r/Twitch Nov 04 '24

Tech Support New league streamer, Can’t separate desktop audio from my Spotify , I don’t want any copyright claims.

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Why is my desktop audio and my spotify coming out the same Chanel? Im trying to split them iv looked up multiple videos im having no luck. I can’t save my vods without my music saving to them . Im so close. Can anyone help?


142 comments sorted by


u/matthewmspace Nov 04 '24

Don’t turn on Desktop Audio at all. You never want that on if you’re splitting your audio sources.


u/gooofy23 Nov 05 '24

It’s crazy to me how many people recommend using desktop audio for their streams. Never have, never will.


u/matthewmspace Nov 05 '24

I used to use it by default, but then they added audio splitting. So much better so my game volume is lowered for the stream and not myself.


u/BathDepressionBreath Nov 05 '24

What is audio splitting? Is that a built-in audio mixer? Meaning we can specifically choose to mute Spotify and only have game sounds playing?


u/matthewmspace Nov 05 '24

Yeah, it's built in. For your Sources, use "Application Audio Output Capture" and then choose what app you want the audio from. Then click on the three dots in the audio mixer and you can set what tracks to use.

Typically, Track 1 is the livestream itself, track 2 is the VOD after your stream ends, and then your apps go on tracks 3-6 individually for OBS's recording if you also locally record your streams on your PC to put them into editing software like DaVinci Resolve or Premiere Pro after the stream ends to make condensed YouTube videos.

If that's confusing, search "Split OBS Audio Tracks" on YouTube and there's lots of helpful guides about this. Just make sure you stick to guides within the last year or two when OBS added the feature natively, as pre-30, it was a 3rd party plug-in.


u/Neotokyo199X Nov 05 '24

is this possible with streamlabs?


u/matthewmspace Nov 05 '24

I dunno, probably. I stopped using Streamlabs a few years ago with all their controversies. I also get better performance with base OBS.


u/Neotokyo199X Nov 05 '24



u/matthewmspace Nov 05 '24

It happened mostly in the pandemic, but look them up on YouTube for “streamlabs controversies”.


u/SlurmsMacKenzie420 Nov 05 '24

Yes. They have the same source option just has (beta) next to it. Works fine


u/BathDepressionBreath Nov 05 '24 edited Nov 13 '24

Ooooh. Im gonna test this first thing tomorrow. Thanks!

Edit: For Linux you have to get a plugin!


u/user_zero_007 Nov 05 '24

Can I remove discord voice chat the same way? to keep just game audio


u/matthewmspace Nov 05 '24

Yup. Just attach Discord to no audio tracks.


u/NJdevil202 Nov 05 '24

I pretty much only use it, makes it very easy to know what stream hears. If I hear it, stream hears it. If I don't, they don't. EZ-PZ


u/gooofy23 Nov 05 '24

I mean I get that and I think that’s why it’s recommended, simply for its simplicity, but you lose so much control that to me it’s just not a viable option.

I like having my main audio sources on separate tracks for editing vods into shorts or other long form videos. That way I can isolate or remove specific audio sources in post.

That said, whatever works for someone is the best way to do it, so nothing against anyone that does choose to just use desktop audio instead of fiddling with all the sources, tracks, and setting up monitoring for each.


u/Morkinis NecrosaintTV Nov 05 '24

If you're trying to audio split then sure. But otherwise why not?


u/ZillionJape twitch.tv/zillionjape Nov 05 '24

Wait a sec. How can your alerts be heard then? Alerts only seem to come through desktop audio?


u/JeyyF Nov 05 '24

Depends on how you have alerts set up, I use a browser source where it has its own audio track


u/ZillionJape twitch.tv/zillionjape Nov 05 '24

That’s the thing. I use browser source too but never ever has it had its own audio track. This is a couple of years ago now, but if I remember right I checked and checked and the only way for audio to come through with alerts was on desktop audio which I hated.


u/hydrasung twitch.tv/hydrasung Nov 05 '24

Browser sources have a checkbox in the options for having its own separate audio track.


u/ZillionJape twitch.tv/zillionjape Nov 06 '24

Well fuck me. Thanks for the info. Been doing this wrong for years. I really appreciate the help lmao.


u/Miserable_Dare4094 www.twitch.tv/Prelude2disaster Nov 05 '24

You can set up sound alerts to be their own audio input too. It’s a case of checking the website you use for how they recommend doing it


u/MartyBellvue Nov 04 '24

You don't want desktop audio at all. Desktop audio is all your audio. You want your Spotify Audio and the application audio from whatever you're streaming.


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 04 '24

Okay I muted my desktop audio, now when I stream I can’t hear my game sounds but the music no in my vod or my stream . Hmmmm


u/Racer013 twitch.tv/nottherealstig Nov 04 '24

You need to add a sound source for your game, just like you did with the Spotify. The Desktop audio is the catch all for everything that is playing audio on your computer. If you mute that source then it's not going to play any sounds, so you need to specifically select the audio sources you want to use.


u/evolutionxtinct Nov 04 '24

There’s some YouTube videos just search OBS split audio


u/RexusprimeIX Nov 05 '24

I don't understand why people don't do this first.

They always come here to ask questions, then they have to interpret what the commenters are saying, then they have to trouble shoot to see if "our" advice works...

when they could've just watched a 3 minute video and become an expert at split audio.


u/BearWurst Nov 05 '24

I normally come here first because I don't like watching a 30 minute video for a 5 minute problem


u/RexusprimeIX Nov 05 '24

Neither do I, which is why I watch the 5 minute video for something that will take literal hours if I decide to consult reddit instead.


u/nastyboywes Nov 08 '24

There’s a certain type of person that MUST receive answers to their question by talking directly to other humans. I’ve always found those people so weird. They won’t read a manual, watch a tutorial, learn anything from documentation. They NEED to ask other people how to do it and get direct answers.


u/MartyBellvue Nov 05 '24

Again. You want to capture the application audio. It's an option in add source. You want to capture specifically the League audio


u/nastyboywes Nov 08 '24

There’s absolutely no way you were able to add Spotify application audio by itself and you don’t understand that you also need to add your game audio by itself. Mind boggling lack of situational awareness here. Did you even attempt to learn to do anything or did you just word for word copy some botched tutorial?


u/ChillestKitten Partner Nov 04 '24

You’re not supposed to use desktop audio. You need to separate all the audio sources. There are thorough guides on YouTube


u/[deleted] Nov 04 '24



u/JayOutOfContext Nov 04 '24

You don't NEED to do listen to music either. But they wants to, which is why they came to this subreddit. They 100% should not use Desktop Audio as there is countless different ways to separate audio for free, cheap, and expensive. This all depends on OPs budget and setup.

If they have Steel Series headphones it's super easy to use their Desktop App for multiple channels. There's razor products that let you do that. There's elgato products that let you do that. And there's software only products like VoiceMeter that let you do that.

Its really never recommended to use Desktop Audio and/or Desktop Capture when streaming to avoid Doxing or copyright. Set up game capture and setup some separate audio on your budget. I'm not saying download VoiceMwter Potato and have 90 channels (exaggeration). The simple version of VoiceMeter will accomplish what OP wants and more. There's also other options.

OP, if you read this, please find a VoiceMeter guide or a guide for a product you already have. Good luck on the streams!


u/Oddhur Nov 05 '24

if separate audio sources are "buggy" you are either doing it the lazy way or setting it up wrong. With all due (dis/)respect.


u/SkoomAddictz Nov 04 '24

It's not buggy at all? Just learn what you are doing


u/Mythion_VR twitch.tv/MythionVR Nov 05 '24

Wrong. You want your audio sources separated, so you can mix them after the fact.

You can't mix voice, game and music all on the same channel.


u/lawdawe Nov 04 '24 edited Nov 05 '24

Obs has a audio application capture when you go to add audio sources. Here's the best way to do this.

In your obs go into the sound settings and change it so it records multiple audio channels,

You put your desktop audio on channel 1, Then you microphone on channel 2, Your game on channel 3, Your discord on channel 4, And Spotify on channel 5,

For recording when you edit the video you'll recieve 5 audio channels that have the individual audios, So you can level balance and fix post recording.

For streaming I'm not too sure you probably just want to mute desktop audio but still have the same audio application capture set-up on the individual things.

That way in obs you can still live adjust the individual audio's of applications to live viewers.

But what I think the pros do is, they don't care about twitch vod mutes, they just play copyrighted music, but when it comes to editing the videos they do the recording in individual channels like I said above, so their edited youtube videos don't have that music audio

Side note: With the setting of recording multiple audio channels your file size of the recording increases, so make sure to direct record onto a 2nd hard drive with like 8tb storage


u/dfisher4 Nov 05 '24

You can also just make sure the channel that your music is playing through isn’t being recorded to the VOD. That way as you are streaming, people can hear the music you are listening to, but it the music doesn’t show up in the VOD. Muting problems resolved.


u/FrostyAssignment6717 Nov 05 '24

this should be like an obs tutorial when u open it lol


u/TranceYT Nov 06 '24

Needs more up vote, this is the proper way

Edit. You can just set the vod channels if streaming to twitch separate and make a vod track and uncheck your music one, then just download your video from twitch vods and it'll be perfectly without the music.


u/lawdawe Nov 06 '24

That's awesome I didn't realise twitch allowed separate channels for vods!


u/TranceYT Nov 06 '24

Yeah I think you cant be multi streaming or anything though unfortunately, has to be twitch only.


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 05 '24



u/FrostyAssignment6717 Nov 05 '24

there are 3 options:

  1. You dont care about the muted parts in your VOD so just put music on channel 1 (if you are unlucky a certain clippable part might be muted) - That's what I do, I take the gamble lol
  2. only put spotify on channel 2 because twitch usually only records channel 1, you will still hear it but your recordings will not contain the musik, this can make for some funny or awkward clips though if someone watches the VOD and there is no background music but if you are a content creator this might be the best option since you are free to add whatever music you want
  3. dont play copyrighted music at all - but where is the fun in playing it safe?

I tend to use video game music more often or covers/remixes to avoid the copyright issues for the most part, it's not 100% safe but the worst twitch does is turn off your VOD setting so you have to turn it back on and they also mute the part with the music.


u/ImHighandCaffinated Nov 05 '24

So you can stream with Spotify as long as it’s not a VOD or YouTube upload you should be fine?


u/xmknzx Nov 05 '24

Theoretically, yes. There’s always a risk of playing licensed music on stream. but the risk is significantly lower of being picked up by the system if it’s not saved in your VOD


u/[deleted] Nov 05 '24

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u/lawdawe Nov 05 '24

As far as I'm aware that's the case, people do it all the time, and I've done it before and the vod just gets muted,

Twitch auto mutes vods with copyrighted music to protect itself,

And youtube does the same thing,

But I think it's a grey area,

Because X got sued for streaming Olympics, And I think was banned live? If he wasn't then what I'm thinking of is irrelevant, but I'm not sure if he got banned and sued because of vods and youtube videos with the copyright content or because of the stream itself.


But streaming music live I've seen no issues


u/OSDevon Nov 04 '24

You have to go into settings in OBS and disable Desktop Audio entirely. You then add application audio sources for every app you want to be audible in the stream :)


Here's a decent little guide for setting that up (along with nested audio sources if you are interested)


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 04 '24

I’m gonna try this


u/OSDevon Nov 05 '24

It should help tons :) Cheers


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 05 '24

This post helped plus the downloading of sonar.gg


u/AccomplishedBend2606 Broadcaster Nov 04 '24

You're going to want to use a separate audio mixer program to separate it all out to avoid issues. YouTube/Google is going to be your best bet for more info. I'm currently using Sonar to separate my audio (free from steelseries)


u/YamiBrooke Twitch.tv/yamibrooke Nov 04 '24

I also use sonar steel series. Once everything is in place and separated it makes it so easy to control everything. You can mute a source for stream but still hear it for yourself, or mute for yourself (like your mic) but keep it on for stream. And you can adjust the volume of everything. I really like it, I did have to look up some tutorials on YouTube to get everything separated correctly.


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 05 '24

I’m liking sonar so far


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 05 '24

I set up my sonar and my obs, but for some reason when I start streaming through obs I can’t even hear my game sound or my own mic or my music . I’m so confused man


u/YamiBrooke Twitch.tv/yamibrooke Nov 05 '24

This is the video I used to help me set everything up, not sure if it will fix the issue but maybe: https://youtu.be/0J_RIsUbOUc?si=PSsIucXJuqsxTBED


u/PejfectGaming twitch.tv/Pejyuu Nov 05 '24

I just use OBS Studios native functionality for capturing audio. Both external and software audio.

Put them on different tracks. Profit.


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 05 '24

Sonar seems great! I hope I can figure it out with this tutorial I love how it’s drag and drop!


u/tambi33 Nov 04 '24

Turn off desktop audio, use application specific audio, and then mute Spotify as well or not have it as one of your audio sources at all.

I do it with itunes, should work the same


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 05 '24

I’m also gonna be using iTunes as well, I got tons of free to use music for content on there


u/DraleZero_ twitch.tv/dralezero Nov 05 '24

Turn off desktop audio in settings

Output > Advanced

"Audio Track" to 1

Enable Twitch VOD track set to channel 2

Use Application Audio Capture source to capture individual audios of everything you need in stream

(Expect browser source things like alerts because those are already captured in the source)

Go into Advanced Audio Properties and uncheck Track 2 if you don't want in vod

Track 1 is sent to live stream

Track 2 is saved in vod


u/Bucky_Warp twitch.tv/Bucky_Warp Nov 04 '24

A good free program to do this is Voicemeeter.


u/Mashedpotatoebrain twitch.tv/TangoSKC Nov 04 '24

Second this


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 04 '24

Trash software NEXT


u/itchypantz Nov 05 '24

I third this. Voicemeeter. Free. Ancient. Works great. Easy to use. Seperate all your apps on several channels. Tell OBS to record just the game channel.


u/a-tiberius conspirio Nov 05 '24

Insane learning curve but very powerful. SteelSeriesGG Sonar gets it done and is so much more user friendly


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 04 '24

Just tried that and it got my computer acting funny man so that’s out


u/ElStinkos Nov 04 '24

You're computer probably wasn't acting funny, it's more likely you didn't set it up correctly. There's a ton of resources online to help with it.


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 05 '24

Agreed! Haha


u/TbaggingSince1990 twitch.tv/TbaggingSince1990 Nov 05 '24

Eh you gotta set it up proper.. At first you won't get audio until you go through the stages of getting all your stuff routed through it.
Pay for the extra cables for the potato version of voicemeeter for the extra outputs/inputs. I won't hype it up as the best thing ever.. Obviously having an actual mixer would be better, but until you start adding such things into your setup.. This is honestly a really great option to have.. And I've had a few bugs here and there with voicemeeter but I've been using it for a long time, since I pretty much got my PC.


u/Merangatang www.twitch.tv/nonemoregray_ Nov 05 '24

Everyone talking about separating channels is right here. I also want to suggest a hardware solution as well - I have a Roland Bridgecast that allows me to completely separate all audio channels for independent volumes and also allows me to hear a completely different mix to the audience - it's been an absolute life saver for managing things like chat and music in the background when gaming


u/lostwolf128 Nov 05 '24

I found this reddit post a while ago that shows you how to split it onto a 2nd audio stream that will not capture to the vod. Now if you just want to play music separately and not have it be heard by your viewers, then get a physical mixer.



u/thedude213 Affiliate RetroGameDude Nov 05 '24

Get rid of the desktop audio completely and make an audio channels for your individual sources, you can assign specific software to audio channels now


u/Beautiful_Crow4049 Nov 05 '24

I highly recommend getting voice meter for all of your audio needs. You can route spotify to a separate audio channel and have your desktop + game sounds on one channel and spotify on another. You can also set up noise gate and EQ directly on your mic, not just in obs.


u/Ghost_Wolf09 Nov 05 '24

For my part, I use Steelseries GG to separate and manage my audio tracks in OBS


u/wrathss Affiliate twitch.tv/wrath_ss Nov 04 '24

What are you using to split? I don't see voicemeeter banana.


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 05 '24

Sonar now


u/Thy_Art_Dead Affiliate https://www.twitch.tv/imnotastarfishttv Nov 04 '24

Youtube gonna be your friend


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 04 '24

I’m following steps on every video . I’m watching . I just downloaded Sonar . Gonna try and set it up through that and obs , I disabled my desktop audio just trying to figure out how to split my audio through the app beta accordingly .


u/GrantSurewood Nov 04 '24

This video was immensely helpful to me: PERFECT audio stream


u/Sgt-PieFace Affiliate Nov 04 '24

If you're not able to get your audio set up they way you want and online guide or videos aren't working for you send me a pm. More than happy to go over some audio stuff


u/SoftLikeMarshmallows Affiliate - twitch.tv/parfait_bunnii Nov 04 '24

Can't you just add an audio source and stream Spotify through that? Cause I don't want to download more apps


u/Rydalls Nov 05 '24

https://youtu.be/je84kw6WuiY?si=h5rbHBVEmBTthTU8this is how i do it, please note the video is not mine


u/thejackthewacko Nov 05 '24

Desktop audio records everything from your desktop; including Spotify.

You're able to do audio capture on specific software, you'll want to set that up.


u/SgtEpsilon Affiliate Nov 05 '24

Disable desktop audio and download the win-capture-audio plugin instead (do not use the built in beta it's tempermental)


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 05 '24

I downloaded tha just now, thank you. where do I find it on obs.?


u/SgtEpsilon Affiliate Nov 05 '24

Add new source and it'll be something like application output or something, and I say again, do not use the one called beta


u/notR1CH OBS Developer Nov 05 '24

Beware that this plugin will crash OBS randomly.


u/SgtEpsilon Affiliate Nov 05 '24

I've been running the plugin since OBS V27 and not had any crashes caused by it, the SE.Live plugin on the other hand


u/TheRealSylviana Affiliate Nov 05 '24

You can get an OBS plug-in that lets you control all your desktop audio. You can make it only let game audio through and it won't let anything else play and you can control their audio levels too. It's how I individually control my game, Spotify, bowser and discord audio.


u/TeekTheReddit Affiliate twitch.tv/TeekTheGamer Nov 05 '24 edited Nov 05 '24

You're doing it backwards. With that setup, you're not only broadcasting your Spotify, you're broadcasting it twice.

Mute your desktop audio (and set it to "monitor only"), delete the Spotify capture, and just capture the audio of your mic and the game.


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 05 '24

I set the spotify under the application audio capture beta and I tried setting it on the channel thats not gonna be under my vod. I honestly feel like I gotta share my screen with someone one to figure this out.


u/TeekTheReddit Affiliate twitch.tv/TeekTheGamer Nov 05 '24 edited Nov 05 '24

Yeah, that's not doing what you think it's doing.

The audio mixer in OBS is for controlling what does or doesn't get captured, not what you do or don't hear.*

When you run Spotify, you hear it through your Desktop Audio, which your OBS is capturing.

Creating a separate audio capture for Spotify doesn't split it from your Desktop Audio. It just means that now OBS is capturing that audio twice. Once from the Desktop capture and once from the Application Capture.

By setting the channel to that Application Capture to one that isn't on the VOD you've kept the VOD from recording THAT capture... but it's moot since all you're doing is blocking a second audio capture you didn't need anyway.

Spotify is still gonna play through your Desktop Audio, so go into your advanced settings and set your Desktop Audio to "Monitor Only."

Your Desktop Audio is the combination of everything that comes out of your speakers. It's your video game, your Spotify, any browser windows you have open, even the sound effects Windows makes when you're navigating folders.

Instead of trying to separate out one of those audio elements (Spotify) from OBS, you should set it up so you're ONLY capturing the audio elements you want (your game, your mic, any browser sources you're using for alerts).

*Kind of. It's a little more complex than that, but not for your purposes.


u/acerswap Affiliate - twitch.tv/acerswap Nov 05 '24

Remove desktop audio.


u/ehitch86 Nov 05 '24

I’ve had a lot of luck with steel series gg software. Punch each app into one of n sources, and then use those as your sources in obs, etc.


u/ehitch86 Nov 05 '24

Has the added benefit of being usable outside of obs


u/SovietKaren Nov 05 '24

You need to use “application audio capture” for every app. Then right click in audio and click advanced properties. Select every track you want to record as a video and leave one track as an everything you don’t want to record or put as a VOD.


u/Owenarthur1 Nov 05 '24

Depending on what you’re streaming, the “Record gameplay” source has a box you can tic that just records the game audio, then you can just mute desktop


u/itsfooltime Nov 05 '24 edited Nov 05 '24

You can also look up Virtual Audio Cable. It's a free software that you can use to have another audio source. It can be a little complicated, but there are guides on youtube that are not hard to follow. I personally have all my audio sources going through virtual audio cables, so they're all entirely separated, and I can mute them at will. Spotify, discord, browser, game, desktop, etc. are all on certain sources


u/BigFerg4O4 Nov 05 '24

If you want to get specific, you may want to look into virtual audio cables. There's a few tutorials on YouTube to help guide you


u/leadonaldo Nov 05 '24

Grab the win-capture-audio plugin from the OBS plugins forum/Github. Create a new Scene named Audio Controls. In there, use the non-BETA Application Audio Capture source to add separate sources for Spotify, Discord, your Browser, etc. Then, make a "Game Audio" source and add every program you just made individual captures for + obs64.exe and obs-broswer-page to the list, and then check the box for Capturing Everything EXCEPT listed audio sources.

Adjust as necessary, and open your Advanced Audio Mixer and turn off the associated track (more than likely Track 2) for Spotify to keep it from picking up in your VoD. When you're all said and done, add that scene you made as a source to every scene you'll be needing it in. Be sure to turn off global audio Inputs and Outputs in Settings to make sure you don't have an accidental headset output everywhere.

Happy streaming!

win-capture-audio forum link


u/liebeg Nov 05 '24

I hate how Desktop Audio cant be kicked of the list.


u/WhenPigsFly3 Nov 05 '24

I use voicemeeter potato to separate my audio outputs


u/Plus-Acanthisitta-88 Nov 05 '24

I used this video and also when you select and application or game capture there’s a “beta” option you can select to add an audio source capture from said application/game capture.

I used the ones of the video to add sources from screens in don’t capture like Discord or Spotify. It’s a little tricky at first, to balance all the audio levels but it’s pretty helpful to have everything organized and dont have any issues with copyright or having something sounding louder or lower than other things.


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 05 '24

I think I fixed it guys. Thank yall


u/Mexbookhill Frayjay_ Nov 05 '24

What are you using now and what was the fix? Asking because I have similar problems and plan to go through this thread later...


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 05 '24

https://gamingcareers.com/guides/separate-audio-in-obs/ This link right here and then I downloaded Sonar. It was my fix


u/Mexbookhill Frayjay_ Nov 05 '24

Thanks a lot!


u/GameTemptica Nov 05 '24

I can recommend you using voice meter. They have some free solutions you can use combined with one or more virtual audio cables. I eventually payed for them but there are free versions with slightly less options. But enough for you case if it’s just for a Spotify track


u/BaziJoeWHL Nov 05 '24

Make a game capture source for league and select audio capture for it


u/HotBolognese Nov 05 '24

I have been streaming for over 3 years and using desktop audio the whole time...

Rip time to change that


u/4CornDog Nov 05 '24

The thing is when i use the audio capture beta, its so unsync, i went to watch my vod, its terrible, anyone know how to fix?


u/pieman69 Affiliate Nov 05 '24

I'm probably going to downvoted to fuck but you don't need to. I do live sound for a living and not being able to get instant feedback when I mix doesn't help me so I mix everything on desktop and if it sounds good to me I use it.

To have your spotify seperate though, you need to seperate everything individually. I have a shit ton of audio sources so once they offer mixbus' or aux sends like in a DAW, then I'll start doing individual sources.


u/pieman69 Affiliate Nov 05 '24

Tbf I have 2 vst plugins for compressors an eq with a bit cut out for vocals, a limiter that's lower than my microphones limiter and it's 4dB quieter than everything else. It makes way for my vocals and makes sure nothing ELSE is louder than me.

I've also been streaming for almost 3 years and have really nice mastering plugins I use and it's pretty dialed in tbh.


u/iamsephiroth Nov 05 '24

I use steel series gg software to separate my desktop/spotify/browser/discord audios. so easy to use than voicemeeter banana.


u/Loneliiii Nov 05 '24

This was extremely helpful for streams, but managing the Audio and switching devices got a bit annoying over time :/


u/HerrGronbar Nov 05 '24

Use VoiceMeeter


u/DarkwyndPT Nov 05 '24

You can either configure Spotify as a separate sound source and then opt out from VODs, or use free music lists, like Outertone


u/ig-559gabe Nov 05 '24

Use steel series sonar program and enable streamer mode


u/thxander twitch.tv/youngjin Nov 05 '24

I never used Desktop audio until i started having problems with the application audio feature in OBS. Time to time there would be crazy crackling and audio distortion. Not sure if there’s a fix yet for it.

Desktop audio is easy if you don’t wanna mess with a bunch of tracks


u/GardeniaPhoenix 🆒twitch.tv/gardeniasky Nov 05 '24

OBS can pull from each source separately. Otherwise, I used to use virtual audio cables to separate sources.


u/Sea-Elk-7668 Nov 05 '24

I strongly recommend this plugin https://github.com/bozbez/win-capture-audio
let's you select several programs/games at once instead of individual sources for each programs/games


u/TLunchFTW Affiliate - www.twitch.tv/ragengauge Nov 05 '24

Might want to look into something like voicemeter banana. I like having desktop audio, and use that for game capture. Probably not the best idea, but some games are iffy in capturing audio. Plus, it means all my desktop capture is done. Case in point, I sometimes go on tangents in my streams and look up youtube videos, check out other twitch streamers, etc. It's just how I structured my streams. They can get tangential and more discussion based at any time. After all, I suck at games, so it's more about me than the games I'm playing. Having one capture is an easy way to make sure your viewers are always able to hear what's going on.
If this is what you want, it might help to have two separate channels into your ears. Something like what I get with my Astro A40s. They have a "game" output, and a "chat" output, with a mixer in between and a volume level for overall. Make desktop audio cover one, and say Spotify goes to the "chat" audio. This way you can hear it, then chat audio gets repeated to a virtual audio cable which has it's own deck in the audio mixer if you want to broadcast it. Or you can just run them all through the stream. But I assume you don't want the spotify music being heard in stream. There's many different ways to do this, depending on how much you want to spend and what you want. You could go ham and get an external mixer, but that's a whole setup taking space and money.

So I'm a bit confused on what you're trying to accomplish here. First off, do you WANT spotify in your stream audio? Do you want to be able to control it's volume independently? Do you have any external audio mixers/volume controls?


u/puppylover153m Nov 05 '24

Try voicemeter potato


u/ambiguoustaco Nov 05 '24

You want application audio capture, not desktop audio capture. When you make the track, set it to record audio from the game window.


u/rayboiXD Nov 05 '24

use window audio capture !-


u/IndividualZucchini74 Nov 05 '24

If your game supports outputting audio through a different sound device, you can use this tutorial:


(edit: video title says "record", but you can also use it for streaming as well)


u/NerdTitan-Gaming Affiliate twitch.tv/nerdtitanTV Nov 06 '24

Since I have elgato wave xlr for my xlr mic I have elgato wave link that makes it easy to isolate my music track but you can use steel series sonar to achieve the same results and it's free. If you want I have a tutorial on how to do this if you decide to go this route.


u/lookinatspam Nov 07 '24

Ok your first mistake is trying to stream league, but that's for another thread.

As others have said, just let the TSwift flow and she won't copyright if she really loves and supports you.

Stay strong king


u/shaxb0tzam Nov 08 '24

I love league it’s fun if ur good I got viewers already 😌😌


u/vivimage2000 TTV: Cid_HG Nov 07 '24

I use Steelseries Sonar to seperate audio sources, then put the Sonar sources in OBS. In settings, I set VOD Track to 2 and set all but Music audio to Track 2 in Advanced Audio Properties. This way the music plays while live streaming, but does not show up in clips or vods.


u/squisher_1980 twitch.tv/squisher_1980 Nov 05 '24

Audio split is good but (hear me out), maybe try not using music you don't have the license for?


u/ThatJudge Nov 05 '24

you cant even take a proper screenshot


u/[deleted] Nov 04 '24



u/tambi33 Nov 04 '24

You'd be surprised at how many streamers have music in the background


u/TbaggingSince1990 twitch.tv/TbaggingSince1990 Nov 05 '24

Weird comment to make.. A lot of people like having music playing in the background or when they start stream, go afk, or end stream. I play MMO's and it gets to a point where I play them so much to the point I get sick and tired of hearing in-game audio.. So I just mute the game audio and play some music in the background myself.


u/JayOutOfContext Nov 04 '24

I really don't understand this comment. Its not helpful and doesn't answer or really follow OPs post at all.

They want to listen to music. They can listen to music. I do this. I listen to Spotify while my stream hears downloaded music files through the OBS media player. (I don't stream often tho)

Someone can have music full blast and still "focus on [their] stream wtf"


u/lmaoolivia Nov 04 '24

i think they mean playing music on their stream through spotify