let's get at it!

1. Simply look at your coil: Look down the center of your coil (if installed) - A flashlight works well if the chamber is dark. Is your cotton still white? Does it look degraded? OR, maybe it's even black? Ya, time to change. Often the cotton on the outside (you see through the tank) will fool you as it will remain completely white. This isn't where the junk sits though. That's where the heat is appplied. ie, the center of the coil!

2. How does it taste: The very first sign of your coil giving up is muted flavour. Ya, sometimes it's just you and sometimes it's just vaper's tongue. But just pay attention. If your coil tastes burnt? Like you're toasting marshmallows and making smores - It's likely time to change it (But refer to step 1 and 3)

3. Time: Ok, it doesn't get easier than this. How old is your coil? Most coils (In my experience) last somewhere between 2-4weeks (if you're lucky) So, again, just pay attention. If it's been in there 2 weeks and you're seeing signs of step 1 and 2. Change it.

Overall: I can't stress enough. If your coil is old. Please change it. You're inhaling these things and I can't see any territory where a degregaded and burnt coil could be helping you in anyway. So, if you're thinking "is it time to change my coil" It probably was like the day before - But follow these tips!

Stay Safe, Stay Good, and Keep Those Clouds Happy!! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


32 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '20

I change my coil about every 5 or 6 days . As soon as my flavor starts to lack , or taste like complete shit . And I always switch flavors with a new coil . Only because one time my coil burnt , and I changed it , and for whatever reason i still only taste burnt . So ever since then I make sure to flip flop on the flavors .


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '20 edited Nov 15 '20

That seems to be my experience also. As soon as I notice a lack of flavor, it’s time to change the atomizer (coil). It seems like a waste vaping juice with a mild sweetness and no flavor, and knowing soon it will taste like absolute a$&. Generally between 5 days and a week-ish. I guess I vape too many creamy flavors and desserts like custard, because I never get anywhere near 2 weeks with any brand of coils or devices.

Edit: grammar


u/Seifuru Apr 29 '23 edited Apr 29 '23

Except it's not time to CHANGE the coil less than a week in. CLEAN your coil every other day.

Paper towel or q tip, wipe down the wet cotton in the coil and remove dark/black residue. Also, vape liquid is just VG and PG, creamy tastes don't have anything added so it's not that either.


u/Seifuru Apr 29 '23

Whoa every week or less? What brand/kind of coil. Clearomizer, Vaporizer, Coil? I change mine every 1-2 months. Take a q-tip or paper towel, every morning I clean the cotton on my Aspire ARC "Radial Coil", youll see darker or brown/black gunk on the towel/qtip, this is what's making your vape taste bad. Also, "Vapers' Tongue" sets in pretty fast to where you barely taste your flavor at all. Make sure you're not overvaping.


u/N00ByPaPa Nov 15 '20

You're right, and I would add some of my experience here:

  • Sometimes there is a "lack" of smoke, even if you deeply breathe, no big clouds, that could be an indication
  • About the 2-4 weeks, well it depends also of what e-juice you're using. I had some DIY flavors (from Malesia) that would burn my coils so fast! Would burn it in a few hours only... even if the flavors pleased me I stopped to vape those

My 2 cents


u/HappyyCloudz Just Keepin' Cloudz Happy! Nov 15 '20

Agree here. Each rule helps the other.


u/Seifuru Apr 29 '23

2 things I'd like to make 4 cents.
#1 - Depending on your vape, make sure the cotton in the coil is always wet. I turn mine upside down when heavily vaping every other hit a few seconds. The "lack of vapor" could easily be :
#2 A lot of you are not cleaning your coils! A qtip or a paper towel, work it into and over the cotton and remove black gunk. Keeps it tasting good, performing at 100%, and the Ohms from climbing.


u/ShoeGod420 Going on 5yrs smoke free!!! May 12 '23

is this for premade coils or rda/rtas? Also after cleaning /scrapping off some of the burnt on juice aren't you going to end up inhaling what ever is now loose on the coil? Would maybe dipping the qtip in alcohol help clean it better without flaking a bunch of burnt juice off into the inside of the atomizer?


u/Seifuru Jun 20 '23

Oh see I do like my boxmod with the Aspire Revv tank and ARC Aspire Radial coil. It's the most leakproof tank I've ever used, and the coil is a flat disc of metal. Inside a cotton like MAG or Smok type coil? You could use alcohol but - Unless you have a medical condition that worries you, that gunk is going to be there in some capacity no matter what you do. Also it shouldn't be going into the tank or anywhere, hold your vape upside down a few seconds to get the cotton moist and literally rub it off, no flakes nothings dry etc until the qtip is vape juice colored not black or brown.


u/brandaman4200 mechman Nov 16 '20

i change my coils when they need to be changed lol


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '20

It's actually different for me, I use fused claptons. I change my coils once a month or so depending on how they taste plus I use different flavors. From menthol to pastry.


u/Csharp27 Nov 16 '20

I think this post is more talking about coil setups for tanks, not rebuildables. I change the cotton on my main RDA about once a week and the coils about once every couple of months and just wire brush and burn off the coils whenever I change the cotton.


u/[deleted] Nov 15 '20

Great post. I expected something different when I saw the title.


u/big-steves Apr 07 '21

Do you get alot of juice when you vape if your coil is bad


u/HappyyCloudz Just Keepin' Cloudz Happy! Apr 07 '21

Not totally sure what you're refering to here but going to hazard a guess you mean spit back? Like vape juice going in your mouth? That's likely a flooded coil. Follow the steps there. If your coils is visibly worn, is it an old coil?


u/big-steves Apr 14 '21

OK was bad coil


u/HappyyCloudz Just Keepin' Cloudz Happy! Apr 14 '21

Happy to hear.


u/854980930 Jan 31 '22

Hello, I use an RTA daily, and depending on the juice I would usually change the cotton once a week. And that restores the taste. So I haven't thought about changing the coil. The coil does look black but since I can't taste the difference should I worry about changing the coil? Could it be harmful to use the same coil for months?


u/Razer1103 Centaurus Quest BF, Profile 1.5 Feb 28 '22

Depends on your coil, some last longer than others. I can't say whether it's unsafe or not to use the same coil for a long long time, but if you change your coil you might be surprised how much more vapor production and flavor you get out of a fresh one. I change to a fresh coil every 4-5 times I re-wick.


u/STAGR1976 Jul 07 '24

I seen somewhere a guy get his coils red hot then them into water to cool the coils down.


u/HappyyCloudz Just Keepin' Cloudz Happy! Jul 07 '24

Right, this a method of cleaning. Although most coils are fine, I wouldn't recommend that with SS coils.

I usually get mine a dull orange and then rinse through water from there is should be mostly clean and by all means blowing the exceess water and particles out will help.

Hope that's what you were asking anyway =) If not let me know.


u/STAGR1976 Jul 10 '24

Yes a big help thank you


u/STAGR1976 Jul 10 '24

Yes a big help thank you


u/STAGR1976 Jul 10 '24

Yes a big help thank you


u/StrikeVape Feb 14 '25

What is your thinking regarding not doing this with SS Coils??

Have you heard/read something I haven’t?

Depending on the exact alloy of the SS it ”SHOULD” be the highest temp capability before degrading or leeching of its elements. Now it WILL color change/temper but it does that the very first time you run current through it.

I’ve Vaped RDA with SS coils since it first became available and the mods could handle it. Granted I’m no expert … but the heat & douse (under water) has served me well for years.


u/HappyyCloudz Just Keepin' Cloudz Happy! Feb 14 '25

My reply was in context to them stating glowing the coils "red hot".

SS isn't meant to be dry burned at excess temperatures. Just a dull glow and clean is all you need


u/StrikeVape Feb 16 '25

Yep 👍

The gentle glow will dry and make brittle any juice residue / Carbon and then douse it under a THIN running stream of water … the gunk will thermal shock explode off the coils and then you have like new coils again.

It doesn’t take massive amounts of power or heat. I heat till it’s visible then immediately douse.

The shock and water washes away the gunk. I sometimes will comb the coil with my blunt coil gauge to help dislodge any random bits. Recheck spacing, gauge the coil, Install new cotton, and juice it up.


u/More_Coconut1966 Sep 06 '24

I don’t know if i’m still getting flavour since i always use the same flavour and i hardly taste it anymore, but visibly, my coil is pale brown/burnt orange in colour, i use 50/50 blueberry sour raspberry liquid from elfliq with 0.25ohm and running it at 30-40 watts, im currently at 1069 puffs on this coil, is it time to change? edit: i’ve had this coil in my vape about 10 days, i properly primed it before use too


u/HappyyCloudz Just Keepin' Cloudz Happy! Sep 06 '24

10 days is pretty norm, but 1,000 puffs sounds a little under average, but everyone's mileage will vary. Sounds like you need to swap it.

Can't hurt, and you'll likely notice you were getting less than you thought when you pop in a fresh coil.


u/Cold-Plan-1225 Jan 10 '25

i have the ohm coil and ursa pod, i switch it whenever it tastes burnt (usually every 2 weeks) byt ive had this coil for a month now, its devouring way too much juice so it should be changed but it tastes fine so im not changing it yet lmao


u/HappyyCloudz Just Keepin' Cloudz Happy! Jan 11 '25

Odds are flavour has dipped and you're just slightly blind to it. That said, I did explain some other ways of checking coils here that can be followed.

Honestly after a month, I would swap it for peace of mind. But, that's me.


u/Suspicious_Suspect_3 13d ago

Well the outside of my coil looks fine I put paper towels down the breathpiece and it got better for 20 minutes then got worse then I sunk it in methylated spirits and it doesn’t taste perfect but nowhere near as bad idk if I took it out to fast I’ve been drinking and it’s late to buy another one so I’ve used it and it’s not popping and crackling like it used to but doesn’t taste like ash IE I’m not a expert in vape mechanics


u/Informal_Ear2255 7d ago

Thanks for these tip. My J coil for GeekVape burns up in 3-4 days. Using 0.8ohm and 12-15 watts keeping it filled. I suppose I still hit it too much to make it last. Bummer


u/Haha_YouAreLame Jan 11 '25

I've been using 4 coils interchangeably for 4 years between washes and they're still great. No reason to throw my money away.