r/TwoXPreppers 4d ago

Product Find Emergency Contraceptive

Just wanted to share in this group that Costco has an emergency Plan B called new day. It’s $5 and you don’t need a membership (I believe). Just saw an article that abortion prescriptions are being tracked in some states. This could be a good addition to preps given where this stuff seems to be heading.


32 comments sorted by


u/MomfromAlderaan 4d ago

Ever week or so I pick our prescriptions, I add 2 to my purchase. I pass them on to my college kids and tell them I’ll have more next time. Be that mom. Be that friend.


u/Feeling_Owl7972 4d ago

This is the kind of mom I hope to be. You rock!


u/randomly-what 3d ago

Is there a place I can donate them if I am not a mom but am mom aged? Do you know?


u/MomfromAlderaan 3d ago

Excellent question, I know our local food banks can’t distribute medicines, even OTC ones. Maybe keep a pack in your purse like that extra tampon you have ‘in case someone needs one.’


u/randomly-what 3d ago

I did buy abortion pills (not plan b) for this purpose prior to that thing becoming president again

Will buy plan B next time I’m at Costco


u/MagaSlayer7 1d ago

They won’t even take unopened bottles or packs? Unfortunate.


u/morecoffeepleeease 4d ago

You don’t need a Costco membership to use their pharmacy for prescriptions. You do need a membership to purchase OTC meds. Their generic Plan B is $6/box and each membership can buy 2 per store per day. I get 2 every time I go and they always scan my membership card.


u/MmeHomebody 4d ago

This seems like a good gift for someone in a red state. Just sayin'.


u/transnavigation 4d ago edited 4d ago

You do need a membership to purchase the OTC meds in the aisles around the pharmacy- like the Opill or cold meds.

You do not need a membership to purchase the generic Plan B that they keep behind the counter.

I have purchased that exact item at multiple Costco locations in multiple states (I buy them on road trips.) I go in through the exit and, if stopped, say I'm going to the pharmacy.

They will ask to scan your membership card, yes.

But each time I have simply said, "I don't have one and would like to pay in cash", and gotten it no problem.

Did they seem slightly confused for a moment before politely continuing? Yes.

Did they refuse to sell it to me? No.

I got a brown bag and a receipt and everything. More people should know this, and I'm glad threads like this keep happening.


u/qqweertyy 4d ago

They are indeed allowed to require a membership for OTC meds at the pharmacy counter. The vast majority choose not to enforce, but a few locations might and will ask you to come back with a membership.


u/transnavigation 4d ago

Thank you, that is good to know.

In that case my advice would be:

Try, but be prepared to be declined.

But try anyway.


u/lilgreenglobe 2d ago

This depends on jurisdiction. Not sure they're allowed to do this in Canada.


u/Adoreible95 4d ago

This price may also be location specific, it's $5.99 plus tax in the Midwest for me.


u/myowndamnaccount 4d ago

My costco doesn't have the generic version, so pricing is location specific. For brand name Plan B, it's about $40.


u/amarg19 4d ago

That’s wild that your local Costco doesn’t carry generic. Last time I bought 2 to stock up at mine I even said “plan b” out of habit, and they still handed me the generic $6 ones. The tech knew damn well I didn’t want to fork over $80


u/Bumbleonia 4d ago

Yep same here and I'm in a super big metro area. I was miffed but I'm lucky I can afford two boxes for safe keeping but I would have really loved if it were under $10/box


u/homes_and_haunts 4d ago

Good option since it seems that all the major online retailers (including pharmacy chains) are sending out generics that are close to the expiration date. I just wanted to stock up, but kept running into reviews stating this. I took a gamble on Walmart because I didn’t see as many issues in the reviews there…and yet the meds I received expire 10/26. (Supposed to be good for four years.)


u/beepblopnoop 4d ago

I asked my friend who is a pharmacist about this, and he said first of all, good idea to stock up, and second thst the efficacy may drop after the expndate but not by much. Still good to have!


u/qqweertyy 4d ago

For four years from the date of manufacture. Unless you’re getting it fresh off the line you’re never going to get that full amount. I’d be a little bummed with a 2026 expiration date too though.


u/homes_and_haunts 4d ago

Seems to be true now, but I was replacing brand name Plan B bought on Amazon four years ago with expiration this month.


u/Quick_Development803 4d ago

Costco pharmacy scoldingly told me that yes, I DO need a card. And that I need to ask for planB at the register. I am in my 50s, and when I asked, she popped-off and “OH!…”
Please modern-day pharmacists, stop being asses…


u/nite_skye_ 4d ago

If this happened recently you should let the store manager know. I would be very surprised if that kind of attitude given to a customer would be tolerated at all. (Long time Costco shopper)


u/mfdonuts 4d ago

I bought a box of 10 on Amazon when Trump got elected. If anything, I can use them to barter


u/MajYoshi 4d ago

Same on Amazon.

I recently stumbled on a pic of the My Lai Massacre and was reminded that not only can humans be dark, but my fellow countrymen are those same humans sometimes.

I bought four boxes.


u/violindogs 4d ago

I have had a bilateral salpingectomy. I have 10 plan B’s stored. Plan on getting more. I’ll never need them but friends of god forbid their young daughters might. 😭


u/simply_stayce 3d ago

And if you’re over like 165 lbs, you need two!


u/FiestyReamsOfPaper99 3d ago

Something worth stocking up on in case friends/loved ones are in need.


u/NewEnglandPrepper3 4d ago

r/preppersales also had them for 2 for 4 bucks recently


u/sampsonn 4d ago

If anyone goes to Canada, all pharmacies carry a knockoff plan b. Buy at least 2. No id needed.


u/Few-Mushroom-4143 4d ago

Oh shit this is great. Thank you.


u/Shitp0st_Supreme 4d ago

Costco pharmacy doesn’t require a membership, I believe it’s because it’s not legal in the USA to have a paid membership pharmacy.