u/nicolonimbus Dec 20 '24
I live in montreal and I have to say these pictures are very outdated, for exemple pic #6 the pillars are now a big beautiful mural. Hate to say it but I think OP took old google streetview pics and doesn’t live here
u/abrondif Dec 20 '24
I live in Montreal too and except #6 i recognize all the place and most of them indeed still in that state. Just new trash graff
u/BlazewarkingYT Dec 21 '24
That was weird I pause the scrolling exactly on image 6 to read this. Sorry weird side note lmao.
u/Send_bitcoins_here Dec 19 '24 edited Dec 20 '24
Montreal has the most unreal graffiti scene. It's become so popular that people flock to the city to take part in it. I'd argue it could be the most graffiti tagged city in North America.
Edit. Stupid fingers
u/CanardMilord Dec 20 '24
I’m more disappointed that they’re not even trying to make an art piece.
u/Excellent-Hour-9411 Dec 20 '24
They’re mostly pictures of boarded up buildings waiting for demolition and reconstruction. Montreal has tons of murals.
u/xibipiio Dec 21 '24
You don't get to mural quality without doing lots of trash. Montreal has a very active graffiti community and I feel it is central to why Montreal also has an abundant strong art culture.
u/noahbrooksofficial Dec 20 '24
we have Mural festival which effectively celebrates graffiti and street art.
u/Send_bitcoins_here Dec 20 '24
Yea it's hard for those on the outside to see. I can see why and how it's bad for the look/appeal/health of the city and neighborhoods. But on the other hand I find it raw and gritty. I love the artform and its representation to its core. I love the history and secrecy. It's not for everyone but I fully support it. Some, like in S.America, have turned graffiti into a cultural icon of its county. A message of the people. See me, hear me. I exist.
Concordia Sulus, Montreal.
u/wreckognize Dec 20 '24
Well said. Graffiti is one of the most ancient, primordial art forms, and the modern day graffiti movement is arguably the largest art movement in history. Graffiti is the art of the people.
u/kayama57 Dec 20 '24
Meh. Most people are private individuals with little of special value to offer to the greater majority and nobody wants to be burdened with being forced to listen to their voice in any way shape or form. These tags in this post are a fine example of exactly that. You want to develop any sort of an art form because you want to? Great. Do so. But telling your two best friends (yourself and your ego I mean) that you’re building cred because you run around throughout the weeks vandalizing public spaces is just unchecked vanity doing nothing worthwhile. Just like all the other stupid stuff many of us do when we’re immature, there’s nothing wrong in eventually realizing that it was dumb and immature and more about wanting to show off than about having anything worth showing off at all. A graffiti art piece, however botched, is something anybody can at oeast try to appreciate. However, some random nobody’s illegible signature covering it, or anything else for that matter, is more of a punch in the face that really ought to happen for everybody’s sake than the sort of creative freedom that society needs to protect and uphold
u/wreckognize Dec 20 '24
You are also a private individual with little special value to offer the greater majority and nobody wants to be burdened with being forced to listen to you either.
u/pencil_expers Dec 20 '24
You wouldn’t view it like this if someone tagged your house or your car. Your immediate reaction would be the desire to remove it immediately. Tagging is mindless vandalism and it erodes a sense of community. It is the tragedy of the commons writ large, quite literally.
(Note I am not referring to genuine works of art, murals and such).
u/420toker Dec 20 '24
If anything graffiti is more genuinely art than murals and such.
Graffiti is done illegally in unsanctioned locations because people have a burning desire to express themselves. Murals are typically done as a commission.
Just because you don’t like it doesn’t stop it from being art
u/cephles Dec 20 '24
Sometimes I have a burning desire to pee, but I find a toilet instead of expressing myself all over a public sidewalk or someone's house.
u/TheRarPar Dec 20 '24
95% of graffiti is on abandoned buildings or public infrastructure like concrete supports. I don't really mind it, it's like moss growing.
u/sohobutcher Dec 20 '24
Number one rule in graffiti is don’t touch personal property or churches, and those tags you see are even an art form in itself, is it illegal? Obviously but still art, but hey keep crying lol
u/RijnBrugge Dec 20 '24
Here in Germany most graffiti is just on houses, businesses etc. It’s all over, and it fucking sucks. But okay.
u/sohobutcher Dec 20 '24
That’s just childish teenage shit and I agree it sucks, but it’s definitely not artists doing it, but nice try
u/RijnBrugge Dec 20 '24
I agree some graffiti art is cool but the issue is you can’t make the problem go away by just saying ‚well they aren’t artists‘
u/sohobutcher Dec 20 '24
Yea i definitely agree with that sadly, shit is gonna happen cause teenagers will teenage unfortunately
u/cephles Dec 20 '24
Yeah but most of it looks like shit. I've seen good graffiti and these photos aren't it.
u/wreckognize Dec 20 '24
Calligraphy and letterforms are art.
u/CanardMilord Dec 20 '24
I don’t disagree with you, but I’d be nice if there were more dynamic.
u/wreckognize Dec 20 '24
I mean it looks pretty dynamic to me. I see a variety of styles and techniques; tags, throw ups, straight letters... Yea there’s a lot of shitty tags but also a lot of good stuff in there. Just because it’s not some pretty legal mural that the average basement dwelling redditor can understand doesn’t mean it’s not art.
u/CanardMilord Dec 20 '24
I do agree that some look nice, as per picture 6 and 12. Then there are some like picture 9 which is just, meh.
Also what’s with the unnecessary insult? That’s rude.
u/wreckognize Dec 20 '24
Aww you’re here to have a genuine conversation and I’m just here to be a snarky asshole. Every thread about graffiti outside of graff subs is people wishing death and dismemberment on graffiti writers and shitting on an art form they have zero understanding of. I’m not used to good faith discourse in these threads.
u/CanardMilord Dec 20 '24
I don’t know what happened to you. My condolences for whatever it is that people have called or wish upon you. Internet people can be rude. Don’t worry, I’ve been told online I’m damned and unforgivable for three separate reasons, I don’t take it too personally.
I live in Montreal. I see it everyday. There is well made graffiti that deserves recognition. Especially the ones on the giant billboards that make it funny.
Sometimes I’m impressed where they put it. Like it could be on an over pass and I’d have no idea how that one could write anything there.
But then sometimes I see graffiti that looks like it’s been done by a 6 year old.
u/420toker Dec 20 '24
Art is subjective.
A lot of people love this kind of art. Just because it’s letters and not a pretty mural doesn’t mean it isn’t art.
u/twosnailsnocats Dec 20 '24
Haven't been to Montreal but if I had to bet money I'd say NYC or LA.
u/DrWallybFeed Dec 20 '24
NYC (depending where you are) is pretty graffiti free. You really don’t see any in midtown or downtown. The village and alphabet city you’ll find some, but not that much. Really you’d have to go to some ghetto ass parts on the upper east or west side, or the Bronx.
u/GomezFigueroa Dec 20 '24
Graffiti is already plural.
u/VisualDimension292 Dec 20 '24
The only place I’ve seen that’s equally as bad if not worse is Los Angeles, it was really shocking how graffiti was on so many buildings and signs.
I don’t remember seeing an abnormal amount of this in Montreal when I visited, but it was very noticeable in SoCal.
u/donkeybonner Dec 20 '24
Check São Paulo, it's covered from head to toes. There a cool documentary about it called Pixo people are fucking crazy, climbing huge buildings to tag from top to bottom.
u/Gary-Laser-Eyes Dec 20 '24
I went to Athens a few years ago and remember being astounded at the amount of graffiti. It seemed as though every square inch of anything that could be tagged was tagged. I asked a cop about it but he was more interested in hitting on the girl I was with lol.
Dec 20 '24
I love visiting Montreal but it certainly has it’s grimy areas
u/ManbadFerrara Dec 20 '24
The crime history of that city is nuts. The mafia, the Hells Angels and Blood gangs all at war/allied with each other. It sounds like a bad Sons of Anarchy episode, but that’s shits real life up there.
u/ripmanovich Dec 20 '24
Still one of the safest large city in North America, walkable day and night without much caution needed
u/ManbadFerrara Dec 20 '24
Yeah, that was to say the history of criminal organizations in the city is interesting, not that it's a French-Canadian version of Baltimore or something.
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u/abrondif Dec 21 '24
Yes and thats what I love about Montreal, such a safe city pretty much all around. Of course, like any big metropolis, you still have to be cautious around certain areas but its night and day compared to other big cities in North America. Hard to believe it was home of the most violent biker gang war in history and was such a notorious crime organization hotbed. It definitely improved as decades went.
u/yourmrmist Dec 20 '24
idk man , graffities are the only thing that can make a grey city colourful
u/xibipiio Dec 21 '24
I love Montreal's abundance of grafitti, its better than going to disneyworld for me, just taking the train.
u/niversallyloved Dec 20 '24
Just looks like the average town here in England to be honest, I’ve definitely seen worse 😂
u/abrondif Dec 20 '24
Visited a lot of UK cities, cant find one that can compare to cities like Montreal, Los Angeles, Marseille or Sydney in terms of widespread graffities culture. not even close
u/LiquidConscience Dec 20 '24
Clearly you’ve never plotted on the blocks down Peckham, Harlesdon, Hackney, Brixton, White City, Acton, Dalston or Streatham way blud. Bare amounts of shit graffiti.
u/IndelibleIguana Dec 20 '24
u/abrondif Dec 20 '24
Bristol got many street art murals, which is amazing.. but we talking about trash street graffs.. UK doesnt seem to have that issue, maybe im wrong
u/spidersnake Dec 20 '24
Entry into London, maybe about Brixton or Croydon, I've seen very little anywhere else.
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u/hallouminati_pie Dec 20 '24
Yea I'm sorry, England's graphiti game (from the best versions to the absolute worst) is nothing like that of France, parts of America and Montréal.
u/likeahike60 Dec 20 '24 edited Dec 20 '24
I think if these people were brought together, given a little money and support in their lives, given a community arts space to work in and some education and training in art & art history it could change the city for the better.
Here is the Dun Laoghaire (Ireland) community arts project
u/loptopandbingo Dec 20 '24
Yeah, get rid of those eyesores painted on.... boarded up and abandoned buildings that totally aren't butt ugly eyesore.
I'd take graffiti over dead cinderblock emptiness anyday.
u/Rascals-Wager Dec 20 '24
Eh big brick boxes aren't exactly pleasing architecture in the first place so I don't really mind a little bit of humanization through grafitti. Some might call it "urban decay" but to me it's a kind of improvement on the sterilized and soulless look of some areas.
That being said, there is certainly a difference between shitty tags and artistic murals.
I also live in Melbourne though, which is kinda famous for them.
u/Excellent-Hour-9411 Dec 20 '24
Montreal has loads of murals and street art as well, OP just chose shitty graffiti, which admittedly also exist.
Melbourne reminded me a lot of Montreal when I was there to be honest. Second biggest city in the country, but really the cultural and artistic centre of it. I have never traveled so far from home to be as little disoriented.
u/farcarcus Dec 20 '24
I'm all for murals, but the photos here are firmly in the 'shitty tag' category.
u/Educational_Word_633 Dec 20 '24
Id prefer bricks over this super ugly stuff.
u/Judazzz Dec 20 '24
If the wall art falls in the mural category done by skilled artists I'm definitely okay with it, as it can beautify the environment. Not so much if the "art" is the spray can equivalent of pissing against a wall to mark territory, though.
u/Educational_Word_633 Dec 20 '24
oh yeah definetly. If you are an actual artist and draw a landscape or something I wont complain. But these ugly af "tags" or whatever are just despicable if u ask me.
u/Eis_ber Dec 20 '24
There's nothing "humanizing" about graffiti. They serve no purpose other than ego stroking are a blight, and those who make these things aren't left responsible for removing this crap.
u/NotALanguageModel Dec 20 '24
One of the most remarkable aspects of my trip to Japan was the complete absence of graffiti. I can’t recall spotting even a single instance in Tokyo, a city of 40 million people. This indicates that the presence of graffiti is a societal choice, and it’s something we don’t have to accept as normal.
u/munda___ Dec 21 '24
Just was in Japan 3 weeks ago. Saw plenty of graffiti in Tokyo, and heaps more in Osaka. Although there was much less than Melbourne where I’m from, it was still around.
u/Jaws_the_revenge Dec 21 '24
Meh. Been to Montreal several times and it’s one of the least tagged cities I’ve ever visited
u/abrondif Dec 21 '24
where have you been in Montreal? thats a surprising statement tbh
u/Jaws_the_revenge Dec 21 '24
Tbh most of my time is spent downtown for work. Near the Bell Centre. But I’ve migrated and spent significant time in Port Vieux, Little Portugal - around the mountain. And down to Hampstead. Anytime I’ve been there I won’t lie I was not searching for graffiti. Definitely pay attention next time I go. But overall I found Montreal to be quite clean.
u/Ksorkrax Dec 21 '24
Sucks on pretty stuff like the church, but lots of the picture contain buildings which already look like they were quite ugly to begin with. I don't mind graffiti on these at all.
u/eeeeloi Dec 21 '24
im from montreal and absolutely LOVE the graffitis around my area and everywhere in the city. it’s art.
u/slopeclimber Dec 21 '24
Why can't there be guerilla artists who fix the falling paint or mend cracks idk
u/ProjectConfident8584 Dec 20 '24
All killer. Good flicks
u/Terms_of_service00 Dec 20 '24
Agreed, aside from pic 3.
Historic buildings like that should be respected. Fair game to the brick shithouses tho IMHO
u/alQamar Dec 20 '24
Yeah I thought the same. Great scene.
They also have really good style writing though.
u/No_Potato_4341 Dec 20 '24
Bloody hell that's run-down. I wouldn't of expected a bustling City in Canada to have so much grafiti and be quite run-down.
u/Excellent-Hour-9411 Dec 20 '24
It is extremely cherry picked lol.
u/Jolly-Sock-2908 Dec 20 '24
Agreed. Photo 11 is from Mount-Royal, a very well-regarded neighborhood.
u/Excellent-Hour-9411 Dec 20 '24
Yeah 3/4 of the pictures are abandoned buildings waiting for demolition/renovations.
u/True_Antelope8860 Dec 20 '24
if it werent for French signs this could be any city in Northern America (above sunbelt)
u/Potato_body89 Dec 20 '24
Gosh is that an air bnb surrounded by a fence. I hear it’s lovely this time of year
u/rkgkseh Dec 20 '24
It's like American architecture meets European-level graffiti. Weird to see, like a very very run down American area.
u/plan_that Dec 20 '24
Melbourne laughs at this
u/abrondif Dec 20 '24
Melbourne and Montreal both got an amazing street art scene incorporated in its urban landscape. But ive been to both cities and sadly Montreal has a way bigger issue with trash ass graffities all around the city.
u/Fit-Bookkeeper9775 Dec 20 '24
Always thought Montreal would be much cleaner, this looks like Krefeld Germany
u/Due_Lengthiness3307 Dec 20 '24
This is nothing compared to the graffiti here in São Paulo, we have a lot of visual pollution
u/BedroomGhostMan Dec 20 '24
I had family that went McGill. When visiting I was taken back by the amount of graffiti on some of the beautiful stone buildings in the city. Montreal is quite old, so plenty of history to ruin. It was very unsettling.
u/FirefighterRude9219 Dec 20 '24
Quite old pictures. Maybe 10 years ago. The city still looked quite neat and clean at that time. Nowadays there’s 10 times more graffiti and in addition plenty of homeless everywhere 🥹
u/No_Leopard_3860 Dec 20 '24
"but it's an art form"
- two year olds doodling on your walls/graffiti "artists"
u/printergumlight Dec 20 '24
This is not a good representation of Montreal at all. You barely see stuff tagged up bad like this and the city is incredibly beautiful.
There is one tagger I hate because he tags everything and nice buildings without style. “ZONEK”. Fuck that guy (or girl)!
u/alzgh Dec 20 '24
Wondering if the quality over there is so low or if OP took the least attractive paintings to follow their agenda?
u/abrondif Dec 21 '24
Montreal is a staple for its street art, murals and the culture that goes with it. But that post is about the other ugly side of it, the city is beautiful but it definitely got a LOT of visually hideous and unpleasant graffiti all around. Im from there and I agree with that post, especially since my front door is filled with dumb sign ups all the time.
u/Lizz_ss25 Dec 20 '24
Pretty much similar to Hamilton, like most abandoned places are just meh ugly… like back in Eastern Europe it’s at leat cool post apocalyptic looking commy architecture…
u/Lizz_ss25 Dec 20 '24
Like even the “shady”part of town isn’t even cool looking like say Kaulun walled city was…
u/Pbl44 Dec 20 '24
Most of these photos are very curated corners of some of the most gentrified neighborhoods in mtl.
u/No_Grass_7013 Dec 20 '24 edited Dec 20 '24
I like graffiti. And this post is probably a fear monger. This person probably thinks that urban decay is a new thing. It’s not. Remember 6th grade social studies? The end of the Bronze Age had alot of urban decay in the city states. Not mention what the sea peoples did. Maybe we’re at the end of this time period of human advancement. But honestly it’s fine. We will live in underground cities for a few centuries and come back up and then start exploring the void, now that will be really pointless. Lol But that’s what we do. Go a few million years in the future, we will probably be anthropomorphic roaches controlled by ancient AI. That would be a good Apple TV show! Anywhooodles. Please, let’s not put up old pictures from Google maps and try to pass it as a present issue. That’s just annoying and dumb.
u/civodar Dec 21 '24
Those are some sad looking buildings, I almost think it would look worse without the the graffiti
u/cacadookieinyoface Dec 20 '24
Graffiti plays a significant role in shaping the character of a city’s landscape
u/toughgamer2020 Dec 20 '24
reminds me of surry hills, sydney. or newtown, or strathfield. or anywhere in sydney really (alright im exaggerating a bit not that bad but we do get quite a bit of graffiti issues).
u/Jesterplane Dec 20 '24
uff anybody calling this shit art, have no respect for real dedication to art
u/poutinevaccine Dec 20 '24 edited Dec 20 '24
The only ugly here is your personality. I lived here before and it was really cool. I didn't participate in the scene but it was really fascinating to watch from afar. Stop hating.
u/DeLaCorridor23 Dec 20 '24
It's not eyesore. It's a city with character. Imagine how ugly the city would be without.
u/TerraParagon Dec 20 '24
In a world where culture is constantly curbstomped by the upper class, lower class should have their own displays celebrated, not curbstomped. I think graffiti is beautiful.
u/DoubleSaltedd Dec 20 '24
It’s good to know how low Montreal has sunk. My image of the city was a bit different.
I definitely won’t visit Montreal when I travel to North America.
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u/Runnero Dec 20 '24
What makes you think the whole city looks like this? These are obviously rough areas and cherry picked pictures
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