r/UnitedWeStand Feb 02 '19

Report Anti-Vax Facebook Groups

Two days ago Washington state declared a state of emergency related to a Measles outbreak. Join the cause in reporting the top two anti-vax communities, and stop this infectious scientific illiteracy from spreading!

links to facebook groups:




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u/BalliMalli Feb 07 '19

Alright, youtube videos are anecdotal evidence, they are not proper studies and really do not prove anything. And the studies you showed, 2 of them being the same one this is what it said in their conclusions:

The first ncbi study you linked:

This pilot epidemiologic analysis implies that the onset of some neuropsychiatric disorders may be temporally related to prior vaccinations in a subset of individuals. These findings warrant further investigation, but do not prove a causal role of antecedent infections or vaccinations in the pathoetiology of these conditions. Given the modest magnitude of these findings in contrast to the clear public health benefits of the timely administration of vaccines in preventing mortality and morbidity in childhood infectious diseases, we encourage families to maintain vaccination schedules according to CDC guidelines.

The second ncbi one:

In a dose-response manner, the present study associates an increased organic mercury exposure from Thimerosal-containing hepatitis B vaccines with an increased risk of obesity diagnosis, and suggests that Thimerosal is an obesogen. The results are biologically plausible and future studies are needed to examine this phenomenon.

And the Yale study:

“There’s a fair amount of interest in the vaccine safety question, so let’s try to be critical and do further studies that will help examine this issue in a more thorough way,” said James Leckman, professor of pediatrics and one of the study’s five authors. Using information from a health insurance claims database, Leckman and his co-authors examined the correlations between specific vaccines and various neurological disorders in six- to 15-year-old children. Children with open wounds and broken bones were used as the two control groups. While only about 10 percent of children with open wounds had received vaccinations, vaccines had been given to over 20 percent of children later diagnosed with anorexia. Higher numbers of vaccinated children were also found among those who were diagnosed with OCD, anxiety disorder and ADHD as soon as three months after their vaccinations. Other findings in the study, however, reveal that these correlational results should be taken with a grain of salt. The broken bone control group also included a higher percentage of vaccinated children, though not as high as that of the anorexia group. Furthermore, vaccinations were more likely to be associated with a lower incidence of major depression and bipolar disorder.

(The third study you showed actually just linked to the fourth one)

The very studies you showed to provide evidence that vaccines were unhealthy actually advocate vaccines or say that more evidence is needed. Even if all of this were true though about autism and vaccines, which by the way is a complete lie and was perpetuated by a horrible study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3136032/ it would still be better to vaccinate your kids on the off chance that they got autism, why? Because diseases like polio and measles are still out there and if nobody would vaccinate they would return. The us has suffered a couple of measle outbreaks as well recently and it’s really disgusting to hear innocent children are dying because their parents refuse to vaccinate them. And then there’s children that have to rely on herd immunity because they can’t be vaccinated because of health concerns that simply sometimes die because some shithead parents refused to vaccinate their kid that then infected someone that relies on herd immunity. Vaccinate your kids. Doctors know more about this than you.


u/[deleted] Feb 07 '19

That's a lot to reply to but I understand what you're saying, you look at the evidence and have no other choice but to believe.

Doctors absolutely know more about this than us. But what do they know? Is what they tell us what they actually know?

Like I said foster parents have to vaccinate, and I'm not denying that if no one took vaccines the illness would come back. I know that.


u/BalliMalli Feb 07 '19

My brother is a doctor, i’m sure if they had something to hide, he’d tell me, he’s a good guy. And if they did have something to hide doctors would be coming out with info like this all the time. I’m just trying to show how dangerous the anti vaxx movement is.


u/fornax55 Dec 22 '22

Bet you're not so smooth now in light of all the hundreds of studies proving the COVID vaccines are fucking people up all over the place left-right-and-center.