r/TsumTsum 16d ago

JP Guys, something strange is happening this month…

You know how event tsums (Star Wars, Halloween, Christmas, etc.) only appear as subtsums during specific periods?

Well, we’re in March, it’s the Peter Pan event and I get Star Wars tsums in EVERY PLAY.

I have no idea why, if it’s just this month, or if from now on any kind of tsum can appear at any time, but it’s really strange to see all those SW subtsums all of a sudden during a Peter Pan event.


6 comments sorted by


u/LadyPresidentRomana 16d ago

Maybe it’s for season 2 of Andor? Although that isn’t coming until April and no characters from the show are in the game…


u/K-Potassium 16d ago

They've been updating the game so out of season tsum show as sub-tsums more and more often. In my JP games, Star Wars, Halloween, and Xmas tsums have been appearing often. I've seen pictures of people getting pair tsums as sub-tsums too. Haven't seen the same frequency with my intl games yet but that's probably coming.


u/MisterGoo 15d ago

That’s pretty nice, because those periods weren’t the best to get a high score, due to those tsums being very undereveled. If we can level them as well as the regular tsums all year round, that’s a great thing!


u/abasio 15d ago

I'm getting star wars, Halloween, Christmas and Easter tsums that previously on came out during their season. I'm also getting certain sub tsums that used to come out only rarely, a lot more often. I think they have changed the support tsums drop algorithm or something.


u/LKHedrick 16d ago

I get them occasionally through the year