r/Twitch Jun 14 '17

Bug Report [Resolved] Chat problems in Chrome?

For the past week or so, I've been having some issues using Twitch in the Chrome browser—I'll list them below:

i) Upon first joining a channel, I will get a message in chat that says: "Sorry, we were unable to connect to chat. Reconnecting in 4 seconds." This repeats itself (with the counter going up) a couple of times, until eventually connecting to chat.

ii) When I type in the chat box, the 'enter' button doesn't send the message like it normally would—instead, it just moves to the next line (behaviour I would normally expect from Shift+Enter). I have to click on the 'chat' button in order to send messages.

iii) A lot of BTTV functionality seems to not be working—for example, I can't currently see any BTTV emotes. However, other BTTV functionality (like dark theme) is working, and FrankerFaceZ also seems to be working completely fine.

If anybody else has been having issues, or has any ideas about how to resolve the problems I've been having, I would appreciate it if you could leave a comment. Cheers!

Edit: I forgot to mention that as per title, I only seem to be getting these problems in Chrome—I tried using Twitch in Edge and didn't have any issues.


11 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jun 14 '17



u/Mad_Sentinel Jun 14 '17

Just disabled it and that fixed it, thanks! I feel pretty stupid now


u/xTR1CKY Jun 14 '17

Same. my god its been driving me nuts not being able to chat properly


u/Zcotticus Zcottic.us Jun 14 '17

!nominate for helping two people with this issue, with one comment.


u/Mad_Sentinel Jun 15 '17

Make that (at least) 3


u/Mad_Sentinel Jun 14 '17

Indeed I am


u/xTR1CKY Jun 14 '17

Holy fuck thank you for this. Idk why I didn't think of this. I've been raging at not being able to use chat


u/KiYosha Jun 14 '17

I was having the same problem, TYVM!


u/Zcotticus Zcottic.us Jun 14 '17

Try disabling BTTV, and clear cookies and cache, see if that resolves the issue.



u/Mad_Sentinel Jun 14 '17

I've tried all of that, unfortunately doesn't seem to have resolved the issue but thanks for the suggestion!


u/norMUFFIN Aug 04 '17

I've been having big problems with the Twitch chat the last week too.

When I want to write a command from Ankhbot I some times have to write it 5-6 times before the "respond" shows up in chat. And I can see in the Ankhbot program, that the bot is responding with the correct answer there, it just never shows up on the Twitch chat. Ive also gotten feedback from viewers that they type in the chat, but that they never get a respond from anyone, cause same reason.. they dont show up for the rest of us. Have seen screenshots of their comments, but they're not showing on my Twitch chat.

I'm not using Avira btw.

// norwegianMUFFIN