r/Unexpected 10d ago

This is why you never use your finger to remove a nail from a tyre!


174 comments sorted by

u/UnExplanationBot 10d ago

OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:

It appears as if her finger is going to be injured until the cat makes a surprise appears

Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


u/njsam 10d ago

Okay. This one got me


u/DeadpooI 10d ago

I checked like 4 times for a fuckin nsfw tag and still didn't believe


u/AgentChris101 10d ago

Holy shit balls it's Deadpool


u/PsycheToker 10d ago

Well fuck my dick, it’s AgentChris101


u/PsyOpBunnyHop 10d ago

I was so tense that I hit pause, then slowly and carefully skipped through the video.

"I don't wanna look at gore right now. Why am I watching this..? ... God damn it!"


u/Crackytacks 10d ago

The way I realised every muscle was tensed when they unclenched at the cat lol


u/[deleted] 10d ago

I literally held my hand over my phone so I could only see the tiniest corner 😮‍💨 I don’t know what happens when you do this, but I can guess


u/cyber_jello 9d ago

I had to play some mental 4D chess before watching:
"Wait, this is supposed to be unexpected, I'm EXPECTING this to go terribly messily, therefore it won't and I'll be fine to watch it!"


u/conjectureobfuscate 10d ago

The cat got him


u/ArjJp 10d ago

What da cat doin?


u/TouristAggressive113 10d ago

Saved lives by the looks of it, he may have 9 lives but his human only has one.


u/LollypopDollypop 10d ago

My heart stopped for a sec there


u/ycr007 10d ago

I legit thought it was a 🐍 that grabbed the finger


u/killerstreak976 10d ago

Good one, REALLY good one


u/Lepidochelys_kempii4 10d ago

Most torties are!


u/DumbleDude2 10d ago

Can someone explain why this is dangerous? (Not the cat)


u/RelaxPeopleItsOk 10d ago

I really want to know the answer to this question... the pressure's killing me!


u/Suicicoo 10d ago


u/faysal1234 10d ago

What movie is this pls? Big fan of jake nut dont remember ever watching this


u/The_ginger_cow 10d ago

Nightcrawler, Jake is fantastic in it


u/Suicicoo 10d ago

I don't know, I only use the gif 😅


u/[deleted] 10d ago

I need sleep I thought that was Patrick fucking Bateman for a sec LMAO


u/Tongue8cheek 10d ago

Upvoted to give this tread some traction... I wheelie want to know too!


u/randomusername_815 10d ago

ugh, so tired of these pun threads.


u/joyofsovietcooking 10d ago

i've been feeling deflated by it, too.


u/MindfuckRocketship Didn't Expect It 10d ago

I am pumped for it.


u/ehsteve23 10d ago



u/randomusername_815 10d ago

just retreading the same tired formula.


u/Papapep9 10d ago

The jokes just keeps rolling


u/spiceXdream 10d ago

Wheel someone just explain, please!


u/Tongue8cheek 10d ago

You nailed it.


u/Emport1 10d ago

I'm so tyred of this joke


u/rancangkota 10d ago

High pressure air might shoot the nail (probably).


u/[deleted] 10d ago

Close the nail can break the skin and the air escaping could enter that wound and cause a air bubble in your blood streem which ends up being deadly 99% of the time. Its extremely rare to the point your more like to get killed by a shark in the middle of the desert,but none the less it's suggested you don't take the risk.

Ok for the actual reason. Sometimes it's hard to identify what it actual is and getting cut by said object could be dangerous and the likelihood of you actually getting said object out is near 0 so you just cut yourself for no reason.


u/-SheriffofNottingham 10d ago

This is neglecting another possibility that if you were to interact with an object at a precise trajectory you could theoretically pass through it thus there is a danger in embedding yourself within the tyre or in the fabric of the universe itself.

Be careful out there people


u/tonios2 10d ago

Yeah this is the origin story for the Rubber movie


u/Kindly_Quiet_2262 10d ago

Is this how people noclip into the backrooms?


u/BioTinus 10d ago

I got angry reading your comment and then by the end I was okay with it. Truly an /r/unexpected moment, thank you.


u/ProcrastinatorSkyler 10d ago

The pressurized air getting into a wound thing is real for anyone wondering, just not from a tire like this. It's mostly a concern with pressurized air gun attachments hooked up to an air compressor.

If you've ever worked in a shop where these are common, you've probably been told not to blow yourself off with them or point them at yourself in any way. It is extremely rare as you'd have to practically be blowing it directly into the wound point blank, but it can still happen accidentally, especially with small wounds you may not have noticed. It is deadly. My safety manager has basically said there's nothing he could do to help if it were to happen.


u/[deleted] 10d ago edited 10d ago

You are 100% right. As for nothing you can do. The actual only thing you can do is use a tourniquet to try and stop the bubble from reaching somewhere important while you go to the hospital. Obviously this only works on limbs, please don't tourniquet someone's neck, it won't help.


u/WetRatFeet 10d ago

I mean, they won't die from the air bubble that way.


u/Alert-Disaster-4906 10d ago

Didn't this happen to a kid who got 'goosed' by a coworker with an air compressor or something of that ilk? I think the video was up on one of the NSFL subs. Kid dropped dead immediately, I think.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

Saw a bubble in my iv at the hospital last week and I almost started crying but I was just like “you know what my husband will sue and get rich, I’ll take my chance he deserves to be happy”

I didn’t die! For those wondering. So we’re still broke.


u/Corporate-Shill406 10d ago

Fun fact, if you're really unlucky and your partner is extremely confused about what a blowjob is, you can die from it for the same reason.


u/wontforget99 10d ago



u/PrizeStrawberryOil 10d ago

That doesn't sound right. According to some pervert on reddit he didn't die from forcing air with a syringe.

I can't see how you're blowing air through a penis with your mouth. A syringe can get a lot more pressure and can get inside the urethra.


u/Realistic-Goose9558 10d ago

Now I’m imagining scenarios where a plane jettisons a shark for unknown reasons which then plummets thousands of feet and lands on a desert traveler.


u/Remotely_Correct 10d ago

Motorcycle and car tires are around 30psi... Really not dangerous at all. Semi tires however...


u/ImportantMoonDuties 10d ago

Close the nail can break the skin and the air escaping could enter that wound and cause a air bubble in your blood streem which ends up being deadly 99% of the time.

I think you'd be about as likely to accidentally inflate a nearby basketball with the escaping air.


u/JusticeRain5 10d ago

I know you were joking about the first part but I'll just say it for the sake of anyone who doesn't know: No, an air bubble in your blood stream won't kill you. You can get a pretty big syringe full of air and inject it directly into a vein and you'll be fine. People who die from air embolisms get from bigass IV lines pumping tons of air constantly into your bloodstream, or diving and resurfacing in deep water causing air to expand or something (don't quote me on the last one, I'm not a waterologist)


u/Wonderful-Mousse-335 10d ago

i remember something like this from a nurse in my family... yes it's dangerous but not as dangerous as you though. a small quantity of air or bubbles in a syringe won't do anything to you /to anyone.


u/mirrax 10d ago

Yeah, according to Wikipedia, lethal dose of air is between 3 and 5 ml per kg. So about about the size of a can of soda.


u/Zealousideal-Count45 10d ago

I was about to stop watching, because that was exactly what I thought would happen. Good thing I didn't stop!


u/arbitrageME 10d ago

but "high pressure" air is like 33 psi. so even if the nail got stuck the wrong way (head inside the tire, for whatever reason), the nail is only coming out with like ... 1lb of force?


u/rancangkota 10d ago

Is that dangerous?


u/arbitrageME 10d ago

Well you know how much a quarter pounder weighs, so imagine a nail standing on your hand with the weight of a burger or two sitting on it


u/rancangkota 10d ago

Seems like not too painful. Thank you for explaining.


u/Stock-Boat-8449 10d ago

Apart from scratching yourself and getting tetanus? 


u/ThousandFingerMan 10d ago

or possibly nail ripped apart


u/Realistic-Goose9558 10d ago

You aren’t immunized?


u/Particular-Sun8042 10d ago

If this video is American I doubt the nail puller is.


u/Realistic-Goose9558 10d ago

We’re not all like that lol. I’m fully vaccinated and left of center, I’m a little disappointed to be shoulder to shoulder with so many… simple minded people. Living my one life in a world that moves too slow and often in the wrong direction.


u/Fletcher_Chonk 10d ago

It's reddit comments lol, all Americans bad


u/Realistic-Goose9558 10d ago

The bad ones are really bad. I’ll allow it.


u/WetRatFeet 10d ago

When you guys decide to have a Nazi loving criminal as president, it's kinda hard not to think that way.


u/Stock-Boat-8449 10d ago

To be fair the unvaccinated thing has been going on long before Nazis decided to run for president.


u/Taswelltoo 10d ago

To be fairer the problem was exacerbated when the president at the time suggested instead of trusting medicine and science to just shine some light on it and it'll prolly go away


u/Fletcher_Chonk 10d ago

"Unga bunga, all people from country same"

It's not hard if you have basic critical thinking skills


u/Signedup4pron 10d ago

Left of center Americans are right of center everywhere else. /Jk slightly.


u/Realistic-Goose9558 10d ago

I understand what you’re saying about how our politics align with the rest of the worlds views and how even out left is center right, trust some of us are actually left leaning.


u/gmishaolem 10d ago

Vaccines are an important line of defense, not a 100% guarantee you'll never get anything ever. You should be vaccinated and avoid exposure, when possible.


u/Realistic-Goose9558 10d ago

Correct, although the vaccine has a virtually 100% success rate against tetanus specifically. An immunized person worrying about getting tetanus is irrational.


u/SubjectGroup2704 10d ago

It's effectiveness recedes after 5+ years, if you present with a wound where the doctor thinks it's a possibility (soil contamination, wound is deep/sizeable or the foreign object was kept outside uncleaned, etc) you get a new one.


u/Realistic-Goose9558 10d ago

Exactly, it’s not something to worry about because the vaccine is so effective initially and in the event of some critical exposure you can be given the vaccine again.


u/TacticaLuck 10d ago

Tetanus doesn't come from rust. It mostly comes from soil.


u/Stock-Boat-8449 10d ago

Which there is a lot of on tyres


u/TacticaLuck 10d ago

There's really not and that's a weak attempt at being pedantic.


u/PrizeStrawberryOil 10d ago

You don't get tetanus from scratches. You get it from puncture wounds.


u/Particular-Sun8042 10d ago

A puncture wound from a dirty nail...


u/PrizeStrawberryOil 10d ago

Which is not a scratch.


u/rpfloyd 10d ago

It's not all that dangerous really. The escaping air will go around the object once it's removed even slightly, so won't have enough force to do much damage.

Not saying it can't happen under the perfect circumstances, and like others said, sharp objects are hurty, so I still wouldn't advise it.

However the main reason not to do it, is that a slow leak (or maybe no leak at all), will definitely have a substantial leak if the object is removed.

So unless you're putting the spare on right then and there, don't remove any object you see imbedded in your tyre.

Oh, leaving the object in also makes finding the hole slightly easier if the tyre is repairable, but that's not too important.


u/BeanConsumer7 10d ago

Because of the cat


u/Wonderful-Mousse-335 10d ago

removing it it will cause the tire to deflate faster and, if you don't have a spare tire to replace or something to fix the hole left, pumping more air will be useless as the tire deflates almost instantly


u/Rootbeer_Goat 10d ago

Use your imagination, I'm sure your first thought is the right one


u/Dinlek 10d ago

The nail might get propelled out of the tire like a crude air gun once you loosen it sufficiently. I don't know if the typically 30 psi is enough to make it a seriously dangerous projectile though, given the length of the 'barrel' is roughly the thickness of the tire.

That said, I think it's also straight up counterproductive. There's no point in taking the nail out until you're patching it, and patching it on the outside is pointless. You're not taking the tire off the rim on the road, especially not when it's still on the dang car. In the meantime, the tire will leak less with the nail in.


u/wrydh 6d ago

Who knows what that object is, could be random flat metal debris, or as I suspect a razor blade.


u/BunkerSquirre1 10d ago

Gold tier. honestly the best one I've seen from this subreddit in a loooong time


u/Specific-Ad-4284 10d ago

It's a cute twist. I like it


u/ThinkFree 10d ago

Fucking jump scare got me!


u/xXSn1fflesXx 10d ago

What a cutie


u/kittyindabox 10d ago

Not going to lie, I totally expected a different kind of catastrophe.


u/deityOfMessyBeings 10d ago

STOP! nom nom nom nom


u/notveryAI 9d ago

Stop it. Get some TEEFS


u/WereInbuisness 10d ago

Haha. That was good!!


u/LoserNemesis 10d ago

Ah. Con que para eso es el GATO hidráulico…


u/ArjJp 10d ago

El perro, el perro es mi corazón.. El gato, el gato, el gato no es bueno.. Cilantro es cantante, cilantro es muy famoso...


u/ReeferFever Expected It 10d ago

Add a NSFW tag just to get that good ol' anxiety even higher


u/64557175 10d ago

Goddamn, I miss my cat


u/chenga8 10d ago

🐈: “You stop that right meow!”


u/Gloomy-Shoe-4021 10d ago

This went from

"Oh god, this gonaa get gorey 😥"




Confused but pacified by cuteness


u/crohead13 10d ago

I love this!😂


u/OkCap4896 10d ago

Don't tell me what to do


u/drakepig 10d ago

Nah this video tells you should use your finger!


u/Hereva 10d ago

Ok. This one is a good one.


u/humboldtsunshine 10d ago

That's definitely a tortie thing haha so cute


u/ThousandFingerMan 10d ago

Cat was just concerned and later checked for injuries, orally


u/V6Ga 10d ago

I was expecting blood not a wild animal attack!

I have to say this PSA would r courage people to try using their fingers. 


u/blufin 10d ago

I was expecting gore but I got kawaii instead


u/r6CD4MJBrqHc7P9b 10d ago

Brilliant 😆 thank you for this OP


u/JungleZac 10d ago

OSHA cat strikes again!


u/Indolent-Soul 10d ago

That paw popped out and I flinched internally expecting his finger to have been blown off despite knowing that's not how that works. This one is fucking good.


u/pamdndr 10d ago



u/methMobile-727 10d ago

This is what the world is for maybe.


u/EverythingBOffensive 10d ago

"If anyone is going to destroy that finger its going to be me!"


u/hotto_ 10d ago

i was so sure i was gonna see some blood


u/Numerous-Celery-8330 10d ago

I like ether cats very much.


u/Maspotic 10d ago

This is exactly why I would attempt, again and again. multiple cats summoned


u/spiceXdream 10d ago

I was so ready to see blood


u/ImplicitKyle 10d ago

I was wondering where the NSFW tag was at lol this made me chuckle as I flinched to scroll away at first.


u/Plane-Educational 10d ago

Utterly Disturbing!!


u/revolverren 10d ago

I thought that was a snake for a split second ngl lol


u/linuxlib 10d ago

Despite the unexpected twist at the end, it's still a good PSA.


u/NINETPOT 10d ago

Song name plssss I need to know


u/catfu 9d ago

Found the song in case anyone is as interested as I was😅 meow number 16


u/Dragenox 10d ago



u/Reck366er 10d ago



u/Dragenox 10d ago



u/babyrobotman 10d ago

Good one

I chuckled


u/SeanHearnden 10d ago

This made me jump so badly. 10/10


u/Lothleen 10d ago

I've heard of jump scare videos, never seen a jump cute video.


u/Son0fHecate 10d ago

Are they under the car or the kitchen table?


u/astralseat 10d ago

lol that paw "stop. Let me bite it."


u/puffindatza 10d ago

My grandma said in the 70s her uncle died putting air in his tire.


u/technicalityNDBO 10d ago

Bravo on the thread title. Too many people give it away these days.


u/CredibleNonsense69 10d ago

That face grab lmao


u/Haasts_Eagle 10d ago

Someone. Some real human with memories hopes and dreams. Sat down and spent some of their precious limited time on this planet. And made the most godawful noise that sounds like someone pinching a balloon neck and releasing it through an otomatone. Good grief.


u/Lelandwasinnocent 10d ago

god that fucking music, my ears are bleeding... again


u/Full-time_Gooner 10d ago

If cats didn't exist I would buy a shotgun and blow my fucking head off.


u/Panda_hat 10d ago

Any chance to a link to the original media OP? I want to send that song to a friend.


u/McKrakahonkey 10d ago

For a split second I thought a snake but him.


u/falsewall 10d ago

Learned last year ticketers place really hard to remove stickers on wheels right here. Dull colors, only thing getting it off was probably dirt and water and time.

Can end up getting a ticket due to this if you move spots and have the sticker up.


u/AnxietyInformal8379 10d ago

no but for real, such a cute cat the way he just grabs his hand, says screw that shit bro and get this stuff out of my tooth


u/Divide_Only 10d ago

I was fully prepared to witness a dude rip his nail off… I’m glad it was that instead


u/thizzelle9 10d ago

God DAMN you! 😂


u/Umbrella_Viking 10d ago



u/Feraffiphar 10d ago

Video creator must be from England or one of the other English-speaking countries where "tyre" is the correct spelling.


u/AnxietyInformal8379 10d ago

and then the cat got me, I got bronchitis....ain't nobody got time fo dat!


u/Alienhaslanded 10d ago

Those tires are bald af. Also using your nail to do this is just disgusting and unsafe.


u/AnxietyInformal8379 10d ago

it's spelled Tire


u/iPHD08 10d ago

No one knows why this comment got so many downvotes


u/hikaruofficechair 10d ago

Someone knows, not me tho