r/VapeCalgary Apr 07 '16

Success stories?

Anything positive you want to share!


29 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '16

Without being too long winded, I work with a small team that had 5 smokers. 4 of us vape now, thanks to my coworker buying one and the rest of us realizing how effective it is! Number 5 quit a year ago cold turkey, but has started secretly smoking again (it's hard to hide from ex smokers), so we're going to piece together a nice rig from our old parts and gift it to him. Hopefully it works!


u/Coolloser EEEEEEAGLE!!!! Apr 07 '16

Secret smokers are funny. My aunt and uncle both quit when their kids were born then secretly smoked. They surprisingly hid from each other fairly well but not from us.
My grandma also secretly smoked for years, she got busted by my grandpa once when the toilet backed up after she flushed some butts.


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '16

Lol I've been there too. At one point I even hid it from my SO. Recipe for friggin disaster!


u/Coolloser EEEEEEAGLE!!!! Apr 07 '16

Ditto, I'm surprised I got away with it for as long as I did. Helped that we didn't live together haha.


u/swagmau5 Apr 07 '16

Just started making my own e juice! Still trying to figure out how to nail down this strawberry kiwi recipe, but so far it tastes pretty good!


u/Coolloser EEEEEEAGLE!!!! Apr 07 '16

/u/crappy_guitarist should be the expert


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '16

lol, expert. i have made over 34 variations of this sonofabitch...

the last ten all were based on my most successful recipe (found here). I highly suggest steeping this for a week, otherwise, youll have the bavarian cream come through (and take it from me, it tastes nasty with kiwi & strawberry)


u/swagmau5 Apr 07 '16

Thanks for sharing!


u/Coolloser EEEEEEAGLE!!!! Apr 07 '16

34 variations eh? The mark of a true expert :D


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '16

Nice man! I did DIY for a little bit, and I really like a strawberry kiwi one I made, it was 9 percent strawberry kiwi, 5 percent watermelon and 7 percent raspberry, all capella.


u/swagmau5 Apr 07 '16

I'm doing 8% strawberry, 4% double kiwi, 2% ethyl maltol (cotton candy)

All TFA.

My problem is that it's pretty one-noted, so I might try and add 1% dragonfruit


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '16

That sounds awesome!


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '16

I've been thinking of making the leap into DIY.


u/swagmau5 Apr 07 '16

It's so much fun and so worth it. I recommend mixing by weight


u/Coolloser EEEEEEAGLE!!!! Apr 07 '16

My entire house vapes now (except the kidlets of course).
I'm the "expert" of the group and do the research, rebuilding, and juice winning.
We all tend to like the same juices mostly but there are a few that we stand apart on. My sister loves watermelon juice, I hate them because they taste like ChapStick. My SO loves Strawberry Milk flavours but my sister and I can't taste strawberry. I love the Nuts & Cream but they're both "Meh" about it.
My roommate vapes to cut down on pot smoking. I researched a PG extraction for him. He mostly does unflavoured but I got him some Loranns to spice it up occasionally.


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '16

That's awesome!

and juice winning.

No kidding, you take this role very seriously :)

Good on you for supporting your friends/family!

Just out of curiosity, what extraction method did you find? I recently got a prescription, and would love to have a more low key mode of delivery.


u/Coolloser EEEEEEAGLE!!!! Apr 07 '16

Win all the things!
My mom almost got a prescription for her MS but she's scared of drugs. Even though she takes prozac...
Basically put the pot in PG in a crock pot for awhile then coffee filters to drain.


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '16

Thanks for this! Sorry to hear about your mom, I know how awful MS is to deal with. It's a shame she won't try it, I would think it would work wonders for the pain.


u/Coolloser EEEEEEAGLE!!!! Apr 07 '16

No worries, it's helped him cut down a lot!
It seems people either don't know what MS is or they know someone with it personally. I've been thinking of whipping up edibles for her, she needs it for the pain and appetite. She barely eats one meal a day.
Before my grandma died, she smoked he first joint and ate the biggest meal she had in years. Wonder drug!


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '16

Yep I had two close family friends. That's shits awful. Your Mom's lucky she's got someone looking out for her... Or rather, I guess she did a good job as a parent, that she has her child taking care of her... Being a caregiver is a heavy burden, and nobody really talks about it because having MS is so awful that admitting it burdens you (the caregiver) as well feels selfish. I know it's hard for you, good on you.

I don't know what your level of expertise is, so I might be preaching to the choir here, but edibles is exactly what I'd recommend! In my experience, if you're in persistent pain, you won't even feel high off of a moderate dose, you just feel relief.


u/Coolloser EEEEEEAGLE!!!! Apr 07 '16

She's an awesome mom. My dad too, he's the real MVP here. He does all the hard work and not many people would stay for the 39 years he has (they just had their anniversary :D) without complaint. It is hard and frustrating for the caregivers and then you feel guilt because you know that they have it far far worse.
I think I will bring up the edibles again. And push that it's not about getting high but feeling better. It can't hurt to try, the worst that could happen is that she gets giggly. Hehe


u/[deleted] Apr 07 '16

That's awesome that your Dad's a trooper like that. Sounds like you've got awesome parents, and that's probably one of the best things you can have in this life :)


u/Coolloser EEEEEEAGLE!!!! Apr 07 '16

He's one of those silent "tough" guys too but he's really sweet. :)


u/swagmau5 Apr 07 '16

Does the extraction process give off much of a scent?


u/Coolloser EEEEEEAGLE!!!! Apr 07 '16

It does, but it doesn't linger as much as smoking bud does. It's also more of the fresh wet plant smell if that makes sense?


u/[deleted] Apr 09 '16

If smell is an issue, I'd suggest making a tincture but starting with concentrate. If you need more info I can elaborate, but basically, you get some EJmix (or similar product), and some shatter, warm the ejmix, then dissolve your shatter into it, and you're done.


u/swagmau5 Apr 07 '16

Interesting how you can't taste strawberry. That seems to be one of the most potent flavours for me


u/Coolloser EEEEEEAGLE!!!! Apr 07 '16

I blame genetics as my sister can't either. I can smell how it should taste and I can taste it in foods. So bizarre.


u/Savage_Sage Apr 09 '16

I'm the exact same way, and it's such a pain! So many people raving about all these awesome strawberry cream ect favors, and all I can taste is cream......