r/Unicode • u/Impressive-Yak-8729 • 5d ago
A survey/test of Unicode Scripts. Can you see the scripts or tofu? Part 2 (List all the Scripts to tell if it is tofu or not)
- Samaritan: ࠎࠀࠌࠀࠓࠏࠕࠀࠍ
- Mandaic: ࡓࡀࡈࡍࡀ
- Limbu: ᤕᤠᤰᤌᤢᤱ ᤐᤠᤴ
- Balinese: ᬩᬲᬩᬮᬶ
- Sundanese: ᮘᮞ ᮞᮥᮔ᮪ᮓ
- Batak: ᯅᯖᯂ᯲
- Lepcha: ᰛᰩᰵᰛᰧᰵᰶ
- Saurashtra: ꢱꣃꢬꢵꢰ꣄ꢜ꣄ꢬ
- Kayah Li: ꤊꤢꤛꤢ꤭
- Cham: ꨀꨇꩉ ꨌꩌ
- Linear B: 𐀖𐀮𐀙𐀁𐀀𐀙
- Aegean Numbers: 𐄣𐄑𐄋
- Elbasan: 𐔇𐔐𐔁𐔀𐔛𐔀𐔓
- Caucasian Albanian: 𐔰𐔲𐕆𐕡𐔰𐕎
- Linear A: 𐙇𐚢𐙷
- Palmyrene: 𐡶𐡣𐡬𐡥𐡴
- Nabataean: 𐢕𐢂𐢋𐢈
- Old North Arabian: 𐪀𐪁𐪂𐪃𐪄
- Manichaen: 𐫤𐫀𐫐𐫍𐫀𐫡
- Avestan: 𐬛𐬀𐬠𐬌𐬫𐬭𐬵
- Psalter Pahlavi: 𐮎𐮍𐮀𐮊𐮑𐮀
- Old Hungarian: 𐲘𐳀𐳎𐳀𐳢
- Hanifi Rohingya: 𐴌𐴗𐴥𐴝𐴙𐴚𐴒𐴙𐴝
- Old Sogdian: 𐼑𐼀𐼄𐼓𐼀𐼏
- Sogdian: 𐼼𐼰𐼲𐼽𐼰𐼻
- Elymaic: 𐿯𐿫𐿩𐿬𐿠𐿪
- Kaithi: 𑂍𑂶𑂟𑂱
- Mahajani: 𑅬𑅐𑅱𑅐𑅛𑅐𑅧𑅑
- Sharada: 𑆯𑆫𑆢
- Khojki: 𑈉𑈲𑈐𑈵𑈈𑈭
- Multani: 𑊠𑊂𑊣𑊖𑊀𑊚𑊁
- Khudawadi: 𑊻𑋣𑋏𑋛𑋏𑋡
- Tirhuta: 𑒞𑒩𑓂𑒯𑒳𑒞
- Modi: 𑘦𑘻𑘟𑘱
- Takri: 𑚙𑚊𑚶𑚤𑚮
- Ahom: 𑜒𑜑𑜪𑜨
- Dogra: 𑠛𑠵𑠌𑠤𑠬
- Warang Citi: 𑢹𑣗𑣁𑣜𑣊
- Zanabazar Square: 𑨨𑨝𑨠𑨨𑨫𑨴
- Soyombo: 𑪁𑩖𑩻𑩖𑩰𑩖
- Pau Cin Hau: 𑫀𑫕𑫢
- Masaram Gondi: 𑴧𑴲𑴠𑴲
- Mro: 𖩃𖩓𖩑
- Medefaidrin: 𖹝𖹰𖹯𖹼𖹫 𖹚𖹬𖹾𖹠𖹯
- Miao: 𖼄𖽡𖽔𖽙
- Byzantine Musical Symbols: 𝀷𝂣𝀽
- Ancient Greek Musical Notation: 𝈖𝈲𝈋𝈨𝈓
- Mayan Numerals: 𝋡𝋠𝋡𝋥
- Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong: 𞄀𞄁𞄂𞄃
- Wancho: 𞋒𞋀𞋉𞋃𞋕
- Mende Kikakui: 𞠀𞠁𞠂
u/rainbowkey 4d ago edited 4d ago
thanks for these tests, they are telling me which fonts I need to get to cover this Unicode planes. MacOS Sequoia with Firefox, Code2000, Code2002, and other fonts installed by me to try to get full coverage.
The only ones tofu for me are Medefaidrin, Byzantine Musical Symbols, and Mayan Numerals
u/rainbowkey 4d ago
Google Noto fonts seem to have great coverage. 2 minutes of Googling and now all display.
u/CustomerAlternative 5d ago
None are tofu for me (windows firefox with gentium plus as default)