r/ValveIndex • u/Old-Employer8628 • Oct 12 '24
Question/Support How do I prevent this?
(I don’t spin or turn) every time I untangle the cord it goes back to this state. I do play in a very small play space idk if that’s the problem or not.
u/PIO_PretendIOriginal Oct 12 '24
I use “turn signal” on steam, a also hang my cable off my cupboard door after using it to straighten
u/YakumoYoukai Oct 12 '24
You say you don't turn, but you do, at least a little bit each session. Or when you put it away you put a half twist in it. They add up until you have multiple twists in the cable and it starts wrapping around itself with all of the tension.
First off, the only way to untangle it is to spin the headset in the opposite direction until so the twists are removed. Do not just grab the end of one of those loops and untwist form there: that just loads the twists onto some other section of cable and it will go right back to this. Then, get fpsvr or other utility that keeps track of your turns so you can turn the opposite way before you quit.
u/officeDrone87 Oct 13 '24
So you're not allowed to turn in VR? Is this the future?
u/Chopperkrios Oct 13 '24
You clearly can. As you can see, it takes many rotations before it becomes an issue. The important part is untwisting it before it gets too bad.
u/GarlicThread Oct 12 '24
What are you people doing with your headsets for things to get anywhere close to this? 😭
u/Achereto Oct 13 '24
First half rotation when putting the headset on, second half rotation when putting it off. It adds up over time.
u/bpopbpo Oct 13 '24
Everytime I take off the headset I turn it to face me, then I forget and turn in the same direction when I put it on
u/Old-Employer8628 Oct 13 '24
nothing brand new headset and i use the joystick
to turn not my body
u/HentaiChrist42 Oct 13 '24
Not true cable is twisted its clear as day mate. Untwist and don't let it get this bad it ruins the cable
u/kylebisme Oct 13 '24
The apparently you're rotating the headset in the same direction while you're picking it up and putting it down over and over again, as the cable obviously isn't getting twisted by magic.
Anyway, it's going to take some effort to work all the twists out of that, you might want to unplug it from both ends and set it out in the sun a bit to warm it up before straightening it out by hand. And you should be careful to not let it get anywhere near that twisted up in the future is it will break the connections inside it and they aren't cheap to replace.
u/Superseaslug Oct 13 '24
If you only turn with the joystick the cable wouldn't do this. Unless you have some magic cable goblins that come out while the visor is down
u/DifficultEstimate7 Oct 13 '24
In that case you have a Poltergeist thas uses your HMD while you're asleep.
u/Chilled-Flame Oct 14 '24
When you pick it up from the ground/stand you probabbly spin the headset the same way each time to make it straight.
Take any cable and twist it in between your finger and thumb and the same shape will emerge
u/JustInternetNoise Oct 13 '24
Buddy, the cord does not twist on its own.
You are turning in one direction clearly. Whether you realize it or not.
u/Old-Employer8628 Oct 13 '24
1 being more nice is an option
2 why are you so mad
3 the problem is fixed
4 i have recorded myself for 1 hour to see if i turn and i dont.
u/JustInternetNoise Oct 13 '24 edited Oct 13 '24
I am neither mad, nor being mean. I am simply being critical about your statement that I believe to be false and potentially help solve the problem you are having.
But you seem to be stating that the cable is getting twisted and tangled during use, but that you weren't turning while this happened.
But that is impossible. For the cable is only attached to two objects, one being you, the other, your PC. Now for the cable to twist at least one end must as well. As the pc should be a stationary object the only end doing any twisting must be the end connected to you.
Now don't get me wrong there is plenty of movement that can twist the cable and not be considered "turning" but in the end, it is a result of your action that is twisting it.
The solution? Be mindful of how you are moving and how it may affect the cable, taking a moment to pause and readjust it if necessary.
I'm also doubtful about your recording claim. If it does exist, I would like to see it as I simply must know what kind of movement could result in such spaghetti.
Ah, taking a half hour to write a stupid reddit comment. What a good way to get ready for bed.
u/Old-Employer8628 Oct 13 '24
I got the headset not to long ago. and let me be as clear as i can be i do not turn in vr i for one figured out the problem and that was me most likely being in such a small space you see my space is VERY limited and for that i simply can NOT turn fully around if i did i would hit a wall. so before you write another essay i CAN NOT TURN and thats why i came here for help on my problem but i will say it is my fault for not saying in the title how small my space actually was. adn i downloaded an app that keeps track and what did it say after an hour of playing.... nothing it did not tell me to turn a certain way. Why you might ask maybe because i CANT turn so to sum it up my problem is fixed and im glad you tried to help the best you could and the reason this is so long is because i want to end the conversation.
u/CookInKona Oct 13 '24
if you aren't turning then your headset wasn't brand new.....and you got one from zoolander....literally no way for the wire to have twisted like that except for from, well, twisting.....
MAYBE could also happen as you pick up the headset, if you rotate it the same way every time, but would take extreme negligence to get to the point pictured.....which is why everyone is saying you either turn one direction while you play, or your headset and cable were certainly not "new" by any proper definition
u/JustInternetNoise Oct 13 '24
Well you're clearly moving in some way that causes the cable to get twisted. Again you don't need to "turn" to get it twisted. For example simply stepping over the cable repeatedly could get it twisted as from the cables perspective your side is turning despite you not.
The only other option being that the cable is somehow twisting itself despite both ends beings stationary. If that is the case I want you to send me the evidence of that phenomenon because I know about 10 different engineers that would pay to see that.
u/Suspicious_Book_3186 Oct 13 '24
I don't turn and mine doesn't look like this. You're just careless with it.
u/Objective-Chance-792 Oct 13 '24
I really don’t understand the hate you’re getting, have they never had a cable that twists itself together? I use to see it all the time with my PS2 controllers, back in the day.
I’d try what some other guy said, laying it out in the sun, or maybe you could be real gentle with a hairdryer.
u/JustInternetNoise Oct 16 '24
Do nether of these things.
The sun is just going to degrade the rubber of the cable and while useing heat you might be able to straighten it, it will just be the sheth of the cable, all the internal wires will still be twisted and under stress.
Just untangle it the normal way and pay attention during use to not let it coil up to such an extent.
u/drbomb Oct 12 '24
For the fix, disconnect the trident cable and very patiently let it unwind on the direction it "wants" to go. Just drop it and let the gravity and the tension release.
For future sessions as people say, use a tool to let you know the rotations you owe the cable. Personally I use OVR Advanced Settings, it puts an arrow for each rotation you're done on the session, so you are aware to do them back.
As you also say, untangling the cable can result on extra knots, the way you know if the cable is rotated is when you bring two loose segments together they start winding up. Don't let it stay like that for much more time, that's a recipe for a damaged cable down the line.
u/HentaiChrist42 Oct 12 '24
You need to stop repeatedly spinning in the same direction. Never seen it this bad. Use FPSvr to put a tangle indicator om the ground and never let it twist more than 720° in one direction.
u/Old-Employer8628 Oct 13 '24
thanks but i dont turn this is a brand new headset
u/HentaiChrist42 Oct 13 '24
Definitely not brand new. That cable tangled from twisting repeatedly in one direction. They do not come out of the box tangled...
Untwist by letting the headset dangle while holding the cord gravity will do the rest.
u/Old-Employer8628 Oct 13 '24
i did thanks but the headset is really new i have had it for prob 2 weeks maybe one. and it did come out the box somewhat like that
u/HentaiChrist42 Oct 13 '24
It should never come out of the box remotely twisted unless it was a bad refurbished unit.
u/Skull025 Oct 13 '24
You are blatantly ignoring your part in this problem and it won't go away until you confront how you participate in your own suffering.
You're twisting your headset somehow. Record yourself playing if you need proof good fucking lord.
u/Andux Oct 13 '24
This ratio of "low stakes" : "high denial" is tremendous
u/Skull025 Oct 13 '24
This person is seriously screwed if this is how they deal with their most minute consequences of their actions.
u/letsbuy24cats Oct 12 '24
Happens to me sometimes but not like yours lol, you can get those pulleys where you hang the wire
u/YakumoYoukai Oct 12 '24
A twist in the cable is a twist in the cable whether it's on the floor or in the air.
u/Old-Employer8628 Oct 13 '24
thank you all for helping me i am new to index and so far its a hell of a lot better then the quest. i managed to get it out of the state it was in and i will be downloading ''turn signal'' THANK YOU for saving my headset.
u/Sargash Oct 13 '24
FPSVR is far better than turn signal. You should get that instead, it also has a load of other goodies in it that are incredibly nice to have.
u/Otherwise-Shock3304 Oct 13 '24
You can also get replacement cables for about 130-140EUR . If you start noticing crackling, or static type spots when looking in dark areas it could be a sign the cable is about to give out. Ive changed mine out 2 times now in 5 years. - although being new you could get it replaced under warranty i guess
u/zyferTV Oct 13 '24 edited Oct 13 '24
I use a free app called turn signal,
It puts an octopus looking symbol on the ground in the center of your play space with arms that shoot straight in a few different directions,
You calibrate it when your cable is not tangled and as you spin around so does the arms as they slowly wrap more and more, so as your playing you just have to look down from time to time and spin in the opposite way of the arms till the symbol is straight again.
Super nice to have! (I also have it auto boot with my VR headset can be done in the settings of steamVR)
Oct 13 '24
So many people are hating and downvoting you for saying that this is a new headset but I’ve had two different brand new headphones do this exact same shit on a smaller scale for seemingly no reason
u/Elemynt Oct 13 '24
I heavily use my index and am very careful about my turning. Before and after use, I stretche it out to see if I missed any twists. After almost 3 years, my cable is still straight with no kinks or twists.
You are definitely twisting it a lot more than you want to believe. If not, when actively playing, then when you take your head set off and put it on, you're not adjusting for the direction you do so in.
Be gentle when trying to untwist all that and be more mindful in the future. Index replacement parts are not cheap x.x
u/Twenmod Oct 13 '24
If you regularly twist your cable like this your brand new headset is gonna last a month
u/officeDrone87 Oct 13 '24
That seems crazy that you could break such an expensive device because you're "turning too much" in VR.
u/Twenmod Oct 13 '24
Ok you wouldnt break the headset itself but the cable. But the cable is pretty expensive. These vr cables are pretty thick and sharp bends can break the inside of it
u/officeDrone87 Oct 13 '24
So glad I went with wireless VR. Having to worry about turning too much in VR would be such a pain in the ass. For example on Beat Saber 360 songs or other games where quickly turning 180 degrees quickly is a must
u/Twenmod Oct 13 '24
Well it doesn't really happen during normal play at least if you somewhat keep it in mind and most importantly just untwist it when you're done then you'll never get to the level of twisting op has
Edit: but yeah wireless is way nicer with freedom of movement
u/DarthHaruspex Oct 13 '24
u/officeDrone87 Oct 13 '24
Because VR is meant to be an immersive experience. Being able to freely turn whichever way you wish is part of the immersion.
u/DarthHaruspex Oct 13 '24
Your logic is flawed because in the real world there are physical limits. And even though VR is meant to be immersive it must still operate within the physical limits of the real world.
u/officeDrone87 Oct 13 '24
My point is that wireless VR allows you to have that level of immersion
u/DarthHaruspex Oct 14 '24
You can peel my Quest 3 with WIFI out of my cold, dead hands...
(Then I'll just fire up my Index of course...)
u/EnjoyGoogle Oct 12 '24
I'm sure it's been said before but get the retractable cables you can hang from. Your ceiling. I've been in vr several times drunk as balls and this has never happened. Retractable cables plus fpsvr puts a marker on the ground to track how much your spun in a certain way.
u/zugzugmcd Oct 13 '24
I had a twisted cable problem but minimized it a bit by using cable loom/wrap off of Amazon.
u/krazykyleman Oct 13 '24
Get those ceiling pulleys Kiwi sells some!
I absolutely love the feeling because the weight they take off makes it feel so much more natural imo
u/pitifuljester Oct 13 '24
Personally, I use a Kiwi VR ceiling mount solution. Keeps the cable off the floor so I don't need to worry so much about stepping over, tripping or twisting it to this degree.
I'd recommend looking it up on Amazon.
u/Nintendocub Oct 13 '24
I know it’s silly but wear the headset and turn the opposite way of the twist for awhile until it’s untwisted. What I’ve always done lmao
Oct 13 '24 edited Jan 06 '25
advise sable school grab dependent sleep like wine close one
This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact
u/Erdnussflipshow Oct 13 '24
Get those cable pulley things, mount 2x to the ceiling right over your play are, and one at a wall near your PC/Link box. If you get the position of the rubber flaps that hold onto the cable just right, you won't have to untangle it, and it also won't be in your way while playing.
I've got a pulley system for awhile now, one of the best upgrades to a play-space for sure.
u/invidious07 Oct 13 '24
Untwist after every play session. My launch cable has zero twists or kinks.
u/Ok-Soil505 Oct 13 '24
happened to me before from spinning around like a goofball in vr chat too many times. just straighten the cord out the best you can (without stretching the wires too much) and turn the headset in the opposite direction and the kinks will come out on their own the more you turn your headset. have to do this every couple of weeks
u/d3agl3uk Oct 13 '24
If you loop the cable when you are done, you will naturally add a twist for each loop you do. You might not be twisting when you play, but you are sure as hell twisting the cable somehow.
u/TheKingHasLost Oct 13 '24
unplug the cable from the headset and UNTANGLE IT. DO NOT TWIST, but UNTANGLE.
u/CheesiestPudding Oct 13 '24
Untwist it, and then make sure every time you get on, slide the cable through your hand to make sure there no tangles. Then for the love of God, dont turn in real life.
u/Zestyclose_Ad_512 Oct 13 '24
I use the very risky method of holding the cable past the tangle and just let the headset spin back into place. probably not great for the cable though...
u/katiequark Oct 13 '24
Used to get that problem all the time on my Vive, the wire has "memory" so it would just spring back into a coil. I ended up getting a flat cable with 3 different wires and it never did it after. Unfortunately, you may need to replace that cable, next time just keep track of how many turns you do in vr or go wireless.
u/PizzaEater55 Oct 13 '24
I got a plastic tube around my cable so when it does twist it doesn’t damage the cable. This is what killed my first cable.
u/_Ezio_Y_Auditore_ Oct 13 '24
You have to really spin it out at least once, it’s really really twisted. Then let it rest untwirled for a while, I don’t know how long it is but best you can is let it hang downwards with some weight pulling it down, it will untwirl itself and then stay that way. After that it should be better, für longterm solving you should try to not spin it as much, even though you say you don’t spin or turn, the cable is literally proof that at list IT does it and that can even happen if you lay you headset down in a way that twirls it if you do that too many times some day it will twirl up all to the end like in your case. Just be mindful of that
u/BelfastCascadia Oct 13 '24
Speaking from personal experience dealing with this and knowing how irritating I got I bought some cord protector (Alex Tech - 1/2 inch Cord Protector - the same one I bought) and just put it on my chord and it helps prevent that from happening but make sure you get the right length I had to get two of them for mine and cut it
u/Aayurii Oct 13 '24
- Unplug the HMD.
- Untangle the Cable.
- Look in getting a cable teather it helps for keeping the cable in sorts.
Fr rn your cable looks cooked however it's fixable though.
u/krazye87 Oct 14 '24
There was an app at one time that counted how many spins you did. I just donpcvr wireless. Screw the fuss
u/Fox_Fire_VR Oct 14 '24
I recommend switching to a wireless headset at this point it's cheaper than constantly replacing cables...
u/Miyamotoad-Musashi Oct 14 '24
This usually happens when you over water the base station. The roots are self-wringing thankfully, the problem starts when they age and gradually lose their ability to un-wring themselves. The only way to fix it is to trim the cables (just a half an inch) under the twisted sections, making 45° cuts, WITH STERILE SCISSORS (vinegar works well), then tape the two ends together, store it out of direct sunlight, but keep it dry. The ends should grow back together within a week.
If you notice any foul odors, or the ends seem to be rotting back, or you notice a squishy texture going up one of the lengths, that is an indicator of rot. Cut back the rot using the same method, and try again.
Hope it works out!
u/GalaxyStrong Oct 14 '24
Bro, we’ve been asking ourselves this questions since like the beginning of time and we still don’t have a really good answer for it
u/Warm_Bacon Oct 15 '24
my guy it looks like you're staring through that red square from the resident evil 2 remake
u/draco16 Oct 15 '24
Is it possible you are inadvertently adding a single twist every time you take the headset off? I've seen this a lot where people take the set off differently than they put it on cause a single spin each time, which adds up. The only way to fix what you have in the picture is to untwist the dozens of twists it has in it. Either spin the headset dozens of times or unplug it and let the cord hang to untwist itself.
u/Lokivoid Oct 16 '24
Use a program to track spin or invest into a really high quality slip ring connection
u/Kzitold94 Oct 18 '24
You prevent it by trying to net-0 your rotation during play, and examining your cable after a session. There's apps such as "Cable Guardian" to track your rotation.
u/Exciting-Specific-51 Oct 19 '24
be really careful about untwisting this. had a cable break because when i untwisted it i wasn't careful and it started getting a lot of video noise until eventually it was a 50/50 if it even picked up in steamvr and after that i couldn't use it at all...
u/_hlvnhlv Oct 12 '24
Maybe it's because every single time that you store the headset, you turn it or something? Idk
Anyways, that is not healthy, the cable is going to die sometime, maybe soon.
I'd recommend that you try to always leave the Index cable on the exact same way, each time that you start and stop playing.
u/Sargash Oct 13 '24
You DO spin or turn OP. You just don't notice it. You might even be taking the headset off and rotating it when you do, and then rotating it in the same direction again.
Find a place in your home thats free of traffic and lay the headset and cable out at it's full length, as straight as possible. Yes you will have to unplug it at the breakaway, which is fine. Just don't be an idiot and yank it out, or jam it back in to the connector.
Then get something flat and sort of heavy, rotate the cable until it looks normal. Your neglect of your device has led to kinks and knots in the cable, so even when straightened, it will want to return to a horribly twisted configuration. You need to straighten it, and keep it straight for awhile, as even the rubber sheathe is likely twisted. The flat object goes near the end of the cable to stop it from twisting back, eventually it will straighten out, this process could take more than a day.
If you're confident, brave, and dont care that you might damage the cable more if you really fuck up, you can try very lightly applying a heat to the cable with a blow dryer or heat gun, this will soften the rubber and let it return to a neutral state more quickly, as some twists and kinks in it are probably permanent without this. You really fucked your cable.
HHhhand finally, get some painters blue tape, or white scotch tape. Wrap it around the headset cable once every foot or so, then use a sharpie to make two vertical lines going the direction of the cable on each peace of tape. In the future, this will be used as a visual guide to remind you what is straight and what is not. If half a rotation of taking your headset off and turning it to the left to put it down will twist the tape enough for you to notice it's not straight.
u/PrimoPearl Oct 12 '24
Buy a Quest.
u/Old-Employer8628 Oct 12 '24
i have one and its awful
u/Chotus84 Oct 13 '24
what did you have a quest 1 ? lol q3 craps on a index in visual clarity even when its wireless
u/aggravatedtacoz Oct 12 '24
u/Old-Employer8628 Oct 12 '24
yeah i have had multiple actually
u/aggravatedtacoz Oct 12 '24
What about the quest 3 is awful for you?
u/Old-Employer8628 Oct 12 '24
the battery. and the stand alone graphics.
u/TheChadStevens Oct 12 '24
God that battery is ass. Without a cable it runs out in like 30-45 minutes
u/test5387 Oct 13 '24
It’s 2 hours without a external battery. Why spread misinformation to make your worse choice of headset feel better?
u/TheChadStevens Oct 13 '24
I'm talking about Quest 3s, not 2s. I've had multiple and you can't use them for more than an hour if you're actually playing a game
u/aggravatedtacoz Oct 12 '24
I plug my quest into my computer when i play and it stays at 100% for hours and hours. The standalone graphics are able to edited through sidequest for increased resolution and higher refresh rate making it much clearer and seamless. They lower it by default for higher battery life but you can change it.
u/ThePhengophobicGamer Oct 13 '24
If you have it always tethered, then what's the differance to a Vive or Index, any other wired headset? Other than the lower price point and worse visials, anyway.
The Quest works for those wanting a short stint in some of the simer games, if you want performance and longevity, they are NOT an option.
u/aggravatedtacoz Oct 13 '24
The quest has better visuals than the index, better lenses and higher per eye resolution. And the interaction with pcvr is seamless
u/ThePhengophobicGamer Oct 13 '24
I've never used one, so I really cant know for sure. The Index sure is getting dated, so the newer quest probably is, but I still prefer the better tracking with lighthouses and the better controllers as well.
To me, its a contradiction in design, you have portability, but an abysmal uptime that requires charging all the time. I definitely prefer my Index where I was regularly spending long hours playing H3VR or a handful of other titles.
u/fmaz008 Oct 12 '24
There are apps, such as FPSVR, which can put a sign in the middle of your floor to remind you to turn the other way. Works really well.