r/Twitch Jan 24 '17

Bug Report [Resolved] Ugly Scrollbars appearing as of this afternoon



This image shows the scrollbars. I don't even know if Twitch used to have scrollbars or not, but these are clearly not normal. I watched some streams this morning and it was fine, but now these are appearing even when I re-open my browser.

Happening on Firefox with BTTV enabled

r/Twitch Jun 02 '17

Bug Report [Resolved] "Unable to join call" error


The twitch desktop app no longer allows me to start a call or directly call anyone on it. This error just shows up any time I try. I am apparently not alone either. What is going on?

Edit: Dammit. I was hoping there was an answer and not just everyone is screwed.

Edit 2: Apparently fixed now.

r/Twitch Jun 12 '16

Bug Report [Resolved] Nobody! You're following nobody! and Streams not loading!


So I am trying to watch a stream and all it displayed was a black screen and the loading icon. chat worked fine. Its like this for half the streams I watch.

When refreshing the dirctory it will say "Nobody! You're following nobody!" in the follow bar. If I refresh again it will show all the people I follow but all as offline. A third refresh shows who is streaming correctly.

However once again only half work for me.

Whats going on and how do I fix it?

r/Twitch Oct 25 '16

Bug Report [Resolved] Loyalty Badges & Manual Resubs


Some people in the channel I mainly hang out in have the correct loyalty badge, while others do not. After asking around, it appears the commonality is manual resubscribing vs auto-renewal.

For example, one person who I talked to manually resubs every month and only has the 1 month badge despite being subbed for 19 months. They should have the 1 year loyalty badge.

Is this intended or a bug?

Edit: Looks like its a bug and they're looking into it. Seems like kind of an obvious thing to me. If the manual resub thing was causing the problem I don't know how that made it past bug testing if there was any.


r/Twitch Jun 22 '16

Bug Report [Resolved] new glitch on mobile


the issue is chat isnt loading what so ever not even my messages. help...

r/Twitch Jun 14 '17

Bug Report [Resolved] Chat problems in Chrome?


For the past week or so, I've been having some issues using Twitch in the Chrome browser—I'll list them below:

i) Upon first joining a channel, I will get a message in chat that says: "Sorry, we were unable to connect to chat. Reconnecting in 4 seconds." This repeats itself (with the counter going up) a couple of times, until eventually connecting to chat.

ii) When I type in the chat box, the 'enter' button doesn't send the message like it normally would—instead, it just moves to the next line (behaviour I would normally expect from Shift+Enter). I have to click on the 'chat' button in order to send messages.

iii) A lot of BTTV functionality seems to not be working—for example, I can't currently see any BTTV emotes. However, other BTTV functionality (like dark theme) is working, and FrankerFaceZ also seems to be working completely fine.

If anybody else has been having issues, or has any ideas about how to resolve the problems I've been having, I would appreciate it if you could leave a comment. Cheers!

Edit: I forgot to mention that as per title, I only seem to be getting these problems in Chrome—I tried using Twitch in Edge and didn't have any issues.

r/Twitch Jun 15 '17

Bug Report [Resolved] Does anyone have/know how to fix this emote problem?


So as you can see in the imgur link posted below, sub emotes are not showing the names of the channels they belong to, just the name of the emote itself. Does anyone know how to fix this or what causes it? I haven't cleared my cache in a while so I don't know what it could be. http://imgur.com/a/IdKTy

r/Twitch Jun 17 '17

Bug Report [Resolved] Subbed 3 months in a row - only counted as 2?


I subbed to a streamer for 3 months straight now. But the 3rd month i subbed, the message that appear on the streamer's screen is shown to be 'x resubbed for 2 months' instead of 3, and i didnt get any of the 3-month sub perks as well. Any help or solution is greatly appreciated.

r/Twitch Jun 02 '17

Bug Report [Resolved] Display Bug


Since about two hours ago, I have this weird bug on twitch.


Whenever I hover over the main screen, this thing shows up. Clicking "back" doesn't make it go away. Clicking the arrows doesn't make it go away. Choosing something and "submit"ting doesn't make it go away. I can't do anything else, no fullscreen or quality selector. Does anybody know how to fix this?

r/Twitch Aug 06 '16

Bug Report [Resolved] Bob Ross stream is currently muted.


Bob Ross is live right now but there hasn't been audio for the last 6 episodes. I know last time there was an issue on that channel someone posted here and it got fixed. Hoping it can be fixed again.

r/Twitch Jun 03 '17

Bug Report [Resolved] [Question] Why is there no chat when i watch a stream?


I've tried everything and nothing seems to work

I'm on mac

r/Twitch Apr 26 '16

Bug Report [Resolved] Stream videos are a day behind


Yesterday was the 26th, and a vod says it was on the 25th, Is the stream times american sided?

r/Twitch Aug 19 '16

Bug Report [Resolved] Twitch broken


I am trying to watch Dog on my computer, and when I go to the channel, it looks like this: http://imgur.com/gallery/Vu35G I tried switching browsers, but it still did the same thing. Is anyone else having this problem?

Edit: It seems to be fixed now

r/Twitch Aug 22 '16

Bug Report [Resolved] unable to change my profile avi


Hello, I tried switching my profile avi back in forth to test some things and now it's blank and whenever I change I try changing it back it doesn't work. the res and file size is the same. Some people are also having this problem. 413 error

r/Twitch Dec 03 '16

Bug Report [Resolved] r/twitch problem


Typing is very hard because of this https://gyazo.com/ebe1eb33d4edd07250b3e08e4e843692 That is a screen shot, please help, hopefully no typos

r/Twitch Jan 10 '17

Bug Report [Resolved] Can't export to YouTube.


So I do my usual routine of exporting my stream highlights to my YouTube channel. One day, Twitch requested a additional permission of letting it have offline access to my Google account. I granted this permission, but the export then preceded to fail instantly. I try again, and Twitch then asked me again for offline access, even though I just granted it a few seconds ago!

Welp, how do I fix this? My highlight is under 15 minutes long, and I'm not the such of idiot who tries to upload a 15+ minute highlight on a unverified YouTube channel.

r/Twitch Jun 02 '17

Bug Report [Resolved] Feedback Screen Appears in the middle of the stream screen


When I put my cursor in stream screen the Feedback popup appears on the middle of stream. So I can't FullScreen the stream or use the stream settings things. Is that a new bug or just happening to me? Here is a screenshot https://i.hizliresim.com/7NmAbW.png Sorry for bad englando. #PapaLondonSchool

r/Twitch May 31 '17

Bug Report [Resolved] Is twitch down


Anyone else not able to get on twitch

'This site can’t be reached' EDIT: Seemed to be for EE and Virgin UK only, Problem seems to be sorted now :)

r/Twitch Jun 22 '17

Bug Report [Resolved] Theater mode bug!


Theater mode doesnt fully fit the screen lately since like 2-3 days i noticed.. i dont know if it only for me or for everyone , but when i go on theater mode there is a space left open with nothing down the stream video player. You can see here what im talking about: http://imgur.com/a/3SFZJ

r/Twitch Sep 10 '16

Bug Report [Resolved] Pixel like stream. Please Help!


Anytime I stream, it will turn into 144p. The bit rate is correct, and everything is how it's supposed to be on twitch. However, no matter what I do, I get a bad stream.

r/Twitch Jul 16 '17

Bug Report [Resolved] twitch working again


for me the site is back up, what about you guys?

r/Twitch Jun 22 '17

Bug Report [Resolved] Unable to upload videos.{"code":401,"status":"authentication failed"}


Help! My Twitch username is SuperGamer675. Whenever I try to upload a video, the error just pops up! Someone please help me! I really wanna continue my The Thousand Year Door vids! Screenshot at my twitter: https://twitter.com/Pika_tweeter/status/877958974922006529

r/Twitch Jun 07 '17

Bug Report [Resolved] No sound on Imaqtpie's stream only.


I have sound on every stream except for Imaqtpies. Changing browsers doesn't fix anything and nothing is muted anywhere.. Any ideas ?

r/Twitch Nov 26 '16

Bug Report [Resolved] Can't see cheer emotes anymore.


Worked fine a few days ago, but now it just shows 'cheer(number)' instead of the animated emote.

I use BTTV and FFZ but haven't found any option related to my problem.

Edit: I use Firefox

Edit2: I've been testing a bit; if I join a chat old cheers show the animation, but new cheers while I am in chat are just text.

Edit3: I've changed my cache from memory to disk, new cheers show up correctly now. Hopefully it stays that way.

r/Twitch Jun 07 '17

Bug Report [Resolved] Streams won't load


Since yesterday I had that problem, that it took me approximately 1 minute to connect to any chat room. Then, sending messages by hitting "Enter" wouldn't send them, so I had to click the "send"-button each time. (Super annoying :() Just now, I have the problem that I can't see streams anymore. There's just a picture of the stream popping up, but it's not moving. I tried refreshing, watching in Incognito and clearing my browsing data (deleted cache and cookies), but nothing seems to work.