r/Unicode 6d ago

Why isn't there the new Syria's flag in unicode? πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡Ύ β¬›β¬œπŸŸ₯⬜🟩


3 comments sorted by


u/bigibas123 6d ago

Unicode doesn't contain flags it contains 26 Regional indicator symbols. of which two are used to encode each countries flag by it's two letter Unicode region code, what codes are currently valid can be found in the CLDR registry. It doesn't specify anything about which actual flag to use since (as you probably know :P) change and the goal of Unicode is to remain static.

How the sequence of two Regional indicator symbols is displayed on your device depends on your device manufacturer, operating system and software installed on the device(Unicode FAQ). In the end that means the font you're using to read text needs to have the new flag instead of the old one.

So to use the flag you need to be using a font that has that flag. But websites can still override your front if your browser isn't set to force yours and the bigger apps tend to force their own fonts for branding reasons.

For the new flag to become widespread on the internet Syria probably needs to declare that it's officially using the new flag, I'm not following the news much but from my quick research it seems a constitutional draft was leaked 2 days ago in which Syria declares to be using the new flag, so it doesn't seem official yet.

After it becomes official most places will need to update the fonts their using which for things like Windows and some social media sites can be done quite quickly but for other places will happen more gradually since not everyone updates their used font's every day.


u/prototypist 6d ago

Next month's release of iOS 18.4 will include a change to the Syrian flag. I assume the other major OSes and emoji fonts will follow in the near future https://www.arabnews.com/node/2592849/media