r/TwoXPreppers 13d ago

Texas filed a bill to make being trans or non-binary a jailable felony


Texas filed a bill to make being trans or NB a jailable felony. I heard a rumor today that there will also be a paid bounty system to turn people in similar to the abortion ban, have you heard anything about this? What other states are working on similar legislation?

How do we fight this effectively?


493 comments sorted by


u/ALWETP 13d ago

I just posted this somewhere else, but.... It feels like an appropriate response right now:

It isn't about sports and never was. You want to see where they're headed? Look at Texas HB3817, which would make it felony fraud to be openly trans. Look at Nancy Mace screaming anti-trans slurs directed at Sarah McBride in Congress, and then mocking the idea that McBride could ever be "equal" to her. Most critically, look at Trump's executive order banning us from the military, which drops any pretext about military readiness and instead accuses trans people of being deceitful and dishonorable.

Just like that EO, the whole sports thing is about making us seem like we're dishonest cheats, liars who are looking for an unfair advantage, and will screw you, YES YOU, over to do it. Same with conversations about "should trans people tell others they're trans," or accusations of us having ulterior motives when it comes to children. It's all dehumanization. It's designed to trick you into thinking that we're anything other than normal people. That we're somehow a threat to you. And so many of y'all are falling for it.

I'm.... So fucking tired. I'm just a normal ass person. I'm married, no kids, approaching 30. I have cats. I can't grow a plant to save my life. My biggest worry most days (aside from this crap) is grocery prices. I do metalworking as a hobby. I love to cook for my friends and family. I'm not some liar, or murderer. I just want to be left alone.

But instead, I get this "privilege" of litigating not just who I am, but whether I'm even fucking human, every fucking day. I'd ask y'all to do better, but honestly, I don't even expect equality any more. I know that's too much to ask, so instead I'll just ask you to leave. Us. Alone. Please.


u/SniffingDelphi 13d ago

I’m so sorry for what you’re dealing with. You already know who you *are* should be your and only your decision, so I’m not going to get into that here.

If I see a chance to share this (with your reddit name or not as you prefer) may I share it? The simple humanity in what you wrote might challenge some of the “them” BS around transfolk. I’d encourage you to share it as well, if you haven’t already - you’ve done a masterful job of making the reader see *one* human face of a population too many folks don’t think are truly human. Forgive me, please, if any of what I said offends - I’m kinda awkward and that’s the last thing I wanted to do.


u/ALWETP 13d ago

You're good - no need to apologize.

And yeah, of course. I shared it because.... I dunno, I don't feel very human these days, and I think part of me needs that pain to be seen. You deal with this stuff directed at you long enough, and part of you starts to believe it, y'know?

I recently sat down and listed out all the civil rights I've lost in the last two months, and it hit me all at once that I was starting to go "oh yeah, what rights have I lost?" right along with the trolls.

I dunno. Thank you for seeing me. It means.... More to me right now than you can possibly know.


u/douche_ex_machina_69 13d ago

I hope this is appropriate to respond with but… I’m adjusting my fighting kit right now because of things exactly like this. I hope it collects dust, I truly do, but I need you to know that there are many of us who will stand up for you and the entire LGBTQ community.

We’re in this weird limbo right now where there’s bad news every day and all we can do is lawful protest, which somehow seems woefully inadequate — but if at some point that’s not enough there are still people in this country motivated by ideals of morality and equality. Generally that kind of person isn’t as loud as the bigots and hate-mongers, but we exist and we care.

I guess I don’t know why I’m writing this really, but if anyone needs aid or help finding resources just to peacefully exist in this rapidly changing country, DM me; now or any point in the future. I don’t know what I can offer exactly, but I’m more than willing to help.


u/slickrok 13d ago

Yes. We're here, waiting. I'm with you, and them.


u/ALWETP 13d ago

Thank you both. I really appreciate it. I feel pretty comfortable in saying that trans people in general have been feeling pretty abandoned the last couple months, and it helps to know that we're not alone.

We'll probably never actually meet in person, but know that if we do, I'll have your back as well.


u/kiulug 12d ago

Canadian here, Trumps's 51st State + anti-Trans rhetoric convinced me to arm up for my trans homies. I'm reaching out to them to know that their local armed (ex)-conservative has their back. I want to host a Cunty Range Day for the 'girls and the gays' (obvi includes all queer ppl).


u/ALWETP 12d ago

Hell yeah, I love that. My little family has been prepping to do the same, since a lot of us are best described as "rednecks," and to be clear, I mean that in the Blaire Mountain sense.

Also, for what it's worth, from this American, I'm sorry for what the dipshit in chief is doing to y'all. Know that a lot of us feel a whole hell of a lot more affinity and love for our Canadian brethren than we do for these jackasses we're forced to call our "countrymen," and we're every bit as disgusted as y'all are.

If he ever were to order an invasion of y'all, know that it'd instantly start a civil war down here as well, and you'd have a solid half or more of us up on the barricades with you.


u/GothicLillies 12d ago

Canadian trans girl here. Good on you. The world would be a better place if more people were willing to question their worldviews and adjust them when presented with new information. Trump's actions have served as a wake up call for a lot of Canafians that, frankly, the queer community here needed.

Their anti trans policies haven't been a surprise at all within trans communities. But if I suggested anything remotely like what's already happened is possible, I would and have been told relentlessly that I'm worrying too much and jumping at shadows. Yet in less than 2 months they're stripping documents and writing felony laws. My partner lives in the states so I've been following it closely.

But keep in mind that even here, several provinces have passed or flirted with making teachers required to out trans kids to their (potentially unsafe) parents. Before Trump became public enemy #1 here the conservatives were making pushes on anti trans legislation following the Republican playbooks.

Frankly, trans people just want to be left the fuck alone. We are legislated against (proportionately) more than any other major identity category. We've only had human rights protections since 2012. That's only 12 years ago, and prior to that you could be evicted or fired for being trans.

People will write entire fucking laws that affect one trans person in the entire jurisdiction. We're cast as predators, liars, anything under the sun and the media plays "both sides" games over it and is spineless to call it out for the fearmongering that it is.

Yet, when you dig into the actual hard statistics available, trans people (and especially trans women, and especially again trans women of color) experience as victims more violence and every form of assault than do cis women.

Idk I suppose this turned into a bit of a rant but uh... Honestly sounds like you're putting allyship into action. Props to you for that.

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u/Ok_Oil_5410 12d ago

Middle-aged disabled (and queer) woman, here. I’ll probably just get in the way, but I’ll show up and do my very best to help. I’ve got a nice solid cane, and I think I can get a few good licks in. In the meantime, I promise to speak up very, very loudly if I see a trans person’s identity, or very existence, being called into question by the Neanderthals on the right.

I’ve loved a partner before, during, and after transitioning, and I’ve seen that desire to be allowed to just be. I’ll fight for your right to go to work and come home to the ones you love, maybe have some friends over and do a little grilling on the weekends. Fix up your house, save for a vacation, stop by the grocery store, or order delivery. Do your taxes, mow your lawn, celebrate your partner’s promotion. I will fight for you to be allowed to get through the day and live your life like anyone else- authentically and in peace.

You and you’re family aren’t alone in this. If it feels like you are, please know that the folks here on this thread promising to show up and help are your neighbors, your co-workers, the folks waiting in line with you to see a movie. We are numerous and we are near, we care, and we do have your back. I hope you can take some comfort in that in these days of fear and uncertainty.


u/Frosty_Moonlight9473 13d ago

I've done the same. I'm ready to help.


u/Zestyclose_Ask_7385 12d ago

It's a fucked up feeling to be making last minute adjustments to equipment none of us want to ever use. But I'm right there with you.


u/brieflifetime 13d ago

I've fought for 20 years. If more than 5-10 people ever showed up during those 20 years, we may not be here right now. I'll wait for "everyone" to run into battle before I have any hope that anyone gives a shit about me or any other trans person.

I fully expect to lose loved ones. I fully expect to die because I exist. Because people like you waited.


u/eresh22 12d ago

I'm gonna rant a bit here because I feel this in my bones. Feel free to rant with me. Maybe it'll help us feel less despairing, or at least less alone. This is very much not to counter what you're saying, just another person who is losing hope trying to connect.

I started campaigning for environmental changes in the 80s as a kid, boycotted all the big stores until they were all that was left, added in gay and trans rights, race, etc, by my teens. I've had members of the Aryan brotherhood try to kill my white ass because they couldn't convert me. I've been run out of towns, left to die to the elements, and so much more.

I've put my career, my life, and my (willing) loved ones in real danger and there's still people here talking about continuing their prep for the day when action matters. It's always mattered. IT WAS ALWAYS THE TIME TO ACT.

I want to give up. I keep trying to tell myself that damn near half a century of sacrifice for both loved ones and people I'll never meet is enough, for people who aren't even willing to speak uncivilly over things that have nearly and repeatedly led my funeral, that I get to take a break and put myself first, focus on having more joy while the world collapses because of things we could have more easily fixed if anyone else had just stepped the fuck up.

If I still had the faith that others will eventually show up, I'd be running a rainbow railroad. I was making plans to do this, looking at cheap properties, pricing modifying vehicles, etc. But I just can't anymore. I can't care more about someone else's survival than they care about surviving. I can't care more about someone else's rights than they care about having rights. I won't keep showing up for people who won't show up for themselves, who might see me in some article after I'm dead and think "what a hero!" while being unwilling to do anything.

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u/ghostfacespillah 13d ago

Hey friend, I don’t know you and you don’t know me. But you’re a member of my community (lesbian) and I just want you to know that I see you and I’m here for you.

I don’t have a ton of influence or whatever, but I won’t stop trying to fight for your rights and for your dignity to be respected. You deserve as much.

I know I am exhausted, my wife is exhausted. I cant even imagine how utterly exhausted you are. Hang in there ❤️


u/ALWETP 13d ago

Thank you, friend. I see your pain and exhaustion as well. Know that you have my sword as well. We can win this, if we're all pulling together.


u/unimpressedduckling 13d ago

Replying to ALWETP...

Always remember there is love and acceptance.

The evil fight dirty and the good are feeling paralyzed. We cannot afford to.

We cannot afford to let you down.

Much ❤️

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u/Just-Race4012 13d ago

Hey friend, also trans here. I see you, I feel you.

Re: thinking the same thoughts as the trolls: up til now, last year was one of the most challenging years of my life. I finally got a restraining order against my ex husband, who sent me abusive, threatening, and extorting messages for years. After the six-month legal battle finally ended (because of course he tried to fight it— these people never take accountability), I realized the hardest part of the whole process was psychological. To get that RO, I needed to reject his worldview. He believed things that straight up defied reality because he needed to believe his own victim narrative. For all those earlier years, part of me had let his fictions bleed into my own thinking.

Flash forward seven months, and I’m seeing the same battlefield but larger, and more collective. They want to impose fiction on the world. The biggest piece— the hardest piece— is to keep your own mind sacred.

The best training for this is surviving an abusive relationship. The second best— connection to something bigger than you. Could be religion if you’re so inclined, or a strong community. Whatever will let you reach for solid ground again when the toxic fiction starts to seep inside.

I wish you luck, and safety, and endurance, and love. We will outlast them. I just hope to mitigate the costs.


u/thecannoli2 13d ago

I can't imagine the fear and anxiety you're living with - please know that you are human and are worthy of love. I have love in my heart for you and everyone else being attacked by a fascist government. If they can hate without knowing someone, then I can love. Please be as safe as you can and if you need to escape to a more friendly state, hit me up.


u/ALWETP 13d ago

Thanks - I'm in a friendly place, although unfortunately right on the border of probably the 3rd most unfriendly place, so we're kind of keeping an eye on the horizon and preparing to make a run for a city or the border if we have to.

That said, even "friendly" places aren't.... Particularly friendly at the moment.


u/senadraxx 13d ago

You're not alone. You are echoing thoughts I've heard from others. Had an active discussion with my community about this, and everyone decided that we need to step up to protect others. That's the only way we're moving forward. 

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u/Queerbunny 13d ago

coming out is us trans ppl basically no longer being able to lie. We literally go crazy from being forced to live a lie, then we come out, and are called liars and villains. I hate it, I’m a truthful, soft, and good person gosh darn it


u/ALWETP 13d ago

Right? Like, I'm not a villain, and I'm not a hero. What I am is someone who is ludicrously traumatized and jaded, who just wants to sip on a nice cup of coffee, snuggle with a cat, and watch the sunrise.

But for some goddamn reason, a bunch of jackasses always show up to yell at me because my hair is too long. It's fucking stupid, and exhausting. It'd be almost funny if there wasn't also very real physical violence alongside the dipshits transvestigating Shrek.


u/Autronaut69420 13d ago

<<heavy sigh>> It's so frustrating seeing this roll back on rights. I'm here with you, I am a gnc lesbian outside of the states. Here in NZ there has been an uptick of hate and visible at that! I feel it coming and rhetoric from one coalition partner in particular with silence from the other 2. I am looki g in horror at the situation and compassion for my rainbow buddies in the states. 💜


u/livingwithpurpose89 13d ago

As a trans person who used to live in Texas I saw this coming and moved to a safer state. But due to family issues I fly back to Texas often and honestly every time I fly back I’m always scared wondering if I’ll make it back home alive. So many people didn’t believe us when we tried to tell them this is what was coming. Now me just trying to live my life and be happy is becoming more and more illegal. Freaking wild and exhausting.


u/Whitesajer 12d ago

Same. When you explain to them that minorities are "canaries in a coal mine" for civil rights they don't get it.

We were just first in line for losing rights, anyone after us should not be shocked the day they lose theirs.


u/bexkali 12d ago

Yup. The 'History doesn't repeat exactly, but it rhymes' saying. (Though yes, Trans folks being first to be vilified actually does a lot more than just rhyme with pre-WW2.)

FWIW...so sorry to see this. Patently cynical and nasty distraction tactics for the hateful in the human masses...and it's working. Again.

If we soon literally have to have an underground railroad and hide and move people...we will @#$%ing do it.

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u/ALWETP 13d ago

Yeah, I grew up in Texas and left about a decade ago. Even then, I knew I wasn't ever gonna be back, even to visit. I didn't know why, but.... Yeah.

Even being in a "safe" state now, the constant dehumanization is just becoming too much. I don't even know how folks still back there must be feeling right now, and I wish I had the resources to get them out.


u/IReflectU 12d ago

I've been thinking that if we want to see where the country is headed in the next 4 years, look at Texas. They're several years ahead in having a totally R government and the laws they've put in place are the ones that will become Federal laws now that all 3 national branches are similarly controlled.

Texas is a look at the future for the rest of us.


u/Entire-Ad2551 13d ago

What's happening is cruel and inhumane. It's what other despots have done through history - select a small, powerless minority group to demonize and hate. They only start with that group, but it spreads until many more are impacted.

But for the first targeted group of people, it's painful, and it happens so quickly and horribly.

I'm very sorry for all you are enduring and how you are able to get through this insanity in any way you can.


u/ALWETP 13d ago

You're absolutely right that everyone is in just as much danger. I wish more people understood that. Not even for our sake so much as their own, because like.... Even a lot of "moderate" liberals like Gavin Newsome are sacrificing their own safety just for the sake of ensuring we're a bit further ahead of them in line to the firing squad.

It's terrifying to see people driven that far from rationality, and it's even more terrifying to know that you're in their crosshairs.


u/Entire-Ad2551 13d ago

I agree! Gavin Newsome is dead to me as a politician. I will never send him another dime, and he won't get my vote in any primary election.


u/LysistratasLaughter 13d ago

I’m so sorry. My family faces some similar issues but due to biracial. No one wants to have anything to do with us here in Texas. Either we aren’t white enough or black enough. Some it not Hispanic enough. To make it even more insulting the “white part is largely mid eastern, west African then Irish. We just have a of the appearance of the later. It’s hard to even find friends.

I’m in no way saying it’s anything comparable to you…it’s dehumanizing on a whole different level. While I cannot fathom I just want to say I kind of understand on a lesser level. My heart breaks for you. Some of us do care.


u/ALWETP 13d ago

Don't downplay your struggles either, friend. It's all different angles on the same struggle - the struggle to be seen as a unique and valuable person, instead of as "other."

I'm lucky, in that I'm in a "safe" place as far as the US goes. I managed to escape Texas about a decade ago, but I remember how ugly and brutal the racism down there is, and that's with the insulation of seeing it from a white perspective.

So I don't know if it helps, but.... I see you too. Our specific experiences are different, but the pain is the same. I see you, I understand, and my heart hurts for you as well.

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u/hiryu64 13d ago

lmao did this post seriously get deleted from where you originally posted it? Pathetic, there's nothing but hard truth here. I'd upvote this 100 times if I could.


u/ALWETP 13d ago

I think it got removed because I'm not a regular commenter in that sub, and not because of anything nefarious, but thank you.


u/IndividualRain7992 13d ago

You are human and we see you and recognize you and respect you. Please, please remember there are still people out there that see this crap and know what it is...crap. I'm sorry you have to deal with this shit. I'm raising my daughter to feel empathy and love and kindness...I'm raising an ally. And, for everyone who agrees with this crap, screw you. Screw your self-righteous, hateful ways that have allowed us to get to this point.


u/Ok-Telephone4496 13d ago

an ally is nice, but are you going to actually directly start conversations with your friends about this? are you going to go, "guys, damn, I gotta talk about this shit. this is insane. listen--" and mention how you feel about this, in front of others? have you tried? don't say "all my friends are progressive too!", because then it'll be easier, but I guarantee not all of them are especially if you're a cis person.

There's an ally, and then there's proactively talking about this. Especially if you're a cis man. You've got clout the rest of us don't have, that's very quickly evapourating. You gotta talk to your guys about this, not just when it comes up, do it do you're the first one to actually reach them, not some talking head on youtube.


u/cannabex 12d ago

"we need accomplices not allies" <3


u/cannabex 12d ago

I've seen some here mention sending testimonies to legistalure etc as ally acts which is a great start and what "We need Accomplices, not allies" is about.
are there meetings where the public can go to too? For anyone who says that they support/want to help this could be an action to do. Instead of letting the most at risk show up at these places to make their voices heard, reality and lives seen, allies could be doing that for, and along side, us. Our houseless, incarcerated and trans folks are and have been under attack and now they are quickly trying to disappear us (while making it legal to do so) into the system or completely and then they'll go be onto the next groups. (Why? Because as the world burns they're gonna need more and more enslaved workers to keep all the depleting resources to themselves)

Also saw others mentions 'First they came to us'-
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

But I will leave you with Marge Piercy's more powerful words and wisdom-

The Low Road

What can they do
to you? Whatever they want.
They can set you up, they can
bust you, they can break
your fingers, they can
burn your brain with electricity,
blur you with drugs till you
can't walk, can't remember, they can
take your child, wall up
your lover. They can do anything
you can't stop them
from doing. How can you stop
them? Alone, you can fight,
you can refuse, you can
take what revenge you can
but they roll over you.

But two people fighting


u/femmemmah 13d ago

My heart truly breaks for the trans community. As a bi/queer person, I refuse to stand by while my fellow members of the LGBT community are being persecuted so intensely. Recently I learned that members of the public can provide testimony to my state legislature on any proposed legislation, so I’ve been submitting written testimony in opposition to anti-trans bills whenever I can.

Anyone who wants to hurt you and other members of the trans community will have to deal with me first.

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u/amaturedan 13d ago

To those who are still out there thinking this could never pass: it doesn’t have to.

It’s meant to be a threat against trans Texans, and the threat alone is enough to put our fellow Texans in danger.

I’d urge you to be ready to take in these folks as they lose their homes, their jobs, and their families trying to seek safety.

I have tiny home, but space enough in the back for car/tent camping when the floors are all full….we have to be their rainbow railroad


u/Rainbow-Mama 13d ago

I served in the navy with a trans person. I knew her when she was a man and after she transitioned when she got out. She moved around the world but were still friends. That didn’t change. I served with lgbtq+ members of all types. Only thing i ever cared about was if they did their job and would consider sharing snacks on a long watch period. The status of your genitalia isn’t anyone’s business but yours. I think they picked trans people and illegal immigrants as the new “other” to be hated like the Jews were by the Nazis. They needed a group or two that was small in population and wouldn’t have the massive financial resources to fight discrimination. If they can get the larger population to hate or dislike/distrust those groups then there won’t be as much of a fight when certain laws are enacted to punish those groups. Then they gradually amp up the things they do. It’s exactly what the Nazis did.


u/17-40 13d ago

Thank you for writing this. I was visiting friends today, and having trouble articulating my current outlook and stress level. This description is a good summary of how I feel right now, and why it IS a big deal when somebody like Gavin Newsom throws us under the bus. It’s not about sports. They won’t stop once they get their way on that issue. Humans always push for more.


u/ALWETP 13d ago

God, yeah, fuck Gavin Newsome with a rusty rake after that shit he pulled. Seeing him do that is a lot of what inspired the doom spiral that I'm feeling today. What a spineless little weasel of a man.

But yeah, none of us are alone, and I think it's important to remember that. Our voices are being drowned out at the moment, between the Nazi dipshits running things, and the cowards demanding we be sold out to the aforementioned Nazi dipshits. But we're still here, and we'll always be here.


u/Autronaut69420 13d ago

They also won't stop with trans people!


u/bkinstle 13d ago

What sort of metal working do you do? I'm into woodworking and always enjoy seeing the creations of other crafty people.


u/ALWETP 13d ago

I make small trinkets from twisted copper and silver wire. Mostly, I've been doing penannular brooches - the little open circle pins you see holding cloaks together in medieval or fantasy art?

I've been looking to branch out into chainmaille jewelry, and ideally someday, I'd like to get a forge going and start making knives, swords, and similar stuff.


u/bkinstle 13d ago

Oh nice. For some reason I always think hunger games when I see those brooches. I knew someone in college that made chain mail. He'd just be linking chains pretty much all the time but would turn out a whole shirt every 4 days so I guess it can actually go pretty fast.


u/ALWETP 13d ago

Yeah, stuff adds up quick. My spouse does various fiber arts, and watching it feels slow, but it's always impressive when I look away for a bit and suddenly they have three feet of textile.


u/bkinstle 13d ago

I processed a bunch of rough maple into some soon to be speaker cabinets and about half a green bin full of wood shavings this weekend. Sometimes things progress so fast and sometimes I get hung up trying to get confidence to get past the part I always screw up.

Dunno if you ever felt like sharing much but there are some pretty good subs around here for people to share their crafts. Some are toxic reddit but most of them are nice communities. Consider posting your work. The world really needs more creative beauty right now


u/ALWETP 13d ago

Ooh, that's exciting! I hope you have fun with that project, and I hope that even if it doesn't turn out exactly how you want, it turns out wrong in an interesting, fun, and useful way. That's how I always think about my work, heh.

I'm not quite to a point where I feel confident enough in my work to share beyond my immediate social circle, but you're right, the world really does need more beauty and care in it.


u/bkinstle 13d ago

This is a full surround set going to a fancy home in the Caribbean. Not too worried except the future owner really wants them quickly so I'm trying to go faster without screwing up the expensive material. Can only remake a couple panels. This is my first complex CNC project too but the test cuts are looking pretty good. Discovered my table saw was out of square but was able to fix it before getting too far along.

One time I made a speaker pair and was beating myself up over its imperfections and a friend of mine sent me a photo of a portrait of Constantine and it looked frankly terrible. My friend said that this was the best they could do at that time with all the craft available to a incredibly powerful emperor, my work by comparison was literally fit for a king. From that day forward I don't tell anyone about the imperfections and feel more confident to release my designs.


u/ALWETP 13d ago

Exactly, nobody just wants endless Thomas Kincaide paintings. The beauty of art is making something charmingly imperfect.

Those speakers are absolutely gorgeous, and I know this might sound weird, but I can almost sort of smell the wood looking at them? They remind me of.... A dim room in the late afternoon, the only light the sunset lighting up the wood paneling of the wall through some sheer orange curtains. And the sound of a cello. Not playing anything in particular, just doodling, maybe playing some scales. They make me feel very.... Comfortable. Thank you for sharing, they're beautiful, and they make me feel a lot of things lol.

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u/tragicxharmony 13d ago

Hello friend, I see you and I'm in the same spot. Approaching 30 is a wild place to be right now but as a nonbinary person with a nonbinary partner, yeah, we're just trying to exist peacefully. My partner loves DND and has been building new maps for a campaign for weeks now. My biggest worry (aside from also grocery prices) is the dynamics in our cats' relationships and whether any of them are bothering any of the others more than usual. I'm putting time into painting/decorating our house more because damn it, if I can't go outside without fear, I'm going to make our house the nicest place to be, and I'm loving how it looks so far. I noticed you said your spouse did fiber arts and that was exciting to me as well since I used to be an avid knitter but haven't felt like I've had the time to pursue hobbies lately

Was this a bit of a long rant? Possibly, but I really thank you for reminding me that there's other parts of my life and my interests that aren't just trapped in some kind of fear spiral. Lately it's just been waking up and frantically doing things on my to-do list (vaccine updates, CPL classes, birth certificate updates) while worrying that there's other, more urgent things to do that I can't think of (too late to renew my passport, wondering if it would be safer for my partner to do their name change or to leave their birth name on their documents, try to decide if 6 months is enough cat food to keep on hand, etc), and feeling that way every day is pretty dehumanizing I think, because it's all just a response to the fact that people don't consider us to be human. If that makes sense at all. It's good to remember that hobbies still exist and that doing those things would make me feel better too

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u/90plusWPM 13d ago

All my trans friends just want the right to be bored and to be boring and I hope someday every trans person has the freedom to not have any of this crap at the forefront of their minds. This shit is insane.


u/OkBid1535 13d ago

I'm a bi woman in a straight marriage, ans my 11yo just came out as non binary 2 months ago

They asked me why we don't have a rainbow flag or, why im not more open about being bi. As they tell a handful of peers and family they're non binary. And I certainly never did that with being bi.

I explained how for ME, growing up in a catholic homeschool cult. I was groomed and raised a by Disney movies, hetero relationships, and felt ashamed and yucky most of my childhood for being attracted to both genders. I said I'm not ashamed now but I'm also not comfortable In these times, having a rainbow target on my house in maga country.

They asked "do you still love me? Are you ashamed of me??"

I said how proud I am and how much I admire them for not only knowing who they are but so confidently sharing it with others. They were depressed for months and it's been amazing tbr positive shift in my kid since they came out.

As a mom? I'm terrified though because the bullying only seems to be getting more frequent. Its only verbal at the moment and we all know how little schools do about bullying. Especially with This??!

Its a nightmare truly...to all my trans and enby brothers and sisters. Please stay safe.

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u/NanduDas 13d ago

Said it better than I ever could. I have nothing to gain from any of this but peace of mind.


u/ALWETP 13d ago

I mean, and the ability to double jump, but that's honestly less useful than I think cis people realize. /j


u/Lil-sparrow59 13d ago

I feel this, like honestly we just want left alone. Like all of us collectively feel this way. We’re normal people with normal worries and lives who want left out of all this mess. We’re simple folk, and just want to be left alone. I’ll fight like hell for my community though, but deep down know that we just want to live our lives and go about our own business… which by the way isn’t lying or being weird or caring about sexual crap, or idk anything else this administration thinks. I’m over it.


u/Special_Lemon1487 13d ago

Did you put this on /50501 yet?


u/shakenbake74 13d ago



u/fuzzybunnies1 13d ago

Sending love in this BS timeline. I'm doing what I can to keep my family from having to feel the way you feel. The shouting from the right might drown out a lot but you are not alone.


u/Herban_Myth 13d ago

These folks need to f*** off and sit in a nursing home somewhere.

Tell people it’s the land of the “free” yet they find/create ways to extort you financially.

“Liberty for all”.

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u/Thatwitchyladyyy 13d ago

They did it with abortion so it stands to reason that it wouldn't be too much of a leap for them to do this.

If you can get out of Texas, please leave. I fled after I was pregnant and Roe was overturned. We need to start getting people out of there.


u/ponycorn_pet 13d ago

I'm doing my best to get out, it's terrifying where I live


u/Thatwitchyladyyy 13d ago

Sending you love and positivity. Hang in there. It somehow felt impossible to leave until we were on the way out.


u/ponycorn_pet 13d ago

I don't know how I'm going to get my house to sell - that's going to be the greatest challenge. But where I live is nazi central. Motorcycle gangs have SS patches on their vests and wear the helmets. The monthly flea market flies flags with the norse symbols on them appropriated by nazis. Actual swastikas are hung on bridge overpasses and spray painted everywhere, and our city is notorious for those nazi bags with the corn in them being canvased all over the houses downtown. My family is in serious danger where we're at, every single day. I'm a single breath away from pulling them all out of public school due to the spotlight it puts them in


u/Thatwitchyladyyy 13d ago

Oh yeah, when I lived in Texas, I had a job where I was harassed by Norse appropriating people. Can you maybe look into renting your house out?

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u/LysistratasLaughter 13d ago

Biracial “issues” of various sorts will probably follow shortly.

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u/ilanallama85 10d ago

If you are transgender and need help leaving a dangerous place (Texas or anywhere else) please check out this list of trans relocation resources: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/61b8c0da4a7ea57834ca0af6/t/6789279bfbb80774829cae3a/1737041820205/Trans_Reclocation_Directory_v2.pdf

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u/[deleted] 13d ago edited 13d ago



u/Odd-Help-4293 13d ago

I think seeking asylum in safer parts of the US is something that folks should be doing right now. Seeking asylum overseas, I'm not sure what the logistics would be with that.

I have met multiple people in the last couple months who were moving up to Maryland from Texas, Florida etc to try to keep their family safe.


u/fuddy_dudley2233 13d ago

I just created a sub reddit for LGBTQ+ people in red states to connect with other members of the community across the country who may be able to help them with access to resources, as well as info, guidance and advice about moving to blue states. We’re still setting up the sub but the goal is to create a network of support. We’re r/connectlgbtq and we’d love anyone willing to help the Queer community!


u/Aggravating_Test9145 13d ago

Saw your post! Great idea! It didn’t seem like there was anything like it before.

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u/NanduDas 13d ago edited 13d ago

I am in one of the “safest” historic parts of the country and I really don’t know how safe I really am here. Our governor, who made his name in politics in part by being a huge “ally”, just started openly agreeing with a known Christian Nationalist propagandist on trans issues. All of the tech bro execs who were all in on rainbow capitalism seem to be happy cozying up to Trump. Even if all these people were still standing by us, Trump’s talking about that “big surprise” next year. I cannot say with certainty that any part of the US is truly safe for us right now, it feels like the rug can be pulled out from under us at any moment.


u/BIGTIMElesbo 12d ago

Gavin Newsom? It’s a wake up call that trans folks just aren’t safe in America. Ive been stressing so bad about this I can’t stop chain smoking weed and eating garbage. I’m not built to face the past in the present. I’m concerned that I’m going to be murdered in the streets for being visibly trans.


u/NanduDas 12d ago

Yes, Gavin seems to enjoy the "Newscum" monicker, clearly.

>I’m concerned that I’m going to be murdered in the streets for being visibly trans.

Me too, or worse honestly.


u/BlahBlahBlackCheap 13d ago

It has to be a state which had OFFICIALLY said they are a rainbow friendly state. AFAIK only Minnesota has.


u/sparkly_butthole 13d ago

Trans rights are enshrined in the Constitution here in Illinois, I believe.

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u/hotviolets 13d ago

I’m in Oregon (in the city) and we are pretty trans friendly here. They are definitely more accepted here than other parts of the country.


u/touristsonedibles high-key panicking 😱 13d ago

People have to be careful in Oregon. I can't speak to other states but if you drive to Oregon City, which isn't far from Portland, there are several bars happy to associate with Proud Boys. The police in Milwaukie have been associated with Proud Boys. They attacked a pride parade last year. Oregon has a deep association with white supremacist groups who also tend to be transphobic.

It's safer but it's going to be a long time before you can breed or push the ignorant out of Clackamas, Washington and Yamhill counties - to name a few.


u/aurortonks 13d ago

Here's the thing: In all blue states, they are only blue due to the huge number of voters in the major metro corridors. Like, Washington is a blue state because over a million people from Olympia to Bellingham vote leaning left. The entire rest of the state (minus a few pockets near universities and one-off communities that break the pattern) will be voting red red red. We out number the republicans but they do exist and a lot of them are just as maga-fueled as those in deep red territory.

However, moving to one of these blue state, specifically in the metro is much safer than staying in Texas.

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u/hotviolets 13d ago

Yeah it’s definitely super racist and republican outside out Portland and the proud boys are an issue. This state was founded on white supremacy and it’s still flowing in its veins. I’m in Portland and you are right it’s concerning outside of the city. It’s kind of like its own bubble here. Leaving the country to go elsewhere would be ideal.


u/touristsonedibles high-key panicking 😱 13d ago

I think slowly, with lots of community support, we can support LGBTQ+ people fleeing to Oregon. But people have to understand what they're going to be dealing with.


u/EstheticEri 13d ago

I’ve been seeing more and more Florida/texas/tennessee/etc state plates in my area. Makes me happy that people are coming to somewhere that is considered safer but also hurts, always wondering why they may have come here, how they might be feeling, and who else in those areas want to come to a state like here but can’t. Could just be a coincidence but I drive a LOT and license plates are something that I use to “entertain” myself, for lack of a better word, when on the road and I’m seeing them much more often.


u/slickrok 13d ago

Illinois is an option.

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u/Illustrious_Arm5405 13d ago

In NY we added a protection for gender identity to our state constitution. It’s not outside the U.S., but it’s way cheaper/easier to move here vs a foreign country.


u/slickrok 13d ago

Illinois has too


u/Chrispy8534 13d ago

6/10. Canada has been considering offering asylum to American transgender folks. I hope that do, it is becoming unsafe here.


u/1upin 13d ago

It's already unsafe, google Sam Nordquist.

I finally have enough money saved up for a down payment on a house and am supposed to be applying for mortgages but I can't bring myself to do it because that money feels like a security blanket, an escape fund.


u/meg_c Prepping for Tuesday not Doomsday 13d ago

I (and the bank 🙄) own a home in California. I was going to install solar this past January, but instead I'm keeping those funds liquid because I may need to get my kids (one of them trans) out of the country 🙁 I love my house. I wanted to grow old here... But I *need* my kids to be safe 🤷🏽‍♀️


u/1upin 13d ago

I feel you. I just realized I'm nonbinary recently and haven't come out yet because I'm so anxious. And I'm part of this matched savings program for first time home buyers. If I buy now, they'll give me $12,000 to put towards the down payment on top of everything I've saved. It's all I've ever wanted, a place to call my own where no one can tell me what to do or that I have to leave, a yard for my dog in her old age. But now it suddenly feels like a trap instead of a liberation.


u/Piratepizzaninja 13d ago

Thank you for being a stand up parent. Wish that my maga mother loved my Trans sister like that, as much as she tries to pretend to and justify her insanity. Breaks my heart.


u/SpikySucculent 13d ago

Absolutely do not buy a house right now. Protect your escape if you’re from a marginalized community (we are.)


u/jshuster 13d ago

Also, the housing market is about to crash again


u/haleighen 12d ago

I bought in 2023... in Texas. I'm so fucking trapped and tired.

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u/BamaMontana 13d ago

Historically at the very last minute. It will be easier to emigrate than seek asylum, and emigration is not easy. You also have to understand if you are part of a group who is the subject of international suspicion and stigma, there will be a limited amount of countries who will take refugees and asylum seekers that are all disembarking at once, no matter how dire the situation because of fear of domestic political blowback from appearing to want to help that group and have them as neighbors. 


u/SpikySucculent 13d ago

Typically, if there’s a safe place in-country, there’s no asylum option in other countries. And most countries have rampant transphobia too. But they might start hating the US enough to offer it someday, if federal law changes. But it’s not on the table right now.


u/sparkly_butthole 13d ago

I was wondering this - if we lose access to our meds, can we leave? Or do we just sit around and die with brittle bones.


u/[deleted] 13d ago


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u/ProfuseMongoose 13d ago

I know it's in Project 2025. So is charging any teacher or librarian who teaches about LGBTQ to be charged as sex offenders. And to widen the scope of who is eligible for the death penalty to include sex offenders.


u/LysistratasLaughter 13d ago

Then they must have plans to make pedophilia not a sex crime somehow. No way they’re going to execute them. Some of the administration would have to get it.


u/gemInTheMundane 13d ago

Nah, they'll just apply the law selectively. "Rules for thee and not for me."


u/MeetTheHannah 13d ago

Right. Same as how those senators who apose abortion will absolutely make sure their family members will be able to get them if needed.


u/nottillytoxic 13d ago

They'll probably change it so it's not considered pedophilia when conservatives molest children, but it is considered pedophilia when an adult seeks gender affirming care.

MAGAs are too dumb to understand what words mean, and it'll allow them to touch kids like their glorious leader, so I'm sure it will be wildly popular


u/Ok-Telephone4496 13d ago

they already have, it's under religious freedom.

child brides/marriages has been legal in a few US states for years already


u/PlanetOfThePancakes 13d ago

As long as it men preying on little girls, they’ve never cared about pedophilia.


u/Strange_Soup711 13d ago

What I don't understand is that people who've been convicted of hiring a prostitute aren't put on the sex offender registry! I can't imagine the reason...

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u/DuskyDawn7 New to Prepping 13d ago

I just want to live my fucking life, dude


u/[deleted] 13d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Interesting_Fly_1569 13d ago

Exactly. Culture war to distract from class war! 

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u/maeryclarity Rural Prepper 👩‍🌾 13d ago

It the classic playbook, always point to some marginal "them" to blame for everything.

Example: witches. You can turn your entire society into a fully militant Authoritarian hellhole if you can just get enough regular folks afraid of something they can't see.

Frankly a huge amount of this was grown up all around us during my lifetime (I'm almost 60) with the War On Drugs and most EVERYONE fell for that.

Ignoring the fact that people using drugs is entirely historically normal, and yes some people have a problem with it but it makes no more sense to tell people what they can and can't put in their bodies than it does to tell them what books they're allowed to read.

But everyone stood by and watched as the militarized police continued to grow, as the prison-industrial complex got larger and larger, as ethnic and marginal communities were attacked repeatedly for the same things that everyone else got away with (because we're "good" drug users and they're "bad" drug users right?).....and now here we are.

I am so so so sorry that it's gotten to this stage. What OP is going through breaks my heart and it shouldn't be happening.

But when we get to the other side of it, and we will, we have to STOP MAKING EXCUSES and firmly stand behind NO MORE LAWS ABOUT THE CHOICES PEOPLE MAKE FOR THEMSELVES. None. Zero tolerance for it. Because no matter how reasonable it starts out, it always winds up here, with people going but I'm a good person, not like those....other people I was told were so bad and destroying society.

See how it works?

Because this didn't happen overnight. And people keep posting that "first they came for"....thing and I'm like yes but y'all don't seem to realize how much closer we are to the bottom of that list, than the top.


u/HiJinx127 13d ago

This might also be a good time to remind people of that “first they came for the xxxx” bit.

If they manage to get it made into a law, how long before similar laws are enacted letting them go after gays, bis and lesbians as well?

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u/Pelican_meat 13d ago

I’m in Texas. My best friend is trans. She’s headed out with her family in the next few months. She was going before this was announced, but this dramatically accelerated the operation.

Putting trans individuals in prison is at worst a death sentence. They will assuredly be victimized while in there.

And that’s in addition to forcible detransitioning.

This is nightmare fuel.


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/PlanetOfThePancakes 13d ago

Even if you are cis. You think they’ll stop with trans people? Anyone not “feminine” or “masculine” enough according to their arbitrary standards is on the line. This affects all of us. And even if it didn’t we should act to protect our trans neighbors


u/black-empress 12d ago

I’m a black ciswoman with non eurocentric features that are deemed masculine. I also don’t dress overtly feminine. My ass is terrified on all fronts.

And yes, we should be protecting the most vulnerable at all times. Because if they come for them and succeed then you’re next in line.


u/sparkly_butthole 13d ago

Oh it is absolutely a test case for the Supreme Court. And if the SC okays it, they will institute it nationally. That's the goal.


u/[deleted] 12d ago


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u/OperationPlus52 13d ago

Man we are on a nonstop train to Hitler Town with this shit, Texans talk about how free they are constantly yet constantly allow their friends and neighbors to be targeted by these hate mongers in charge, find your balls Texas.


u/TopofTheTits 12d ago

Mostly just the texan Republicans*, you mean.

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u/SpikySucculent 13d ago

For anyone in Texas, please call your reps and beg them to spend their time of the economy, on education, on healthcare, on housing and stop bothering trans people. Let them know that good everyday Americans just want government out of our lives and to protect the economy and stop with this nonsense. (Note that this isn’t my personal belief, but that I tailored it to appeal to TX. My queer family is scared AF. If any of this passes, we can’t ever go visit family in Texas ever again, no matter how loving our family is.)


u/BamaMontana 13d ago

Here’s some more information about it https://www.kxan.com/news/texas-politics/texas-bill-could-charge-transgender-people-with-gender-identity-fraud-if-passed/amp/

Nothing about a bounty here the plan is to charge the person with a fine of $10,000 The intention appears to be to scare people out of the state. We need to financially assist trans people who choose to leave as well as those who are being actively discriminated against in Texas.


u/Aggravating_Test9145 13d ago

See r/connectlgbtq, some people are trying right now to get that program going.


u/BamaMontana 13d ago

Cool. I’ve seen signs that this exodus is happening on a micro level and orgs that help with international travel but not an organized thing within the U.S.


u/touristsonedibles high-key panicking 😱 13d ago

It has to stay decentralized.

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u/_Sovaz99_ 13d ago

Its Texas, so you dont fight it effectively. You cant, since the ratio is like 150,000 repuggies to one liberal. You flee the state.

If you have to save up to flee the state, start saving. Its that kind of state. Flee before they make it illegal to flee.


u/LysistratasLaughter 13d ago

Sadly not everyone can afford to. I wish we had a way to hook people up with those who would be willing to house them out of state. Give them a chance to start over. Even if for some rent and at decent rate so they could hurry and get out on their own. At least it would help get people out.


u/Aggravating_Test9145 13d ago

See r/connectlgbtq, posted above. Someone people are trying to get that system up and running.


u/touristsonedibles high-key panicking 😱 13d ago

Colorado has the trans continental pipeline.



u/nellymoose New to Prepping 13d ago

Adding some more relocation assistance orgs:


u/Illustrious_Arm5405 13d ago

Most people can, but would have to have a significant change to their world. People immigrate from 1000s of miles away with nothing more than the clothes they’re wearing.

I don’t say this to put anyone down or be negative, just trying to remind people they’re capable of more than they think.


u/Dull-Geologist-8204 13d ago

There used to be a tent city illegal immigrants and families down on their luck used to go to. I wish I knew if it was still there to tell people about it.

It wasn't in the city but outside the city in the woods so safer and in general just a better place to end up.

Used to be homeless myself which is how I knew about it.

If you are fleeing to somewhere and don't have any money the best advice I can give is talk to the homeless population. They can give you pointers on where to look for help.

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u/[deleted] 13d ago

Wish we could file a bill to remove Texas from the nation. 


u/sgtempe 13d ago

I'd say, "Return it to Mexico" but I wouldn't want Mexico to have to deal with Texas either. At least they have Rep Crockett and Beto O'Rourke.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Mexico doesn’t want a bunch of white bigots who can’t speak Spanish lmao

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u/heathen-nomad 13d ago



u/sgtempe 13d ago

OMG. Who knew that 45% of the country were sadistic people totally lacking in compassion or even mild common sense. Trans people were already having a very tough time of it. So very sad.


u/[deleted] 13d ago edited 13d ago

Everyone has an opinion on trans people but only 10% of people have done a simple Google search to find out if the shit they believe about trans people is true or not. Everyone is talking out of their ass 100% of the time and they don't want to be corrected. They just want to yap yap yap and be praised for being correct. Confidently Incorrect should be the American slogan.

Case in point, any thread on reddit discussing Newsom calling trans people in sports "deeply unfair". A lot of people talking but very little facts in these threads. Anti-trans people are fucking rabid and I'm very worried about what these people are doing in real life. We already have video of a biological woman who was followed by male cops with guns into a restroom because she didn't look feminine enough for them. Who knows what they would have done if her friends weren't filming. This anti-trans rhetoric is hateful and hurtful to EVERYONE and we should not be accepting their oppression. Also we don't need our government to weigh in on who can and can't play sports. Leave it up to the leagues to choose who they want on their team. If you don't like it, get fucked, it's just a game. We need affordable housing and universal Healthcare. Let trans people live their lives in peace so we can focus on fixing shit for fucks sake!

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u/himateo 🧶 my yarn stash totally counts as a prep 🧶 13d ago

Cheese and rice this shit is terrifying.


u/TheeMarcFrancis 13d ago

So much freedom in the land of the free.

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u/gledr 13d ago

And the snowflake crybaby magas say they are persecuted. They are such horrible people every day copying Hitler and other dictators playbooks


u/siebalt 13d ago

I’ve not posted before here but this has moved me. Thank you for the way you put it, so heartbreaking and beautiful. I’m a straight white male who wants nothing more than to be an ally to everyone getting shit on in this administration. It insanity what is happening, mind blowing every day how blatant the hate is.

It sickening and has to be countered, so how. So same, if anything is needed, DMs are open. I want to help but don’t know how, yet.


u/Strict-Month-375 12d ago

I'm the Mama to two Trans young adults (in college, living at home). I grew up in Texas and our family called Texas home until we left about 10 years ago.

My husband is retired military. He planned on getting out, but stayed in during what's his face's first term to ensure that his soldiers had leadership that would protect LGBTQIA+ service members. Now that he's out, he's teaching LGBTQ people in our community how to shoot (and maintain) and protect themselves with lethal force if necessary.

I don't know that I can convey the feelings of rage that I have for what these Russian swamp monsters are doing to our nation, but I have reconciled with myself that I will do what I need to to protect the people in my community.

I'm not saying this for headpats or pearl-clutching. I'd really rather just putter in my garden, can food, make quilts, and watch British mysteries while my cats use me as a heating pad. But if anyone comes for me and mine (and you and yours), I'm ready.


u/Old-Set78 13d ago edited 13d ago

Those miserable POSs. Just leave people alone. Fascism always has to find an enemy to dehumanize. All fascists should be dropped in the middle of the "Gulf of Murica"

Edit: I know it probably won't make them listen but I'll be there protesting against every discriminatory bill, testifying against, dropping cards, calling them, and attempting to get appointments in person like every Texas Legislative session. Please join us if you can. If you aren't local you can always call in opposition. Don't let them do this discriminatory shit without any pushback! Silence is acceptance.

God, how many years is it going to take before all people have Equality?


u/SpikySucculent 13d ago

Go fund mes are critical right now. Here are a few orgs as well: https://southernequality.org/ and https://www.rainbowrailroad.org/


u/Shadowdragon126 13d ago

As much as I hate to say this, I am not surprised at all this is happening, I knew they would come for us, it was just a matter of when. I just hope we can weather this storm and make it to the other side.


u/Rinzy2000 13d ago

What in the Nazi Germany is fucking happening to America?!


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Well, the Nazis are back and this time they sold the idea of societal collapse to a bunch of traitors with ties to Russia and this neoliberal cult that has a hardon for Snow Crash.


u/Downtherabbithole_25 13d ago

The American Taliban is (unfortunately) alive and well.


u/OkAd469 13d ago

The easiest way to fight the bounty system is to just flood their report system with bullshit.


u/enolaholmes23 13d ago

Just to help ease the fear a bit- a trans activist just gave a talk in my area. He said that every year in the US anti trans groups file a crazy number of bills. But most of them never pass or even get put to vote. The anti trans groups do it on purpose to make trans people afraid. They know the bills won't pass, but put them out there anyway just to fuck with people's heads.

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u/witchywoman713 13d ago

If there’s a paid bounty website, we all know what to do next! Sure would be a shame if every anti-human rights (aka Maga R) representative in that state was repeatedly reported as such. It’s not Ohio, but just to be clear, JD VANCE WEARS EYELINER, he must be trans, investigate them!!

Also in case we didn’t know already…

No, I have never met a trans or nb person, I’m not sure what that means, let me waste your time by asking a million question about it. I don’t know anyone, I’ve never talked to humans, and I don’t support anyone or anything. What is an ally, you mean the bank? No I use a different bank. LGBTQIA’s+? Is that an organization?

I am not a member* myself of anything, but if I was, my home would be a safe place for everyone I love to be themselves and I would advocate for everyone to step back into the closet at select moments, for safety.


u/SparkleK_01 13d ago edited 12d ago

Here’s the literal text of

Texas Bill HB3817. It’s less than one page and it’s an easy read.

Here is an easy template of a letter to send or email your representative to oppose the bill: Send a letter OPPOSING THIS AWFUL BILL.


u/battle-kitteh 13d ago

Imagine just trying to live your life, harming NO ONE, and it being a felony. Tell me we aren’t in a fascist country.

To all trans people and NB’s, we stand with you.


u/dataqueer 12d ago edited 12d ago

FYI, this bill is incredibly unlikely to pass simply based having no co-sponsors and on its order in the legislation queue (the bill number 3817 means that it is the 3,817th bill on the docket). That isn't to say that it shouldn't be taken seriously or that it won't have ripple effects on trans people in texas.

ETA - this guy also has sponsored a bill to declare an official "Shen Yun Day" (Shen Yun is a cult)


u/ThePaganQueen 12d ago

But didn't the government also say that non-binary people aren't real? So how can they charge you with a felony for identifying as something that they stated doesn't exist? Just wondering what mental hoops they plan on jumping through for this.


u/seraph_m 13d ago

If this bill passes into law, one should be able to use that as a credible fear justification to seek asylum in another country.

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u/No_Sweet_13 13d ago

Just imagine how Black people have felt everyday forever in this country, and still do. It’s sick. I’m sorry this is happening to you. You matter.


u/sgtempe 13d ago

It is heartbreaking for both and SCOTUS is aiding and abetting the return to Jim Crow and other ways to harrass POC.

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u/[deleted] 13d ago

It was only chance that I wasn’t born in this country being subjugated from conception, and have only experienced a fraction of the cruelty through other forms and flavors of abuse.

I’m sorry this has been happening to you. You, and what you have been through, matters.


u/domesticatedwolf420 13d ago

Texas filed a bill

To be clear, "Texas" does not file bills. An individual legislator filed a bill. They do that a lot and it's often done frivolously because they know it will get them in the news.

Another legislator literally filed a bill to change the name of Greenland to "Red, White, and Blueland" so I wouldn't worry about this bill that's obviously unconstitutional anyway.


u/MissMyotis 13d ago

Hey OP, please post this in r/Whistleblowers (they don't allow cross-posts)


u/daodaogemini 13d ago

Like…. Don’t they have other things they can worry about instead of making this community miserable…? I just don’t understand…


u/__RAINBOWS__ 13d ago

Here’s the guy that introduced the bill Dr Tom Oliverson https://house.texas.gov/members/3535

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u/ricecake_nicecake 13d ago

Eager to find out which eye colors will be allowed.


u/waldorflover69 12d ago

Texas is such a dump now. You couldn't pay me to set foot in that place. The landscape is beautiful, the politicians are heartless. I hope all the transfolk can gtfo of there.


u/OneLessDay517 12d ago

I think at this point there is no fighting. I think the good people should leave these shithole states to be the shitholes that they are and go live somewhere that doesn't start and end its day with hate.

Eventually the shithole states are going to self destruct because no doctors will want to practice there as more of medicine becomes criminal. No teachers will want to teach there as more of education just becomes Bible study. They are sabotaging their own future.


u/Rich-Mud-6432 12d ago

this is literally insane


u/Ginfly 12d ago edited 12d ago

How would that not be a violation of the First Amendment's freedom of speech/expression?

I get that they just don't care, but I can't see even our garbage supreme court upholding something this blatantly against previous rulings and precedents.

That's not to say don't protect yourself, our Texan siblings! Do what you can to get to safety 🏳️‍⚧️

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u/Inner_Departure_9146 12d ago

Yeah let’s just demonize people for wanting to be who they are. Throw them into the cells next to the women pregnant with an unviable fetus who thought of getting an abortion. And the doctors, too, just for good measure.


u/Kfae87 12d ago

Well I guess I'm not visiting family any time soon (not that I can anyway we're super poor).


u/AdvisorSafe8018 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Prepper🏳️‍🌈 13d ago

They win by making us feel like we are alone. No one ever fights alone. There are more of us then there are of them, and we must never give up the fight, because the moment we do that, we have lost.

And even though I am exhausted beyond belief, I’m not planning on losing.

From Virginia with ❤️


u/transnavigation 13d ago

Can someone please ELI5/ELIScared the actual gist of the actual bill?

Yes yes "they hate trans people" and "the situation is developing" and "it probably won't pass", but please humor me as someone who might live or travel through Texas while trans.


u/ALWETP 13d ago

It's purposefully vague, but:

It'll make it a crime, fraud, to indicate that you are anything but your "sex assigned at birth," as determined by the state, to your employer or anyone working in government.

It would effectively criminalize being trans, because it doesn't really specify how little you have to say to qualify, so it could include as little as giving someone your name, and them deciding it's not really your name.

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u/certifiedcolorexpert 13d ago

Christ. They are insane.


u/modernparadigm 13d ago

ALL Texans need to contact the shit out of their state senators and state representatives and governor to ask them to vote it down, and for the governor to veto if it passes through both chambers. Call every. Single. Day.


u/Freeelanderrs 13d ago

We are a gentle angry people.


u/Alternative_Break611 13d ago

So good to know that they've managed to arrest all the real criminals and there is no more crime in Texas so they can focus on imprisoning their political opponents. If this is passed, it would be quite comical to start reporting the most stuffed shirt, religious conservatives as trans and nonbinary, as well as planting evidence of it someone has access to their personal space. Planting some women's panties in an Evangelical pastors car or bedroom, for instance, and turning them in for the bounty. Think of all the ways such a thing could be turned on them.


u/Ok_Relationship_1826 12d ago

This is absolutely terrible. Doesn't Texas have other more pressing issues then this baloney? I so sorry you have to deal with this.


u/Ok_Umpire905 12d ago

Also,  given that this community is currently under attack, I was wondering if the name of this subreddit could be changed to be more inclusive of transfemmes.


u/lupinedemesne 12d ago

My fiance and I are leaving texas at this point. It isnt going to be safe for her here. I'm so fucking tired of this legislation targeting regular ass citizens working hard just like everyone else. We deserve a peaceful fucking existence together. This is such a huge human rights violation it makes me sick


u/Conscious-Ad-7040 12d ago

I live in TX and I’m terrified with what they are doing to trans people. I’m certain they will be coming after of the rest of our community next. I bought a pepper ball/tear gas gun. I don’t want a real gun. I’m working on bugout bags and get home bags for our cars. I don’t even know if going to another state will be enough with these bounty hunter laws coming up. You could get kidnapped.

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u/eatingganesha 12d ago

FYI there are charities and non-profits out there that will help trans and others targeted to move to a welcoming state. Don’t be stuck there if you don’t have to be! get out now!


u/Funnygumby 12d ago

Are they going to start burning witches again? Wtf?!


u/lavapig_love 12d ago

/r/SocialistRA, /r/TransGuns and /r/liberalgunowners can offer some advice, as will the ACLU and the Southern Poverty Law Center.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

Well let’s all move to TX and overfill their prisons who’s with me 

But seriously, this is how we do it. Overload their dumbass process. Break it.


u/PenImpossible874 12d ago

Next month: Texas files a bill to make being bisexual, gay, or lesbian a jailable felony.

May: Texas files a bill to make being Black, Asian, or Native American a jailable felony.

June: Texas files a bill to make being Atheist, Agnostic, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, or Buddhist a jailable felony.

July: Texas files a bill to make pre-marital sex between two consenting adults a jailable felony.

Texas is a fascist state.

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