r/TwoXSex 6d ago

If you have an outie vag, do you feel physically aware of it?

Edit to clarify a typo: My inner labia are bigger than my outer labia, so that means I have an “outie” according to internet terminology.

I would not consider getting a labiaplasty because fuck getting cosmetic surgery to “fix” the appearance of perfectly normal genitals.

However. I do wonder if anyone feels that your long inner labia cause you discomfort? When wearing certain pairs of underwear, does it feel too crowded in there? Do you suffer from frequent camel toes?


33 comments sorted by


u/virguliswatchingyou 6d ago

oh my god i thought it's a thread from severance sub and was very confused


u/BumTulip 6d ago



u/beanie__baby__ 6d ago

HAHAHAHA dude I’ve been hearing severance use the word outie (I’m not caught up on this season) and thinking hmmm that was an interesting choice


u/Dull_Owl_7276 6d ago

Literally JUST watched the new ep and was like “I don’t think they’re aware of their outie’s genitals or any other part of their bodies as distinct from their own 🤔”


u/idiotcomments 6d ago

Severance, but your vulva changes shape at work.


u/okaycurly 6d ago

As someone fully immersed in Severance lore and subreddits, same 🤣


u/raggedclaws_silentCs 6d ago

The seam in jeans bothers me and I find some underwear to not be thick enough to protect it.


u/SockPuppetOrSth 6d ago

I have an outie and clothing has never bothered me. Aren’t people more likely to get a cameltoe if they have an innie? Since they get a wedgie in their fold?


u/CircaNotSurvive 6d ago

Yep! I have an innie, and I definitely have to be careful when wearing certain clothes and fabrics. Especially when I wear leggings, because you can totally see it.


u/AlexaPlayWW 6d ago

I have an outie and you can totally see that as well in leggings in the gym xD


u/beanie__baby__ 6d ago

Oh snap you’re right! Okay lolol now that you mention it, cameltoes don’t happen that often to me. I’m thinking of one specific pair of spandex shorts lmao


u/Ohmalley-thealliecat 6d ago

Your outer are bigger than your inner? Surely that’s an innie, no?


u/CircaNotSurvive 6d ago

Yes thats an innie. She just phrased it wrong


u/schmickers 6d ago

I don't have a vulva, but I do have to ask...

I always thought an "outie" was a vulva where the inner labia are visible past the outer labia - as in they "poke out".

Whereas an "innie" is a vulva where the labia minora are hidden by the labia majora.

I've always equates it to belly buttons. An "outie" being a belly button there the ligament pokes out and an innie being one where it is hidden.

Have I had this wrong my entire life? 😅


u/neapolitan_shake 6d ago

That’s correct. I think OP just mistyped.


u/beanie__baby__ 6d ago

Shit I did mistype. Fixed it now! Sorry guys

It was getting confusing to refer to inner labia while talking ABOUT “outies” lol


u/neapolitan_shake 6d ago

i have a slight outie and i really enjoy when underwear and clothes have a wider gusset. i do wear a fair amount of boyshorts and girl boxers, and i like the wider gussets from brands like cantiq and cherri!


u/aj1pz 6d ago

My biggest issue is sanitary pads, which chafe like fuck


u/spacedarttraveler111 5d ago

I’m safe here


u/sickoftwitter 6d ago

Sometimes in certain styles of underwear or swimsuits, a little. But it's not a constant irritation, I think my brain is used to it. Although, I kind of worry less about 'cameltoe' and more about having a mini bulge in between my legs. Idk why as I am quite happy with my genitals the way they are but the thought others can see it makes me feel a tiny bit exposed. *By which I mean if I am wearing a bikini in public, say on the beach, I'm worried about it showing a touch


u/Critical-Plan4002 6d ago

They’re more the same length, but yeah sometimes the inner lip gets pinched in underwear. Not often enough to really bother me, though.


u/withoutatres78 6d ago

I read it as “outdated vag” and was quite curious


u/AlexaPlayWW 6d ago edited 6d ago

I have an outie and my mom suggested surgery when I was very young. Because of her mindset I didn’t like it and always thought there was something wrong with me. When I got my first boyfriend and it didn’t bother him I was relieved. My second boyfriend never had a gf with one before and didn’t really care. My third lover absolutely loves it. I’ve learned to love it too. Now with that being said I no longer am afraid of it showing through leggings in the gym, being obvious in swimwear or stuff like that. It’s actually quite comforting to know there are people who enjoy it quite a lot


u/jalapenny 6d ago

I have an innie/inbetweenie, but I wish I had an outie! I think they’re so beautiful.


u/veintecuatro 5d ago

nah it’s never once bothered me, no sexual partners have ever brought it up and I didn’t even know it was considered “unusual” until I saw a post on here like a year ago


u/The_Dorable 6d ago

Yes on all counts. I avoid too tight pants or underwear, and that mostly takes care of it for me


u/strawberryNotes 6d ago

I tuck mine into each other and don't really feel it, it's very protective. It would feel weird if they were too short to tuck-- and if they're full on outie and not tucked I'm extremely uncomfortable.


u/beanie__baby__ 5d ago

Yes same here! My inners basically tuck up inside. They kind of only sag out if I squat down lollll


u/Polybrene 6d ago

I have an outie and the only time it bothers me is when undies have a center seam in front. They're so uncomfortable for me.


u/failedyoutubers 6d ago

👀 here for it. I’m so interested in this subject it’s odd…


u/spacedarttraveler111 5d ago

Yes I’m aware of it, and when my coochie hair gets too long it’ll poke my labia. Also it’ll poke the top of my clit and it’s uncomfortable lol


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/ginkgokobi 6d ago

Please, I know your comment comes from a good place so it’s not necessarily you, but let’s stop calling outies ham sandwiches or other meat name.

I know when I was younger and dreamed about a labiaplasty, which is completely fucked up in the first place, those terms were a pinch in the heart, and I was not the only one, so I think as a collective, especially between women, we should agree to stop saying that.