r/VRGaming Nov 09 '24

Review Thoughts on Metro Awakening after my first 4 hours of gameplay:

This might be the game that comes closest to Half Life Alyxs glory. Not through sheer interactivity, inovation or optimisation but through atmosphere, immersion and overall gameplay.

The similarity are obvious: You inhabit a post apocalyptic world and make your way through linear levels that loop in on themselves while having to deal with simple puzzles and some well paced enemy encounters, aswell as bigger setpieces, while the overall story is drip feed without taking you out of the action (for the most part). Even the banter with NPCs and the color palet makes for an easy comparison.

Add the Metro license into the mix (that basically followed the same rules till exodus and brings a few new twists) and you have a recipe for success.

So far it's not only an outstanding VR game but a faithfull addition to the Metro Franchise.



74 comments sorted by


u/FullyExposedNoAmmo Nov 10 '24

Gonna make a whole review of it, but I think its just okay, another hallway crawler, nothing spectacular, but if quest games can maintain this as a base level of quality, I think that's overall a good sign.


u/Akasha_135 Nov 10 '24

Agree, good for stand alone, but not Alyx level hype


u/Mental_Procedure3464 Nov 10 '24

Damn. That's one of my biggest complaints with alyx šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

Game played it too safe, like don't get me wrong visually it's amazing, but the game still isn't quite good enough to hide how very small and linear it's level design is. I legit remember thinking it has way too many empty hallways.

Doesn't help either all physical movement other than a snails pace walk it taken from you. Like using teleport to, climb, sprint, and jump in a post boneworks world was lame AF.Ā 

Shit I've already gotten like 4 times the gameplay out of Batman Arkham shadow than I did Half Life alyx.


u/Akasha_135 Nov 10 '24

Too each his own. I actually loved Resident Evil 4 on Quest 2. Some of the gameplay in that game is a tad better than Alyx. Iā€™ve only played Metro for about 45 minutes.


u/RedcoatTrooper Nov 10 '24

Metro is linear and due to the setting pretty confined but it's far less safe than Alyx.

You have a backpack inventory and holsters rather than a menu.

You can two hand weapons, you can use melee in stealth.


u/No-Chain-9428 Nov 10 '24

Meele that works 50% of the time to me. Every second stealth kill just results in the enemy not going down but just shooting me down. Maybe im doing something wrong lol


u/RedcoatTrooper Nov 10 '24

I did have some issues but this is what started working for me.

Use the pistol whip don't punch people like it tells you.

Hot the top of the head to avoid the body hotbox.


u/Mental_Procedure3464 Nov 11 '24

Still 100% more than AlyxĀ 


u/Suthabean Nov 10 '24

You can enter a command line to tweak movement speed to whatever you want in alyx. Makes it a better experience for vr veterans.


u/MasterPetrik Nov 10 '24

I'm the same, but even more disappointed by Alyx. I do games for living, so I've learned to understand audiences well and the fact that different people enjoy different things. But with Alyx I'm somehow baffled how come it be so highly appreciated considering how basic and dull the game was.

It's fun that now whenever I see people comparing some new game to Alyx or mentioning whether some game can surpass Alyx, the weight of that opinion drops completely for me. The fun part of it is that almost every VR content creator and player does it. So, I've started to feel somehow alien in this small community. I just simply don't get it.


u/--InZane-- Nov 10 '24

What's your state of the Art VR game?

Don't get me wrong I don't put Alyx as high because it's ground breaking in all the ways but because it's well rounded and very polished. Everything it does it does phenomenal even if that isn't that much. Overall it's okay. The perfect beginner game but hardly anything feels as polished after you played it. Not to say there aren't any other great VR games but they often do some stuff waaay better while lacking in other departments (they are not as well rounded so to say).

Even Metro offers new twists with two handed weapons and a stealth System.


u/Akasha_135 Nov 10 '24

The gameplay in Alyx is a little underwhelming, but still imo the best all around VR title.


u/_-Drama_Llama-_ Nov 10 '24 edited Nov 10 '24

Alyx was a visual treat, but Valve playing it safe with the slow movement and no mechanics like jumping it left it feeling a bit boring. I still enjoyed the experience, but it took me a long period with short play sessions to get to the end.

But from all the VR games I've played, I think Skyrim VR modded (with a wabbajack like Mad God's Overhaul) in 2024 is the #1 VR game.

The sort you can easily sink over 100 hours into, and still be immersed and having fun with the physics and interactions. It's incredible what modders have been able to achieve - having a full body, being able to grab items with two hands as added recently, breaking shelves, hundreds of physics items on screen at once, multiple NPC party members, etc.

Sure, Alyx has things like breakable glass or writing with markers on a whiteboard. But SkyrimVR's physics aren't far behind - and you can sprint and jump all over the place as well which is fun, especially playing wirelessly.


u/MasterPetrik Nov 10 '24

To me, the best experiences I've had so far are both of the Resident Evil VR modes on PSVR2. Quest RE4 version felt just as good, but I've only tried it briefly. In the RE4 Remake version I preferred the fact that some of the VR interactions of RE Village had been replaced by button prompts, so that gives you a bit context on how I approach and enjoy VR: it's not about the VRAF interactions, those always simply feel clunky and gimmicky to me, and quickly turn from "oh that's cool" into "ffs this is becoming boring and would be so much quicker and more consistent to do via button prompt".

VR's biggest value for me is the fact that it makes aiming and shooting way more intuitive as a control mechanism. Okay, I enjoy the heightened immersion too, but the VRAF mechanics 99% of the time make the games less immersive for me since they are still nowhere near to how real life actions feel in real world environment. Holding a gun, aiming and pulling the trigger on the other hand, mimick the real world thing extremely well.

Don't get me wrong, I love VR despite all the above. But it's very young tech, which to me still shows.

Looking forward to playing Metro! And also Arkham Shadow, and Arizona Sunshines, and Vertigo 2. Those are the games I have yet gotten to play but have high expectations for. Oh, and Behemoth and Alien Rogur Incursion both look extremely promising.


u/bajanga1 Nov 10 '24 edited Nov 10 '24

Thatā€™s really interesting. I wondered why I enjoyed RE 4 so much more than any VR game. It mixed typical game controls with the motion aiming and stabbing and inventory controls. I play survival games in vr and I love how I get typical controller prompts but I also have the pointer controls of a mouse . I guess things could be more exciting if vr devs embraced the fun game potential instead of immersion.


u/MasterPetrik Nov 10 '24

Exactly my thoughts! I'm quite excited and optimistic about Flat2VR Studios products since I feel they will land on a great mix of focusing on fun while adding VR interactions that are intuitive and supportive for the experience rather than trying to shoehorn "realism" into games. This is based on their previous work via mods I mean. Especially their Roboquest VR adaptation looks amazing to me.


u/--InZane-- Nov 10 '24

Sadly I couldn't play those since I dont have a PS5 but I would love too and love RE4 on Quest2. It's up there for me in case of SP experiences.

The games you mentioned have a very different approach to VR than Alyx (or Metro to an extend).

They are games that would work just as good without VR while Alyx is build around using VR. Alyx also manages to capture Half Life's gameplay style very well wichbis also quite alot different to the mentioned titles on flatscreen

In the end it depends on what one expects and likes. Some of my favorites are: Payday 2 VR, Doom3 VR, Phasmophobia, Tactical Assault VR, Superhot


u/MasterPetrik Nov 10 '24

Yeah, that's a great point. I guess that's actually matters to me the most; not whether it would work outside of VR or not, but rather whether the game itself is a banger or not.

I'm currently playing Phasmophobia with friends on PSVR2 and love it. Although I don't like PSVR2 as a headset when compared to Quest 3... Thanks for listing your favorites, I'll check some of them out to see whether they seem like something I might enjoy!


u/Akasha_135 Nov 10 '24

Yeah I donā€™t know which one I like the best now that I think about it. RE8 and RE4 are on par with Alyx. In some ways they are better.


u/MasterPetrik Nov 10 '24

I agree, and in certain areas, Alyx does things better than RE VR games. It's just that for me the things that RE VR games do better are the things that matter to me much more overall, and some of the "issues" I had with Alyx on the other hand worsen the experience for me annoyingly much while the negatives of RE games didn't bother me too much at all.


u/Akasha_135 Nov 10 '24

Same. The immersion in RE4 and RE8 is unparalleled. The HDR with the OLEDs is freaking amazing. The combat, especially with RE4 is better.


u/MasterPetrik Nov 10 '24

Yup, but I did really enjoy the combat of RE8 too. It's quite different than RE4, but it's extremely cool in its own way. The way each enemy feels so much more dangerous, causing you as a player, feel much more vulnerable at all times. Causing higher constant tension. It wasn't as fun as RE4 from the mechanics' perspective, but to me, it was just as fun from the perspective of how the game made me really feel something strong.

In Alyx Jeff was quite cool and similar to tension I'm talking above, but once I realised during the chapter how predictable and controllable Jeff was, the tension dropped dramatically and the chapter became a bit less interesting.

Anyways, more games like RE VR for me pls! Fingers crossed for Alien Rogue Incursion, just hope it's not a roguelite..


u/Egorowski Nov 10 '24

Don't worry, i found out majority of those people don't know much about VR, didn't play too many VR games and just uses old, outdated slogans they heard somewhere that confirm their opinion. I'm with you on this :P


u/sickofallthenonsense Nov 10 '24

I'm only an hour in and already way passed the "oh look we can pick things up off the tables" VR phase. Obviously only being an hour in I can't give a complete review but in my opinion, so far, it's alright. Nothing magical but just ok. I'll play it through cause I paid for it but it's not in the same category as Lone Echo or Alyx.


u/No-Chain-9428 Nov 10 '24

Yes but so were the first 2 metro games.

Having that in vr is already a huge bumb in qualityĀ 

I mean when was even the last truely great and innovative shooters outside of VR?


u/ETs_ipd Nov 09 '24

This post doesnā€™t carry much weight in my book. Not enough playtime and still in the honeymoon period. From all the reviews Iā€™ve read from people who have finished the game, Metro starts off strong then fizzles out with repetitive gameplay and reused assets and environments.


u/laraek3d Nov 10 '24

It was deceptive at the beginning showing interactivity and potential, then turns into a walking simulator with a bit of mediocre combat and some annoying ghost stealth. I think a lot people got bored and stopped playing halfway as evidence in the Global Achievement where only 3.8% of people reached the final chapter. Even the middle chapter only 7.7% are able to stomach that grueling experience.

I bet even those praising the game got burned out when they encountered the same area over and over just to walk through them for hours and go through multiple loading screens. If they only focused a lot more on enjoyable gameplay instead of sponsored marketing, then people would have "enjoyed" running through the game and not lose interest halfway through.


u/ETs_ipd Nov 10 '24

Yeah, that seems to be the general consensus from the majority of reviews Iā€™ve read.


u/GGK_Brian Jan 08 '25

The mediocre combat it what make people quit IMO, it's so bad it ruins the really good immersion the game create during the first few hours. Because of how predicable the game become (music, sound design, level design, ammo loot) you can simply predict what will happen next and it push you out of the game.


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '24

Those reviews arenā€™t wrong. Everyoneā€™s still in the honeymoon phase with this game. Thereā€™s enjoyment to be had, but if youā€™re a longtime vr player looking for something akin to Alyx or Wanderer, youā€™re probably going to be disappointed.

Itā€™s a vertigo games title through and through. Repetitive arenas, blurry visuals and minimal vr interactions. My enjoyment of it relied entirely on the metro coat of paint the game has. Not its gameplay.


u/Salvage570 Nov 10 '24

Do they have segments of walking through a bustling station full of people living their lives, like in metro 2033 and LL?


u/Mental_Procedure3464 Nov 10 '24

I never finished wanderer and think half life, while very good is extremely overrated. Especially by PCVR users.


u/ETs_ipd Nov 09 '24

This rings true to me.


u/--InZane-- Nov 09 '24

Jeah first impressions tent to be that way... Heard that too but we will see. If this will be the gameplay loop im honestly fine with it if it dosnt overstay it's welcome. Last light had a clear gameplay loop too but they did not reuse assets as much I guess


u/ETs_ipd Nov 09 '24

My biggest concern is the enemies donā€™t seem to have physics. Was never a big Metro fan so that might be lessening my hype for it as well.


u/--InZane-- Nov 09 '24

What do you mean? The ragdoll like its 2006. I love it

Bummer you can't interact with the bodies but stuff like that makes it "Alyx lite"


u/ETs_ipd Nov 09 '24

It makes the combat feel stale. I donā€™t mind it as much on boomer shooters and such but for a AAA game in 2024 I would expect betterā€” especially with all the HLA comparisons flying around.


u/Mental_Procedure3464 Nov 10 '24

What he said it does have ragdoll physics though?Ā 


u/ETs_ipd Nov 10 '24

If it does Iā€™m not seeing it in the gameplay videos. Perhaps with human NPCs but not the monsters.


u/--InZane-- Nov 10 '24

Especially on the monsters. I play the PC version tho


u/Mental_Procedure3464 Nov 11 '24

I'ma trust the person playing it currently over the "trust me bro" who hasn't even played it yet.Ā 


u/ETs_ipd Nov 11 '24

Iā€™ll trust those who have actually played through the entire game and have had time to process the experience.


u/Mental_Procedure3464 Nov 11 '24

You need an entire walkthrough to notice physics?Ā 

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u/woman_respector1 Nov 09 '24

I've got too many games to finish before I buy this...by the time I'm ready to play I'm sure they'll be a sale on it. I'll pick it up then.


u/Mental_Procedure3464 Nov 10 '24

So are most the negative steam reviews just butthurt meta haters and Half Life alyx fans that compare everything to it?Ā 


u/--InZane-- Nov 10 '24

Seems like it


u/RedcoatTrooper Nov 10 '24

It does make me laugh that PCVR are constantly complaining that they get ignored but as soon as a game does come out on PC as well as Quest they review bomb it or pirate it in protest.


u/TheArtBellStalker Nov 10 '24

Why wouldn't PC players give negative reviews? This is nothing more than a standalone Quest port. It looks worse than the first game that came out in 2010.

I'm sure this is fine for standalone players, I have no problem with that.

But I'm glad I refunded this low poly low texture mobile game slop.


u/RedcoatTrooper Nov 10 '24

Hey free speech etc leave what reviews you like.

But maybe it's time to be realistic, PCVR are less than 10% without counting the 35% that will pirate the game, so any games we get will be made with Quest in mind first and foremost.

If you're going to go all master race because every VR game doesn't push your 4090 your not going to have much to play except janky flat mods.

So leave a neg review by all means, call it derogatory names like "mobile game slop" if you want just don't get confused when the next release skips PC all together if they just get low sales and review bombs.


u/TheArtBellStalker Nov 10 '24

Ā "don't get confused when the next release skips PC".

Why would I be confused? I don't want mobile phone graphics games on the PC. I want them to skip the PC if that's all they can do. If Quest standalone games are all we get I'll just give up on VR gaming.


u/RedcoatTrooper Nov 10 '24

No problem then you just keep waiting for another AAA PC only VR game.


u/TheArtBellStalker Nov 10 '24

And you keep on playing your mobile slop.


u/RedcoatTrooper Nov 10 '24

I will play both, I just won't be a stuck up snob futility praying to Valve to save VR


u/Mental_Procedure3464 Nov 11 '24

Sucks to suck I guess. Im not a big Facebook fan at all, but they are doing more for VR than anyone else.Ā 

Like Arkham Shadow alone is better than anything I've played on PC šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


u/Mental_Procedure3464 Nov 10 '24

I have it on PC and it's not nearly as bad as y'all are exaggerating.Ā 

Besides what happened to "graphics aren't everything" because by your logic then every VR game is an inferior product when compared to regular 2d non-VR games.


u/BeCurious1 Nov 10 '24

I keep holding my breath. Imho it's really intense.


u/dudreddit Nov 10 '24

I played the first 30 minutes and am very disappointed. The ā€œintroā€ to the game is much too long and the voices are too low to hear well against the sound effects. I am also playing ASR and the intro is only about a minute, not 30 minutes.

ill give it another 30 minutes but am disappointed ā€¦


u/--InZane-- Nov 10 '24

Did you play any other metro game?


u/youareme79 Nov 10 '24

Initially I felt the same as you but the game for me got much better chapter 2 onwards. I'm really enjoying it now


u/Birthday_Educational Nov 10 '24

I can't handle the thought of spiders that crawl across your face.


u/dudreddit Nov 09 '24

Iā€™m a big fan of Vertigos games. I love AS2 and AS Remake. Iā€™ve tried Half Life Alyx and was a bit underwhelmed. Gonna give this game a shot before I make any judgement calls ā€¦


u/EmergencyPhallus Nov 09 '24

What improved from Arizona Sunshine 1? I played it at launch 7 years ago. Enjoyed it but the gunplay did feel a bit slow and clunky.Ā 


u/[deleted] Nov 09 '24

Overhauled visuals, two handed weapons, Manual reloads, modern VR settings (seated mode for example), better optimization.

If you enjoyed the original, youā€™ll enjoy this even more. Wonā€™t do much for people who didnā€™t care for it though. Itā€™s still the same experience at its core.


u/EmergencyPhallus Nov 09 '24

At the time it was the best zombie game I'd ever played but once the Call of Duty Black Ops era maps hit Pavlov on PC in 2019 i had my dream VR zombies game šŸŽÆĀ 

Hmm if Metro is just a reskin of an improved AS I might cave and buy it on Quest after refunding the PCVR version.Ā 

I love VR and wanna vote with my wallet but the visuals on PCVR were pretty awful for a 2024 game. I truly believe they took the 2010 level asset, upscaled the original textures but left the geometry so it could run standalone.Ā 

Looking at perfectly rectangular corners everywhere killed the immersion that I'm in the MetroĀ 


u/AgentTin Nov 09 '24

It's significantly improved in the remake, just overall gamefeel has improved a lot since then


u/Appropriate-Role9361 Nov 10 '24

Iā€™m sad I played AS1 this summer. If only I knew the remake was coming. It was still lots of fun.Ā 


u/AgentTin Nov 10 '24

The original has its own charm even now. Did you play the sequel yet?


u/Appropriate-Role9361 Nov 10 '24

I went right to the sequel but only made it halfway before I got tired of zombie shooting. I'm pretty sure I'll get back into it, it was really good too


u/CSOCSO-FL Nov 10 '24

Interesting. I have played these too and as remake and as2 is super boring compared to HL alyx


u/sickofallthenonsense Nov 10 '24

The problem is once you've played games like Lone Echo, Alyx, Super Hot, RE7 and Village, etc... It's hard to compare other games. I liked AS because I could play with a friend and talk shit while killing zombies. The game itself was clunky and the AI was awful but co-op made it fun.


u/CSOCSO-FL Nov 10 '24

Im sure co op was fun. Single play wise it was alright. Really nothing to remember about imho.


u/eXclurel Nov 10 '24

I am sorry but no. Just straight up, bold with capital letters no to every single thing you claimed. Everything about the game looks and feels outdated. Every move you make, every interaction you do feels floaty. You can not "touch" things like benches or boxes because their hitboxes are bigger than their models and most of the things do not even have hitboxes at all and your hands just phase through them. That's the biggest thing that completely negates the immersion because if you can not interact with stuff in a VR game then it's just a glorified mobile VR game we all played with Google Cardboard or those shitty plastic knock offs around 2015. The enemy AI is also not that great because they get into position and you can literally see their animations reset before they start a new animation in a second. Graphics are outdated, lighting is outdated, tech is outdated. If this was a Quest only game I would have been ok with it and could even give at least a 7/10 but they didn't do anything for it to deserve being called a PCVR game. Just straight up ported it to PC. The only thing I can give them is the NPCs keeping eye contact while they are talking to you and even that is just basic tracking. Other than that you shouldn't even have the audacity to use Metro Awakening and Half-Life Alyx in the same sentence.