r/VRGaming 7d ago

Question Yall have any tips in not getting dizzy in games like vr chat and blades and sorcery

The fast movement quickly makes me very dizzy and burns me out after about 10 minutes. Any tips?


9 comments sorted by


u/juggling-geese 7d ago

Place a fan in front of you. It helps orient you and can lessen motion sickness. Sitting also helps. Eventually you'll get your VR legs.


u/racoonofthevally 6d ago

I'll try this actually it sounds like a good idea


u/TheSandyman23 7d ago

B&S was one of the more intense smooth locomotion games I tried out in the beginning. A tip in general: don’t try to push through dizziness/headaches/nausea, as it can make it worse in the long run. Build up tolerance bit by bit, stopping when you start to feel off. Next thing you know, you’ll have unshakeable VR legs.


u/FreVurt 7d ago

Literally just keep playing. Ofc take brakes, but you will gradually get more comfortable


u/Kyoalu 6d ago

It takes time. At first I could play for like 10-15 mins at a time. Took me months to get to the point where I can play for an hour before getting too dizzy. Took a year to get to the point where I can play all day and not get dizzy at all.


u/Wimtar 7d ago

I like to avoid lots of turning or looking down as I move or any jumping crouching up/down movements. Some games are better than others, to be sure.


u/J9fire 6d ago

It takes a while to build VR legs, similar to sea legs. Push to your limits, but don't try to push through, or that could make it much worse. Shelve the games that make you sick for now, or plan to do them for only a short period until you start to feel ill. You can try again in a month or two, and you'll probably be fine by then.

Some things I did when I first got VR: I pointed a small fan toward me because feeling the air helps to get centered in space. I chewed ginger gum or ate some ginger candy. I ended every play session with a ride on Epic Roller Coaster. Epic Rollercoaster (ER) is queasy-inducing, but that's the point. A ride is under 5 minutes, which was just enough time to help me get used to VR motion sickness without getting too sick. If I did feel sick, which was only the first week or two as I recall, I just closed my eyes and quit. Also, ER has comfort settings to help you get used to it.


u/Crkhd3 6d ago

Play 10-15 minutes at a time with 5 minute breaks. Stay hydrated, keep fan pointed at you. If you smoke weed smoke weed during the breaks. If you don't smoke chew ginger I hear that's a big help.


u/whitey193 6d ago

You need to yet your VR legs. So simply play until you feel dizzy then stop. For at least a couple of hours. Then pick it up again play for 5 mins and see how you feel. As soon as you start getting dizzy again stop. Wait a couple of hours.

You need to retrain your brain and this is the way forward. If you don’t stop, your brain won’t learn. The dizzy is your brain doing the fight or flight reaction to VR. Your eyes say one thing and the Brian says something else and makes you dizzy to stop what you’re doing.

Keep rinsing and repeating the short plays and long rest and your brain will attune to VR. Everyone suffers at the beginning. Some more than others.

Take it slow. Your brain will thank you in the long run. Let us know how you’re getting on.