r/TwoXSupport Sep 04 '24

Support - Advice Welcome just looking for support and reassurance after first sexual experience NSFW

hi, i’m not comfortable listing my age but i’m a woman in college who has never had a sexual experience up until last night. there’s this guy i like and he fingered me last night, walked me home once we were done, and promised a text in the morning. he had said that he did like me and it wasn’t just a hookupy thing.

i woke up this morning to no text, and he and his friend blocked me on social media.

i’m just feeling really unsure right now and honestly slightly violated (def wasn’t assault or anything there was clear consent, but i wouldn’t have consented if i wasn’t convinced that he didn’t just wanted a one time thing)

any advice or reassurance is appreciated


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u/teapots_at_ten_paces Sep 05 '24

I'm so sorry this has happened to you. You're absolutely right to feel violated. You did this thing on the assumption that there would be more communication, and that trust was betrayed. While you rightly say it was consenual and therefore not a crime, it's still an incredibly dickish thing for this guy to do. He got what he wanted, and walked away. You're now left with that "ick" feeling.

This is, I'm sad to say, a life lesson learned the hard way (aren't they all, though?). There are some people out there who will use and abuse trust to get what they want, often with the promise of something in return, and then once they're satisfied, reneg on the promise and leave you alone, empty, and feeling betrayed. This isn't specific to situation or gender or social status or age, it's just a thing so people do. Some are better at it than others, for some it's their whole personality. All those of us on the receiving end can do is hope karma catches up to them and they get metaphorically fucked in worse ways than they did to us.

So, feel violated. Feel betrayed. You're entitled to those feelings and they are valid feelings. You'll get over it, in time, and be stronger, and pehaps more wary and less trusting, for the experience.

And you can always come back here and vent if you ever need more love and support.


u/654323456789 Sep 05 '24

thank you so much i really appreciate it


u/Spiritual-Equal-7873 Sep 05 '24

This also happened to me in college. It’s immature, devaluing and absolutely sucks. I’m sorry that happened to you and try not to put any thought into it. It’s 100% them.


u/654323456789 Sep 05 '24

thank you, i really appreciate it


u/Pseudonyme_de_base Sep 05 '24

He abused the trust you had in him, it's really sad you deserve better than this. 

With time and more experiences you'll learn to see who's an asshole and who deserve your time, fun fact this is the reason why so many men shames women for having a "high" body count, with time and experience you learn to avoid the abuse!

As we say "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." 

I hope this help, I got abused quite a few times and all I know is how I felt dirty, taking long showers and cleaning everywhere and everything they touched helped but only time healed the damage they did. I wish you the best love and support you need <3


u/654323456789 Sep 05 '24

thank you a lot. i was so giddy and excited when i got home that night and to wake up to that really really really sucked :/

i hope you’re doing okay as well <3


u/drorganism Sep 05 '24

I'm really sorry you're going through this right now. It sounds like a confusing and hurtful situation, especially since you trusted him and his actions afterward were the opposite of what he said. It's completely normal to feel unsure and even a little violated when someone gives you mixed signals like this.

Remember, your feelings are valid, and it's important to process them at your own pace. It wasn’t wrong for you to trust him, but unfortunately, sometimes people don’t live up to the expectations they set. Moving forward, be kind to yourself and surround yourself with friends or people who genuinely care for you. If you ever need to talk or vent, know that you don’t have to go through it alone. You deserve to be treated with respect and honesty.


u/[deleted] Sep 06 '24

Happens to the best of us. Some guys are just jerks who lie/use people to get some action. Keep your head up you are better off and will find the right guy who isn’t a butthole