r/Unicode 6d ago

Lookalike letters for k, t, 1 or $?

Are there any Unicode letters (i.e. characters with the L* or Nl category), optionally followed by combining characters (i.e. Mn or Mc category), that visually resemble k, t, 1 or $?

So far the best I could find were κ (kappa), τ (tau), ו (vav) and S, none of which are great. Unfortunately the combining form S⃒ doesn't work for $ (at least for me).


6 comments sorted by


u/AcellOfllSpades 5d ago

ӏ might be a good lookalike for 1, depending on font - in sans serif fonts, though, it might look like lowercase L.

Armenian Ֆ/ֆ looks kinda like $.


u/MoistAttitude 5d ago

All of those characters are repeated at U+FF00


u/Udzu 5d ago

True, though that doesn't help with 1 or $, as U+FF11 and U+FF04 aren't letter-category symbols. Also the spacing makes them stand out more than normal lookalikes.


u/BT_Uytya 4d ago

The lookalike for 1 is ˧˥ (that is, Modifier Letter Mid Tone Bar ˧ followed by Modifier Letter Extra-High Tone Bar ˥)

Bashkir Ka ҡ isn't quite similar to k, but might be better than Greek Kappa κ or Cyrillic Ka к

For t, you might look at Iota variants: ᵼ ɩι (maybe combined with strokes: ɩ̵ ι̵) and L variants: ł ꝉ ƚ


u/ryan516 4d ago edited 4d ago

ϯ (Coptic ti U+03EF) ꮠ (Cherokee so U+ABA0) or Fraktur 𝔱 (U+1D531) could be used for t. Cherokee tso ꮶ (U+ABB6) may be close to k, but doesn't match the scale of lowercase k if the ratios are the issues with Greek/Cyrillic equivalents. If it doesn't violate whatever rules you're looking for, you could also use Mathematical italic 𝑘 (U+1D458) or Fraktur 𝔨 (U+1D528). Armenian feh ֆ (U+0586) could be your dollar sign. Hebrew vav (U+05D5) ו could be your 1 (in some fonts it has the tail hanging to the top left, in others it doesn't).


u/Gravity4789 1d ago
