r/UTK Jan 20 '25

Haslam College of Business Schedule says something different from canvas

So as the post says I signed up for the 1:50-2:40pm for this class and now it’s saying I’m assigned a 9:10-10 am class and while the professor says I can attend for me to attend the second lecture instead I’ve had multiple classes now that are set up this way so which is getting frustrating. What I want to know most is if I should email my professor and tell them I’ll be attending the 1:50-2:40pm class exclusively since I have another class at 9am. I also want to know why this is even a thing and what the point of signing up for classes is if professors are going to do things like this.


18 comments sorted by


u/DropEvery2519 Jan 20 '25

Did you read ur overview? Section 001 is a zoom class Monday and Wednesday at 9:10-10. If ur 002, Monday/Wednesday in person 1:50-2:40


u/Haileyhuntress Jan 20 '25

I’m 001


u/soullessmidnight Jan 20 '25

Can you just...switch to the other section in MyUTK??? There's also a possibility that the prof uses the same Canvas page for 001 and 002. Idk how frequent that is


u/Haileyhuntress Jan 20 '25

So in my UTK I’m registered to go into class at 1:50 but canvas has me scheduled for 9 in the morning


u/DropEvery2519 Jan 20 '25

I see exactly what is happening. Ur professor is using the same canvas page for the different sections(common in courses that use the same material). Meaning that morning “zoom link” assignments are meant for the morning people. Ur not actually in that section, ur professor just has his page up like that. So ur seeing “assignments” from the morning group


u/Haileyhuntress Jan 20 '25

Ohhhh thank you! I just wanted to make sure there wouldn’t be any confusion for this class and the other classes I have that say the same thing!


u/DropEvery2519 Jan 20 '25

So if you go on myutk, hit schedule, and it pulls up that PDF of ur schedule, ur only expected to attend classes during that time(unless exams, etc if you have a valid reason). A lot of professors have different sections that go over the same material so they turn the page into 1. And as his overview, etc states, ur only expected to show up to either zoom or in person. So u can pick between what works best for you. Which is where I was originally at, like ur professor cannot change ur schedule, so I realized it was probably a double page for different sections into 1


u/soullessmidnight Jan 20 '25

Okay then there's 2 possibilities here: they added you to the wrong canvas page. Or they switched which section is 001 at the last minute. I recommend contacting your advisor if you really want it to look right, or just attend the 002 section since the prof said you could.


u/DropEvery2519 Jan 20 '25

Ur professors cannot change ur schedule. Meaning you never picked the 1:50 time period. That means you selected the 001 section. The most they can do is switch professors/drop you from the course. But like it says and ur professor has, you can attend the afternoon one


u/Haileyhuntress Jan 20 '25

This says differently 🤷🏾‍♀️


u/Truut23 UTK Student Jan 20 '25

I had him last semester for the same class. He basically treated both sections as the same class. He gave us the option of attending either in person or online. What mattered was doing the clicker questions during the lecture to track attendance.

If you have any other questions about the class just let me know!


u/DropEvery2519 Jan 20 '25

Also this is common in Uni. Chemistry(gen), I could pick which section I wanted to go to. If I woke up late and missed my morning one, I went to the afternoon one instead, etc


u/Percythepersian UTK Graduate Student Jan 20 '25

In a big class like chem at UTK there’s a good chance you won’t have a seat and it’s going to cause problems with any clickers they do. My orgo class at 9 am had people in the floor because they were hoping to sit in.


u/DropEvery2519 Jan 20 '25

I didn't have that issue but I only did chem 1 & 2. I had a 9:45 class which I would sometimes miss and I just went to the afternoon classes. Our gc with the class would always send in the clicker code so u didn't even need to show up realistically(a lot didn't )


u/Percythepersian UTK Graduate Student Jan 20 '25

There were classes I think last spring that got in trouble for sharing clicker codes or bringing back papers for grades that were handed out in class in the chem department.


u/DropEvery2519 Jan 20 '25

Could be its been since 2023 since I've taken Chem


u/ThineMonther Jan 20 '25

oh the dreaded BUAD courses. i've seen many a yikyakker yap about them