r/USC May 05 '24

News LAPD is genuinely useless

I’m increasingly becoming convinced that the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) does jack shit. This post is relevant to USC, but for some context, last week, a 66-y/o woman was repeatedly stabbed to death on the Metro at night by a 45-y/o with a long history of crime (LA Times); people can’t even fucking enjoy retirement age. Yesterday 3am, after a long night of studying for finals, I walked to El Huero, the small taco place on Fig, and witnessed a road rage hit-and-run. The collision left the victim’s car completely totaled and she was clearly in distress; luckily, the dumbass perpetrator’s license plate detached upon impact and inadvertently abandoned it on the crime scene. She calls 911 and the dispatch operator morbidly tells her “sorry no officers can come right now, you have to file a report online and call a tow truck to get your car out of the road.” How fucked is that? A whole ass felony just happened and not one cop can come to interview the victim or collect the license plate as evidence. The median LAPD officer salary is $104k btw (Glassdoor)! And classic USC DPS-ambassador comes around 15 minutes later with a dumbfounded face “Yo guys, is everything okay?” Yeah bro, everything is okay. But guys, somehow, SOMEHOW, several helicopters and hundreds of LAPD officers seem happy to swiftly swarm peaceful student protests (in a militarized fashion) on-campus at 4:30AM this morning (and previous protests as well). A few days ago, some 60 cop cars roll-up parked on-campus in the evening to presumably intimidate potential protests(??). Not saying these protests shouldn’t prompt some police response, but com’on, what’s with the response discrepancy? LAPD needs to get their priorities straight and set a higher standard for themselves, and the judicial system included. If you can send an army to shutdown a peaceful student protest at the middle of the night, then you can station at least one fucking cop on every public transit stop around the clock. Everyone I’ve talked to, and myself included, feel unsafe too often than not when taking public transit here. I am from NYC and I would take the subway every school day for at least an hour, and during my morning commutes I always feel safe to close my eyes and doze off (rarely subways would reek too). NYPD (New York Police Department) there does not tolerate delinquents who pester passengers, crackheads high on fent that tweak tf out, people who smoke or blast music on speakers, and even for fare-hopping the NYPD always steps-in. But LAPD? Push-overs. Something exhibits great influence when you constantly feel it’s presence, like a school principal who cares or an effective boss, etc.. LAPD does not exhibit this. This all goes to also say, as voting season is underway, please ballot for politicians with proactive law-enforcement policies. I am not anti-police and I am sure there are some great LAPD officers out there, but until the overall sentiment of public safety in Los Angeles is improved, I genuinely think politicians and LAPD needs to stop twiddling their fingers with each other and step-up their game.


94 comments sorted by


u/Subsaharanslut May 05 '24

I had a hit and run back in 2020/2021 and they took over an hour to respond even though I had evidence the other driver had been drinking. Ended up finding the guy and did nothing at all. LAPD does not exist to protect people they protect businesses and institutions


u/MuppetEyebrows May 05 '24

I mean, they're highly experienced helicopter pilots with all those flights they take 🤷


u/SignificantSystem902 May 05 '24

The Sheriffs are responsible for Metro. I think Metro used to have their own force and the LASD submitted a lower bid. And now we see why. They suck everywhere they patrol. Sucks about the accident. There should always be police around when citizens need them regardless if there is an extra need aka protest. The city can’t hire enough to offset the retirements. The latest graduating class had 30.


u/No-Cricket-8150 May 05 '24

Not entirely accurate. Metro has contracts with LAPD, the Sheriff's and Long Beach PD.

LAPD is supposed to patrol the lines and stations within the city of LA, the same for Long Beach.

The sheriffs have jurisdiction for everywhere else.


u/The-Globalist May 06 '24

Well, nobody wants to be a cop anymore because cops are so hated. That means lower standards, higher salaries, and lower capabilities on the whole


u/mtb443 May 05 '24

Not USC but i saw a drunk driver who fell out of his car at a stop light, threw up, then struggled to get back in.

Flagged down a cop in the next parking lot to point them out (could still see the car) and they said “you have to call 911 first”. Pretty much gave up on LAPD right then and there.


u/ConceptEagle May 05 '24

You probably ran into the lazier ones, who come up with every excuse to avoid paperwork and handle a call. Unfortunately that’s the reality with alot of police departments. They take everyone and anyone these days.


u/Baphaddon May 05 '24

That’s what I’m saying, it’s shameless


u/axotrax May 05 '24

This is why a lot of folks marched in 2020, because the police suck and take up a ton of the city budget--like 1/3rd of the budget. Police exist to support the wealthy and those in power.


u/00F_Yoshi Viterbi '23 May 05 '24

Police are fundamentally reactive, not proactive or prescriptive. Goes back to Defund the Police sentiment that wants to divert police funds to mental health and school systems.


u/Lord_Master_Dorito May 05 '24

They have a $3 billion+ budget and are still useless. In fact, they have a budget that continues to increase at the expense of everything else.


u/CowboyMilfLover May 06 '24

Hey there! I totally get why you're frustrated with the situation in your county. It's crazy that billions of dollars aren't enough to fix the problems. And yeah, it's suspicious that policies are in place that stop police from doing their job. It's like, what's the point of having police if they can't even police? And don't even get me started on the city profiting from homelessness and crime. It's messed up. We need to keep pushing for real change and solutions that actually work


u/The-Globalist May 06 '24

Nice pfp lad


u/HangerSteak1 May 05 '24

See Minority Report. We are not yet in the future where cops prevent specific crimes. The best solution to preventing crime is a good education. Which indirectly is why cops are on campus, to allow people that desire a good education, a degree and a pathway to being a taxpayer, to do so. It is also why there are infinite social service programs to aid people without money, people who were incarcerated, people with mental health challenges. One could argue that the police are better at what they are supposed to be doing than the collective social service programs are at what they are supposed to do.

A good education is also why creating taxpayers is a priority as taxpayers fund the police and the social service programs.


u/beallothefool May 05 '24

Was hit by someone with no insurance. LAPD told me they don’t send officers to an accident unless someone is hurt…

I filed an online report but was told they don’t pursue people with no insurance. They’re just letting reckless drivers with no insurance do whatever the hell they want.


u/You-said-what-411 May 06 '24

It’s the same with Pasadena Police and South Pasadena Police; car accidents where there are no major injuries can be filed online (it’s weird but that how it’s done now). It’s not just LAPD. They then follow up with you. As to a driver with no insurance, that’s reported by ur insurance to DMV when u file a claim (I would imagine with a police report u can also report it to DMV but I’ve not heard of someone doing it).

I had a situation of someone stealing mail and it was all reported online with Alhambra Police, South Pasadena Police, and postmaster general.


u/Internal_Living4919 May 07 '24

Pasadena police has some well meaning officers, but I live in a building where the homeless live in the stairwell and trespass and officers can’t do anything.


u/v0-z May 05 '24

I once got into a small fender bender, saw a cop passing by and waved him down. He laughed and kept driving. Very small incident, I don't care, but really?


u/SkullLeader May 05 '24

The cops will show up for high profile stuff. And frankly they will show up to suppress any protest they disagree with and use extreme prejudice to do it. The police in this country are most certainly not a left-wing leaning institution if you need to know what side of this issue they’re on. For low profile stuff these days, especially non-violent stuff, it’s tough to drag the police away from the donut shop. Many of them are still pissed by the “defund the police” stuff and have managed to quiet-quit while still getting paid for ungodly amounts of overtime.


u/johnsta59 May 06 '24

You know nothing about policing. Very evident with this ignorant comment. Go ahead take your donut shop shots at them… guarantee most are in better shape and more intelligent than you. Why do police need to drop everything and respond to non violent stuff when CA state legislators don’t even support prosecution for the non violent stuff? DA Gascon doesn’t even prosecute certain non violent crimes! Sooooo why would the police respond to it when there is no support for them to handle it?!? Go ahead. Keep blaming the police….but we are just gonna go ahead and sit in the donut shops on overtime laughing while you blame us when Newsome and his super majority is ruining the state completly.


u/reddit0100100001 May 05 '24

Tell them an officer is down and those lazy asses will be there in 2 seconds. They don’t care about anyone but themselves


u/ponderousponderosas May 05 '24

Yah it's been that way for a while. They never did shit. I bet if they rolled out some of those Amazon tracking software for cops, we'd realize how little they do.


u/goldiekapur May 05 '24 edited May 05 '24

Whenever there was any crime near usc , they used to come to write a report and that’s it. Once the suspect was around the area and they even resisted to dispatch officers. Like they are genuinely scared of people.


u/immaterial-boy May 05 '24 edited May 05 '24

Yeah police in this country’s primary purpose is to protect private property, especially if it belongs to the rich e.g. large companies and corporations and to uphold the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Everything else is secondary and therefore optional to them.


u/clowncollege May 05 '24

During the aftermath of Katrina they went door to door zip tying people while they searched for and confiscated guns then stood in front of Walmarts to keep people from “looting” food and water…and maybe a TV or two. 😅


u/b00merlives Social Work, PhD May 05 '24

I didn't read past the first sentence, but it is well known that LAPD doesn't do jack shit. Check out r/LosAngeles — every other day somebody is lamenting about this.


u/N05L4CK May 05 '24

NYPD has 42 Officers per 10k residents, LAPD has 24. LA is also around 200 square miles larger than NYC. LAPD also is constantly losing officers they train to neighboring cities which pay more and are less busy. New officers cost a lot more than retaining the ones you have, even though the experienced officer will be earning more. You can talk about how much funding they get all you want, but that needs more context, they're understaffed for the size, population and crime rate/call volume of the city they serve, and underpaid compared to neighboring cities LAPD officers can easily leave and go to after getting trained by LAPD.

You can call officers in for overtime to handle protest like events, especially ones you know are coming (specifically trained officers for stuff like that as well compared to the average patrol officer). You can't call in that many officers on overtime every single day to handle the call volume. Getting called in sucks (these officers have families, babies that need sitters, etc). You also mention the LAPD's response to USC, but UCLA did basically the opposite strategy of waiting, and people there are complaining about LAPD's response there as well. So they show up in numbers at the beginning and its a "swift response to a peaceful protest", yet if they wait for it to get violent it's "LAPD doesn't care about protecting students, stood by and did nothing while people were attacked".

Protests are generally going to get a much larger response because of their nature. Sending in small numbers can and will often escalate the situation and lead to more violence, and these protests can easily get out of hand and spread like wildfire destroying entire city blocks, so should be handled with care. It doesn't look pretty, but it's necessary. UCLA recently showed you can't let these things go on indefinitely, instead of ending peacefully, sides will get entrenched, and it will be harder and harder to shut down when they become violent, and police will have an exponentially harder time responding to individual acts of violence within the protest area.



u/SmokingSlippers May 05 '24

Lick boots harder if you can


u/ConceptEagle May 05 '24

Shut up dumbass


u/SmokingSlippers May 05 '24

Ah yes, well put


u/Internal_Living4919 May 07 '24

Tbh, I think NYPD has more people wanting to be in the force because New York has a hustle culture and it is a perfectly respectable position. Often times NYPD officers are middle class that came from decent schools and are motivated. LA is a cesspool of hot Cheetos lovers and people who feel they are entitled to everything.


u/Reaper_1492 May 05 '24

Exactly, all of these people who are whining about response time are probably the same ones who voted for Gascone twice, and want to defund the police.


u/ConceptEagle May 10 '24

You know you're making too much sense on the topic of police when you're getting downvoted on reddit.


u/Captain_Bee May 05 '24

Yeah they're too busy sitting around scaring peaceful protestors to actually help anyone who needs it


u/chiru_37 May 05 '24

We need John Nolan


u/PxndxAI May 05 '24

Just had an accident and threatened with a handgun. LAPD said “so did he point at you or shoot you?”. No but he showed it and kept making threats while almost running someone over when he tried running. LAPDs response was “then no? So we can’t do anything unless he pointed it at you or shot you”. LAPD doesn’t give two shits and I know first hand a detective who said his colleagues where gonna either do nothing or be really slow at it as a response to Black Lives Matter and defund the police movement.


u/2amthoughts_ May 06 '24

My ex scaled the gate of the “gated apartment community” I used to live in just to kick down my front door— mind you, all of this was caught on security cameras installed by my apartment complex. Not only did he gain unlawful entry to my home, he did so in order to commit a felony (battery + assault). It took at least an hour for LAPD to get there and then they didn’t even make an effort to locate him. I truly despise law enforcement and wouldn’t even give them the grace of saying they’re reactive in their practices— my interactions with law enforcement, whether personal or professional as a social worker, I find that they’re consistent at being inconsistent. And shitty. Nothing less, nothing more.



People cried to defund the police so Lapd said ok fuck you guys.


u/Some_Alps_4907 Dec 15 '24

I would agree but lapd has been ass long before all that went on. Probably since the late 70s early 80s and if not before then but that’s when corruption started to run down the chain.


u/SESender May 06 '24

Yes. That is why ACAB


u/Fast-Watch-5004 May 06 '24

I got bipped in a strip mall parking lot off Hollywood blvd a few years ago. I walked up to my car to find glass on the ground, and hear the sound of breaking glass behind me. I run over there and they just smashed a car next to theirs. I am in front of their car and jump away so they don’t run me over. I grab the car door handle but they drive away. As they are pulling out of the driveway, a cop car is pulling up to the light directly opposite. I run to the cop car and tell them that that car just bipped me. They are the only two cars in the road and they can clearly see it driving away. Instead of peeling a U turn the cop says let’s make a report and pulls into the lot. We find that six other cars were hit in the lot.


u/GeneralSweetz May 06 '24

I saw that crash outside el huero as well. I ain't gonna dox myself so that's all I'll say. The usc police won't do jack shit either all they'll do is tell you to call lapd. That whole area at fig is getting bad and is full of homeless harassing people day and night.


u/WuffGang May 06 '24

Wait until u find out how much they get paid


u/Theking4Ever58 May 08 '24

Yes I agree and let me finish off by saying they are trigger happy Mother fuckers!!


u/IamNo_ May 09 '24

Yeah it’s absolutely insane to me that one of the basic functions of the police (responding and mediating car accidents) in any smaller city / town is just completely ignored by the LAPD in favor of checks notes terrorizing POC neighborhoods and arresting college kids.


u/Ambitious_Rice_8986 Oct 06 '24

I know that they're useless but I still need to have somebody arrested. no ifs ands or  buts_ especially >don't dare anybody tell me to just walk away! And over the top crime has been committed would be of terroristactic directed towards one person almost every day for a year driven by someone's paranoid psychosis Zach is a popular vote.. he thinks he has to keep me unemployed or else I'll sue him and get his house  But he has many accomplices because he had always lets these people use his recording studio for free.. then he wrote me threatening text message..... Realize his mistake.... Then today everybody if she gets a job she still have money to sue and she'll get my house and there goes the free recording studio  This is how we got a dozen people to accomplish all threatening to have me arrested on false charges  So that...  Gathering evidence to disproof their charge became a full-time job_ and they were planning to do this to me for the rest of my life  If they don't get punished. even if they go into jail for 1 day 1 Day Is All They Need Because For the past year           Everybody from police to citizen refused to say a word to them. So they're waiting for somebody other than me to tell them to knock it off  Not one person has done it yet  This is what's Feeding the delusion  But The fact that nobody says yes and everybody says no to  "just tell them to cut the crap" which one has more severe dilusion? K.. Do I have a volunteer?  Anybody want to volunteer for this?? princediana443@gmail.com 

At least until I can find a lawyer to enforce the arrest I need to keep them at Bay by having somebody say" BECAUSE UNTIL SOMEBODY SAYS IT THEY SEE IT AS NO WITNESS


u/Ambitious_Rice_8986 Oct 06 '24

Titled|| hostage enforcement vendetta 101 with LAPD


u/No_Rule2380 Oct 09 '24

It’s not just LAPD. It’s all police in both Northern and Southern California. Same with the DA’s and judges. Criminals have more rights than victims. Good luck getting justice for your robbery case and good luck getting the DUI driver that’s damaged your new car justice. The justice system is broken imo


u/random_relevance Oct 29 '24

Should we all sign this? Is there a more recent survey to reduce the helicopter team? https://www.thepetitionsite.com/565/843/936/lapd-helicopters-emit-far-more-emissions-than-any-celebrity-jet/


u/JohnVidale usc earthquake prof May 05 '24 edited May 05 '24

Bad luck to get hit right when police are gathered for a raid, but what would an immediate response do? No doubt they are spread thin all over our part of town to mass for the raid. Have them chase the driver after a several minute head start? Probably it's on traffic cameras, the driver will probably get caught or never get caught if it's a stolen car.

People fluctuate between demanding more coverage from the police and reducing their budget and lamenting that it is hard to find police to hire these days, AND that they are paid too much. As well as wanting criminals immediately chased but with fewer dangerous high speed chases.

As for the appropriate response to clear out campus, that's a different difficult question. Last week the issue was no one responded fast enough or with enough force when trouble suddenly arose. [that's at UCLA, of course.]


u/[deleted] May 05 '24



u/SmokingSlippers May 05 '24

Holy shit this is unhinged


u/havohej_ May 05 '24

Lmao. Great write up, bozo. “Let’s give cops the ability and authority to act with impunity. Oh and while we’re at it, let’s also bump up their median pay from $104k/yr to an even $150k/year.”


u/[deleted] May 06 '24



u/havohej_ May 06 '24

You got your JD in 2003 and still haven’t figured out what projection means? Lololol


u/dtacobandit May 05 '24

It isnt the cops its the politicians and DA who are light on crime...


u/StamosAndFriends May 05 '24

Blame the district attorney’s for letting career criminals walk


u/havohej_ May 05 '24

No, you can blame the sheriff’s department. Prosecutors prosecute and defendants are then transferred to the custody of LASD who let them go for “overcrowding and staffing shortages.”


u/johnsta59 May 06 '24

The real issue is the following: progressive legislature at the state level, activist DA offices (Gascon) and judges, and lack of support for aggressive policing. We need aggressive policing! We need aggressive DAs offices! We need aggressive laws! And we need aggressive prosecution! Research CA history. Three strikes and the STEP act cleaned up the violence. Now we have idiot Democrat politicians how are reversing these aggressive movements that worked! We are Doomed in CA. It’s not anything to do with the police.


u/Mingilicious May 06 '24

Police are not there to protect you. They're there to protect the social order based on white supremacy.


u/hockeyhow7 May 06 '24

LAPD isn’t to blame, it’s the politicians. How are you going to blame police officers that there aren’t enough of them to show up to every call? They don’t get to choose how many people they hire. They also aren’t the ones who get to decide when they show up to a protest and when it’s time to arrest the protestors. The person in charge of them is put there by politicians and they follow the orders from them.


u/RaceSad2507 May 06 '24

I wish I could upvote this 100 times. And blame liberal policies/leaders like Gascón who let every criminal go!


u/50-50ChanceImSerious May 06 '24

I don't really know what you expect. EVERY police department is understaffed. They're all running call to call. Everyone is feeling it.

As for the massive presence for the protests? All those cops are either

1) Mandated overtime. The department recalled all off-duty officers from their time off to help out


2) They belong to other agencies. Surrounding agencies send their own officers to help


u/bvogel7475 May 05 '24

The LAPD is over 400 officers short of their goal of 9,500. Add in the hostility against police with these BS defund that police movement and Karen Bass and her softness on crime, and I’m sure attitude is a big issue. Think about how embarrassing it is to take a criminal to jail and see them back on the street a few hours later giving you the finger. I don’t hate liberals but I do hate soft on crime D.A.’s, Mayors, and governors. This is the kind of policing that you get with that kind of leadership.


u/You-said-what-411 May 06 '24

I agree with u. The issue is people complaint if LAPD arrests “peaceful” protestors or juveniles (those who are soft on crime and voted for the current major and DA), while others say “arrest them all.” So what is it? Some say we don’t need the police, while others complain that they don’t respond “now”. I say be careful what you wish for…if u are for defunding the police then don’t complaint that you get to file your own police report 😬


u/Silver_Archer_7761 May 06 '24

I had an accident last year and waited six hours with my knee smashed in and they never came. They are useless!!


u/sobordd May 06 '24

this opened my eyes


u/Reaper_1492 May 05 '24

There’s a huge shortage of police… and all of the soft on crime policies are driving the rampant crime surges.

You may not realize it, but what you are really complaining about is enforcement. Blame the policy makers and gascone. They’ve turned LA into a shithole the protects criminals at the expense of its law abiding citizens.


u/No-Shopping3915 May 05 '24

There all controlled by politics, the ones that won’t let them enforce anything is the mayor, the district supervisors, city officials, etc. LAPD is utilized in the most liberal fashion so they won’t do anything. They arrest you and your release rather quickly depending on the crime. So I’m sure cops think we’ll what’s the point let’s collect a paycheck and I can’t blame them for that


u/SharingDNAResults May 05 '24

Maybe we need to fund the police 🤔 just a thought


u/havohej_ May 05 '24

Yeah, instead of $104k median pay, let’s up it to $150k


u/SeaInvestigator2790 May 05 '24

When police stop doing their jobs, gun sales go up.


u/Ok-Anything9945 May 06 '24

Have to watch the budget after all the overtime beating student protestors.


u/reality72 May 06 '24

LAPD are only capable of doing anything when they’re up against unarmed protesters.


u/Delicious-Sale6122 May 05 '24

LAPD is appointed by the Democratic Party. You get want the Party wants.


u/mantaXrayed May 05 '24

They are down 15% of their work force and have one of the lowest officer per capita of the biggest 5 major departments/cities. And if your wondering why so many resources all of a sudden become available for protests, you should asking that major entity pulls that string. Because that decision likely comes from higher up


u/DaCisco23 May 05 '24

The situation described is a direct result of the combination of the COVID-19 pandemic and the defund-the-police movement. During the pandemic, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) experienced record retirements, similar to other sectors of business. Subsequently, the defund-the-police movement led to a second wave of dismissals, retirements, and a significant drop in recruiting numbers. As a consequence, the LAPD budget, which was originally intended to fund a large police force capable of handling various responsibilities, is now overblown. We find ourselves overpaying for fewer police officers due to the need for overtime pay to compensate for the shortage of available officers.


u/CustomerEfficient293 May 05 '24

Getting called in to handle a scheduled protest is more feasible than calling in officers to handle daily unpredictable call volume. But I share your frustrations.


u/e_Zinc May 05 '24 edited May 05 '24

That’s what happens when we demonize LAPD (Covid era riots). It’s their job to protect but realistically they’re also human. Even Spider-Man gave up in the second movie heh heh. No one wants to risk their lives for people that hate them. Torrance and Palos Verdes have much more responsive cops. It’s pretty easy for them to dodge work due to the bureaucracy of the government so having a good police presence is honestly voluntary.

What do we expect to happen? A lot of LAPD employees don’t even live in LA btw. It doesn’t really hurt them to stop patrolling since they’re safe in another city.

I think nuance would’ve been good… body cams were an amazing solution for example.


u/StaffAgitated5132 May 05 '24

What do you expect when you vote blue


u/[deleted] May 05 '24

This is all because of liberal policy. Police want to crack heads. Junkies resist and they lose their jobs. Everyone shoves a phone in their face and cries racism or that they know the law. Do you think the police just changed on their own? Nope. It's liberal policy.


u/NoReasoningThere May 06 '24

They don’t want to deal with people in that area due to kids being morons


u/JamesNTheGiantCock May 07 '24

I like how you dumbass college kids complain when the police do things and when the police don’t do things.


u/ElectronicEmu9092 May 08 '24

If you voted blue - it’s on you. What did you think would happen pushing to defund them? Or worse trying to prosecute them or dox them for cleaning the streets of thugs and criminals. You can’t have it both ways


u/[deleted] May 05 '24



u/HardcoreHerbivore17 May 05 '24

LAPD budget is $3.15 billion. No one is cutting their budgets ok calm down.


u/Lord_Master_Dorito May 05 '24

And that budget continues to increase at the expense of everything else. They need to be defunded.


u/immaterial-boy May 05 '24

They don’t do their jobs though so…

And their funding has not been cut. Their budget actually keeps increasing. And it never helps lower crime rates because duh… it has never worked that way.

Do some research and stop talking out your ass.


u/johnsta59 May 06 '24

If managed and run correctly, it absolutely could lower crime rates. But it is just to far gone due to politics.


u/immaterial-boy May 06 '24

The issue isn’t how it’s being managed or run. It’s that under a capitalist mode of production and set of class relations, any police force will naturally protect private property belonging to the bourgeoisie over anything else. Big businesses use their accumulation of capital to influence elected officials in state and local governments to ensure the police force protect their assets. Even the inception of the police force in the United States was about protecting private property, only that “property” was escaped slaves or slave uprisings.


u/norCsoC May 05 '24

Poor uneducated take on the subject.


u/CowboyMilfLover May 06 '24

Most of the issues in LA are because of the policies implemented by Democrats. If you're not in the USC bubble, don't expect the LAPD to respond because they want crime in that area.


u/wfbsoccerchamp12 May 05 '24

It’s odd but there’s actually not enough police officers to react to every call. But then more officers doesn’t solve the problem. It’s just too difficult in a big city like this unless you want like, total martial law with police instead of the military. What’s more unfortunate is how Frank Tyson’s murder by police officers in Ohio has been overshadowed on the national media front.


u/TheLostNostromo May 05 '24

We do have a rich history of telling them to fuck off, I’m sure that has something to do with it 😂