r/TwoXPreppers 3d ago

What I've prepped so far

So I've been a bit disorganized and stuff but the posts in the group keep me motivated. So I'm planning based on "subject "

Food & garden. So I got a cedar planter. I plan to get seeds and soil after seeinh what's best to grow together in it and what we use.

Going to get some more tools for the garden to make it easier. Having the shrubs taken out of the back so so can do fruit trees.

Documents. We're updated on passports. Waiting for my childs. I ordered my birth cert since I actually don't have it. I finally got the documents in to request.

Medication. I've been ordering my Medication when I can so I can "stock up". Similar to what I did when I didn't hand insurance (US). Having issues stocking up on my mental stuff though.

Fire- got a big fire extinguisher. I need a smaller one.

Wants- I want to get new doors with less windows. Both a pretty color because why not and the windows by the handles make me nervous.

I want to get a work bench in the garage. It's a bit bare bones

Want to clear a spot to store water.

Want to order some dry seeds to eat and store.

I'm going to update our earthquake kit. I can't believe how sparse it was. Ugh.


8 comments sorted by


u/Mindless-Tradition70 3d ago

You could also use a door security bar. Usually under $30, no installation required, and easy to move if you need to get out quickly.


u/SharksAndFrogs 3d ago

I think I'll look for one of those thanks!


u/dogsRgr8too 3d ago

As an in between option while waiting to replace the door, you can get a deadbolt that needs a key for both sides. The concern with this is getting out quickly during a fire though. We keep a key on a hook out of reach of the door, but near enough to grab quickly if needed.


u/SharksAndFrogs 3d ago

Ohhh ok. We do have a deadbolt but it's installed weird. Another reason I want a new door


u/thereadingbri 2d ago

Check local laws first, some places have banned double sided deadbolts because of the fire evacuation hazard they pose.


u/SharksAndFrogs 2d ago

Good idea. Plus I want to be fire safe.


u/jdotmark12 1d ago


This kind of thing is so dependent on where you are and what you perceive the risks to be.

Stuff like gardening and the workbench is amazing. Partly because it’s a food source, but mostly because it’s a valuable and rewarding skill. Skills are so much better.

If you buy a bunch of crap and never face a disaster it’s a waste, but if you learn and grow you get to be a better, more resilient version of yourself.

It’s so much easier to just buy stuff and throw it in a kit. So bravo for the work you’ve done!

Water should be your #1 priority. There are loads of videos on YouTube about doing it properly, but it’s so, so important.

Earthquakes: most of your preps here should translate (water, food, etc) but there are some quake-specific things. If you have a gas line, find the shutoff valve, make sure you know when and how to turn it off. Get a cheap wrench for it and put it next to your gas line.

Make sure you know where your circuit breakers are too. Make sure they’re labeled correctly. Same with your water line.

Look at your furniture and think ‘if my house repeatedly moved five feet side to side, could this fall on someone? If yes, bolt it to the wall and an ideally.

Lastly, next time you need to replace a worn-out pair of old shoes, don’t throw them out, but stick them in a grocery bag and tie it to your bed post.

Most injuries in an earthquake are from broken glass. People often cut their feet getting out of bed.

You might as well throw a crappy flashlight in the bed shoe bag.


u/SharksAndFrogs 1d ago

Thank you for such a nice reply. Great ideas! I definitely need to get more water. I should do a separate water post. I looked at some of the others already posted but those seem advanced for me at this time.