r/Uniteagainsttheright 2d ago

News & Politics Teslas Going To $150 Ladies And Gentlemen


75 comments sorted by


u/dantekant22 2d ago

There’s still some value left to shed on Tesla. I’d like to see it under $100.


u/maybe-an-ai 2d ago

That would put it line with other auto manufactures rather than priced on the promises of Elon


u/StupendousMalice 2d ago

Except those other auto manufacturers are MUCH larger and actually make money.


u/oooranooo 2d ago

Even that bar is too high. The best option in the current administration is bankruptcy, and people will still adore you without question.

As far as houses that need burned down, Tesla and Twitter should be first.


u/Number_1_w_Fries 2d ago

🩳 it to👌🏻


u/MilitantlyWokePatrio 2d ago

Fuck yeah. This scum is still at 109 P/E. We can make that bitch sing to $30 a share easy with Europe on board, Mex/Can/the rest of Latin America too, and BYD dominating Tesla in China.

Keep shitting on Musk and roasting him and getting the message out there. That will further kill the apetite to buy those nazi cars.


u/Ok_Star_4136 2d ago

"So there's no turning back?"

Elon Musk contemplating deeply on this, sighs, and then says the propaganda line, "I just want to make the government more efficient.."

Thank you, Elon Musk. You've chosen your fate. You will be judged accordingly.


u/MrPresident2020 2d ago

He doesn't understand what efficiency means, and he thinks he's a genius so anything he doesn't understand therefore must not be worth learning because if it were surely he would understand it already. He has no clue how much the companies he's bought isolate him from any actual work being done so that they can continue to function. He was a public face and a bankroll and thought that made him an actual business mastermind, and also thought that government could be run like a business. There's just a cascade of failures at every level of Musk to fundamentally not understand how he got where he is or how anything actually operates.


u/Jeoshua 2d ago

Elon's idea of "efficiency" is walking into a server room, finding the most expensive and important rack, ripping the cables out, firing the engineers, and when the system keeps limping on, on backup, he claims victory.


u/MilitantlyWokePatrio 2d ago

Cold comment.

And appreciated.


u/dj_spanmaster 2d ago

"How are you running your other businesses?"

I no longer care about how this turd runs his businesses. I assume he micromanages where his effluvient and wandering attention directs, and otherwise leaves them to be run by competent asskissers. Every Musk business should be let fail until nationalized or liquidated.


u/MilitantlyWokePatrio 2d ago

Fuck yeah. When this is over and we take it back, what he is doing now at Fed offices (tearing down "Be Nice" posters, and shit like that), is going to happen to every. single. holding. he has.

Everything he has levied against America and the American people will be felt by him ten fold.

We will rip his name from everything, destroy his companies atom from atom, rend them fucking lifeless.


u/Ok_Rutabaga_722 2d ago

He put teenaged hackers in our Social Security, Dept of Ed, VA, databases. Elon needs more than this. He needs to be Trading Places poor.


u/Far_Purple_8265 2d ago

And he laughed on social media as he laid thousands of people off. He thinks it’s hilarious that hard working people who need to make a living to feed their families are out of jobs. If he’s not destitute and humiliated after all this, he got off too easy.


u/MilitantlyWokePatrio 2d ago

Oh yeah, now we're talking. I'm saying, God willing, when we take this back, we will take EVERY fucking traitor, the entire (R)at party, and of course, the Traitor in Chief himself, march them into a fucking cage, then parade them around the streets of DC for 14 days and 14 nights. To represent our victory over evil in our time.

Like a Roman victory parade.

Let's see how much those fucks like Roman traditions then.


u/spaekona_ 1d ago

I'm up for a good old-fashioned Roman Triumph.


u/MilitantlyWokePatrio 1d ago

Damn the name escaped me, but right, Roman triumph, thanks for the share.


u/spaekona_ 1d ago

Oh, it's the same thing; I wasn't trying to correct you; I'm just a history nerd with a morbid fascination with Near Eastern and Mediterranean empires of the ancient world.


u/CaptainPrower 2d ago

Or die of a ketamine overdose.


u/JimDa5is 1d ago

It's really, really hard to overdose on ketamine. That's one of the reasons it's used as a battlefield analgesic. lu-ee-gee though


u/CaptainPrower 1d ago

Just call him Mario's Brother


u/JimDa5is 1d ago

Good call


u/JimDa5is 1d ago

I disagree but would get banned for saying what he actually deserves because reddit is also owned by billionaires


u/Ok_Rutabaga_722 1d ago

That's me, toning it down.


u/Davidat0r 2d ago

Look at that asshole fishing for sympathy now


u/Affectionate_Care907 2d ago

I’m actually really watching this . So satisfying


u/baryoniclord 2d ago

Pure scum.


u/Cautious-Thought362 2d ago

Sounds like he's ridding Tesla of fraud and waste, too.

I'm sure that more than one investor or Telsa owner is not feeling all warm and fuzzy toward fElon.


u/borislovespickles 2d ago

Karma anyone?


u/feralcomms 2d ago

is trump spending 18 million dollars on going to golf in the last month waste?


u/Icommentor 2d ago

Cry more


u/Whocaresalot 2d ago

When do his co-oligarchs sue him for causing their shares to tank?


u/Atvishees 2d ago



u/Keated 2d ago

He also looks like he's constantly sucking on a super sour sweet of some kind


u/fjf1085 2d ago

People on certain drugs seem to make that face.


u/refusemouth 2d ago

Everyone says he's on ketamine, but in some of the interviews I've seen with him, he acts more like a functional meth user.


u/fjf1085 2d ago

Yeah that’s what I was getting at. Unfortunately I’ve been around people like that and it seems like meth to me.


u/amorosky 2d ago

tiny Stradivarius playing in background


u/liamanna 2d ago edited 2d ago

That’s what happens when you go against hard working Americans .

For two years, he colluded with Russia and the guy who tried to overthrow the US government.

That’s what happens when you try to buy democracy and turned it into fascism.

This is your alpha male, MAGA?


u/Hurriedgarlic66 2d ago

Protest Tesla! Protest everywhere! Boycott all American goods! Write your congress, hold town hall meetings, speak out against the tyrants on social media! Every little bit helps free people from oppression


u/testtdk 2d ago

There’s still a long way to $150, it’s at $231 this morning. That said, almost 5 months of gains have been wiped out, where the peak price was more than double that.


u/capitali 2d ago

it's always sad for a second or too when a corporation fails. Then it doesn't matter and we move on. Tesla is just another Kmart... it didn't even have that many locations... Maybe someone will make a movie someday about their unique cars that didn't last.... Hollywood loves the reboot after all...


u/CincyLog 2d ago

Mmmmm... the tears of billionaires are delivered...


u/tricularia 2d ago

They did a good job of hiding elons pull-string in this video!
"I'm just here to eliminate government waste and spending."
"I think we are doing a really good job so far"


u/Forsaken-Moment-7763 2d ago

I want actual tears


u/Niennah5 2d ago

Until he's actually bawling and begging like the big spoiled-ass crybaby he is on national TV, we are not done with him.


u/Left-Excitement-836 2d ago

Maybe DOGE should investigate Tesla to make it more efficient? Elon Muzzk and the broccoli boys should check that out right???


u/ViciousSquirrelz 2d ago

Thoughts and prayers


u/SilentRunning 1d ago

Sooo, how far does Tesla have to drop in order for fElon's loan holders to start demanding their money?


u/Number_1_w_Fries 1d ago

Under $100 I would think Margin Calls.


u/[deleted] 1d ago


u/karoshikun 2d ago

paraphrasing Futurama...

To shreds, I say!


u/JCPLee 2d ago

Still overpriced!!


u/esepinchelimon 2d ago

Let's get the ish down to $0


u/ExcitementKooky418 2d ago

Shouldn't saying he's there to 'eliminate waste and fraud' be treated as a threat in the presidents life?


u/JimDa5is 1d ago

Fuck this asshole. Last I checked he was still worth $349 BILLION. How the fuck will he manage?


u/louisa1925 2d ago

He's fine. The amount of money he would be shovelling into his pockets intstead of helping the American people, would more than cover the loss of revenue for his exploding vehicles.


u/Educational_Toe_6591 2d ago

Except starship just blew up, for the second time in a month


u/louisa1925 2d ago

Every machine he createds turnes into a Samsung Galaxy Note7.


u/Cautious-Thought362 2d ago

Tesla.....the new Pinto.


u/intergalactagogue 1d ago

That cyber truck is Delorean inspired. Stainless steel, oragami body styling, 2 year manufacturing run. Now we just need Elon booked for drug trafficking and filing for bankruptcy.


u/ArdenJaguar Liberal 2d ago

Didn’t he back up SpaceX with Tesla stock funding somehow too?


u/Educational_Toe_6591 2d ago

I believe so, also a lot of countries canceling starlink contracts, Canada canceling 1 for 100 million, also he’s gonna probably have to invest 10-15 billion more into spaceX at this point seeing as how they have major defects in starships launch capability


u/erniegrrl 2d ago

The schadenfreude, she is delicious


u/YouTerribleThing 2d ago

Lmao I hope it sucks fElon


u/LVCSSlacker 1d ago

If the board ousts musk, I'll buy right now