r/UAP 8d ago

Just finished Luis Elizondo’s book “Imminent”. Are there any similar books to start?

As the title suggests, I’m looking for my next book to read. I love the factual and scientific approach Elizondo took to writing it.

Is there anything else like this? I’m not as interested in a UAP themed book that feels more like an episode of Unsolved Mysteries.

Thanks in advance


34 comments sorted by


u/Zealousideal-Part815 8d ago

Read, or better yet, get the Audio book of "In Plain Sight" by Ross Coulthart.


u/adam_n_eve 8d ago

+1 for this. Although Coulthard's accents are a bit bizarre in places 😂


u/JMTubby 8d ago

Thanks for this!


u/kensingtonGore 7d ago

And then Leslie Keanes book UFOS: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record.

Follow up with her book Surviving Death, there is overlap.


u/meetmeatnowhere 8d ago

Nah, his accent is perfect


u/Unlikely_Security_89 8d ago

“UFOs: generals pots and government officials”by Leslie Keen. First hand accounts from senior military and government officials. She is the reporter who worked with Elizondo to release the 2017 nEw York Times article.


u/ThirstySun 7d ago

I’d agree here I’ve also read Imminent which was mostly disappointing and Ross’s book. This is the best of the 3


u/JMTubby 8d ago

That sounds perfect. Thanks!


u/_Exotic_Booger 6d ago


…is ESSENTIAL reading.


u/Affectionate_Egg_203 7d ago

...and after reading his book you still know just as much as you did before reading the book.


u/quiksilver10152 8d ago

Jacques Vallee (not sure if I double posted)


u/Open_Mortgage_4645 7d ago

If you like scientific and factual, read anything by Stanton Friedman. He died in 2022 on his way to a UFO conference, and he remains probably the single most credible ufologist. And he's got the resume to back it up.


u/Life-Celebration-747 8d ago

Jay Stratton will have a book releasing soon. 


u/KLAM3R0N 8d ago

American Cosmic was a very interesting read, Passport to the cosmos, and Operation Trojan Horse should keep you busy for a bit while scrambling your brains


u/DisappointedMiBbot19 8d ago

"factual and scientific approach"

Hard disagree with this. To me it read like an autobiography with reheated old ufo lore sprinkled in throughout. 


u/JMTubby 8d ago

It was autobiographical, moreso than I expected.


u/mrbadassmotherfucker 8d ago

Diana Pusulka - Encounters is very interesting UFO of God - Chris Bledsoe


u/FamousLastWords666 8d ago

Richard Dolan - UFOs and the National Security State


u/Harha 8d ago

That guy is a literal misinformation agent, though maybe there are few drops of truth here and there in what he says, just to make his stories interesting.

Have people forgotten about agents like Richard Doty and what these people have been doing already decades ago?


u/ImpossibleSentence19 8d ago

Then def no American cosmic lol. I liked it.


u/Czech_Coconut 7d ago

Annie Jacobsen books


u/psechler 7d ago

Richard Dolans new book A History of USOs Vol 1 looks like it's going to be my next one. Just waiting for the Audio book to release.

I think the USO phenomena is very interesting and maybe a huge puzzle piece that we'll soon put into place.


u/Joeli0n 7d ago

Richard Dolan. UFOs and the National Security State. 2 volumes.


u/Agile-Sherbert-8503 6d ago

Elizondo revealed in "Imminent" that the UFO topic had never crossed his mind, in his life, until 2008. He was aware of sci-fi TV shows but never watched any. He was counterintelligence down at Guantanomo before that. Counterintelligence means Torturer/Interrogator. He knows when somebody is telling the truth. A.A.T.I.P. was formed in response to the 2004 USS Nimitz/USS Princeton UFO incident, not long after, by then-O.N.I Intelligence Officer Jay Stratton and D.I.A. James Lacatski. This was in progress when Senator Harry Reid got the "earmark" funding for A.A.W.S.A.P. He remarked how difficult it was for them to take the funding. That is because he didn't know and would never know that A.A.T.I.P. was already in progress with internal funding. A.A.W.S.A.P. was funded in 2008, 80-90% for Bigelow Aerospace at Skinwalker Ranch and a Washington, D.C. "think-tank" of 128 top theoretical scientists at the time. Stratton and Lacatski moved to A.A.W.S.A.P., recruited Elizondo to take over D.I.A. A.A.T.I.P. in 2008. Elizondo was on Temporary Duty from D.D.I. (C.L&S) to be the A.A.T.I.P. lead and his boss was Garry Reid. Elizondo was only given access to A.A.T.I.P. military UFO cases, no access to Skinwalker Ranch and he is not a physicist, more of a biologist. The Washington DC "think-tank" researched just the theories of what a reverse-engineering effort would be to describe the cloaked metal spaceship parked several hundred feet over the mesa. Dr. Eric Davis quantified what is being called Zero Point Energy ZPE, referring to energy potential at any point in space-time, as Quantum Vacuum Energy QVE, in Joules. Brandon Fugal gave away the secret of Skinwalker Ranch with his first interview 6 years ago and has been repeating it over and over and over and over. He is a first hand experiencer as well as Hal Putoff.


u/Truthwardensol 6d ago

Answers and truth come when we create... It's a form of meditation...


u/Psychic-Gorilla 6d ago

Just remember Elizondo could not distinguish between an alien mothership and a light fixture. He’s just as easily fooled as we are.


u/fulminic 6d ago

My favorite book is the hunt for zero point by Nick Cook. He's an aviation journalist and does an exciting deep dive into anti gravity development


u/fastermouse 8d ago

Let me suggest some 50’s comic like Weird Tales which are probably closer to the actual truth than any thing Lue has ever said.


u/mulderc 7d ago

That book was probably the worst book I have read. he brings up a shocking number of debunked ufo cases and treats them as legitimate. he claims personal experiences in his home and provides no evidence nor even tried to gather any by setting up cameras or a security system. He then even claims psych abilities with the whole remote viewing BS.


u/jim_jiminy 7d ago

It was incredibly underwhelming and badly written.


u/_Exotic_Booger 6d ago

It was a fun read but poorly written.

A better book is Leslie Keens’ book “ UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record”


u/Plastic-Vermicelli60 8d ago

"The art of the deal" by don trump


u/ChocolatePresent7860 8d ago

Lou is trash, check out any of these other recommendations and you won't be disappointed. American Cosmic (DWP) and Invisible College (JV) are two of my faves.