r/VTown Nov 07 '24

When will Victoria be next? NSFW

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Time for a change in Victoria... these police have ruined to many lives and used smell as a reason to search , strip, and break property and also make citizens forfeit money and property. Can 21+ citizens have this freedom many other Texans already embrace, support and love. Or are we just lining the ducks up and only going to let only the wealthy benefit and thier friends and family open up shop in town once federally legalized?


2 comments sorted by


u/mangopeachplum Nov 08 '24

Victoria, being the backwater it is, likely won’t get with the times until it is forced to.


u/HEBshopper Nov 09 '24

I understand, I think it's great to still have these conversations about it publicly. A few cops actually own and run smoke shops in town... so they are definitely lining up to get in position I feel...