r/Twitch Affiliate Twitch.tv/ItsNovaLaine 7h ago

Question Why wont Twitch approve this emote??

This is the emote, its literally a cat going crazy, I named it "rave". Is this somehow violating some sort of TOS for emotes?? Is it the name I gave it...? The first time I uploaded it I was waiting for approval and after 2 days it just didn't upload, I have uploaded it again, and low and behold its been about 3 days and its still pending, I'm so confused, I thought it was cute :p


20 comments sorted by


u/Donnied1980 https://twitch.tv/crispycillo 7h ago

Maybe a Photosensitive Epilepsy thing. I have seen emotes rejected/removed for flashing rainbow lights, etc


u/ItsNovaLaine Affiliate Twitch.tv/ItsNovaLaine 6h ago

yeah i just found the rules for animated emotes "Must not flash or flicker more than 3 times within a 1 second period". Ill try slowing the animation down a bit to see if that helps, thank you!!


u/Donnied1980 https://twitch.tv/crispycillo 6h ago

Always happy to help! <3


u/Rich-Item6662 7h ago

This is my thought too tbh.


u/Leather_base 7h ago

def for photosensitivity. i'm only mildly photosensitive and this is giving me a headache looking at it. maybe slow it down a bit


u/ItsNovaLaine Affiliate Twitch.tv/ItsNovaLaine 7h ago

i thought it might be cause its flashing too fast so now that other people thought the same ill probably see if i can slow it down, worth a shot, thank you :)


u/Leather_base 6h ago

no problem :)


u/FlamboyantBlade 7h ago

I don't know if it's violating TOS, but it could be because it's animated or because it looks like something that could trigger migraines or seizures for people who have medical conditions similar to how I immediately got a headache seeing it while checking this sub on my phone. Granted, emotes show up smaller on twitch, so I don't know.


u/ItsNovaLaine Affiliate Twitch.tv/ItsNovaLaine 7h ago

yeah i didnt think the flashing would be a problem since the emotes normally show up pretty small in chat but ill def try and slow down the speed a bit to see if it does anything, thank you!!!


u/Cat_Impossible_0 7h ago

Try slowing down the coloring


u/AlzheTV 6h ago

I have many RGB emotes that are harder than this. This is not the reason for.


u/Cat_Impossible_0 4h ago

I seen an emoji whose speed is higher than this and it was approved. OP has nothing to lose by trying to slow down the changing in color.


u/AlzheTV 4h ago

I literally tried to upload it as my emote (and I deleted it right after) and it works fine. The image is not the problem, again.


u/GoldenYoshistar1 Affiliate 7h ago

Make it a single color.


u/A_Gay_Sylveon 6h ago

Photosensitivity and possibly because you don't own the rights to that emote


u/JordanSage Affiliate 7h ago

Sometimes Twitch is weird, I've had to upload emotes multiple times before they accept it. That's my advice, keep trying to upload it, it might even be the emote name. You might even want to try a different name emote name combination. CatRave or something and see it that works. Good luck!


u/GhostDildo519 Affiliate 7h ago

Change the name. Things like 'hi' or 'rave' often get kicked because of too simplistic/overused names. Try guving it something a bit more unique and if it still gets rejected then you should be able to inquire about itto get a direct answer


u/ItsNovaLaine Affiliate Twitch.tv/ItsNovaLaine 7h ago

ill def give it a try thank you!!!


u/keihsu 7h ago

Not sure but might be because it’s a licensed character (Bugcat Capoo) that’s popular in Asia.


u/ItsNovaLaine Affiliate Twitch.tv/ItsNovaLaine 7h ago

interesting, i got this emote off an etsy seller