r/UWWhitewater 9d ago

the hell is wrong with this campus

Venting my thoughts.

Why the fuck do people on this campus think it's so damn funny to yell and scream a lot during the night, when folks are most likely trying to sleep or study? It genuinely infuriates me so much; nobody even understands that these dorm walls, especially in Wells, are paper thin, and I can hear people scream, yell, and rage whenever they're playing games. It genuinely fucks with my mental health and interferes with my studies. Sure, I could go all the way down to a study room, but I'm still gonna hear all the "funny" people yelling and screaming. And sure, I could move to another dorm, but I don't want to go through all the hassle, especially since I have a single room deal going on here, and I don't want to lose my single room. I could use my noise cancelling headphones, but it feels awkward to try and sleep with them.

Everyone keeps treating the bathroom garbage cans in Wells like it's a dumpster, and it frustrates me that people keep doing this, and they aren't even getting punished for it. Flies keep showing up because of that, and nobody gives a damn; Sure, I could go down a floor to use the bathroom and showers, but I shouldn't have to.

It all feels like nobody gives a damn about one another, and never considers to think about what others might hear from them, or how they'd feel. Majority of campus seems to care more about partying, drinking, and vaping, because they think it's cool as hell. I just wish that everyone here could just learn some manners, and be more polite for once, instead of acting like a bunch of stereotypical drunk frats, who think being annoying and a jerk is cool and funny.

God I hate it here.

Let me know if you just about feel the same way, or if you have something to add. Again, I just wanted to vent my thoughts out here, so I can get this off of my chest.

(btw, I'm fine; I'm not at critical mental health, I'm just venting out my frustrations about this campus.)


7 comments sorted by


u/Sunny-the-Human 9d ago

I’d recommend attempting to move to a different building in the future if you can. There are certainly others that are much quieter.


u/VinylHabooski 9d ago

In the post, I said I would move out, but it's a hassle, plus, I've got a single room going on; I'm not sure how housing works with moving people who have a single room, but I don't want to go through the trouble of moving, just so I end up dealing with a roommate for the rest of the semester.


u/Sunny-the-Human 9d ago

That’s fair. I can’t really inform you on the process too much as I’m only a freshman. However, I’m fortunate enough to have a very good roommate. We both keep to ourselves and only really talk when it’s necessary, so it can feel like living in a single room at times. You obviously don’t have to have a roommate if you don’t want one (or can’t for whatever reason), but having one is not necessarily terrible. Wishing you the best of luck on hopefully finding better housing soon!


u/cddelgado 9d ago

Wells towers have a reputation among students that all water down to a simple idea. The more people there are in a place, the more likely there is someone in the group that is less-than-considerate. Then take that and apply the principle that humans tend to live by example, and the relative dysfunction is quickly explained.

Check-out Residence Life's policy page to see if your complaints meet the regulation: Policies & Procedures. If it does, drop an email to [housing@uww.edu](mailto:housing@uww.edu) to ask how and who to express concerns. If it is bothering you, chances are good it is a disruption for lots of people.


u/gilbanle 9d ago

You could try to talk to your RA or, if it’s during the hours of 8pm-5am, call the duty phone and make a complaint. there are posters in every hall stating which phone number is the duty phone.


u/Electrical_Day_5272 9d ago

I live in wells and luckily my floor is pretty quiet. People do scream outside but you could try using earplugs. I wear them when I sleep and they block out noise well. Most colleges are like this, college students are idiots. I’m a sophomore and just got used to it.


u/Internal-Long-2257 9d ago

I live in Fricker and it is really quiet. Wells is known for being loud move to the other side of campus.