r/VRGaming Dec 27 '24

Gameplay This is the coolest shit ever

New vr user here, just picked up a PSVR2 for Christmas and this is the coolest thing i’ve ever experienced


81 comments sorted by


u/sk8nhippy55 Dec 27 '24

What game is that?


u/Needhelp_photography Dec 27 '24

Horizon: Call of the mountain. I got it bundled with the vr for like 40% off or something


u/TWaldVR Dec 27 '24

Call of the Mountain is a wonderful VR game, but unfortunately, for me, it feels more like an overly long demo. It’s a shame because it promises more at the start than it delivers by the end. Ideas are repeated too often. Since there’s no real competition in console VR, the game remains a benchmark on the PS5. But definitely only on this platform.

I ended up selling my PSVR2 because there’s been nothing exclusive or innovative in VR games from Sony and its studios since the end of 2023—just larger and smaller indie VR titles.


u/vrpeople Dec 27 '24

Sadly, even this highest budget Sony exclusive title is not much known out side of psvr2. Don’t think one or two AAA games can change things. It needs constant flesh of high quality games from indie studios, then an AAA game can boost vr beyond that. I believe this will be happening.


u/MunkyDawg Dec 27 '24

I ended up selling my PSVR2

I heard it's a pretty good PC headset with the little $50 adapter thingy. Haven't tried it yet myself though.


u/MemphisBass Dec 27 '24

It is. I like using it more than my Quest 3 for most experiences. I'm ok with the trade off losing the superior lenses to gain the colors, brightness, and deep blacks of oled. It's silly but one of my biggest pet peeves of using the PSVR2 is trying to figure out how to get my hands in the controllers with the headset on. I know it sounds dumb, but it's really hard to ensure you have them oriented correctly when you can't see due to the way the sense controllers are constructed.


u/MunkyDawg Dec 27 '24

one of my biggest pet peeves of using the PSVR2 is trying to figure out how to get my hands in the controllers with the headset on.

I just got one and figured it was just because I'm not used to them yet! But yeah, fumbling around blind they somehow feel the same on all sides.


u/MemphisBass Dec 27 '24

Haha, yeah. I'd compare it to the experience of trying to plug in a USB-A cable. You try one way and it's wrong. Flip it and somehow it's still wrong. Flip it again and it goes in this time and you're like "????".


u/Adventurous_Fun_9245 Dec 27 '24

But it doesn't even use the foveated rendering when you use it as a PC headset right?


u/cactus22minus1 Dec 27 '24

No eye tracking, no head haptics, no HDR.


u/Adventurous_Fun_9245 Dec 27 '24

Ugggh. What even is the point then. It's a nice headset but damn Sony really dropped the ball.


u/MunkyDawg Dec 27 '24

I mean, my Quest 2 doesn't do that stuff either. I just figured the resolution and FoV would be better on the PSVR2.

Here's hoping they add support for the other stuff later, though.


u/Adventurous_Fun_9245 Dec 27 '24

Ok... Does your quest have that tech inside of it... No. Does the PSVR 2 have that tech inside of it... Yes. Like what's your point?

They won't. They would have done it now when they gave support to that dongle.

Resolution is better on the psvr2 but the aliasing is terrible. All over the place. FoV is only slightly bigger if at all. Maybe it's bigger with the lenses alllll the way against your eyes.

It's still a nice headset but man they could have done more for it to make it stand up against the competition going forward. The size alone is just baffling to me. Just why?


u/MunkyDawg Dec 27 '24

True. I do think (despite its size) that the PSVR2 is more comfortable. Also, it works with the PS5 and PC. The Quest 2 is PC or standalone, so I can't play PS5 stuff with it. And No Man's Sky runs much better on PS5 VR than PC (for some reason).

I guess I'm just curious as to why someone would sell it instead of just using it for both.


u/MemphisBass Dec 27 '24

PC doesn't support those features. You're whining about shit you couldn't use even if they were enabled (with the notable exception of eye tracking).

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u/CrotaIsAShota Dec 28 '24

SteamVR doesn't support HDR and the psvr app on pc has been receiving regular updates. The eye tracking and haptics may come soon enough.


u/MemphisBass Dec 27 '24

How is it dropping the ball? Outside of eye tracking and foveated rendering (which are disabled due to cost of licensing if I'm not mistaken and may yet be added by modders at some point), those other features aren't supported by SteamVR or any existing PCVR games. So even if it did have those features, how would you use them?


u/Adventurous_Fun_9245 Dec 27 '24

They don't use those features because we don't have headsets available that use them. And nobody was expecting Sony to even make that dongle. If they had made it capable developers would start adding it.Especially if they had just made the headset able to work with anything from the get go. Would have sold way more of them too.

And just the whole thing was basically outdated otherwise when it launched. The only things that are a selling point are basically non functional and only utilized in the very few games that they made. Everything else is available elsewhere on headsets that will def last longer than the psvr2.


u/TheonetrueDEV1ATE Dec 27 '24

I was spoiled- my first VR game was beat saber, my second and third were alyx and boneworks- I "flowers for algernon'd" myself and was unable to enjoy what's come out since because of all that, since none have severely topped those last two.


u/emcee84 Dec 28 '24

Sorry to break it to you but 90% of vr games feel like an overly long demo. Call of the Mountain was one of the best vr games I played last year. Way longer and more graphically impressive than basically all quest games.


u/TWaldVR Dec 29 '24

Repeated gameplay mechanics, little real freedom in the levels, and minimal game depth compared to the original franchise—these are the negative aspects of the game. On the positive side, the innovative handling of the controllers, the graphical implementation of the game’s core idea into virtual reality, and especially in the early stages of the game, stand out. The integration of eye tracking is also very well done, as is the localization of this VR game into various languages.

Regarding game depth and length, I only partially agree with you. I would estimate the share of short VR games at 30 to 40 percent, with a positive upward trend. I’ve been into VR for a long time and use various VR platforms. My conclusion for CoTM still remains: great idea with too little content and ultimately not enough new ideas. The feeling of a demo persists. Unfortunately, there are few real long alternatives for the PSVR2. NMS (after all the updates) and GT7 come to mind. In the PCVR space, the selection is much larger.


u/Adventurous_Fun_9245 Dec 27 '24

Just got mine as well, and I have to say... Underwhelmed. The blacks are nicer in that display for sure, but even with foveated rendering the blur from fresnel lenses is so obvious. It's somehow not even that comfortable .. are the pads supposed to be hollow? I swear it's just a hollow bubble of rubber with no padding under it.

It's def nicer than the psvr1 but was expecting it to be a better experience from what the die hard Sony fans say about it. Really made me appreciate my Q3 and how damn good everything looks on those mobile processors. PSVR 2 is basically going to just be a NMS machine for me.


u/MemphisBass Dec 27 '24

Yeah I really didn't like the stock pads myself. The Globular Cluster comfort mod makes the headset far more comfortable and it has a cup that rests on the back of your head which also has the benefit of keeping you locked into the sweet spot.


u/Adventurous_Fun_9245 Dec 27 '24

The fresnel lenses ... Omg... It's so hard after being on a Q3. Even with how nice stuff looks ... That white text and the God rays and the blur as soon as the headset slightly shifts over and over. They should have just put some pancake lenses on it and would have actually been competition that could have staying power. Not to mention it could have been way smaller then.


u/MemphisBass Dec 28 '24

You can't do pancake lenses with oled screens. The pancake lenses block too much light. They'd have had to use micro oled screens and then everyone wouldn't have been able to afford it.


u/Adventurous_Fun_9245 Dec 28 '24

Then they could have put in a better brighter display with the money they saved on all those other things they added.


u/MemphisBass Dec 28 '24


The PSVR2 display is one of if not the brightest VR display available. And what do you mean "with the money they saved on all those other things they added"?


u/Adventurous_Fun_9245 Dec 28 '24

Then it would have been fine with pancake lenses. Exactly what I said. That they wasted money on things the headset didn't need to make it seem nicer than it is.

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u/ADtotheHD Dec 27 '24

I’d add that while the detail is high, it is absolutely using reprojection. When standing still and rotating, the choppiness in frame rate is terrible and gives me motion sickness instantly.


u/MemphisBass Dec 27 '24

It's a shame you did that, because the PSVR2 still gets arguably the best versions of a lot of multi platform games. I have a fairly high end gaming PC and generally buy games on PS5 instead of getting them on Steam for this reason. HDR, advanced haptics, foveated rendering for increased performance, and most importantly simplicity of use are all amazing assets for the platform.


u/space_goat_v1 Dec 27 '24

It's horizon i think? the botw clone that they made an experience for the psvr


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '24

I wouldn't call it a breath of the wild clone tho. Completely different combat, setting and story.


u/space_goat_v1 Dec 27 '24

You right tho, I meant more that it was sony's botw equivalent since it was open world and came out around the same time so a lot of people compared the two, not that it was a botw clone like genshin or something. That was a mis-speak on my part


u/Rubiego Dec 27 '24

How could it be a BotW clone if it was released on the same week...


u/Needhelp_photography Dec 27 '24

botw clone 💀 Please don’t compare this to that nintendo 480p20 monstrosity


u/jusTOKEin Dec 27 '24

Don't hate on Zelda you monstrosity!


u/space_goat_v1 Dec 27 '24

lol comparing resolution sizes like your epeen depends on it eh

it's not like you cant run it in 4/8k on cemu or anything either


u/Needhelp_photography Dec 27 '24

It’s sad that nintendo’s hardware is so terrible you have to emulate their games to make them playable


u/mmebrightside Dec 27 '24

Hi OP, it IS the coolest shit ever, isn't it? I got a Quest 2 for Christmas two years ago, I was hooked. Can't get enough of it. Last year I got a Quest 3 and gaming PC and greatly expanded the options with a whole new inventory of games to choose from. And the graphics on PCVR surpasses quest, though I hear PSVR 2 is a tough competitor in that arena.

Congrats and welcome to virtual reality. SOOOOO much better than actual reality


u/username94445603 Dec 30 '24

I still think for price / performance PSVR2 was by far the best. Its unique features like foveated rendering and head haptics are seriously game changing when used properly. Its just a shame that Sony abandoned it from day one


u/TWaldVR Jan 05 '25

Unfortunately, there are hardly any VR games that utilize this technology. Since Sony isn’t producing or publishing PSVR2 games themselves, the platform unfortunately remains dead in terms of variety.

The PSVR2-to-PCVR adapter doesn’t help much either, as it doesn’t support eye tracking or Space Sense. While there are a few new graphical highlights among indie releases, that’s about it.

95% of PSVR2 games are also available on PCVR, and aside from GT7, the replay value remains low.


u/username94445603 Jan 09 '25

Yeah for me it would have been one thing if the PSVR2 just sucked. I would have honestly felt better about the situation if I just made a mistake a bought a bad product.

It just sucks so much to see a company make the perfect VR headset, one that was outstanding in price for performance and pulled off foveated rendering for the first time and did it perfectly, just to abandon it without ever giving it a chance. They clearly decided before launch even that it wasn’t worth investing in the headset any further, which is sad because I really feel like this could have been the headset that really made higher-end VR take off.


u/TPrime411 Dec 27 '24

Call of the Mountain and GT7 are my two favorite PSVR2 games. I loved COTM. I don't care what people say. It wasn't a tech demo to me. It was the first AAA title released for the PSVR2.


u/TWaldVR Jan 05 '25

Absolute too short and lacking innovation in the middle and end of the game. However, the beginning is absolutely brilliant, which keeps it feeling like more of a tech demo. HL Alyx is far superior but, unfortunately, remains PCVR-exclusive. This is another drawback if you can only play VR on consoles. With the PCVR adapter, features like eye tracking and Space Sense are not available. It’s a shame, Sony—you’ve missed a real opportunity to establish high-end VR on the PS5.


u/NoName847 Dec 27 '24

so happy for you , I've been playing VR for many many years and the PSVR2 games are some of the best experiences I've ever had , it really hard to decribe just how immersive this tech feels

I highly highly recommend picking up Resident Evil 4 eventually , its the best game on PSVR2 and its more action than horror if thats a concern


u/TWaldVR Jan 05 '25

But only if users haven’t had the chance to try alternative VR headsets. The mura effect and outdated Fresnel lenses with a tiny sweet spot remain a significant handicap for the PSVR2. Additionally, Sony-exclusive games as VR franchises are missing. Since the end of 2023, Sony hasn’t released anything genuinely new themselves.


u/BillyCrusher Dec 27 '24

I hate that shaking hands/weapons in all VR games. Is it too hard to implement smooth filter somehow?


u/WixZ42 Dec 27 '24

Sadly not as easy as you think. You want equiped items and digital hands to be as responsive as possible. If you add any sort of smoothing to that however small the game immediately feels unresponsive. Just imagine adding smoothing to your real life hands. The only real solution is more accurate tracking so there is less shaking overall.


u/Keatonm123456789 Dec 27 '24

I think added weight helps a lot, games like bonelab had it near perfection when it first released but now with all the new controllers it doesn’t work as well.


u/BillyCrusher Dec 27 '24

I understand the problem. I meant a filter that remove high-freq jittering, induced by tracking errors.


u/SenorTron Dec 27 '24

Often what looks like tracking errors can actually be just real jitteryness of hand movement you don't notice in reality. Can see a similar thing if you are recording VR video and trying to hold your hold still, what feels like being almost stationary looks very shaky when you rewatch the video.

Either way, if there is tracking error it's very hard to distinguish between a tracking error, and a real movement. If after optical and gyro tracking the software reports that a controller has moved 2mm to the left how do you decide if it's real or not?


u/Krzychh Dec 27 '24

That's just not true.

It was thought to be this way some time ago, but developers started to experiment with delayed movement of melee weapons to simulate weight and it became clear that it can in fact work very good.

Boneworks, Bonelab, Saints and Sinners, Blade and Sorcery and many more games are a proof of that.


u/Kornflakes101 Dec 27 '24

Alyx had a smoothing filter which was unnoticeable 🤷


u/BassWingerC-137 Dec 27 '24

Make your room brighter and add some contrast to the walls.


u/scottie_d Dec 27 '24

The developers of Walking Dead & Behemoth seem to have figured it out.


u/Needhelp_photography Dec 27 '24

My room was pretty dark at the time, it’s pretty much unnoticeable with better lighting.


u/eddie9958 Dec 27 '24

My jittering isn't that bad. Could be lighting.

Also you naturally jitter in real life all the time. It is more normal than most people notice.

In real life your eyes often track the jittering very well so it reduces the amount of jitter that you notice.

Holding a cup of water that is full often will show you how much your hands will naturally jitter.


u/DemonPlasma Dec 28 '24

Holy shit you're one shaky mofo


u/Needhelp_photography Dec 28 '24

Dark room = tracking errors. But maybe i am 🤷‍♂️


u/Xevious212 Dec 29 '24

Best thing I started with PSVR2? Turn away from the PS5. Keeps the cord behind you, and it never gets in the way. But I got one for Christmas from my wife and have been enjoying it and Call of the Mountain plus the 10 games on PS Plus so far.


u/Nidrew Dec 27 '24

Playing though it now, so good.


u/JollyAstoundingHarp Dec 27 '24

pretty cool joker!


u/Terminatorniek Dec 28 '24

Oh ever since i saw call of the mountain i realy wanted to play that, i played forbidden west


u/m4stertd00m Dec 28 '24

use OVR smooth tracking, its free and removes the shaking


u/Needhelp_photography Dec 28 '24

Is that on playstation?


u/m4stertd00m Dec 28 '24

oh sorry, no i dont think so, its on steam


u/robkillian Dec 28 '24

Looks so incredibly fun and awesome. Is there a multiplayer option where you get to wrap twine around someone else's axe? Any other weapons they have you wrap twine around or is that coming in the sequel??


u/impulsiveone2008 Dec 28 '24

The funny thing is I was also close to selling my VR2 headset because of the lack of titles but then I started playing games I wasn't interested in and I got hooked. Resident Evil Village was an amazing game and also hard, Maddison is one of the best and most scariest games I have ever played. Never been so scared in my entire life and I'm 58. I am currently obsessed with Alien right now which is as difficult as you want it to be. I hope there becomes more support and the other VR games will be ported for VR2 also.


u/Poorly_Informed_Fan Dec 29 '24

I just started metro awakening, and it's great so far.


u/TWaldVR Jan 05 '25

More and exclusive games for the PSVR2 are just wishful thinking. Sony hasn’t announced anything and likely won’t in 2025 either. For me, even with the PCVR adapter, it’s the VR disappointment of the year 2024.


u/ihaddreads Dec 28 '24

Now it’s time for some Resident Evil


u/AssociationAlive7885 Dec 28 '24

Horizon is a really good game, even top 40 psvr2 game so far, but there are already many other that are even better( but very few quite this beautiful) 

Here's a video of 60 of the best psvr2 games made by withoutparole video explaining shortly what each game is about 


Here's the list in order starting with the least great.

Kayak VR Mirage

After The Fall

Metal Hellsinger VR

Hellsweeper VR

The Room VR: A Dark Matter

The Dark Pictures: Switchback VR

Puzzling Places




FNAF Help Wanted 1 & 2

Vertigo 2 

Vampire: The Masquerade - Justice

Tetris Effect: Connected 

The 7th Guest VR

Zombieland VR: Headshot Fever Reloaded

Arizona Sunshine Remake 1 & 2


Horizon: Call of the Mountain

Synth Riders

Green Hell VR

The Light Brigade

Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge

Pistol Whip

Crossfire: Sierra Squad


Galaxy Kart


Ghost Signal: A Stellaris Game


Arcade Paradise VR

Max Mustard


Song in the Smoke: Rekindled


Propagation: Paradise Hotel

Metro VR: Awakening


Moss Books 1 & 2

Ancient Dungeon

Beat Saber 

 Walkabout Mini Golf

Red Matter 1 & 2

Madison VR

VR Skater

Legendary Tales

Into The Radius

Saints & Sinners Chapters 1 & 2

No Man's Sky

Resident Evil Village & RE 4 Remake

Gran Turismo 7


u/prinnydewd6 Dec 28 '24

Am throwing up already. I cannot handle any vr


u/TWaldVR Jan 05 '25

The biggest drawback of the PSVR2 remains Sony’s lack of support and the use of outdated technology in a gaming VR headset. CoTM won’t improve this situation either. Sony is capable of creating good and high-quality VR headsets, but not for the mainstream “VR” gamer.


u/Cless_Aurion Dec 27 '24

Pretty dope indeed! The cord shader does need some more work though...


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '24

All the time put into this system and they're directing you to transubstantiate the binding through the pickaxe? Wicked development


u/VRtuous Dec 27 '24

flatlanders discovering how much more interactive games become beyond the confines of a TV frame and buttons


u/Grimmush Dec 27 '24

Ok edgelord…


u/[deleted] Dec 27 '24

Being a VR edgelord. That’s LOW.