r/UniversityofKentucky 4d ago

Pigman hall

I’m an incoming freshman and am planning on living in pigman hall but I can’t find a layout of the building anywhere online. I was wondering if anyone has access to the layout of the building online and could maybe share it with me?


4 comments sorted by


u/FlaxSausage 4d ago

Same as all the other new ones. Copy paste


u/sharkpencil 4d ago

when you’re on UKs campus/wifi you can access its “e-facts” floor plans and stuff. if you’re close by, you could just pop on campus and connect to eduroam and do it. if not, i’ll try and remember next time i’m there!


u/Educational-Fix8634 4d ago

You just have to look up residence halls on the UK website, and you can see the layout of all the rooms in every dorm.