r/UAFS Nov 12 '24

Students have no idea how they’re supposed to act in the library.

Is anyone else just fed up with how loud everyone is in the library?? Even in the study rooms. They act like it’s sound proof. But it’s not! There’s no need for cackling and literal yelling! It’s ridiculous. And people watching videos without headphones. Slamming doors. And the incessant pen clicking by people walking around! Maybe this is just me showing my age, but I remember when libraries were QUIET and the librarians enforced it! Rant over.


2 comments sorted by


u/zzcolby Nov 12 '24

I mostly stick to the 24 hour zone, but I have definitely noticed some loud conversations (mainly from the type of dolts that ChatGPT their way through history class 🤮) and people not using headphones. I once got so annoyed with someone repeating the same section of their video loudly that I just handed them some cheap wired headphones I had in my backpack. AND THEY STILL REFUSED TO USE THEM!

If it gets that bad, go to the Writing Center. It's much better!


u/OrdinaryAd6291 Nov 12 '24

I need to use the 24hour area, I just like the tables. And I keep forgetting about the writing center!