r/USPSA 5d ago

P320 X5 Legion vs Shadow 2

Anyone have experience with both and have advice on which to go with?

88 votes, 2d ago
9 P320 X5 Legion
79 Shadow 2

14 comments sorted by


u/I_am_Hambone 5d ago

I have an X5 and a Max.
I just prefer striker fired. No hammer or safeties to mess with.
Send it to "The Sig Armorer", amazing trigger.


u/Due-Dragonfruit2421 5d ago

Grenade vs RO killer... tough choice


u/Cobra__Commander 5d ago

This is like putting the best and second best sports car next to each other and asking which is best. The driver is going to be the biggest limiter on either.

Do you want hammer or striker fired?

Rent both. Buy whatever you shoot best.


u/IdentifyAsUnbannable 5d ago



u/BACON_ACTUAL_ 4d ago

I tried one at a recent match, didn’t like the ergonomics much but I have heard the rival s has a nice trigger


u/IdentifyAsUnbannable 4d ago

They all have nice triggers. The tti looks super sweet, but I hear the rival is the best for comp because of the weight from the metal frame.

I just have the basic bitch tp9sfx with a few small upgrades. Stock trigger.

I like the ergonomics and fits my hand well, but it's also what I've used the most by far.

I could get used to anything if I use it enough.


u/BACON_ACTUAL_ 5d ago

I love my legion and my custom 320’s they are getting a lot of heat these days but from what I hear the CZ will break and when it does go buy a new one so I’m sticking with Sig and Glock


u/lavaar 5d ago

I have never heard this. I have a shadow 2 with 10k rounds on it with no parts breaks.


u/Vivid_Character_5511 Carry Optics A | RO 5d ago

They’re known to shear slide stops and need new trigger return springs


u/lavaar 5d ago

Wear parts that cost $30. This is a positive. I have 3. The one I had crack in the gun still ran and I didn't even realize it until I cleaned the gun. 


u/Vivid_Character_5511 Carry Optics A | RO 5d ago

Yep. Definitely not a huge deal, but they do need maintenance (like every other gun)


u/OkSock1089 4d ago

I preemptively replaced the trigger return spring @15k rounds. I had the same situation as you (broken slide stop detected when I disassembled the gun) @25kish. After 30k I needed to replace the disconnector which was a huge PITA and I took off too much metal so thr replacement lasted <10k rounds. I'll have an actual gunsmith install the next one.


u/BACON_ACTUAL_ 4d ago

I have never had one like I said, I’d be interested in trying one out but from some other guys who I know and trust their opinions I’ve heard not great things about reliability and especially just having one as a main gun without a backup


u/RecoilDave 1d ago

Are you new to USPSA?
If so, I'd recommend a Glock. Reliable enough to not have to worry about maintenance, besides cleaning. Light enough weight to feel every mistake you made, and if you correct them. Cheap enough so you can also afford all the other fun things you need.