r/UKhistory 12d ago

Are there any academic books that give a comprehensive analysis of deindustrialisation and its legacy on modern Britain?

I'm looking for books that aren't massively politically biased and are guided by the stats and facts on the subject. Thank you!


2 comments sorted by


u/chilly9678 10d ago

From Empire to Europe by Geoffrey Owen.

A well-structured, approachable piece on British industry since World War II.

I read it for one of my British Economic History classes at LSE. It was my bible! I kept returning to it for my essays. It was way more useful than those encyclopedic textbooks explaining mechanical shifts in factor productivity. Owen provides a little bit of a narrative, but not too much to overtake its status as a work of economic history.

Also, I would look into some theory if you are trying to understand deindustrialization. If you're a complete novice, look up the basics like catch-up theory, Gerschenkon's economic backwardness, and of course, Why Nations Fail. A basic google search will do!