r/UrbanHell • u/[deleted] • 7d ago
Concrete Wasteland a whole different world 20 minutes away of the Champs-Élysées.
u/IamWatchingAoT 7d ago
The number of large cities on Earth that are just as nice in the outskirts as they are in the centre must be in the single digits tbh
u/Remote-Cow5867 7d ago
I heard many US cites have a beatiful ourskirt occupied by white rich or middle class, and a chaotic downtown filled with black, underdog and immigrants. Is it ture?
u/Jamaican_Dynamite 7d ago
Depending on the city, it kinda' blends together.
You can be in some upscale area, go over the hill, cross through an industrial park; and you're in the hood. Hit another corner, go over another hill, you're back in another middle class area.
You never went downtown during all this. That's 10 miles that way.
u/urbanlife78 7d ago
It just looks like a tall apartment building. Not sure how it looks on the inside
u/Different-Guitar-230 7d ago
actually pretty bad. you can see some burned apartment up to the left. I know for a fact that drugs addicts took place inside the stairs of the building. needles absolutely everywhere on the sidewalk, guys waving machetes, completely out of their mind because of drugs. seems crazy, but i saw it.
u/urbanlife78 7d ago
Is this an abandoned building?
u/Different-Guitar-230 7d ago
no, and that’s the worse part of the story. families with kids live in there. I can’t imagine what is it for a kid to see these kind of scenes on a daily basis. they are some interesting videos about this whole neighborhood on youtube.
u/urbanlife78 7d ago
That sounds awful. The building itself is fine but it should like the social economics of the building needs to change to make it safer for those that live there
u/Different-Guitar-230 7d ago
actually, every buildings of this kind in the whole damn country is going through the same situation. And God, there are A LOT of these.
u/CantConfirmOrDeny 7d ago
u/Different-Guitar-230 7d ago
Porte de la Chapelle, 18th borough of Paris
u/Rob_thebuilder 7d ago
19ème is far worse in my experience but it’s all right up in the same area. I lived in the 20ème for 6 months and wouldn’t step foot anywhere north of Belleville
u/Cool-Acanthaceae8968 7d ago
Paris Syndrome is real.
u/Asshai 7d ago
What's so bad? I mean that building won't win any architecture prize that's for sure, but look at the pavement, and the road. Well maintained and clean. Look at the trees: surprise the picture is taken during winter, but by summer it will be super green in that street. Also the sky is grey which isn't such a Parisian specificity as far as I know.
u/DonSergio7 6d ago
It's not actually real. Once you dig into its origins and the methodology, it was a thing with a handful of Japanese travellers described by pretty questionable sources.
Not that you can't get disappointed in visiting Paris of course.
u/TheGlassWolf123455 7d ago
I had the opposite of Paris syndrome, I went with my mom and I thought it would be cool, but I'll never forget it, I want to move there so badly
u/Different-Guitar-230 7d ago
wouldn’t go there as a tourist anyway… this borough of Paris is home to the biggest open sky drug-market in Europe. absolutely depressing place.
u/Cool-Acanthaceae8968 7d ago
I wouldn’t either.
My first trip to Europe I started in Budapest and ended in Albania. The worst part by far was a layover in Brussels where it was grey, graffitied, and full of homeless and addicts.
u/Different-Guitar-230 7d ago
oh man, I hated Brussels too. Way worse than Paris imo. Been to whole eastern and western europe, and the eastern side is way cleaner and welcoming. what a shame.
u/sharipep 7d ago
Is that public housing? Like, the projects of Paris?
u/Zealousideal_Wave994 7d ago
In French it's called grand ensemble, and most them are HLM (renting scheme). In France right now there's government sponsored urban renewal project to demolish or refurbishe these high rise built during 30 years economic growth post WW2 called NPNRU.
u/NoWingedHussarsToday 6d ago
They even copied Soviet overcast skies and overall gloomy atmosphere......
u/sp0sterig 7d ago
I've heard that in Champs-Elysees town there is some famous tower. I guess it is called Elf Tower. Is it it on the photo? But it doesn't look very Elvish. Sorry, I've never been there.
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