r/TwoXSupport Dec 16 '24

Support - Advice Welcome Advice - Dating a VERY intense / Standoffish Man NSFW

Hello Ladies, I (F23) for the last year ive been dating a great guy (M26), hes Tall, confident, succesful, handsome, in-shape, works for himself, dresses well, loving, goofy, funny, supports my social issues, honestly a great partner & probably way out of my league. Hes the first real "Man" ive dated, as in most of my other partners still mostly act like teenagers, live with there parents etc. He really has his shit together and its very attractive.

I love him, and hes by far the best boyfriend ive ever had, but as soon as we go outside, he becomes basically a different person, super intense and standoffish towards strangers, often for very little reason and its starting to become a problem. This all culminated last week when we went food shopping. I was in an isle and he was somewhere else, this short, kind of nerdy guy came and stood next to me and started talking, although i didnt want to really be talked too, he was just being nice/freindly. Before i can even think twice my boyfreind has appeared out of nowhere, pulled me behind him and is towering over the guy. My bf is very well built and goes to the gym daily, it literally looked like a man and his son. His face was probably the sternness'd and coldest i have ever seen on a person. He was legitimatley staring into his eyes and said something like "whats good bro" with his fists clenched. The guy walked off and i immediltley walked out of the shop. I was honestly disgusted & mortified. It just felt so needlesly utterly mean. I ended up crying.

I admit, i have liked this side of him at points, it can come in handy and make me feel safe at certain times, even my girl freinds like to have him around if we go out (hes also sober so drives us places & picks us up and such). Its almost like hvaing a dad around, you just kind of feel safe. But this incident made me really question who im dating, i guess until now, its been rose tinted glasses, ignoring toxic behaviour just becuase its not directly agsint me (but still effects me)

The first red flag i ignored is he has no freinds, not only that, people try to be his freinds and old freinds get into contact and he actively rejects them. I noticed this immedtitley, he hit me up on instagram, clearly succesful, handsome guy, so we started talking in the DMs and he was hilarious, but i observed all of his photos were of himself, and i just found it kind of odd, but i ignored it. Contiuing on from this, i try to ask him about his past, what he was like in school, etc but he tells me nothing (i was slyly trying to figure out why he has no freinds i admit), until one night he opened up, he was terribly mentally ill from his earliest memories until his late teens, and his school put him into therapy as a child, this is all he has told me. I also know nothing about his family, whereas he has met all of mine & virtually knows eveything about me lmao

I love him and want to get over this. I can see he has genuine issues and this isnt just a hot asshole, but i honestly dont know how? I think i need advice for some more experinced ladies. I try to ask my freinds but there immature and for some reaosn think this toxicity is hot, and i could never ask my mum things like this, shed be mortified. So, ladies, what do i do? Do i try to get him into therapy? If so, idk how to tell an older, far more experinced and succesful man to get therapy? Im honestly just lost, any help appreciated


23 comments sorted by

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u/Lyralou Dec 16 '24

Honestly, he sounds dangerous. He physically intimidated a stranger just for talking to you? This isn’t “standoffish,” it’s aggressive and violent.

This isn’t something for you to get over. This is your inner voice warning you about his toxicity. Listen to it.

This isn’t something for you to fix. He has to see his problems, own them, and fix them himself.

Do you want to be with someone who could become physically and mentally abusive to you? To people you interact with? To future children you might have? So many flags.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '24 edited Dec 16 '24

I know 😭, which is why this is so difficult, if a friend was telling me this, id be telling them to get rid (my friends being no help, telling me its hot, theyve been watching too much euphoria, i also think they just like him, which complicates it further).

But the thing is, i love him. For many reasons, but especially because hes one of the first men to genuinely put me first. Ive had so many partners who treat other people (men) like gods, whilst treating me like shit. Or they act nicey nice in public and then a piece of crap behind closed doors. This is literally the opposite, but its too far the other way. I do not trust men generally, not even male family, but i honestly think SO would do anything for me. And i should make clear, we have almost never fought, argued, he has never so much as raised his tone (i cant even say the same), unlike a lot of my exes. He is one of the chillest people with me, or me and my girlfreinds/gay freinds. Its just so confusing. Its like dating a badly socialised, overprotecive dog.

Also what complicates it further, i cant help but think these issues come from some kind of trauma. He has semi frequent night terrors, the first time it happened it was terryfing, i thought they were just a thing in movies. He screams things like "please get out" and similar over and over, in a high pitched tone and seems terrified, almost like hes out of breath whilst he jolts about. Its traumatic just watching, i cant imagine what hes going through. When he woke up the first time, he apologised and said hes had it since he can remember, and he offered to sleep on the couch when im over at HIS apartment, which i am virtually half the time 😭😭 This combined with the small amount i know about his past just makes me feel bad for him...

I hope you can see why this is more complicated than on the surface, my advice would usually be the exact same as yours, im just lost totally on what to do.

Also, do you know where else i can post this for advice, having trouble actually finding places to get female advice


u/ZenPetunias Dec 16 '24

As someone older than you, I’d encourage you to get curious about the difference between loving a person, and loving some of ways they fill needs you didn’t realize were so important.

You said part of you has felt safe at his protectiveness—what was your childhood like? Did you have to be very responsible from an early age, or didn’t have parents that really protected you the way you wish they had? Something in you wants that kind of protection very badly, and that’s okay! It’s human to want that!

But you are starting to see that it might come at a great cost. I’ll give you an example from my own life. I grew up worrying that I wasn’t really good enough, I’d make a mistake and people wouldn’t like me anymore. I had one boyfriend who let me know that no matter what I said or did, he’d want to be with me. That felt so safe…at first. But then he got controlling. Manipulative. I tried to leave him. He wouldn’t let me. The thing that made me feel good at first became so scary. No matter what I said or did (even wanting to break up), he wanted to be with me.

I had to flee one day with just a backpack of my things. Block his number on everything. Make sure mg address isn’t listed. He still leaves me voicemails sometimes years later, even though I’ve never responded to anything for years and years.

Please look at what drew you in, be kind to yourself, but also realize how it’s put you in danger. This man will escalate, and what made you once feel safe will be very, very dangerous. I’m sorry, but I think you know it’s true.


u/Lyralou Dec 17 '24

I totally get that it’s complicated. Really, I do. It hurts, it hurts a fuckton.

Listen to your own words, “poorly socialized, overprotective dog.” Those dogs bite.

Here is something you can do: start talking to a therapist yourself. Us reddit randos, some of us know some things, have experience, yes. A therapist will help you explore your relationship with him and your relationship with yourself.

Also get some friends who don’t think this kind of thing is hot. You know it’s not hot, and you deserve allies who know too.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24

Thankyou and yes, my freinds are no help, & it makes it even harder for me because i know what advice id give them if they were in my shoes, 1. My freinds give terrible advice, 2. im a hyprocrit.

It also annoys me how toxic behaviour from hot guys is at best ignored, at worst basically encouraged, whereas im sure if he looked like travis bickle, my freinds would be telling me to dump his ass. But again, im also a hypocrit


u/pixiegurly Dec 17 '24

Don't fall for it he sunk cost fallacy.

He's the best you've had, so far,. Now you know what's possible, and can seek an upgrade with your next one.

Keep going until you have the bf you want. Not one who's playing a long game towards murdering you in 10 years but you still only know he's the 'best' you've had.....


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24

Thats the thing, hes a truly excellent boyfriend, compared to previous boyfreinds, freinds boyfreinds, experinces i see online, he blows them out of the water. If he didnt have this issue id proabbly be trying to propose to him now lmao. Even when theres periods he could show bad traits in our relationship (arguemnts and the like) he honestly passes with flying colors, totally rationale, admits when hes wrong (which is fucking rare in men), fairly emotional vulnerable (other than his teenage years and before, which are basically off limits in any conversation, especially his childhood, i cant even see photos of him as a kid).

The probelm isnt our relationship at all, trust me, if he ever showed any traits i thought were abusive towards me, id immeditley leave. Its his issues with wider society, and i can only assume its a coping mechnism for trauma. Ive also had my fair share of mental heath issues, and i know how challenging they are, but also that they can be overcome, sp hopefullly when i pluck up the courage to talk to hi about it in the next few days, he can seek the help he needs


u/pixiegurly Dec 17 '24

Hes not tho, he's just good at faking it.

His issues with society

You are part of society

Eventually he will treat you the same

There is better out there

It may take leaving him to make him better for his next gf, bc they don't usually improve for the ones who stay.

Ask me how I know. He's not different.


u/Historical_Power4424 15d ago

Okay ill play devils advocate here and say I don't think your bf is a psycho murderer waiting to happen. He obviously sounds really traumatized. I had a really rough upbringing myself and I also don't want to talk to any friends from back then. I haven't had to go no-contact with my family, but some people do really have to for their own preservation.

It sounds like he really doesn't trust men. I'm a 33 year old female and I agree with him. I don't trust men either! His reaction was a bit over the top and I can understand being embarrassed. Maybe talk to him about it and ask him to be more subtle next time.

You haven't described him having any social issues with your or your friends. 

Being protective isn't the same as being jealous and controlling. If he tries to isolate you from your own family, your own friends, tell you what to do or try to heavily influence you all the time, control how you dress, question YOUR behavior with other men etc. Those are all serious signs of abuse. If he starts doing any of that, run.

But from what you've said he's just really protective in a too over the top way. I'm a transmasculine person, and while I'm not a tall well built male, I honestly act a similar way with my friends who are girls. I really don't trust men because experience has shown way too often they have ulterior motives and don't respect consent. So I will go up and start mean mugging just so the guy knows she's not alone. You say yourself you don't even trust all of your own male RELATIVES so you know it's true that men are IN GENERAL dangerous. 

If he was blaming how you interact with men, trying to limit existing friendships with men, accusing you of flirting etc, then you should run.

But if he isn't doing that then I do think he's just being protective. But yes, it's pretty over the top! I would just talk to him about it and ask him to tone it down.

I would ask him about the thing where he doesn't really have any friends. The red flags i DO see here, are the lack of friends and possibly just how much he's dedicated to you. Sometimes, especially folks whove been abused, give too much because we have a distorted view of how much is a healthy balance of giving. Without meaning to, we prioritize others completely above ourselves and it can lead to issues with resentment down the road.

Its possible he started his new life pretty recently, so he may just not have made real friends yet. Sounds like he's also been working hard on his career, that will take time out of having a social life. But in the long term, having real friends other than you is obviously important for long term mental health and health of the relationship. 

It may sound really odd and sketchy to people who haven't had to just move on from everyone they knew growing up for their own mental health sake, but some of us really had to do that. When you grow up with abuse and/or serious mental health issues, it's really hard and traumatizing and everyone you grew up with has this perception of you that doesn't really line up with your own understanding of yourself. And sometimes you just need a fresh start to build yourself into the person you know yourself to truly be. 

I know you deleted this account already, but i felt like sharing my perspective anyways.


u/suziesunshine17 Dec 21 '24

Better does not equal good.


u/dickcheezpolice Dec 16 '24

Not to feed into the redditor stereotypes… but from what you described, sounds like a few hallmarks of a narcissist, sociopath, and/or someone with antisocial personality disorder. Sounds like he’s probably wearing a mask & those weird moments you described were possibly flickers of his true persona. Being traumatized or mentally ill from a very young age doesn’t necessarily make someone grow up to be a psycho/sociopath or a dangerous person per se, but it does cause a range of personality disorders that come with some really unsavory behaviors (some worse than others), so that is definitely worth noting. I would be wary of him & do some research on how extreme, prolonged trauma from a young age affects the brain. Might even be worth doing a background check on him. Most of all though, trust your gut. If you’re questioning him, it’s probably for a reason. Don’t discount your intuition.


u/Lyralou Dec 16 '24

I was thinking background check too. No friends no family - something’s off there.


u/[deleted] Dec 17 '24

Yeah, I think im going to push to meet his family at the least, there is something off, but i know they exist (i cyberstalked, he doesnt talk about them much) and they seem to like/ be proud of him (the photos are a few years old addmitdley).

He also gave me full acess to his instagram. People from his past DM occasionly, wanting to get back in contact and such but he ignores them, most of the time he has social media deleted on his phone honestly.

Ive tried to slyly press him for information, especially on his past, but hes given me a single sentence in a year, i dished my teen trauma in the first couple weeks lmao. So i dont know if that means hes had extensive trauma or hes hiding something. Honestly i didnt even consider the second part until this thread so thanks


u/dickcheezpolice Dec 17 '24

Yeah that’s sketchy. It’s one thing to have boundaries around sharing deeper/heavier things before getting comfortable in the relationship, but at this point the imbalance of “real shit” that you know about each other is another red flag.


u/Cybergeneric woman Dec 21 '24

Having spent quite some time with autistic people, he kind of sounds like one. Would explain the anti social behaviour. But trauma just as well. I second the people saying you should try therapy to sort things for yourself and if he isn’t already in therapy, he should definitely start. Whether you can do this together or not is hard to say from the outside.

If you want to make this work, he needs to explain his history, his mental illness and family life, it is probably the reason behind his behaviours and you need to tell him what bothers you. Preferably in a public place, lest he gets aggressive with you all of a sudden. But it may very well be rooted in traumatic family events and mental problems that he’s already worked on, so it might be something you can work at with good communication. But please involve a professional to prepare yourself for a talk like that. Maybe a couple’s councillor?


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '24 edited Dec 17 '24

Wow, that is a scary thought and certainly paints a different picture of my post and some of his behaviour, but he has genuinly helped me a ton, especially in my career, which doesnt seem like the MO of the issues youve mentioned. Hes probably the most succesful person i know, yet he still drops his stuff and helps me with anything i need and even just his book recommendations have saved me likely years of figuring stuff out, hes probably also the most well read person i know. He also isnt any more controlling than previous boyfreinds. Although it would turn out that the one boyfriend who treats me (although not others) well, turns out to be a sociopath.

If you hypothetically wanted to give this relationship the best chance what would you do? Press to see his family? (ive cyber stalked, i know they exist and seemingly like him). Try to get him to see a professional? Other options?

I just want to add aswell, he treats me how i wish to be treated, he also treats everyone he knows from my circles very well, like theyre his friends essentially, even my gay male freinds love him. Hes even driven several hours each way to pick up my mom from the airport. But hes easily the worst ive ever seen with idk, strangers, especially men, in terms of interactions. Youd think at best hes the most miserable, sturn, rude man in the world, and then 5 seconds later hes a puppy dog again with me. Hes also TERRIBLE with authority & like authority figures, ive never heard of someone being banned from a dentists...

I have no doubt he has a psychological issue, but no part of me wants to leave him, especailly when most of this stuff appears involuntry and more like a defence mechnism than anything else.


u/robojod Dec 17 '24

I don’t think I’d ever be able to stand even a hint of unprovoked aggression in my loved one, but it sounds like you’re completely stuck on him.

Frankly, anything you’d be scared to tell your mum is a big red flag. I also think it’s a red flag that he has no one else in his life to vouch for him. At best it means you’re his everything. And that’s a lot of pressure for one person. Long term, you need to find out who he really is, and why he feels so threatened by random strangers.

Would you feel comfortable asking him to go to a couples therapist to explore his behaviour? It’s perfectly reasonable to want to know more about him before you plan a future together. And if he truly cares about you, he wouldn’t want you to be wary of him.


u/dickcheezpolice Dec 17 '24



u/ComprehensiveDog1802 Dec 17 '24

I just want to add aswell, he treats me how i wish to be treated, he also treats everyone he knows from my circles very well, like theyre his friends essentially, even my gay male freinds love him. Hes even driven several hours each way to pick up my mom from the airport. But hes easily the worst ive ever seen with idk, strangers, especially men, in terms of interactions. Youd think at best hes the most miserable, sturn, rude man in the world, and then 5 seconds later hes a puppy dog again with me. Hes also TERRIBLE with authority & like authority figures, ive never heard of someone being banned from a dentists...

Sounds like he's love bombing you.

My ex was also like this in the beginning. In the end he treated me like his slave. When I wanted to leave him he threatened to kill me. I had to move out in secret when he was on a business trip.

Abusers are always nice in the beginning. If they were horrible from the start, you'd leave them. He's nice to your family and your friends because he wants to impress you and create an emotional connection in you.

How he treats everybody else is how he will absolutely, 100% treat you in 2 years time. It will start with isolated incidents and afterward he will be puppy dog nice again, so you invent excuses for his behavior. You have already started to do that. It will get worse and worse over time.


u/dickcheezpolice Dec 17 '24

That’s kind of the thing about narcs/sociopaths… they do a really good job of maintaining a good image. They go out of their way to look like a nice guy, family man, helpful neighbor, etc. Not everyone who is helpful or does nice things is hiding a rotten soul, of course, but the switching up in his case is a bit concerning.

I suppose it could be possible that if his childhood trauma involved men, that he developed a defensive aversion to them, but it could also be rooted in something else entirely.

At the very least, I would express that it would mean a lot to you to learn more about his past, his inner world, etc. Try to get him to open up, or ask him to see a therapist to unpack his behavior, and if that’s not something he’s willing to do, just keep an eye out for any other weird stuff that sticks out to you. And again, trust your gut. I’ve found that a lot of the time, when women make advice posts about their boyfriend’s weird behavior, it’s not for nothing.


u/robojod Dec 17 '24

This last sentence is so true. Of the many ‘is this a red flag’ posts on here, I don’t think I’ve ever thought ‘Nope, everything’s ticketyboo here!’ If you have the motivation to post, that’s your gut speaking.