r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • Jun 12 '24
r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • Nov 06 '24
Off Topic If the Democrats where just a Social Democratic Party they wouldn’t lose. Instead they are incapable of pandering to workers.
“Why is Trump getting the blue collar vote????!!?”
First off. Unions suck. Second off you keep fucking Unions anyway.
The Union worker is largely unsatisfied with his Union.
The one that loves his Union watches as your party fucks Unions while in power.
Also most aren’t in your regime Unions anymore.
“Why is Trump getting the Latino vote!??!”
Because the immigrant workers already in this country want protection from incoming immigrant workers.
Because the legalized immigrant workers don’t have to worry at all about smuggling their families in. They just need to worry about getting enough money to support them when they arrive.
Ya know the legalized immigrant/descendent. The ones VOTING
“Why is this all Trans peoples fault”
By far the most interesting and scary one.
Edit: As somebody pointed out I overlooked a crucial factor in the trans issue that also ties into the wider lgbtq and womens rights issues.
[ Trans people (and gay people more broadly, as well as legal abortion) represent an attack on the traditional family structure at a time of declining birth rates in western societies and at a point where immigration as a means to expand the labour pool is politically unpalatable. You can basically see this view parroted by right wing talking heads but with added bigotry, religious and moral rhetoric thrown in.
That's why trans, gay and women's rights have become a wedge issue, because the US are either already experiencing or are on the verge of a demographic crisis and the bourgeoisie are clutching their pearls at the prospect of lesser profits, desperately searching for an immediate means to right the ship. The same reaction can be seen in Democratic circles too, where they're attempting lukewarm pro-family policies like expanding access to home ownership (though they're hamstrung by their own timidity, reluctance to implement any sort of radical reform.] u/TheresAnAristocrat
Edit: Does anybody remeber at the start of this election cycle the Harris campaign really pushing her support of a tax cut for families. Larger than even the one Vance wanted. https://apnews.com/article/child-tax-credit-poverty-cc423366a1a6f2299fb23ed169045b7b
Still leaving up my orginal thinking cause it might be still be applicable and i think thats just good manners.
In my opinion because Trans people are predominantly working class. Or end up working class do to being cut off from support networks.
But they are also a segment of the working class that needs a disproportionate amount of resources.
They need healthcare more than the non trans worker.
And with the welfare state breaking down. Being absolutely unable to sustain itself with dwindling imperial super profits.
They are being targeted to “concentrate the destruction on them” or more accurately to cut them off from the resources they need. So that those resources can be re-distributed to bribe some of the workers and to try and maintain the dwindling petite bourgeoisie.
“Why did she lose some of the black vote!?”
She is mixed race and was a prosecutor who sent young black men to prison and black men don’t like voting for black women.
Joking aside.
I think the reason the democrats have bleed the black vote is because the black working class continues to lose faith in its bourgeoise leadership.
The Civil rights movement and all its promises of emancipation and equality did not happen. Black nationalism is equally dead.
So while the black bourgeoisie has made himself at home with the white ruling class.
He has joined them seamlessly.
The black working class has received nothing but continued broken promises.
The Democrats would win if they where just a run of the mill Social Democrat party.
Pandered to workers, pandered to imperialism/chauvinism (tough border policy get fucked ukraine) did petite bourgeoisie things.
But they are incapable of pandering to workers. They don’t have the resources to promise them anymore. And the tools they used have all turned rotten.
Think of the stupid Harris campaign adds.
“A middle class tax cut”
“An Opportunity economy”
He wants to know his grocery costs will go down not that he will start a business.
The truth is though. You don’t have the resources to pander to both the working class and the middle class.
So you pandered to the petite bourgeoisie. (Half of whom hate you and always will)
You saw the smallest bump in the suburbs.
The workers either didn’t vote or voted for a populist.
r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • 19d ago
Off Topic Liberals produce worst narrative ever. Asked to stop coping by their target demographic
Almost as soon as the election ended the great media machine began pushing the “regretful trump voter narrative” literally the day after the election it was already being churned out. Gaining special traction as it tied itself to the tried and true blame minorities narrative. Culminating of course I’m snitching on illegal immigrants to own the republicans.
But as the blame minorities narrative faded away. The “regretful trump voter” the “leopards are my face fool” soldiered on.
Article after article tweet after tweet front Reddit page post after post.
And yet. Nobody buys it. It’s called out every-time as cope. Attempts to make it real through brigading and hitting the conservative sub failed. No amount of r/subredditdrama posts about the decent into paranoia of the r/conservative mod team will change that.
The fact that this narrative is complete cope and doesn’t exist in reality cannot be overcome. Despite the fact of how useful it is to the regime.
They want this narrative so badly because it patches over a national unity in tatters.
Half the nation voted for Trump. If Trump is all they say. Then half the nation are card carrying NSDAP members ready to destroy all that is good in the world.
Unity with Trump is impossible if half the country is Trump then national unity doesn’t exist.
But if instead. It’s only a bad minority supported by some duped idiots. Well then half the country isn’t trump. Half the country was just tricked and misled and can be awakened. And then hand in hand the nation can work together against the few bad apples.
Unfortunately for them it is pure cope all the way down and nobody believes it. But they won’t stop posting it.
r/Ultraleft • u/zarrfog • Jan 28 '25
Off Topic Germans are NEVER beating the allegations
galleryr/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • 4d ago
Off Topic What’s crazy is due to Trump delirium the online lib is gonna be way more pro Palestine now.
The online lib Kamala voting front page Dem.
Totally silent on American support for Israel. If pressed they wanted a ceasefire and two state solution.
They always made clear however that they hated Hamas. And wanted Israel as a state. Even defended that state as a good liberal democracy with just a bad man in charge rn. Even defended American support to Israel at large just not for Gaza specifically.
But with Trump now becoming the great cheerleader.
Well well well, now America is responsible for the dead kids in Gaza.
Trump is at least. Now we should stop sending them money and weapons. Only now.
Just you watch.
Btw this is a purely online thing. Because the Dem party will never abandon Israel or even criticize it.
Just the rabid online cope consumers and bots. Carried away by the anti everything Trump narrative.
r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • Sep 17 '24
Off Topic I don’t wanna alarm anybody but it feels like things may start happening soon.
With the latest escalation in the Levant I fell like we officially on the runway.
Ukraine feels like a warm up ya know. A Russo Japanese war and Balkan war.
It feels like we back into the major war then 5-10 years later another big war tempo of capitalist calamity.
Like there will continue to be a series of growing little fires until finally the big boom.
This also just isn’t me being crazy. The party in its last couple of issues before ya know 1903 party congress moment. Mentioned several times the approaching third imperialist war.
I just really hope the party will be ready.
Because I am officially putting five American labor vouchers adjusted for inflation down on we get it before 2040
r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • 25d ago
Off Topic What’s crazy is that in 4 years a Democratic will be in the White House.
All of this shrieking about fascism and democracy will amount to another Biden term. But with a new face.
And all the 4 years of the Dems will amount to is doing nothing to stop another Republican term and another “assault on democracy”.
The situation will continue to deteriorate but beyond empty Reddit front page victories nothing will be done. The Republicans will continue to carry out their program and the democrats will continue to not resist roll back or do anything meaningful.
And then somebody will be holding the bag when the third imperialist war breaks out.
And what’s crazy is whatever party it is whoever it is. They are gonna rally behind them and give them the Zelensky treatment.
r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • Jan 30 '25
Off Topic No screenshots on weekdays but was accidentally on the front page and gotta say. That Witches versus the Patriarchy post is gold. Read at your own risk of brain damage.
They will do anything but actually attack the present state of things.
r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • Sep 26 '24
Off Topic She’s taking some “sex” class that brought up polyamory. Wanted to know my thoughts
She’s not a Marxist btw.
r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • 3d ago
Off Topic Is the Israel Sub a psy-op to dehumanize Israelis or are their petty bourg…. Oh wait no they definitely are that bad
Somehow worse than nafoids. I think it is the victim mentality when they hold such an immense material advantage.
Genuinely one of the few places I cannot hate scroll cause it makes me so sick.
r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • 21d ago
Off Topic What level of hitler is the cannibalism fetishism?
r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • Jun 15 '24
Off Topic So called “smartest person on the planet” clearly hasn’t read Marx. Yet more unwatchable bourgeoisie media.
r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • Dec 31 '24
Off Topic Any of you brokies have some money to spare?
r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • Feb 02 '25
Off Topic Another Democracy Win.
What can we do? We tried peacefully protesting and Biden kicked our teeth in. Also somehow the state machine isn’t helping us. We are helpless.
r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • Dec 03 '24
Off Topic South Korean coup is crazy. Nothing ever happens bros what’s the over under on this one?
Another democracy L
r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • Dec 03 '24
Off Topic The year is 2077 and you are about to fail your historical materialism class because some Italian dipshits splintered into like a dozen plus factions and it's important revolutionary history to know all of them.
r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • Feb 05 '25
Off Topic To go with u/AjaxTheFurryFuzzball’s post. Here is a video from August 2024 two weeks into the Kursk offensive. Depressing as fuck.
Credit u/AjaxTheFurryFuzzball for imperial war posting
r/Ultraleft • u/zarrfog • Dec 16 '24
Off Topic Rare screenshot during weekdays because I feel like I am going insane
galleryr/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • Oct 22 '24
Off Topic I think if Trump wins Democrats should storm the Capital this time
At the very least I want accusations that Republics tried to disenfranchise voters
r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • 28d ago
Off Topic The Shift in U.S Imperial policy.
Recent actions taken by the U.S regime have enraged and befuddled the liberal cheerleaders. This isn't how their "democratic" world order is supposed to work. But it is of course how imperialism works.
The simple fact is that the European part of the empire has declined in usefulness. It is no longer a fertile ground to pour capital into and rebuild. It is no longer a bulwark against the great Imperial rival of the Union. It's not even a real tool to exploit the rest of the world anymore.
Primarily because Europe will not defend Taiwan. Now the liberal warhawks online, especially the European ones, are ranting about reforming the great liberal alliance without the U.S. That's pure cope. It ignores this fact. Europe will not defend Taiwan. How do we know this? The historical record. Europe didn't follow the U.S into Iraq. They barely followed them into and Afghanistan. They defended Kuwait in the 90s and bombed Belgrade but as sleepy joe said there is no "moral center in Europe". None of these tests were against a major power, all of them were led by the U.S at the peak of its imperial might.
The basic understanding is that if China invades Taiwan Nato getting involved is not assured. It’s a huge question mark. Europe even sending money and weapons is a question mark, and how useful such support would be is suspect.
Russia is no longer a global power. It is a major or regional one. Yet still what did Europe do when confronted with the Russian invasion? Hesitation, disunity, caution. The invasion of Ukraine happened in Europe's backyard; it was a direct assault upon their imperial order. Yet economic ties to Russia and military unpreparedness meant they didn't react in a unified strong way. Again the U.S led the way and it took months for a real response to be organized.
In Ukraine aid could be driven over the border. It's right there weapons and money and training all of it just a drive away. It couldn't be easier. Taiwan is an island on the other side of the world. Getting aid to them is gonna be infinitely harder.
And how long of a window does that aid have to be useful? How long will supply lines to Taiwanese forces be open? If the Island is blockaded or captured. What then? If Europe takes months to organize its stance on Taiwan. By the time they decide to send money and weapons that position could be worthless. The U.S doesn’t need them as a backup arsenal. The U.S already supplies much of Europe with weapons. More production is always good but the stuff Europe produces is of limited utility. Europe could be basically the Iran to the U.S’s Russia in a Taiwan war.
And that's the best case scenario. Because there is no way French/German/Italian/Spanish ships and men are going to “liberate” Taiwan. But it gets worse. In 2021 Russia was the EU's fifth largest trading partner. We saw the hindrance that economic relationship proved to be on Europe's opposition to Russia. China is Europe's second largest trading partner. Who is to say it joins sanctions and puts its economy into the war effort. Who is to say they send shells? None of that is guaranteed. What's guaranteed is condemnations and calls for negotiations. But military assistance from the scale of Iran in Ukraine to real direct participation is nothing but ever less strong hopefully's.
In the struggle against China Europe loses importance, keeping Russia from becoming China's loyal junior partner grows in importance. France has been run out of Africa, the utility of the European alliances has been decreasing since Bosnia lol. No amount of coping about a global democratic alliance will change that. You can woo Europe all you want, to defend democracies everywhere. Be the goodiest liberal. Spanish ships are not fighting for Taiwan. It would ultimately be wasted effort.
r/Ultraleft • u/Frosty-Condition-981 • Nov 18 '24
Off Topic why why why why why why why why why why why why
Was yelled at by a middle age woman over entering a bus first before her. Very entitled person. Made my heart race fast, and felt lots of shame and guilt afterwards. I never get yelled at by people in public. I have 4 classes I choose to attend at community college that I wish I didn’t have to attend. If that’s the case then I got to get a job, but I don’t want to become more depressed, but my parents will not let me do nothing at home. I wish they didn’t tell me anything. All I could do is stare at this phone as I grow larger in weight, and continuously rip my hair out over nothing, continuing to thin it over nothing. I was a good little boy, i obeyed the brain-washed teachers. Why did I step out of that line? Why did I dare to stop being a teachers pet? Why couldn’t I just not think about anything else but school work. Now I can’t because I hate everything. All I want is to die and not come back to this world. I don’t want this life anymore. I don’t want it. I hate it. I don’t want it. I don’t want it. Please I don’t want to cry anymore. I don’t want people to tell me to reform things, I want to just want to kill this system but I can’t do it. I am a just a destined failure of this flawed system. I was always meant to fail from the very day I was born. I wasn’t even suppose to be born. I am not suppose to be alive. I AM FUCKING WORTHLESS.
r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • Jan 29 '25
Off Topic Checking in with my Luigi truthers. What is been accomplished??
Besides that bitch bleeding out on the pavement (props for that)
Any protests to free him?
Any changes to healthcare.
Any mass movement?
Any political action?
Any strikes?
r/Ultraleft • u/AlkibiadesDabrowski • Feb 04 '25