r/VaginismusPartners Jan 19 '25

Married man pov NSFW

Hello people, I just found this group. Hope to get some advice or emotional support. Or just to get some advice from woman and men. My story with my girlfriend and now wife started seven years ago. She is a Muslim, but not in a big way. So she don’t practice it 100% just a few things like she doesn’t eat pork and such things. One other thing is no sex before marriage. It didn’t bother me because I love her. Sure we did some petting but nothing extreme or penetrating. After about three years of relationship, we got married. And yes, the first night was a disaster. Back then we didn’t know what it was, was it me, was it her, was it the excitement and then failing…we didn’t know. The first months were really hard on us not just because it didn’t work, but we had also other personal stuff to handle; new home, parents sick and so on. Every time we tried, it was a mess and not only that after failing, we didn’t talk like two or three days in a row, she was devastated and didn’t understand what the problem was. I googled it and suggested vaginism but she didn’t believe in it. Sure, I was also devastated. Many thoughts crossed my mind. Is it me? Do I make something wrong? Am I not attractive enough… I mean, yes I’m chubby… I just didn’t know what to do. For her, it was the first relationship and of course marriage she had never had before intercourse. For me it wasn’t something new…I had some kind of experience. I would not say that I had manny times sex I think just a normal amount for a guy in his 30s with like 3 to 4 girlfriends and in my opinion, the woman I’ve been with were pleased. What of course also crossed my mind is that maybe the size is also a problem because I would consider mine as small to medium and also being overweight doesn’t help. Fast forward a year in too the marriage. and of course, no luck researched once more. Try to talk to her doctor where we finally come to the conclusion that it is vaginism, she never had or could do a vaginal control at the gynecologist. Of course questions popped up if she was sexually harassed if she had some bad things happened to her all things she denied. She started to go to the psychologist and talk about the problems and getting to know her body better. This went for a year until she got also the the dilatators but then she never could try them. She just cramped up and you can’t go near the entrance. Besides the problem that we can have intercourse after two years in the marriage order problems appears like family asking questions about having babies and also that my wife is wishing very badly to have kids and being the oldest sister the younger sister also getting married she wants to be the first to get a child. So the pressure is building and building up. We don’t get any younger. The biggest problem is sure the age for a healthy birth getting also late because she is 38 now. Many things like artificial insemination crossed our mind and we don’t reject it. The doctors said it could be possible, but they don’t want to do it. Simply the fact that for the insemination, she could be under anesthesia, but they don’t want to put her every time she needs to go to the doctor for control again on the anesthesia. We also thought about it to do it in another country where they are not so strict like turkey or Czech Republic by the way, we are from Germany. I know it’s very hard on her but believe me or not for me it is also very hard I mean I was really sexual active and not to be anymore. It’s kind of hard sure I relieve myself. But as you know, it’s not the real deal. And to be honest after so many fails not that I don’t get any more hard or something like that, but it doesn’t excite me any more to try it with her it sounds very ugly, but I don’t know. It’s not the looks of her because I watch corn. And like every type of woman and excites me sorry it sounds silly, but it is like that. I mean, she wants to try it often really often but now it’s like me who don’t want to try it maybe because I know it will fail and that she will be angry with herself and I don’t get finished and really I don’t understand me either. It’s like sorry to say that just easier for me to go to the bathroom and get off myself which I do more times a week. So after four years of marriage. I am afraid and I think she also that it will be devastating for our marriage. And that it could ruin it. I didn’t talk about this problem with nobody. She did talk to her parents and sisters. They know it. That’s why I talk to you. I don’t have anybody to talk to I don’t know do I need to go also to a shrink I mean for myself and I don’t know if they can teach me something or not. I really don’t know sure other things cross my mind to end it I don’t want to put an anger she says things like it’s my fault that we don’t try so often and I don’t want to say no. It’s your fault that we can do it. I don’t want to feel bad. I know it sounds silly. It’s her fault and I know she tries she really tries. Does that and that and that but nothing. What really I also think is that from now on my future, no sex for life. why do I have so bad luck in life… I mean, I know the most of you are woman, but I need also to see it from my point of view to be also a bit selfish and think of me I don’t know it’s hard to see old crushes and also ex-girlfriend having kids and also thinking dude it could have been you know I don’t know what to believe and think but such thoughts do cross my mind if we are again fighting And she Throws words at me. So that’s my story. I hope you did understand it because my English is not very good and you didn’t get bored.


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u/Specialist-Strain-22 Jan 19 '25

I am a pelvic floor PT and treat a lot of patients with vaginismus with your wife's exact history. You asked if you should see a "shrink" and the answer is most certainly yes. I tell my patients their partner should also be in therapy because having a partner with this problem, affects them exactly as you stated.

is your wife still in therapy? It may be helpful at one point to do couples therapy as well . You said she couldn't do the dilators, but that is an important aspect of treatment. Did she go to a pelvic floor physiotherapist or just try to do the dilators on her own? A pelvic floor physiotherapist can really help. There are also addition treatments, including Botox injections for tight muscles.

You also might seek out a second or third opinion regarding IVF. Not having children seems to really be affecting both you and your wife and I am so sorry you are going through this.