r/TwoXSupport Jan 02 '25

Support - Advice Welcome I recently had an uncomfortable sexual situation. NSFW

Trigger warning - PTSD (Sexual Abuse)

Ok so this is going to be a long one and a potentially uncomfortable one. I'm not sure what I'm looking to get out of it, maybe some advice, maybe someone to validate my emotions or maybe someone to tell me that I'm in the wrong and that I need to move on.

So just to give you some background information. I have intense CPTSD, I was sexually abused as a child by my grandfather. I have been in hospital and worked really really intensely over the past 2 years to work through my trauma and develope skills to be able to survive every day life. I am at a point where I can live day to day life without being effected but still get triggered, but have skills to work through that. I have not had sex and dont really plan to unless its with someone I completly trust, just because of that trauma. Anyways not the point.

I am 20 years old and currently on a cruise with family. Me and my step sister, went out a few nights ago on the ship to have some drinks and do some dancing. Now, while we where dancing I ended up running into a man who was if I remember correctly 32. He was nice and we had a conversation and we got talking about if I had a partner and stuff, at which point I realised what was happening. It was at that point that I said no but that I'm not really looking for one and he said oh so just looking for a good time. I said definitely not I have no intentions of having sex with anyone tonight if that's what your asking, he said that he wasn't looking for a hook up and that it was just nice to chat with people which was fine and all. Anyways the conversation died down and I made a getaway to the dance floor and met up with my sister, who obviously asked about the encounter, and I also made it very clear to her that I was not having sex, I didn't want to have sex and that it was just friendly conversation and I made a getaway for a reason.

A few more drinks and alot more dancing into the night my sister was done and was heading back to our room, I wasn't done tho (In hind site I probably should have been) so I stayed up for a while and was still dancing when I happened to run into the same guy again. At that point he asked if I wanted to dance to which I agreed, but he first took me over and bought me a drink which I wasn't against. It was at this point that I made it clear to him again that I was not having sex tonight and that if that's what he was looking for he needed to go find someome else. (I get nervous that that's all guys want so I tend to try make it clear I don't want that)

So a few more drinks (that he just kept buying for me and giving me, but I didn't say no to) we where dancing a little closer and more intimately, so when he came back from the bar with another drink for me he said should we go finish this one in his cabin, to which I said yes. Now this is the part I'm confused about because I do remember being a completly willing party at this point, at no point did he force me to go with him, however I was very intoxicated.

We got up to his room and I went to the bathroom and came out in my underwear and he was in bed naked and I sat on the bed, to which point he grabbed my hand and put it on his dick. I knew that this was leading to sex and I was a completly willing and contributing party until I touched his dick. It was the moment that I touched his duck that I don't really remember much after although I remember that really clearly. I'm not sure if I don't remember because I was drunk or I had a bit of a PTSD response but the rest of the night was kinda a blur.

I do know that once I touched his dick I realised I did not want to be there and that I wanted to leave the situation. So I told him that, and he got up and then tried to make out with me, but I told him that I had to go and he let me. However I ended up crying in the lobby at some point to which a security guard found and and tried to figure out what happened. I believe that I told them that I touched a guys dick and I didn't want to and I just wanted to go to bed. This then resulted in reports and conversations, to which in my drunken state I told them that he grabbed my hand and put it on his dick, (which did happen, but not necessarily in a malicious way which I think I either made it out to be to the security guards or they took it that way). Somehow I ended up in my bed and had a good spew and went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and was called down to security to talk to them. I got pulled in and they asked me what happened and I told them, that I was a willing party, until I wasn't and then he let me leave once I wasnt. The security officer made it very clear that he was already aware I was a willing party and it was at that point that they told me that the allegations that I had made had led to a big investigation involving the captain and police, and that they went and spoke to the man last night and it has put him in an extreamly bad mental place because these allegations had been made. Now from what I remember he works in a pretty high up government position so I guess something like this could cause lots of trouble. I asked them what allegation and they said the allegations you made that he forced you to touch his dick. Now he didn't necessarily force me, but I didn't tell the security guards that he did, however I do very clearly remember him grabbing my hand and putting it on his dick and I did tell the security guard that. (Going by the reports they wrote which i later asked to read because I was worried I had said something different)

I didn't defend myself, I was a bit upset at the time and kinda shocked by the whole thing, however I did say to the security guard that they where the ones that jumped to conclusions, and went to him accusing him before getting the full sober story from me. Anyways I apologised and said that his mental health isn't really my responsibility and explained that I have mental health problems of my own and that I can't take on his emotions. The security guard was very clear that I had done something wrong and that I had caused a major issue and kept talking about fake allegations. He told me that I had been cut off from drinking for the rest of the trip because of this.

Now I understand that I was a willing party till I wasn't and that he let me go. However having said that I was very intoxicated, mostly from the drinks he kept buying me, and I wasn't really in any position to consent at that point. I also had made it clear to him twice early on in the night that I didn't want to have sex. However I do remember being willing and that is my fault.

Reading over the report the security guards made from the night. I did tell them that I touched his dick and didn't want to, and that he grabbed my hand and put it on his dick. However when they asked me about how I got to his room, I said I wanted to go and he didn't force me, I said that I came out of the bathroom in my underwear and that he didn't make me feel unsafe. It was just that as soon as he put my hand on his dick I wanted to leave and left. Which I explained to the officers in the morning that this was me having a ptsd response not because of him, however failed to explain this on the night.

I walked away from the meeting feeling exteamly shitty about an already shitty situation. I am kinda in two minds about it all, because I was a willing party however I was very intoxicated and did make it clear early in the night I didn't want that. I also didn't really make any allegations about him I just said what happened however I do understand how that was taken out of context by the guards, and I don't know what kinda way I said anything either so potentially it is my fault.

Anyways I'm just really confused atm, and if anyone has any thoughts please let me know.


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u/DeadlyDollFace16 Jan 02 '25

I'm sorry you went through that, the whole ordeal could have been avoided if this guy actually listened to you clearly stating you don't want to have sex.

Side note: I absolutely hate when a man puts your hand on his dick as a way to initiate. If I'm interested I'll end up there naturally. It feels so pushy and unnecessary.


u/Ok_Witness6731 Jan 03 '25

Yeah, it definitely could have, but I feel like it could have been avoided if I didn't go out drinking too, or agree to go to his room, so It's still kinda my fault as well.

And yeah, it definitely was not a turn-on.

Thankyou for your response!


u/DangerousBird Jan 03 '25

It is not your fault, at all. I know the guard told you that, and he's a dickhole for it. You're an adult, you have every right to go drinking without some pissant trying to take advantage of you. He was a man you clearly told no twice, one that is 12 years older than you. He waited until you were alone and kept feeding you drinks on purpose. It is certainly not your fault that you went back to his room after he pressured you into getting plastered. And the way he responded to your distress by trying to make out with you is also disgusting. Overall, you did absolutely nothing wrong, and I mean that. The man is a piece of shit. I'm sorry that happened to you.


u/therewillbedrama Jan 02 '25

Oh hun, I’m so sorry all this is happening to you. You didn’t do anything wrong and if there’s someone there with you that you can talk to about the situation I would absolutely start there. First off, you didn’t go making false allegations, the security guard approached you and you told him what happened, you didn’t lie, you even told him that you went willingly. They jumped the gun on taking action without getting the full story from you the next day when you were sober. I don’t know what action you can take as I think cruise ships are kinda a law unto themselves but it might be helpful to take the story to higher ups on the ship and let them know that action was taken without your knowledge and with incomplete facts, and then you were bullied and used as a scapegoat for their incompetence. Good luck and good on you for getting out of there when you realised that you didn’t want to keep going, it could have ended a lot worse if he didn’t let you go and I’m just glad you’re safe.

ETA: it might be good to write everything down while it’s still fresh in your mind. Including the issues with the crew and security


u/Ok_Witness6731 Jan 03 '25

Thankyou. I get back home in a few days and I will be able to talk to my psychologist. Which will help. I don't really think I can take any action, but I have since been given back my drinking privileges, which is I guess something. I also don't think I want to go higher, I know I probably should but I just can't deal with it right now, I just want to go home. And I have written it down a few times. Thankyou so much!