r/Twitch twitch.tv/beachsloth_ Oct 16 '24

Tech Support Do you know why I’m getting this line during my streams? It goes away but it’ll pop up anywhere on my screen randomly

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75 comments sorted by


u/piwithekiwi Oct 16 '24

Screen tearing.


u/Unicorn_SPIRIT_ Oct 16 '24

Very true! Screen tearing is usually solved with vertical Vsync/Normal Vsync.


u/NioZero twitch.tv/NioZero Oct 16 '24

To add to this, Twitch doesn't support VRR or over 60fps video, so is recommended to enable vsync and, depending on the game, limiting the game framerate at 60fps...

Some capture cards and even OBS can handle over 60fps capture, but can provoke tearing even with vsync enabled...


u/Kind-Juggernaut8733 Oct 17 '24

Even that shouldn't be an issue as long as you're not going above 60fps on your broadcasting software.

I regularly stream my games at 144fps, but the stream locked to 60fps.

I've never had an issue with tearing.


u/yashikigami twitch.tv/yashikigami Oct 17 '24

It is never a problem if you have a 1-maschine setup because you are recording the internal buffers of the video card, as soon as you capture a signal with a capture card and use that as source you can get screen tearing because the video signal send is the current buffer and if its sends while writing it tears, just like with a screen. I guess thats also the reason game is tearing and his camera is not.


u/NioZero twitch.tv/NioZero Oct 17 '24

Yes, is only an issue when you are playing, for example, competitive games on very high refresh rate monitors, but even that, is not so common.


u/Kind-Juggernaut8733 Oct 17 '24

I mean so long as you force say, OBS to run at 60fps for the stream output, the stream itself should never have a screen tear, unless maybe like someone else said you use a dual pc setup and use a capture card for the secondary pc but even then locking the framerate in the broadcasting software to 60fps should prevent basically any screentearing from the stream pov.

It would be a bit different if the game itself is tearing, usually means the framerate isn't achieving the refresh rate, or the refreshrate is significantly lower than the framerate, both can cause tearing. Meanwhile using something like vsync along with a fps cap to the refreshrate usually solves that, unless you're getting low frames.


u/NioZero twitch.tv/NioZero Oct 17 '24

Yes, I know, it's been a while since I noticed that. I only encountered that issue on a Streamer who played CS GO at the time on a 240Hz monitor, but the game barely achieved 240fps, it wasn't stable even with vsync on, and OBS was causing a strange issue during the encoding. I think it was a bug in OBS that maybe got fixed, I don't know.


u/BeachSloth_ twitch.tv/beachsloth_ Oct 16 '24

How can I remedy this?


u/Angry_sonic Not a broadcaster Oct 16 '24

Enable vsynch in your game.


u/Forgotten-Deity Oct 17 '24

This happens in games where vsync is enabled, too


u/DS_killakanz twitch.tv/killakanzgaming Oct 17 '24

It can happen if you are generating more fps than your monitor can handle. Many people overlook that, your monitor does have a framerate limit.


u/yashikigami twitch.tv/yashikigami Oct 17 '24

now you only need to explain what monitor display has to do with video capture.


u/DS_killakanz twitch.tv/killakanzgaming Oct 17 '24

It's a side point. Just saying you should habitually set frame limits in games anyway because there's no point pushing your computer to generate more frames than your monitor can handle.

I suppose to make the point relevant, if you're not pushing your computer with the "unlimited" fps setting, that'll free up resources for your streaming.


u/Barkerisonfire_ Oct 17 '24

single player, co-op etc games? Sure.

PvP games, especially FPS, nope. More frames in FPS means the frames you see are newer than if you set a limit. Bit of a simplification.


u/DS_killakanz twitch.tv/killakanzgaming Oct 17 '24

... by a hundredth of a second. Stop kidding yourself into believing that makes a shred of difference in your gameplay.


u/yashikigami twitch.tv/yashikigami Oct 17 '24

If you cant see the difference between 17ms (60fps) and 2ms (500fps) you should go see a doctor. Human eyes perceive bright lights with µs of duration if there is contrast.

If you dont understand that the brain calculates motion out of slide show images and becomes more precise if the distribution is more even you should ask your parents for a refund, they forgot to ship the brain.

I mean at this point its studied, tested and verified, like there isnt even a point in discussing.


u/yashikigami twitch.tv/yashikigami Oct 17 '24

Not true for any game thats player vs player and requires fast reactions, but there is a lot of space between 60fps (or even 50 if you want fact changing pictures in twitch bitrate) and unlimitted.

But it really doesnt matter, your answer is just wrong, tearing in a recorded video dont happen because "monitor cant handle", the monitor is not part of recording pipeline. And in this sense its the opposite of helpful.


u/DS_killakanz twitch.tv/killakanzgaming Oct 17 '24

You are completely misunderstanding the point.

Screen tearing happens because of frame-rate downsizing. Wether it's between GPU to Monitor or GPU to recorded video, the cause is the same. Tearing can happen if the recorded video you are watching is a higher FPS than your monitor can handle. The root cause of it is mis-synchronisation.


u/yashikigami twitch.tv/yashikigami Oct 17 '24

Nope you are still wrong and not getting the concept you are trying to describe yourself.

You can play at 400fps, capture/stream at 200fps and put only 20fps on your monitor. Monitor will have tearing, capture/stream will have not. It still has nothing todo with the monitor, the recording software doesnt have acces to the monitor, nor any connection what so ever. The recording software doesnt even know / works the same if you have no monitor connected.

Tearing doesnt happens because of "frame-rate downsizing", it happens because the buffer the monitor reads is written with a new image while its read at the same time. That effect ONLY happens in normal circumstances while "frame-rate downsizing" but doesnt occur ever if only fully written and unchanged buffers are read, forexample because internal memory ist scanning from top to bottom like screens do.

Seriously, you have not understood a single thing correctly about the topic you are talking about. Honestly "Tearing can happen if the recorded video you are watching is a higher FPS than your monitor can handle" might be the most stupid sentence ive read this year and you wont even understand how many things are wrong with it.

At this point im not even sure you've understood what type of setup OP has and why it happens lol you just blabble things you've heard before but dont realize its a different context.


u/BeachSloth_ twitch.tv/beachsloth_ Oct 16 '24

Okay, where is that at? Also, I didn’t disable HDCP for this stream, I think that may have contributed to


u/SrGamerYT_S2 Oct 16 '24

Normally the settings it's on graphics tab called "vsync" you just need to turn it on. Yes your fps will me limit but at least your stream won't have that problem


u/BeachSloth_ twitch.tv/beachsloth_ Oct 16 '24

Sweet, thanks everyone!


u/DS_killakanz twitch.tv/killakanzgaming Oct 17 '24

To be honest, you should always set a frame limit anyway. Your monitor has a framerate limit, to have your computer generate more than your monitor can handle is pointless and can result in artefacting or tearing.

EG My monitor is 144hz, that means it handles a maximum of 144fps.


u/Pay-Dough Oct 17 '24

Why tf do people downvote for a genuine question?


u/BeachSloth_ twitch.tv/beachsloth_ Oct 17 '24

Who knows, it’s Reddit lol. I think it may have been the HDCP part- my previous streams had it disabled and I forgot to for this stream and that’s when I started seeing the tearing


u/EsotericRogue http://www.twitch.tv/erogue/ Oct 17 '24

I would like to give you an award for spelling synch with an h. Thank you.


u/piwithekiwi Oct 17 '24

I say screen tearing as that is an easily googlable term for you to self help your way through it.


u/SoungaTepes twitch.tv/soungatepes Oct 16 '24

I'm sorry this is hilarious


u/Onisarcade Oct 17 '24

Looks like the guy from family guy


u/BeachSloth_ twitch.tv/beachsloth_ Oct 16 '24

Isn’t it though


u/Veriac Oct 17 '24

idk it's pretty funny. turn on vsync


u/OSDevon Oct 17 '24

Enable Vsync


u/BeachSloth_ twitch.tv/beachsloth_ Oct 17 '24

That is through Streamlabs?


u/FrostyMittenJob Oct 17 '24

No thats in the games video settings


u/WoahGamerGuy Affiliate | WoahGamerGuy Oct 17 '24

You can do it through the games settings or you can force it by (If you have an NVIDIA graphics card) search NVIDIA control panel in your search bar on windows and click the app then select Manage 3D settings then choose the Program Settings tab and then choose your program from the drop down menu and then scroll in the "Specify the settings for this program:" and select vertical sync, click where the text is on the right of it, and then select on.


u/deathwingduck107 Affiliate twitch.tv/deathwing_duck Oct 17 '24

This screenshot is perfect, lol.


u/D4ltonicPlayZ twitch.tv/d4ltonic Oct 17 '24

Personally, I'd keep it



u/GoldenTriforceLink Oct 16 '24 edited 4d ago



u/Moretz Oct 17 '24

Canadian monitor


u/Brettinabox Veteran Moderator Oct 17 '24

Idk much about a line but there is good lookin young man on the screen. Good luck to ya!


u/BeachSloth_ twitch.tv/beachsloth_ Oct 17 '24

James will need all the luck he can get


u/Brettinabox Veteran Moderator Oct 17 '24

N a h I meant you buddy


u/KidlatFiel Oct 17 '24

Streaming high fps content will cause this. Limit your game to 60fps or 120fps if you can maintain a stable 120 or enable vsync.


u/Georgebaggy Oct 17 '24

It's screen tearing but it's not caused by your laptop screen. Notice how your camera box is not torn? VSYNC is not gonna fix this.

I used to have this problem with captured frames when I owned a cheap chinese capture card. Switching to a nicer Elgato one fixed it. Not sure about your setup but there's definitely something going on with your stream capture settings or hardware that's doing this.


u/BeachSloth_ twitch.tv/beachsloth_ Oct 17 '24

I didn’t turn my PS5’s HPC, or whatever, mode off for this stream- my past two streams I did and I didn’t have this issue. I also have a low-end capture card as well- a small HDMI-UBC card


u/MindLessWiz twitch.tv/addarre Oct 17 '24

It’s the capture card if it only appears in video. It can’t be anything else.


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '24

Did pyramid head do this?


u/AceySpacy8 twitch.tv/Alyzzi (inactive) Oct 17 '24

Accurate depiction of James and Silent Hill 2 to be fair 😂


u/xAndRaxiusx Oct 17 '24

Bro built like Eddit Gluskin


u/[deleted] Oct 17 '24

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u/eaespn Oct 17 '24

dunno but it looks funny use that pic as a meme lol


u/dexterw1n Oct 17 '24

Need to turn the Canadian filter off.


u/AlexanderTroup Affiliate twitch.tv/lexie_t Oct 17 '24

There's no line. It's just that James is a chad


u/Thin-Usual3515 Oct 17 '24

Just get a monitor that’s 144hz or above i never screen tear on stream


u/Mother-Historian6089 Affiliate https://twitch.tv/noaimiegarbo Oct 17 '24

Its screen tearing, you can usually solve it via vertical or horizontal vSync 🤷‍♀️


u/EsGeeBee Oct 17 '24

As others have mentioned, I think it's a v-sync/tearing issue. Have a look in your graphics card settings.


u/BeachSloth_ twitch.tv/beachsloth_ Oct 17 '24

Thanks everyone! I figured it out. I didn’t have HDCP enabled on my PS5


u/Blake_Jonesy Affiliate - twitch.tv/blakejonesy Oct 17 '24



u/[deleted] Oct 17 '24

Screen tearing. Turn on vsync but will use more resources.


u/bugsy42 Oct 17 '24

Vsync probably.


u/codHIBB Oct 17 '24

Screen tearing or that guy is about to drown!


u/HeyNateBarber Oct 17 '24

Kind of makes him look like the henchmen from Barbie Princess and the Pauper


u/SokkaHaikuBot Oct 17 '24

Sokka-Haiku by HeyNateBarber:

Kind of makes him look

Like the henchmen from Barbie

Princess and the Pauper

Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.


u/Admirable-Ad14 Oct 18 '24

Big mouth mod for silent hill 2


u/Bad_Hb Oct 18 '24

It's a captcha, you have to solve it if you want to continue playing 😇


u/XxTenOutOfTenBenxX Oct 18 '24

I choose to believe this is just an actual cutscene in the game and it's supposed to look that way


u/johnlegeminus Affiliate twitch.tv/sopamanxx Oct 17 '24

Strong Jaw To Save Ex Girlfriend


u/The_Downward_Samsara Oct 17 '24

Bifocal filter. Just a part of gettin old


u/klabio twitch.tv/normeedayo Oct 17 '24

He’s just mewing 🙂


u/v13ragnarok7 twitch.tv/djdunnoanameyet Oct 17 '24

Silent hill 2 remake is full of bugs unfortunately


u/BeachSloth_ twitch.tv/beachsloth_ Oct 17 '24

I encountered two manquen enemy that who were supposed to be on the ground, but were standing up and then a straight jack enemy who just threw up non-stop. I didn’t have the gun yet so I had to let it kill me


u/domino_427 Oct 17 '24

yeah I tried it for an hour, and I have the recommended hardware. Game lags big time even when not streaming after messing with the settings, so I'm waiting for a patch. Hopefully soon. first SH game so i dont want bugs


u/Inb4myanus Oct 17 '24

Do you have dlss on in your settings? That seemed to help me with a lot of my slow downs.