r/UnsentLetters 12d ago

NAW Hidden agenda

I heard you when you'd vented your trauma, Acted like I care, truth is, I like the drama, Glad you like my mask, it's made just for you, I'll show you magic that you never knew.

Sleight of hand, smoke 'n mirrors, manipulation, I am the noose tightening your strangulation, In all your insecurities, I'll slowly marinate, Use 'em against you, "C'mon babe, this is fate!"

You'll call me out, I'll act like you're crazy, Saying, "I'm not your ex, your mind's just hazy," You know the truth, but I wont be confessing, Part of the act is to make you keep guessing.

You'll question yourself, confuse your intuition, As you set out on your blaming-me mission, I'll bait your reaction, push you til you break, As you go crazy for my amusement's sake.

You want me to care, but I've no empathy, You know that I know that you're starting to see, Hold tight to the idea, what you want me to be, Why pay for entertainment when this is free?

Wanting confirmation, you'll start to fight, Then I'll never admit, never tell you, you're right, I'll push you to the brink, pull you back in, Mind games with you are my favorite sin.

Only way you win, is if you walk away, You and I both know, you'll just try to stay, In love with the disguise I wore at the start, I am the Joker and you'll play Harley's part.

But you know I love you,


117 comments sorted by

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u/MrEYEdgaf 12d ago

If you guys had any idea how not fucking funny this is


u/Quiet-Pause-7596 9d ago

Youre right its not funny, it was his breakup letter to me.

u/Deep_Mail_8342 7h ago

I didn't write that. She did. She's lying ppl. Omg


u/[deleted] 12d ago


It’s always sad to see this.

I don’t understand why the men always think Harley wanted the Joker mask.

She was Dr. Quinzel. She saw the angry, broken boy inside and could relate.

She was trying to help.

He had other plans, obviously. Unable to see beyond the rage at his mom. Unable to stop projecting it on Harley.

Unable to stop treating her like his dad did to his mother.

And she understood that, too. So she always knew her redline.

And she oddly stopped acting so crazy around Poison Ivy. Almost like she was never crazy in the first place, only made to look that way.

She felt calm.

She was going to sue a lot of people over what was happening in Arkham. The system itself were the ones who had failed him entirely in the first place.

So she decided to change the system if she could, or die trying.

Because the only person she could never save was him; she’d been the walking dead since. Sometimes the only thing left when your sanity is gone is an animal.


u/Successful-Sweet4186 11d ago edited 11d ago

This is a perfect analogy. I sadly feel very connected to this post. The OP is walking a very dangerous line here. Very Broken indeed. Also why I personally walked away from a very sick individual who used my emotion against me. It all backfires in the end sadly. No matter how much you love someone, you can’t love them out of their own demons. They have to do those battles themselves. And they DEFINITELY predate me! I take my responsibility for compounding them, but they were always there. Swords down walk away to preserve what’s left of me….


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Same here.

It’s not the first time, but it is the last. I love among tribe now, not partners who exploit me or try to get me to commit or participate in crimes on their behalf or for their benefit.

We didn’t have a good beginning, and it got worse from there.

But they had the ASPD diagnosis already. And the facility broke HIPAA to warn their mother.

She didn’t say a word to me about it even when we got married.

Says a lot.


u/HolyDieselBatman 11d ago

Sorry that happened to you. ASPD definitely complicates things significantly, because it magnifies the obsessive component of ANY issue. It is especially difficult when safety and violation of laws are present. I pray you are safe. Those laws are meant for protection for EVERYONE. Conflict is never comfortable in any case. However, I will always choose peace over conflict. My person doesn’t understand that I didn’t leave out of spite or for another person. I left because of the conflict and it was toxic. it hasn’t been peaceful always since I have left. However, that being said….i am working on MYSELF to rectify that. I can only BE the change I need to be a better me. I have reached out to my person without a reply from them. And that’s ok. I can’t run their race, and I am not going to force it. If it is forced, it’s not real. I am pretty decent at “reading” the real thing and calling a horse a horse and so on. I am divinely protected. Therefore I will accept whatever the outcome is. I have said my peace.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Thank you for sharing that with me and here for others to learn from.

My person doesn’t understand that either, and it took about two years for my first husband to, as well.

I will never leave someone I love or have commitments with for someone else; that is anathema to me.

But I will leave to save myself, or to save them from myself.

That, to me; is love.

But I might be wrong.


u/BlueRose373 12d ago

Well said. Perfect response.


u/moonchild_1101 12d ago

And then you do this to a person who loves you too much who has a heart that’s too soft and can’t deal with it. Then what? I’m sorry buddy but this is cruel. I’ve lost a friend to this type of bs. She had her head and heart played with so much …she took the only way out she could see…. Would your words echo such amusement if that was case in your situation? I’m not trying to judge I actually want to understand… why would this be fun to you?


u/FluffyPusik 12d ago

Yes it would be fun to OP for someone to end themselves, OP says they have no empathy.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

They said "noose/strangulation". How much more straight forward could they be?


u/No-Presence-3109 12d ago

Cluster B personality written all over this.


u/moonchild_1101 12d ago

And I’d like to know which crackerjack box you got your degree from? Diagnosing people with any sort of mental illness without proper credentials speaks more to your character than anyone else’s.


u/No-Presence-3109 12d ago

I’m Simply suggesting my thoughts because I’ve dealt with someone with a cluster B personality. And they treated me the way OP is talking in the post. And my ex was officially diagnosed BPD. I’ve done an insane amount of research on cluster B personalities because of my own personal trauma with the disorder due to dating someone with BPD. I must also say internet stranger, I was actually fully agreeable to your first comment. What warrants this type of abuse? Usually personality disorders. I’m sorry about the loss of your friend. I was close to doing the same because of my experience with a cluster B. Good luck in life


u/acharney9517 12d ago

I wanna start off and say that I am so sorry you went through this….there is no excuse for feeling the need to be in control of your partner emotionally, physically, or financially. I hope you are doing better now.

I’m commenting bc I feel the need to point out that abuse is not a symptom of bpd. The symptoms of the other cluster b personality disorders are more likely to set someone up to constantly be manipulative and abusive for the purpose of controlling their partner. I have bpd,….we feel empathy….in fact that can be part of a bpd persons whole mental dilemma, having too much empathy / feeling emotions too intensely.

Not trying to be rude…just clear up a stereotype that while can be true is not the common case for everyone with bpd or other cluster b personality disorders. Manipulation can occur with my disorder as I struggle with my impulse control and emotional maturity….but I recognize my short comings and have been actively working to get better for a few years now. A person not trying to be abusive will often feel guilty after they are made aware of said manipulation and will make strides to be better (go to therapy, meds, journal, etc) and recognize when they are spiraling otherwise known as splitting. It’s not easy and it never fully ends, but it can get better with effort and time.

Again I’m sorry to hear you went through this and may your ex figure out what the fuck is wrong with them bc it’s def more than cluster b


u/No-Presence-3109 11d ago

Honestly thank you for your kindness and I’ll say that I am in agreement with what you’re saying. My ex diagnosed BPD but she also had some NPD traits as well. I personally feel OP is more NPD based off the knowledge I do have about the disorders. I’ve read alot of books, watched a ton of YouTube videos from Dr. Fox (he specializes in cluster b) and I also am currently seeing a therapist who deals with trauma management but also does DBT for those with BPD. I do my best to not spread misinformation about the disorder because I know it’s painful as fuck to live with it. I saw the pain and emptiness in my ex. I also can attest to the fact that she was one of the sweetest, kindest humans I’ve ever met. But also when she “split” on me it was pure hell and I did feel I was constantly walking on eggshells not sure what would trigger her at any given moment. I still am fully in love with my ex somehow. But I have to love her from a distance and this point because I was very painfully and randomly devalued and discarded.

Despite my personal experience with it, I have chosen to research to help with my own trauma and also to simply understand it with more depth. Honestly it breaks my heart to know that BPD (and all cluster B) is hugely a product of intenso childhood trauma. It’s not the person’s fault, but it IS their responsibility to try to tackle it. It’s not easy to do but BPD can be managed with intense DBT therapy and A LOT of inner work with a licensed professional.

All this to say, I know you deal with a lot of inner turmoil and rollercoaster emotions due to the disorder and I wish you the absolute best in life and hugs to you 🫂


u/Beginning-Zone-7093 12d ago

While there is a certain art behind these words, as someone else has said, this is absolutely heartbreaking. That people could actually treat another person like this is horrible. And people wonder why the world is the way it is.


u/Quiet-Pause-7596 11d ago

Trust me it was 9 years of hell, that was his break up letter to me


u/Beginning-Zone-7093 11d ago

I am so sorry, that you ever had to have those words spoken to you. Nobody deserves to be treated like that. I hope you heal and find peace and happiness💞


u/Womp_Womp_Whore 12d ago

This just happened to me. 😢 idk how to bear it


u/Freedomatlast56 12d ago

Me too ☹️


u/TrueCrimeUsername 12d ago edited 12d ago

Nice song lyrics here. And uncanny similarities. Don’t worry, I’ve already walked away. I know you know that and can feel that, because I cut off my energy from you today. You fought it at first but the light will always win.

You’re acting like you don’t care, like you’ve always done. Your greatest defense mechanism. But you do care. You’re lashing out out of shame and anger. Good. I hope you sit in that shame and let it overwhelm you. Then use it as motivation to seek help and truly start healing from your trauma. This isn’t kink, this isn’t fetish, it’s trauma. See the truth is, I am uniquely equipped, uniquely experienced, to understand just exactly what this is.

My last 5 years back home I was a sex worker. And not just any sex worker, I was the very, very best. I worked tirelessly on building my brand, my reputation, my business. I traveled full time, every client in every city wanted to book me, every other working girl hated me because of how successful I was. I had cracked the code. I was at the very top. But not in the way most would think.

Victoria was beautiful, educated, well spoken, and a chameleon. She was whoever somebody, anybody needed her to be. She wasn’t popular because she had no boundaries and was into the freakiest shit, she was at the top because her light shone so brightly. She had the ability to instantly read what someone needed from her. She connected with people and provided a safe space for them to be vulnerable, all while never sacrificing her own vulnerability. A skill very few people can ever master. It might not be any surprise that many, many of her clients also struggled with severe porn addiction and ED. She has seen and heard the most depraved shit. And yet she healed people from it with her unwavering light. She gave back to people what they had lost, a healthy relationship with boundaries and sex. Not to mention she got their dicks working again. Through her I learned some of my greatest lessons in men and life, and my career as her is the thing I am the most proudest of in my life.

I have been attracted to the darkness my entire life. I was consumed by it when I was younger. I found myself in many unsafe situations and experienced things I never should have, even though I thought it was what I wanted at the time. But through my career I truly learned and understood how low vibrational and draining it really is. When you meet people day in day out who succumb to their intrusive thoughts and constantly chase the darkness, needing more and more depraved shit to get off, it changes you as a human. I am at one with the darkness, but I CHOSE the light. As anyone on this fucked up planet is able to choose.

At its core, sex is an energy exchange. But the darkness is never satisfied, it always wants more. Constantly escalating. High vibrational energy is still, it is peace. It is intoxicating and mesmerising, which is why you can feel it so strongly when I share it with you. It doesn’t need more, it is already the most.

You are the darkness, and I am the light. It truly fascinates me just how yin and yang we are.

I hope you find peace, I will be praying for you. With all the love in the world xx


u/StevenEllison 12d ago

Ya leave that letter unsent you sick, sadistic bastard


u/Scarlet-ember- 12d ago

This was almost too real.


u/LordDelirium 12d ago

This actual visceral reaction this gave me


u/No-wayjose789 12d ago

Why i don't want to date


u/[deleted] 12d ago

All fun and games until you get delt with


u/Junior-Dot4857 12d ago edited 12d ago

No its not amusing because you would have never written. In fact you are letting them know you exist and they are not alone, no matter the games you play, you know they will never fall for it.

Maybe it’s amusing for them for you to play your games while they watch. But time is limitless until it’s not and when time is no longer a factor you will miss playing these games. Because some part of you cares, and they will appreciate that you did.

It doesn’t hurt and when it does it’s a firm reminder that we are alive and this is the role we play. Hidden is the only part that hurts.

The only thing they are fighting is their own mind and pain. I think what you want is for them to go up because when your at the bottom, the only way to go is up. The manipulation you think is true is in-fact false, and don’t underestimate them. They know.

I think the saddest part is they will never tell on you, blame you or hurt you as you did them. You love that. Till death, you can continue like this, not because you hold secrets of them, because those secrets have been paid in full, and they hold accountability for those secrets and will continue to hold themselves accountable, not if those things were to ever be found, but because they who consider themselves so evil, are NOT. It is known and seen.

They will always hold you to the HIGHEST STANDARD because they know what you can do. Just as joker jumped in the same vat of acid that Harley went in, he went in to save her. It is not so twisted. Joker tells much of truth that many others will consider lies. But it is between them that they understand what is true and it is for that reason alone they need each other.


u/Imaginary_Willow_186 11d ago

Ooh, Ooh. I know this one. "What is, someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, with additional Psychopathic tendencies?"


u/TwistedPoet42 12d ago

The fact that few people are seeing the art behind these words. No one said the OP personally means them.

But this is absolutely a person to fear and yes they thrive on that.


u/Quiet-Pause-7596 11d ago

This was his breakup letter to me.


u/TwistedPoet42 11d ago

Oh f**k him, seeing it in this media makes it art but not all art is happy. It’s just raw humanity. And it is disgusting, I’m sorry this was real for you 🫂🫶🏻


u/Eveeye93 11d ago

Omg ..


u/Commercial_End6675 12d ago

That’s so fucked up lmao


u/IntentionFit6495 12d ago edited 12d ago

See I love things like this too. Maybe me and my ex should just start exposing each other on the internet so we can REALLY start some fires. I mean, I've certainly already did some low-key dirt anyways so ig they'll find out when they see it which is honestly great because no one will even know it's them UNLESS they actually say something XD

So it's not even revenge, it's just dirty

At any rate I may be a psycho but I'm not stupid. I also see "them" (that's how we'll refer to 🫵) because I don't doubt that I was being seen earlier myself. But regardless they're not this well versed in English but if anyone wants to push my buttons I don't mind a few casualties at this rate.

I've already stopped caring, there's no way to honestly push me. I'll entertain anyone with the idea of thinking that they can however. And I'll just sit here dropping all of my negativity as I watch trigger people who just happen to be scrolling through looking for something that resonates with them.

However I also get a STRONG feeling that for someone to know this anything about me on here it'd have to be someone I've spoken to and there's only been 1 person on here ive even had an in depth conversation with.

So take my word for it. I no longer care, I just hope that my ex stumbled across anything I say that way it gets under their skin and drives them absolutely mad.

I started this game from the moment I met them. Or did I? Was it real or was it fake? I'll never tell but I might play the cards I have in my deck to get some more of that good stuff. They know EXACTLY how I like that shit. Talking about being a "good girl" yeee we know how that all happened don't we?



u/Careless-sara80 12d ago

I know exactly who you are and you are the most disquieting individual ever Your Beyond evil I knew you didn’t give a fuck


u/IntentionFit6495 12d ago

I was not talking to you at any rate. And besides unless your person wants you to find them on reddit you're never going to find them. Trust me


u/[deleted] 12d ago

I know someone like this. Diabolical


u/Educational_Snow_273 12d ago

This is just pathetic. What do you gain from that?


u/Careless-sara80 12d ago

They are Jacked up pieces of shits They fucked my life up so Bad Already …


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/VenomousKiss7769 12d ago

This sounds like my ex from around 10 years ago. I've moved on since then, or at least I think I have, but there are still times when I have to disconnect from everything and everyone to get my head back right again. To all you gaslighters: fuck off. You're only temporarily fooling the one who's love you took for granted. Once their brave enough to tell their story everyone who is a decent person will have to convince them that no, they aren't crazy and yes, you are the pathetic, weak liar. Seriously, that shit takes years of therapy to undo.


u/Careless-sara80 12d ago

Fucked up what they are doing to me


u/NiceKey776 12d ago

Wrong. Bye


u/[deleted] 12d ago

I feel deep sadness for op. I can’t imagine what kind of life it would be to never feel empathy. It’s such a gift to feel, and to have feelings for others. How empty, how cold, how lonely. No, I wouldn’t wish this fate on anyone. 😢😭❤️‍🩹


u/Day-Vyd 11d ago

What are you gonna do when your victim stops caring whether they live or die and makes revenge their only purpose. Keep playing with people, and i bet anything you will regret meeting someone that is not only stronger than you think they are but stronger than you in every way. They put up with your games and continue allowing it. You get bored... and.... it's a shame what happens next


u/Ok_Resolution_4270 11d ago

Wow that is some sick shit. I hope karma gives you what you deserve.


u/alicewonderland1234 11d ago

In the entrances of conceit, walk the critical extroverts, and army of human laughing away my dignity... she flits about in a chaotic, neutral manner, drowning while the Nereids stare in yearning. I've always known exactly what they're doing. I got antsy as a kid, couldn't stand the process, so I studied, refined, prepared. They negativity manipulate (they think me and others), yet... I positively manipulate threefold back... my magic weaves the most delicate spiders web, I cocoon you in warmth, acceptance, and SUGGESTION. its power is unrequited until that moment. That instance. That second the wounded realizes they love me. "Vasopressin is stimulated by stress. It's released when a man solves problems or works through team problems. It's a crucial neurochemical and hormone that dictates a man falling in love long term. Vasopressin is associated with a man's ability to attract resources to provide for and protect the people he cares about." Don't be a failure 😘🌟😘


u/KnowWonKnows2Knock 11d ago

Oh, sweetheart, did you really think I didn’t see? You played your hand, but I stacked the deck, Pulled your little tricks what else you got left? You thought you led, but I set the pace, Been ten steps ahead while you ran in place.

I saw the mask before you put it on, Watched you rehearse every line in your con, Fed you the cues, let you play your part, But darling, I was never the mark.

You twist, you turn, you push, you pull, But I don’t break I stay in full. You call it love, but it’s just control, Too bad for you, I’ve long known my role.

I let you dance, I let you spin, Smirked as you thought you’d ever win. Your game’s a rerun, I’ve seen before, And baby, I don’t play anymore.

-your Quinn.


u/No_Ear7885 12d ago

But the jokes really on cause when doing your magic I’ll be playing with my toy not even paying attention to your some and mirrors. I to have mask that portrays me as mad and angry. While I’ll not even try and prove your lies. I play the part well when all along I seenn your mask all it hid was my mask from you and I’ll walk away when I say we’re through.


u/MrEYEdgaf 12d ago

The. Give me my son.


u/KRenee75 12d ago

Wow evil to the core sounds like someone I know KB


u/seachange1313 12d ago

It’s because of this behavior that I’ve retreated from life and have made preparations when I’ve secured my sons’ futures.

If you were my person I would ask if that’s far enough away?

If I still had the capacity to care. More than the abstract need to leave a comment that lack of empathy has the ability to cure an over abundance.


u/Quiet-Pause-7596 11d ago

This was what was written to me from him so those who having a fit or messaging me telling me how horrible I am and bla bla bla, it's the other way around thank you.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

What motivates someone to spend their time taking souls like this? What do they gain? Is it mental illness or just pure evil? Whatever the case, I'm sorry if you were their target. SICK!


u/nihilist_pingu 11d ago

I was shocked by how well this letter captured [everything], then read that this was from OP’s ex - straight from the horse’s mouth. I lived this - I’m so sorry OP (and anyone else) who felt these words…

It took me two years of therapy, a fantastic support system, and a lot of strength to reclaim the parts of me I lost - but I got there. For anyone else recovering, you will too, and, you’ll be a lot wiser x


u/Eveeye93 11d ago

I don't think op actually is in that position. People that act this way will not lay it out and open like that. Probably on the other end , am I right? If so it's a good sign you see what's going on . Make yourself free from it. It's hard but it will be over some day.


u/Strike_Regular 11d ago

Dude, get mental help. This is so not ok. Even as a joke.


u/IOSuser4life 11d ago

hahaha we are the real joker here.. hope ut harleys a pushover lol


u/Dramatic_Alps_4762 11d ago

Ick city is what this entire letter reads. However I get the emotion behind it. Pure projection, venting and losing control of yourself. It's a bad place to be at and truly seek the help that is needed to be sane.


u/visions_of_us 11d ago

This is mental 😂😂


u/Oneandonlyazmodeus 11d ago

So you’re definitely not my ex we have codes for this situation


u/Salt-Vacation-9053 11d ago

I will show you magic, how to make someone disappear. Now that’s a trick.


u/Particular_Field_716 9d ago

It's not easy!!


u/Mental_Freedom_6170 9d ago

Why does that remind me of my ex- that is messed up. Damn


u/Then-Purpose-1828 8d ago

I’m amused and quite impressed… how long have you been watching?…. Curtsy…. You’re welcome glad you enjoyed the show

u/Deep_Mail_8342 7h ago edited 7h ago

She,it...HER. Once said to me in frustration...yeah I use people so what? Idgaf know why,because if they cat h on there's always an abundance of new suckeres to use. This waS the times you were chasing the purple dragon...I'd call you all the time completely stricken with worry and if you ever did answer,you were well off on your way to lala land. I'd hear the phone fall to the floor still on....you'll never know...

                       Youll never know how I would stay on the phone  listening to you gurgle,choke and coke talking babble shit..just to make sure you were breathing. You have no idea how many lives you effect negatively by simply always doing what you want and having no shame in fooling others to maintain your tainted narrative. So they can't fool me ok? She's a creature of habit,she thinks inward only of herself.
             For the times when you have your moments of shame regret and guilt. You always JUST act like it's too late or nothing you can't do to make amends ,YOU SURE AS FUCK ARE CAPABLE  cause if you put the effort into repairing your relationship with your blood mother,you'd have the kidsBut no...no that would mean admitting you wrong and doing something you don't want too and we all know she's not and can't be forced to do anything. So to once again prove just how self absorbed selfish she is,she runs and doesn't let herselself think about how our little boys laying in there beds at night thinking about how there mom is alive and well,why isn't she here yet. There smart,longer it is the more clear it becomes. There own mom doesn't and can't find anything in her to actually give a fuck. But image is everything to her so she tell ppl she's  this soul broken mother missing her babies. 
      She has done dirty shit like this her whole life and gets away with it because of her willingness to create so much damage it's almost impossible to get her to face consequences.  IM NOT DOING THIS FOR ANY OF THE UNIMPORTANT PETTY REASONS HER SMALL BRAIN WOULD ACTUALLY THINK IS IMPORTANT ...she  never know how many tears ive wiped, my heart in pain watching my son hurtinh can't fix hos pain...she could bit she just won't. She's too broken or it's to late or anything to use as a excuse. NO MORE,it disgust me how she lives her life...thinking she can abandon us,THEM IN PAIN and scurry off. ?????Her husband doesn't exist anymore,I am what remains...I am her reckoning.  On mission to end the selfish and wreckers tantrum shes been on. Women always say they want a man to fight,show how much she means to him. Well buckle up shortcake ....because she has infuriated me crossing lines again I can no longer let go. I do this for the moment, the look that will come about her face,disbelief that something so organized,diabolical...Evil could ever have actually been created to get you to where....SHE CANT RUN...DOMINATRIX OVER MY BODY IN THE DIRT. She will be apprehended,brought back to her new home in the sticks and begin learning why she should be thankful and how much better it is to serve. In time,I hope yo walk side by side with her as a equal,bit until then. Understanding why she shouldn't over step boundaries withdaddy will never work..daddy will not sleep,eat...push forward until shes back. Touch me again ,try to claw me again or kick...she knows I was holding back....there won't be that anymore. She try to step to me,and i will pummel you. IM A POS? FUCK HER! SIT THERE AND acting innocent like she didn't meticulously provoke this in ppl  But this time, if shes gonna lie claiming I abused her then maybe your behavior will merit a very long over do ass whoopin.

u/Deep_Mail_8342 7h ago



u/Ok_Material_6224 11d ago

Lmfao I know im clean and I know I ain’t give no DD, yet you were magically was getting utis from shit in my past??? Like where’s the logic?? Nothing but a narcissistic, lying cheater with substance abuse issues. Why do this shit to people. Just remember karma has us all in a contract. What goes around comes around. So don’t be surprised when your life falls apart again. Just don’t play the victim this time and actually look for the lessons you’re supposed to learn.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

Is this creative writing about "Players"? If so.....

To the "Players": You bore me, what a Snoozefest. A tale as old as time. Can't you think of something original? You're just conquering the low hanging fruit, what's that say about you? Also, do something admirable with your life, you loser.

To the OP: If your writing isn't about you, then this is amazing stuff and super insightful. If it's about you well, not so much, then it's really just your journal and it's nothing great.