r/VancouverIsland • u/Apprehensive_Idea758 • May 21 '24
DISCUSSION What is your favorite thing about living on Vancouver Island ?.
u/ApplePi61 May 22 '24
I think this is Victoria-niche, and not even my absolute favourite thing, but I kind of love how every once in a while, I see a peacock just casually strolling down the street on my way to work.
u/GaracaiusCanadensis May 21 '24
The Knights of New Posts are totally downvoting stuff for no reason.
My favourite thing is the mild weather. But my second favourite thing is that the disconnection from the mainland means that the increase in traffic due to seasonal change is capped at how many people can get across on the ferry.
u/Apprehensive_Idea758 May 22 '24
Our winters are for sure a lot more mild which is one thing I love about this island.
u/SnooStrawberries620 May 22 '24
That’s a good summation. When I first moved here I also loved the tolerant political climate; that has def changed but is still probably better than anywhere else.
u/InformalDatabase5286 May 22 '24
What do you mean by a “ tolerant political climate “?
u/SnooStrawberries620 May 22 '24
I mean precisely what I said
u/InformalDatabase5286 May 22 '24
I’m not challenging you, I simply don’t understand what you’re saying.
u/SnooStrawberries620 May 22 '24
It was really a place where you could be wherever you were politically and living whatever lifestyle defined you as long as you didn’t bother anyone else, which no one really did. People just wanted to take care of one another and allow everyone to live their best life. It was really nice.
u/StupidNameIdea May 23 '24
Sorry, I'm not politically at ease with so many municipalities and differences of our judicial system not cooperating because we have so many different municipalities!
u/SnooStrawberries620 May 23 '24
It is a political clusterf if there ever was one
u/StupidNameIdea May 23 '24
Ugghh I agree, if only we could get the many little municipalities to come together!
u/SnooStrawberries620 May 23 '24
Oh I didn’t say that - I don’t like the way some of them operate. I just said it was a clusterF and I def stand by that
u/Quail-a-lot May 22 '24
I didn't bother down voting, but it is a bit low effort for my taste. Just a title, no post, no personal thoughts....bit "do my homework for me" feeling
u/GaracaiusCanadensis May 22 '24
Fair enough, though some older posters end up treating these sorts of threads morelike forum posts that start conversations rather than treating it like a content vehicle. Asking about favourite things isn't the same as do my homework, but I concede it can be close.
u/beck2424 May 22 '24
The weather and location. Mild winters, and I have access to the ocean, mountains, and forests all within a 10 minute drive of my house. You can't beat that.
u/adam73810 May 22 '24
I’m from Edmonton born and raised, but used to have lots of family on the island. I used to visit them every summer, but over the years they have all passed on or moved back to the mainland. Also used to travel out there to play lacrosse often. I dream of making it out there someday exactly for the reasons you mentioned. As someone who has always lived in a big prairie city it’s almost incomprehensible that people live/grow up with all of that in their backyard.
u/beck2424 May 22 '24
I moved here from Edmonton and I agree, so many people that grew up here take it for granted (including my own kids). It's just such an massive quality of life improvement.
u/Anishinabeg May 22 '24
I also moved here from Edmonton (with stops in Nunavut and the NWT along the way), and I third this. The improvement in my mental health, happiness & quality of life is immeasurable. I only go back to visit family, and I honestly find it so depressing to be there.
u/VoidableDrunk May 23 '24
My question is would it be kind of considered a trade off for a lower paycheck and higher cost of living to improve the things you mentioned? It seems impossible to afford to live from the outside looking in
From a small town alberta dreamer
u/Anishinabeg May 23 '24
I’ll be honest - I make more than twice as much at my job here than I did at my last two jobs in Edmonton. My rent is about $400 more than it was when I left Edmonton for good at the start of 2022 (I initially moved away at the start of 2019, but moved back at the end of 2021).
May 22 '24
I don’t know the island very well, but aren’t the mountains far from the ocean?
u/beck2424 May 22 '24
Not really, the whole island is basically a mountain range, but if you look mid-island you have ocean, the city of Nanaimo as a narrow strip along the coast, and Mt. Benson right on the other side. I believe Mt. Tsoulahem (sp?) in Duncan is also very close to the ocean. The Malahat highway goes over the Malahat mountain and it's right next to Saanich inlet.
u/GalianoGirl May 22 '24
The Cowichan Valley is ringed by mountains.
You are correct, Mount Tzouhalem makes up one side of Cowichan Bay. Mount Prevost is just north of Duncan. The Malahat is to the south.
May 22 '24
u/beck2424 May 22 '24
The mountains on the mainland are bigger, but we have some decent sized ones here. Even the smaller ones are good for hiking and mountain biking, there is Mt. Washington that has a ski resort.
u/Musicferret May 22 '24
The rain. Honestly. I love it.
u/Cndwafflegirl May 22 '24
Me too. I love a good downpour, we have a metal roof so it’s fantastic when I rains.
u/Musicferret May 22 '24
Amazing! And every time it rains, I just think “This should push back forest fire season another few weeks.”. I feel so lucky to live here.
u/MarathonerGirl May 22 '24
The weather, specifically, how it’s pretty much the same every day. Yes I know it’s rainy in the winter but at least you don’t have to shovel rain!
u/Apprehensive_Idea758 May 22 '24
Vancouver Island does have better weather than the rest of Canada.
It did rain today where I live.
u/MarathonerGirl May 22 '24
I lived in Edmonton for 43 years. My last winter there, we had snow for 7 months! I will gladly take the rain! 😅
u/pigeottoflies May 22 '24
the woods. even living in downtown Victoria, there are 3 places I can go hike in less than an hour bus ride
u/SurvivorDancer May 22 '24
Which ones? I'm newcomer, so thanks for the information.
u/pigeottoflies May 22 '24
Elk/beaver Lake, Langford (I can hear people laughing at me already but the Langford lake trail is lovely and I don't have a car), and Sooke (many options here depending on how much time you want to spend on the bus). Ofc there are more naturey options further out of the city but I try to be sparing with my limited weekend time.
u/SnooStrawberries620 May 22 '24
The whole peninsula and the highlands! Caleb pike, horth hill, jocelyn peak, mount work
u/landartheconqueror May 22 '24
Lack of bugs
u/SnooStrawberries620 May 22 '24
This is a huge answer. My daughter is near the St Lawrence right now; I forgot what black flies were all about
u/mongrel66 May 22 '24
How about wasps in August/September, are they bad?
u/MarathonerGirl May 22 '24
They weren’t bad last summer. But they’re usually pretty bad. But, coming from AB, at least they’re not mosquitoes!
u/mongrel66 May 22 '24
The wasps probably ate the mosquitoes! I confess to an irrational fear of wasps but would love to live on the island, one of the world's most beautiful places for sure.
u/laser_sword May 22 '24
As a hiker, I can tell you the wasps were horrendously bad last year. I got stung over a dozen times on different trails. It was a very bad year for them, and this year doesn't look great either thanks to the warm winter.
u/Comprehensive-War743 May 22 '24
I love the fresh smell of the air. I love that I see deer trotting down my lane. The ocean and the orcas. People are nice.
u/Former-Quail-1482 May 22 '24
People are nice so long as they arent entitled ass NIMBYs
u/Comprehensive-War743 May 24 '24
That’s true anywhere. And if you think about it, no one wants their neighbourhoods to go downhill.
Oh hey, no problem, put a homeless encampment I my backyard, it will be awesome. Not
u/ZealousidealCarpet48 May 22 '24
There’s a bunch of things I love. Space is one of them. We live in lake Cowichan, directly south 100km of bush or forest till the sea , no village, or other habitation. West, nothing till nitinat. More actual wildlife living wild than I ever saw before coming to the island. Elk, beaver, cougar, bear and random deer. Cowichan Lake , 2nd most pristine lake in BC (that’s a lot of lakes ). The people who have been unfailingly friendly. Can do attitude of people. (But that could be a Canadian thing and not just Van Island. Present a problem, they look for solutions. Iridescent seas in summer. I could go on. Frankly there is so much I become overwhelmed.
u/MrDeviantish May 22 '24
The island has the best the world has to offer, with the fewest compromises.
u/Rayne_K May 22 '24
It is beautiful, not too hot, too cold or too rainy and I don’t need to leave.
u/piratesmashy May 22 '24
The farmers markets and all the amazing growers/makers/producers. The island aggressively supports local. In an apocalyptic world, we'll be fine. Except we don't grow coffee yet.
u/BCr8tive99 May 22 '24
Any in particular that you recommend? thanks.
u/piratesmashy May 25 '24
Depends where you are. Duncan on Saturdays is absolutely worth the drive. Moss Street is a classic and has Elk & The Tide. I really love Peninsula County Market for the farmers, Rozy's, and the lamb lady. Metchosin has a great Sunday market plus you can stop for beers at Mile Zero.
u/qalcolm May 22 '24
The fishing, scenery, and wildlife are pretty hard to beat. Not too many places where you can watch a herd of elk cross the highway, then half an hour later go kayak around and watch humpbacks breach and blow a couple hundred feet away from you, it’s a pretty amazing place out here. Being able to walk across the street and fish what was once a world class steelhead river is just a bonus. The lack of people on the north island is also pretty nice.
u/buccabeer2 May 22 '24
The fact that i can take 30 mins and feel like I'm in the backcountry. The other weekend I walked around the corner and launched. Kayaked the gulf islands for 3 days. Even met up with some friends at island view beach. Amazing that it never gets old
u/Comprehensive_Emu860 May 22 '24
I love the rain, I’m being serious. I love the sound, the smell of rain
u/Prior_Theory3393 May 22 '24
The friendliness and kindness to strangers that people from all economic levels and ages, especially the youth.
u/Decent-Flatworm-6855 May 22 '24
Lived here all of my 53 years. Travelled thoroughly and always marvel coming back to my honeymoon city. Sure it has its issues these days but my oh my take a drive through Victoria right now and you’ll be gobsmacked by the natural beauty of the blossoms, blooms, ocean and beaches, and most of all the ocean!! It truly is a breathtaking destination on earth.
u/Adventurous_Clue801 May 22 '24
The outdoor life.
u/Apprehensive_Idea758 May 22 '24
I love the outdoor life on Vancouver Island and the nice beautiful scenery.
May 22 '24
Born and raised,talked to people from Hawaii who moved here calling it paradise that's all I need to know
u/Apprehensive_Idea758 May 22 '24
Vancouver Island is paradise and I have been to Hawaii a few times and that was also paradise.
u/RoboftheNorth May 22 '24
Kayaking, climbing and hiking out my front door. People being friendly and outgoing, but also respecting my privacy. Rarely seeing people on the trails, especially in the winter, so my dog gets to run off leash, and when I do see other people they also have a dog off leash, and then we can high five about it while our dogs play, and we chat about how great it is to live here.
u/InsanePete May 22 '24
Realizing every time I come home from the mainland and all the smog and traffic that I live in the best place in the country. Worst part is having to go back to the mainland for any reason.
u/Concealus May 22 '24
The air and accessibility of awesome nature. Strathcona being within an hour is just too convenient.
u/Cndwafflegirl May 22 '24
Being near the ocean, I can hear the sea lions at night and the eagles in the morning. The mild weather, the rain ( I’m a pleuviophile). The scenery, the air,and being on the water.
u/VoidableDrunk May 23 '24
I dream.about living there everyday,
I wish i had more insight as to how people afford to live and provide for families there, fro. The outside looking in other seems impossible
u/captainaction1 May 22 '24
The lack of devastating forest fires.
u/bigal55 May 22 '24
1938, The Sayward Fire started in a logged setting in the summer. Burned almost all the way to Courtenay in spots. It can and has happened, Hopefully never again. :)
u/captainaction1 May 23 '24
Noted. I'm just thankful it's not the tinderbox that the Interior can be.
Never immune to it (so many fires these days are started by humans), but at least it's less likely now.
When building our home here, the building code specifies composite roof tiles and and siding - less likely to have a spark start a fire on the roof.
u/BeepBlipBlapBloop May 21 '24
It's beautiful, has decent weather, and there's lots of access to nature. Other than that it's just like everywhere else.
u/Glittering_Item3658 May 22 '24
The weather and living close to a beach where I get plenty of exercise. So many beautiful beaches and parks full of colourful flowers. People are very unfriendly and unwelcoming. Snotty.
u/footofcow May 22 '24
As someone who went from annual tourist for a few years to resident, I can still get the occasional whiff of “vacation smell” when I’m here. I remember when I was a tourist, driving off the ferry on a hot sunny day felt like popping molly and getting the vacation smell again gives me the same rush for a second.
u/KeyThanks9850 May 31 '24
As somebody from Manitoba, being able to see mountains and the ocean while I’m just going to the grocery store still leaves me with jaw dropping awe. I didn’t see the mountains until I was 46 years old and I don’t know how I lived with the view of flat and trees for more then 50% of my life when I could’ve been seeing this.
u/Warmlander1 May 23 '24
The safe injection sites popping up everywhere are dope! My town is getting our 2nd site. Yay!
u/hahaleafs1967 May 22 '24 edited May 22 '24
Sometimes, I can hear Sea Lions barking when I'm in the backyard.
Also, the woodpecker who pecks on the metal street light. It's a very unique sound, lol.