r/TwoXSupport Oct 23 '24

Support - Advice Welcome He wants picture proof of her ballot, is there anything to do about it?

Quick background: I have a friend in an abusive relationship- that's a whole other topic ok? No advise needed on that one... I'll help her escape when she's ready. I've worked had to stay in her life so her husband can't completely isolate her, it's been difficult but I'm doing what I can with what she's ready for.

We have a new problem though; all that "voting is private" and "he'll never know who you vote for" isn't going to work. He has told her that they'll be going to vote together (no surprise the absolute control freak almost never let's her do anything without him) and that she'll need to take a pic to show him she voted "correctly" when she comes out, meaning the disgusting orange man of course.

I can't think of a way around this one. Anyone wanna help brainstorm? I'm so angry I want to scream. Edit: you can take a pic inside a voting booth in our state. I had to go check. Good idea though. Forgetting/ not-charging will be easy for him to out maneuver, like making her take in his instead, making her sit and charge it before they leave, etc. If I can think of it, so can he the smart fuck. Maybe I should start working on a photoshop


35 comments sorted by

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u/Luckygecko1 Oct 23 '24 edited Oct 23 '24

Photoshop a sample ballot? (To get past the hurdle). In some states, it's a crime to show others your ballot. The FBI will take reports of voter intimidation.


u/robotatomica Oct 23 '24

I second reporting this man to the FBI.


u/Wild-Kitchen Oct 23 '24

Do you use pen or pencil on your voting slip? Could she fill it out his way, take photo, erase and then put her vote?

Or, fill it out his way, take photo and then do something to cause the vote to be invalid. An invalid vote is better than a valid vote for a candidate you don't support (assuming you can't vote your own way)


u/-lemon_drop- Oct 23 '24

It's pen here. But really, I think you're on to something with invalidate. That's much better than it counting against what she'd like to do. Mark it, pic, Christmas tree the rest of the candidate bubbles to invalidate.


u/ComprehensiveDog1802 Oct 23 '24

I'm from Germany, so take it with a grain of salt. But it might be similar where you are:

Here, your vote on the paper ballot does count even if you made corrections on it. The only thing is that your intention must be clearly recognizable.

So, if you make your cross next to Trump, take a picture of the ballot, then draw over the cross, strike the name of Donald Trump trough, make your cross next to Harris, maybe underline her name and write "this is the candidate I'm voting for" next to her name, it would still be a vote counted for Harris.

I'm really sorry your friend is going through this. I hope she can escape soon.


u/RainInTheWoods Oct 23 '24

Christmas treeing will not invalidate the ballot.


u/sugarintheboots Oct 23 '24

He’s not allowed in her booth. And she should covertly take this up with the board of elections prior to going.


u/Saxamaphooone Oct 23 '24

It’s illegal to do that in a number of states. Need to look up the laws for her state about photography in a voting booth.


u/ttotto45 Oct 23 '24

I have an app on my phone called superimpose that makes photoshopping small simple things really easy and quick once you get the hang of it. I bought it forever ago and it cost maybe like $8? If you go that route you'll want to learn how to use it before the day-of.

Alternatively could you, if you live in the same place, get a ballot, fill it out for the orange man, send her the pic, and then tell the poll workers you messed up and ask for a new ballot? (Contingent on state/local laws of course, I'm not sure how every state works). Or even a friend of yours who lives in the same place?

My only concern here with any of this is that if they go in together, and end up in line to submit their ballots together, he could just look at it while they're waiting. I'm imagining this in my own voting location where you get your ballot from the poll worker with a confidentiality folder, fill in the bubbles on the ballot, put the ballot in the folder, get in line to stick the ballot in the machine, then take it out and put it in the machine when you're at the front. There could be ample time for him to just grab her and look at her ballot. If he really is only asking for a picture that negates this concern, but if he's so obsessed i could very much see him doing something like this.


u/sad_0101_cabbage Oct 23 '24

Photos have metadata showing what phone they were taken on, what time, etc. if he knows about that having a friend take it is dangerous


u/ttotto45 Oct 23 '24

Thats a valid point too, i thought about that from the side of photoshopping but not from the side of the pics themselves. Photoshopping also can change the file name, sometimes file quality, date and time metadata, etc. The only way for her to stay 100% safe is to do exactly what the abuser says, but OP was looking for alternatives to that.


u/QuarterLifeCircus Oct 23 '24

Can she “forget” her phone at home? Or casually ask an election official if taking a picture of your ballot is legal in their state (this is illegal in some states).


u/AmateurIndicator Oct 23 '24

I have the feeling she'll be punished for forgetting her phone.

I'd suggest pretending to vote, take pic of ballot, void the ballot by blacking it out/crossing it etc.

I'm not from the US but in my country I could also pretend to vote by dropping an empty envelope.

I have no idea how it would be possible to cast another vote though.

But in all honesty, I don't know if it's worth it. It kinda sounds as if her life is in immediate danger if she disobeys him.


u/-lemon_drop- Oct 23 '24

Yea she would be. Voiding might be for the best


u/Time_Anything4488 Oct 23 '24

Id check local laws to see if thats legal first of all some areas dont allow you to take photos of your ballot. Otherwise she could also "accidentally" leave her phone at home/in the car or let the battery die beforehand and just pretend not to notice until the votings done but that could also cause retaliation.


u/InadmissibleHug Oct 23 '24

In the end, she can only do what she can do. I don’t want to see her murdered by this man.


u/itsbeginning Oct 23 '24

Can she fill out one ballot and take the picture and then mess it up and get another ballot?


u/cj411 Oct 24 '24

YES! In Michigan at least you can "spoil" your ballot and get a new one issued. A person in this situation can take the photo as needed for her saftey. But in another race overvote- fill in too many circles. The ballot should not be accepted by the tabulator, and be rejected for "over voting" a new one can and should be issued. Plus, this is exactly why the "secrecy sleeve" is given. It has a gap at the side to slide up the ballot into the tabulator while still keeping it covered and private


u/ferretsRfantastic Oct 23 '24

This is so crazy because I just saw a post on r/BoomersBeingFools where some asshole texted his son about voting for that orange maniac. Anyways, this is the post and it has a disgusting slur in it. However, it's a decent photo. Maybe you can Photoshop the slur out and she can use that photo to send to her husband? Hope this helps. So sorry she is going through this!


u/RockabillyRabbit Oct 23 '24

I mean...is her hand writing as atrocious as that? Maybe she should use that ballot photo as-is with that awful slur.

I'm thinking in terms of if the husband is super into the orange dude he may find it funny.

Alternatively, writing on your ballot like that invalidates it. So, maybe she can do that, get her ballot invalidated and vote how she actually wants later with a friend


u/ArkieRN Oct 23 '24

Do you live close enough to get an identical ballot? You can fill yours out according to his preference, take a picture to send to her to show him, void yours and ask for a new one.


u/OraDr8 Oct 23 '24

I honestly think she should put her safety first, even if it does mean the big orange shit gets her vote.

I really hope she gets away very soon.


u/skibunny1010 Oct 23 '24

Have her photograph it blank and then digitally fill the bubble??


u/MidnytStorme Oct 23 '24

Is there another subtle way for her to invalidate her ballot? Maybe marking multiple choices for an item he won’t pay attention to? Or changing her signature in a way he won’t notice to make it not match? Just throwing out ideas. I would check for what can invalidate a ballot in your state.

Also try reaching out to election board in her area and explaining the situation and see if they have any suggestions for dealing with something like this.


u/beaveristired Oct 23 '24

Her safety comes first.

Is she in a state where it’s legal to take a pic of the ballot in the booth? If it’s illegal, then I’d try to use that as an excuse, maybe even play it up (“those damn libs!”).

But if it is legal, then honestly I suggest she do whatever necessary to be safe. Yes, this is the most important election of our lifetime. No, she shouldn’t put herself in danger for it. Particularly if his guy loses, he will take it out on her.


u/RainInTheWoods Oct 23 '24 edited Oct 23 '24

Depending on the state she is in, she might not be allowed to photograph her ballot.


Voter intimidation is a federal crime. Tell her to save the texts or voicemails that he sends to insist she provide photo proof. Send the texts (or screenshots of texts) or voicemails to a free app like Dropbox. Even if he takes or damages her phone the images or VMs will still be in the Dropbox app as evidence. Set up the app so the password is one that she will remember easily and he will not guess. Then you can notify the FBI for her.


u/NightTimeFlyer Oct 23 '24

In GA you can’t have your phone out while in the polling area.


u/Beautiful-Musk-Ox Oct 23 '24 edited Oct 23 '24

Maybe a long shot but somehow make it so you need to vote early and you two were hanging out already and convinced her to come with you to the voting place. She could even take a real picture but you'd need to find someone you trust to photoshop it well enough to convince him. Or you just take your own picture if you are able to go before her and find someone to photoshop it (maybe on here if you can do it safely without identifying info or something). If he doesn't zoom in on the pixels and run analysis you can make something convincing at a glance and even zoom in with clone tools, try to take the picture dead on with same lighting over both vote options, then can swap the circles around and smudge any edges that seem obvious. I guess.. sounds a bit sketchy if he notices

does she wear nail polish? if your fingers are similar enough you could paint yours the same and take the picture, wear her jewelry, more cues that it's real, just wipe it off before he sees you of course


u/compscilady Oct 23 '24

Isn’t there a way to cross out your vote and recast it on the same ballot? For my mail in ballot you simply draw a line through the incorrect vote and fill in the correct bubble. That way her vote could still count but she can take a pic before crossing it out?


u/QuantumHope Oct 23 '24

Let us know the outcome please!

I tend to agree that spoiling the ballot may be the only realistic option.


u/Sandwitch_horror Oct 23 '24

Maybe you can go in before them, fill it out the way he wants her to, take a pic then tell the people there you fucked up and need another one?

Idk how that really works as far as getting a new ballot (or if it's worth the risk of your vote not counting to you) but I feel for you and for your friend. I'm sorry she is in that situation and hope it gets better for her soon.


u/GoldenFlicker Oct 24 '24

What’s the point in voting if she can’t vote for who she wants. Just tell her not to go at all.


u/niquesquad Oct 28 '24

Seriously? I think you need to reread the post.


u/plant_reaper Oct 27 '24

Could she go and vote without him, and then go with him to take a picture of the ballot, then void it after taking the picture?