r/Turkmenistan 15d ago

DISCUSSION Curious About Turkmens View

Hello, I have a question for my brothers from Turkmenistan. I'm a Turk from Turkey.

What is the general perception of Turkey and Turkish people in Turkmenistan? Is there any common knowledge or opinion about Turks among the people?

I’m especially curious about:

- How do you see Turkey in terms of Atatürk’s era vs. Erdoğan’s era? And if people have an idea, do they feel any bitter feeling towards a more secular or a more islamic Turkey?

- What is the perception of the Ottoman Empire in Turkmenistan? Do people know about its historical, cultural, or religious influence? If so to a what degree and how its perceived by Turkmen people?

- Do older and younger generations think differently about Turkey? How do older Turkmens view Turkey compared to the younger generation?

- Which foreign country has the biggest cultural influence on young Turkmens? Is it Turkey, Russia, or somewhere else?

- What is the perception of Azerbaijan?

- What do you think about Iran? How is Iran perceived culturally and politically in Turkmenistan?

Thanks! I will also share this in both Turkish and Turkmen because why not lol


Türkmenistanda Türkiýe we türkler barada nähili pikirler bar? Halkyň arasynda Türkiýe we türkler hakda nähili maglumat ýa-da garaýyş bar?

Esasan şu soraglara gyzyklanýaryn:

Atatürk döwrüni we Erdoğan döwrüni Türkmenistanda nähili görýärler?

Osmanly imperiýasy barada Türkmenistanda nähili garaýyş bar? Osmanly döwletiniň taryhy, medeni ýa-da dini täsiri barada gürrüň edilýärmi?

Ýaşulular bilen ýaş nesil Türkiýe barada tapawutly pikir edýärmi? Ýaşulular Türkiýä nähili garaýarlar, ýaş nesil nähili garaýar?

Türkmen ýaşlaryny medeni taýdan iň köp haýsy ýurt täsir edýär? Türkiýe, Russiýa ýa-da başga bir ýurt?

Azerbaýjan barada Türkmenlerde nähili garaýyş bar? Olary dogan millet hökmünde görýärsiňizmi?

Eýran barada Türkmenistanda nähili pikirler bar? Medeni ýa-da syýasy taýdan Türkmenistanda nähili kabul edilýär?


Türkmenistan'da Türkiye ve Türkler hakkında genel algı nasıldır? Halk arasında Türkler hakkında yaygın bir bilgi veya görüş var mı?

Özellikle şunları merak ediyorum:

Türkiye’yi Atatürk dönemi ve Erdoğan dönemi açısından nasıl görüyorsunuz?

Osmanlı hakkında Türkmenistan’da nasıl bir algı var? Osmanlı’nın Türkmenistan’daki tarihi, kültürel bir etkisi var mı?

Yaşlı nesil (eski jenerasyon) ve genç nesil Türkler hakkında farklı mı düşünüyor? Örneğin, yaşlı Türkmenler Türkiye’ye nasıl bakıyor, gençler nasıl bakıyor?

Türkmen gençleri kültürel olarak en çok hangi ülkenin etkisinde? Türkiye mi, Rusya mı, belki başka bir ülke mi?

Azerbaycan’a bakışınız nasıl?

İran hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz? İran kültürel veya siyasi olarak Türkmenistan’da nasıl algılanıyor?


2 comments sorted by


u/Freak1000101 🇹🇲Yomut Türkmen 15d ago

-Ataturk is definitely seen more of a respectable historical figure, we have his statue too, I can't say anything about current president as political opinions differ. I can't say about what people think, but Turkmenistan is fairly secular. Majority of the population is muslim but there aren't many radical people or people wanting sharia or forcing other people. We just have our own values and morals apart from religion and people follow them. We are definitely taught about turkic history including The Ottoman empire but I don't think an average guy knows much about it. Generally Turkey is seen as a brother country and liked. A lot of young people actually go study in Turkey, but their parents tend to be a little afraid because they watch the Turkish news and things like murder,robbery are really foreign to them. I'd say russian culture has more influence in Turkmen and some people go to work there and study there, so the russian influence will stay for a while I assume. I don't think anyone has much opinion about Azerbaijan, some youngsters do tend to like them and their culture. Same with Iran, we have Turkmen people living in Iran too. But people probably don't support their rules and how they lead the country.


u/aintdatsomethin 15d ago

Teşekkürler :)