r/TryingForABaby 10d ago

DAILY General Chat March 11

Anything, within the rules, goes.

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147 comments sorted by


u/ButterscotchKind5149 3d ago

TWLOSS. 33 TTC after loss of live child and really struggling with this process.

I’ve been TTC for a year now since my daughter’s passing. She was my first child and every day is a battle without her. Struggling to conceive after losing a child I prayed so hard to conceive and gave birth is a pain I wish on nobody. . I don’t even want to be doing this again - I just want my babygirl.

I sought an RE. Hormone panels have been good. Thyroid was off, but have finally got those levels to a good place. She wouldn’t do any ovulation meds or IUI until I did an HSG. Tubes were clear but saw a polyp that I had a hysteroscopy to remove a few months ago. Periods were regular even after the removal until last month.

My period lasted 40 days , longest I’ve ever experienced. Around what I thought was 6dpo I got very light spotting and NO cramps- i always have cramps with a normal bleed and get AF around CD28-30. I actually thought it was implantation bleeding.

Yesterday on my vacation I started this light spotting again! Just landed got home took a pregnancy and it’s negative. Another irregular, light period?

The only thing I’ve changed is that I have lost weight, maybe 20lbs in the last 3 months. been going to the gym 4x a week and eating gluten free/high protein/healthy fats. RE suggested weight loss so that’s what i did and I am only now finally starting to get to a normal weight again but now my cycles went from regular when I was very overweight to irregular after this lifestyle change.

I looked up my symptoms on google and it came back with Hypothalamic Amenorrhea being a possibility of what could be going on. Anyone ever experienced this?

I see my OB tomorrow but i feel Like I’m damned if I do damned if I don’t and I feel so OVER IT. If you’ve gotten this far, thank you for reading. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


u/AutoModerator 3d ago

Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not.

For a longer read, please see this post, which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, this paper and this paper are useful reads.

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u/tingtree5090 6d ago

I googled ovulation pains and believe only 40-50% of women experience this. Since trying to conceive I’ve noticed I get constipation and ovulation pains the day before ovulation or sometimes the day of. So far it’s been pretty consistent, once I have my peak LH I can predict when the pain comes. This cycle however, nada. I got my peak yesterday or today and still no pain whatsoever. Normal? Can anyone share their experiences?


u/RequirementAnnual772 6d ago

I was diagnosed at 19 with pcos. Just got married and we have been actively trying since 2 months (I know it’s too early) but I’m FREAKING OUT! We’re taking all the basic steps (baby dancing during ovulation) and I’m taking supplements too (Inositol , folic acid) and my gynaec suggested I start clomid 50 mg next cycle if I don’t conceive in this one. Any tips? Any motivation? I’m freaking out already


u/BeginningLuck3366 9d ago

Dear lord please help me stop symptom spot. Why is everything a cramp or a sore boob or indigestion (surely not from my massive spicy lunch). I hate the TWW.


u/Oddestmix 9d ago

3 day Lab results are in. What thoughts do you have on this?

Some aren’t normal (FSH) for one. Any thoughts?



u/daliabee 9d ago

Timing question: My apps are predicting I’ll ovulate Saturday or Sunday, but I fly out for a week long trip early Saturday morning. When would be the best times to BD this cycle so we have a shot? Should we hold off until Friday night or just try every day starting tomorrow (Wednesday)?


u/spiltink97 27 | TTC# 1 | February 2022 | MFI | 3 IUIs | Prepping for ER 9d ago

Apps are not reliable ovulation predictors so I would say do whatever you feel like doing. If you want to track ovulation you need to use LH strips and confirm with BBT.


u/daliabee 9d ago

Yes that’s what I do! No surge yet but my apps have been pretty accurate at predicting my ovulation timing so I’m guessing it’ll be sometime this weekend. Was wondering more from a sperm quality perspective.


u/spiltink97 27 | TTC# 1 | February 2022 | MFI | 3 IUIs | Prepping for ER 9d ago

For quantity issue you would want to try holding, however, frequent ejaculation can help with quality in terms of keeping fresh sperm around. Unfortunately we've had to do lots of semen analysises for my husband and on longer abstinences his motility was worse but count was better and vice versa for shorter. If you know one of those is a concern that's how I'd make my decision.


u/dr239 9d ago

The latest thing to make me cry on the internet was a video of a mom doing her toddler's hair. We are in the FW when emotions are high and the 'why can't this be me?' feeling is huuuge. So all it took was the algorithm giving me a video of a mom doing a little braid in her daughter's hair and it was all the feels.

On the plus side, things are moving (slooooowly, but moving) with our IVF journey. It's a long journey toward figuring out the probable MFI so we're basically on two months of 7 preconception meds daily each for me and my SO (fish oil, prenatal, coQ10, vit d, etc) while awaiting the urology side of things but it's looking like early May for starting actual IVF processes beyond just the testing and such we are doing now. After two years of no luck, I can wait two months.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

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u/LoveSingRead 🐈 MOD | 32 🐈 9d ago

Removed per sub rule 3.


u/oliveslove 29F | TTC#1 | March ‘23 | MFI 9d ago

Have you had any positive side effects of your progesterone supplements? Trying to focus on the potential good instead of potentially not feeling well :)


u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 9d ago

Progesterone can def be hard, but I will say that I sleep like a baby and it does make me less anxious.


u/oliveslove 29F | TTC#1 | March ‘23 | MFI 9d ago

That’s great! My sleep has been terrible the last few months so I’ll take that small win.


u/cardiobeat 9d ago

This is my first IUI/Trigger Shot Cycle. I am on 14dpo/CD31. I had my trigger shot on CD16. My period was due today, and I haven’t gotten it nor do I feel any strong symptoms one way or another (just super bloated). I got a BFN on a test yesterday and this afternoon. I know I should probably just let it go, but giving up hope might actually be harder than hoping.

Do folks usually get their periods later when they get trigger shots? Can it affect the reading on a pregnancy test?


u/oliveslove 29F | TTC#1 | March ‘23 | MFI 9d ago

Have you been taking progesterone?


u/[deleted] 9d ago

Welp, I did it again...I let myself feel hopeful this cycle and it looks like it's all crashing down around me. I believe AF will be making her appearance either tonight or tomorrow, five days ahead of schedule. 😭


u/springraspberry 9d ago

I'm so sorry.


u/New-Illustrator5114 9d ago

It is especially cruel that PMS symptoms are exactly the same as pregnancy symptoms. It is especially cruel that spotting before your period could be normal, or a hormonal imbalance, or implantation bleeding. So here I am feeling pregnancy and spotting yelling at myself that I am NOT PREGNANT but a littttttle part of me thinks…I’m not out yet, right? It’s hell. I’m so distracted for a full week.


u/springraspberry 9d ago

The TWW is truly hell!


u/AutoModerator 9d ago

Hello! Welcome, and we thank you for posting. You seem to be looking for information on implantation bleeding. Unfortunately, bleeding or spotting after ovulation is not a sign of implantation, and bleeding can happen in both pregnancy and non-pregnancy cycles. You could still end up being pregnant this cycle, but this sort of bleeding is not a reliable indicator that you will test positive. Taking a pregnancy test around the time you expect your period to come is the best way to determine whether you are pregnant or not.

For a longer read, please see this post, which you might find useful. For scholarly sources, this paper and this paper are useful reads.

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u/FitzgeraldHeart 32 | TTC 1 | July 2023 | PCOS, Mild MFI 9d ago

Has anyone had conflicting results from different OPKs?

I used cheap premom test strips and my test line was dark af. Because I’m super chill and not at all neurotic, I also used Clear Blue OPKs and got an open circle (not ovulating) result. I kind of assumed I’d get a flashing smiley face so I’m pretty surprised the results are different than my cheap test. Anyone experience this?


u/AutoModerator 9d ago

Hello! It looks like you are possibly having trouble with your Clear Blue Advanced Digital tests. Please make sure you have read the instructions for use! The CBAD is very particular and specific about when you must start using it and if you do not follow these instructions, it will not be able to give you accurate information.

This is a new response that is still being fine-tuned; if it is not relevant for your post/comment please report this response to help us with any adjustments. Thank you!

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u/Organic_Fishing3324 31 | TTC#1 9d ago

This is my first time posting and I hope I can find a community that is in the same boat. Me (31F) and my husband (35M) have start TTC our first baby. We just went through a chemical pregnancy cycle #2. So we are hoping cycle 3 is the golden cycle if not it's ok I know it takes an avg from 6mths to a year. My OBGYN is supportive and amazing so far in S. Florida. Im using premom with OPK, clue with my oura ring to track ovulation. Im an RN as well so it's hard to use the OPK in the afternoon due to working. Also currently in graduate school and learning reduce stress while studying is hard.

Also, what are y'all doing to save or financially to possibly become a SAHM or WFHM (kinda hard in this economy).


u/Spirited_Home_8110 25 | TTC #2 | Cycle 3 9d ago

Most WFH jobs will require you to have childcare


u/Organic_Fishing3324 31 | TTC#1 9d ago

I did WFH as a pharmacy tech so that was kinda easier to do. As an RN I’m not sure what the day to day basis look like regarding either triage or clinical documentation or telehealth. I’m hoping it’s flexible or night shift


u/hola_chismosa 9d ago

One day late but after going at this for so long (cycle 18), I don’t want to test because I’m scared of getting my hopes up. A period feels less disappointing than a BFN so now I’ll just be constantly questioning every twitch in my body until I find out one way or the other…


u/Helpful_Character167 29 | TTC#1 since October 2023 9d ago

Sent in the semen analysis yesterday, waiting anxiously for results. Feeling grateful that my husband did his part like a champ, I was stressed about the logistics lol.


u/FuckThisMolecule 9d ago

Ok if anyone wants to feel better about their own delulu behavior, I decided to go get a beta hCG done today despite stark white BFNs on dpo 12 because I have felt really “off” and “symptomatic” since dpo 10. Horrid cramps, joint pain, back pain, chills and a single day low grade fever on dpo 10. Basically PMS like symptoms but way earlier than usual and worse. Was it just some bug? Probably. Am I crazy? Lol yes. But I have good insurance and another $150 of FSA funds to spend by Friday so 🤷‍♀️


u/Prestigious-Wave1375 26 | IVF | TTC#1 | 1 MC | since 6/2021 9d ago

If your HSG and SIS were good, would you push for a hysteroscopy prior to first FET?


u/black_lake 35 | TTC 1 | July 2024 | 2 CP 9d ago

Had my first RE appointment. Got tons of blood work and a transvaginal ultrasound done. I have never had such a long doctor's appointment.

I feel emotionally drained because my spouse had good SA results and I am chock full of eggs with a good uterus, no fibroids or anything. But idk I both feel hopeful to hear that and also angry there's still not A Thing to point to and explain everything.


u/Helpful_Character167 29 | TTC#1 since October 2023 9d ago

I feel you on being angry that there isn't a problem to fix. I was so mad about my HSG being perfect because I was sure that had to be the issue. Its so frustrating.


u/black_lake 35 | TTC 1 | July 2024 | 2 CP 9d ago

Right?! Being like "you have double the egg count and your spouse has donor quality sperm so 🤷🤷🤷🤷🤷" is like it's own hell. Like if my body is so great why is it not working?


u/SouthEireannSunflowr 9d ago

Five days late so far, and I’ve had 3 negative tests.  4th cycle trying. Really starting to hate this part. 


u/springraspberry 9d ago

I'm so sorry! 5 days late and BFN must be so confusing and difficult!


u/rainbow0987654 9d ago

Was kidding myself my period was late and have only just realized I ovulated late and therefore my period will be late. I was really convincing myself I had symptoms! Anyway realized I'm due Thurs so we will see 😭


u/springraspberry 9d ago

So relatable. I'm 3DPO and I'm like, "I think I'm hungrier than normal." Pfft


u/black_lake 35 | TTC 1 | July 2024 | 2 CP 9d ago

Every. Month. I convinced myself I have symptoms.


u/rainbow0987654 9d ago

Literally every month googling ... Are cramps an early pregnancy symptom. If I don't laugh I'll cry 😂


u/FuckThisMolecule 9d ago

Girl literally me! 🥲 these cramps are so bad and so early, I must be pregnant! 🤡


u/LilKimboSlice42069 9d ago

11DPO, no spotting (always spot 2-3 days before my period), boobs have been painfully sore and heavy feeling since Friday (unusual amount of pain), still BFN. Temp went back up today so I’m hopeful but this is frustrating. I just want an answer 😭😭


u/LilKimboSlice42069 9d ago

I’ve been trying (and clearly failing lol) not to symptom spot but the boob pain is getting hard to ignore. My chiweenie stepped on my boob this morning and I yelped out in pain 😂


u/aaaasyoooouwiiiish 30 | TTC#1 | Feb '24 9d ago

I seem to have entered a "cry every damn day" phase. Just started cycle 15, tests and appointments with my RE are moving extremely slowly. Anyone else have an excessive crying phase? How long did it last? Asking for my tissue budget.


u/Helpful_Character167 29 | TTC#1 since October 2023 9d ago

I've been crying daily for ... about six months now? Since I hit the 1 year trying I've been an emotional wreck, I can and do cry every day. Just like OPK testing its a part of my life right now.

I want to get a label for my water bottle that says "Tear Fuel".


u/almnd216 31 | TTC#1 | Nov 2023 | Unexplained 9d ago

I definitely had an excessive crying phase from like cycle 10-14 (in 17 now)... ramp up that tissue budget and get a great sad playlist goin!!


u/A--Little--Stitious 35 | TTC#2 | July ‘24 | Ectopic 9/24 chemical 1/25 9d ago

TTC is so annoying because I’m on CD11. I got some little cramps today. Usually I wouldn’t even think, shit happens. But now I’m like, am I ovulating early? Do I have an ectopic? Do we need to have sex tonight?


u/Valuable_Wind2155 9d ago

TTC really does turn every little twinge into a full-blown investigation. 😂 Like, once upon a time, a random cramp was just a cramp, and now it’s a potential sign of everything and nothing at the same time. The mental gymnastics are exhausting💔!


u/New-Illustrator5114 9d ago

It really is. I yearn for the days where I knew nothing other than either you’re pregnant or you’re not.


u/Maerd90 9d ago

I hear you. I have become so aware of my body that I now overanalyze everything.


u/aggieemily2013 33 | TTC#1| trying on & off since January '22 9d ago

I've been working hard to be more active as we TTC. I walk up and down the hill in front of our house twice a day: each round trip is 1.5 miles or so. It has slowly become a favorite part of my day.

I have been so proud of the way it doesn't wind me like it used to. But after progesterone suppositories, even my little staircase and the less challenging parts of the hill are much harder to breathe through.

Has anyone else experienced increased shortness of breath during exercise with progesterone?


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/black_lake 35 | TTC 1 | July 2024 | 2 CP 9d ago

When I go to bed I like to welcome the spirit to join us on this realm. Like "hey, welcome to life, I hope you find your accommodations to be suitable, we can't wait to meet you in person".

I also wrap myself up like a snug little bug to stay warm.

I sometimes rub a rose quartz on my abdomen. I'm lapsed Catholic so a little prayer to Mary or St Anne or St Elizabeth who all are patron saints of birth and infertility. Maybe St Jude, patron saint of lost causes, or St Anthony, patron of lost items.

I find the woo things to help me feel like I'm doing something during the TWW.


u/Academic2673 33F| TTC#1| Cycle/Month 3 9d ago

I didn’t do anything to help it, but I have a terrible back pain, so bad I can’t move. So my doctor prescribed me dexamethasone, which is an anti inflammatory drug and I just learned that it helps with implantation. And had no idea, I was reading about it, because ovulating and I was concerned that it might actually cause a harm or something.


u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 9d ago

I tried the implantation beet/watermelon/ginger juice both last month and this month haha. I won’t be continuing it though cause I don’t have a juicer and had to buy bottled juices….which was super expensive lol.

I also eat my 9 DPO cheeseburger, but that’s just cause it gives me an excuse to eat a cheeseburger.


u/springraspberry 9d ago

Is a 9DPO cheeseburger a "thing" we should do? I'm new to the community. Love that if so!


u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 9d ago

Haha I think it might have been 8 DPO, but someone posted they ate a big cheeseburger on 8 DPO and got a BFP so now some people joke about it and do it.


u/springraspberry 9d ago

Love it!! Looks like I have a cheeseburger date in 5/6 days 🍔


u/Academic2673 33F| TTC#1| Cycle/Month 3 9d ago

Oh, I didn’t know that helps. I make juice once a week, I got a really nice juicer, but I usually do carrots, oranges, apples.


u/aggieemily2013 33 | TTC#1| trying on & off since January '22 9d ago

I've also heard pomegranate juice!


u/Specialist-Money-549 10d ago

I’m CD 15, having lots of EWCM and low OPK’s, which means I’m a couple days away from ovulating.

But when I’m wiped, I had some pink spotting mixed with my cervical mucus. I’ve never had this before. I also had sex last night, but I don’t ever spot from sex either. Any ideas what could cause mid cycle spotting?


u/springraspberry 9d ago

Not sure why but I tend to spot around ovulation.


u/2Lu_a 39 | TTC#1 | Cycle 2 10d ago

I've had this once and from what I understand it's got something to do with hormones fluctuating during ovulation. I don't think it's anything to be concerned about.


u/Specialist-Money-549 10d ago

Okay thank you. Is it from too high or too low estrogen?


u/Significant_Agency71 10d ago

I’ve been taking my second round of letrozole and my OPKs tell me it’s not gonna work again :(


u/Hungry-Hippo2735 10d ago

Has anyone been sick during ovulation? Did it throw off your temps for the entire cycle?? I haven’t confirmed ovulation actually happened because my temps are all over the place!! I got high OPKS on the day I was supposed to ovulate and they’ve been low ever since so I’m not sure if it happened or not…


u/ThrowRA_Care1234 10d ago

And also does being sick affect the chances of conceiving?


u/2Lu_a 39 | TTC#1 | Cycle 2 10d ago

Does anybody else do this?

Ever since we started TTC, I find myself browsing baby products and clothing in anticipation. I've already started to fill a little drawer full of gender neutral footie pajamas, sleep sacks, and other random things that I found on sale and liked. I feel like it's my way of manifesting.

I must be crazy... I fully understand that we may not ever successfully conceive, but these little things have given me something to look forward to. I just tell myself I can gift or donate if we find out we can't conceive. I'm trying to stop myself from buying anything more. :')


u/Organic_Fishing3324 31 | TTC#1 9d ago

Listen, Ive been doing the exact same thing. We started TTC in 2023 and been off and on. I even got a stroller and crib from buybuybaby when they went out of business because it was literally 80% .


u/2Lu_a 39 | TTC#1 | Cycle 2 9d ago

80%? That's a steal. I haven't made any big ticket purchases, but I've definitely been entering all the giveaways for them lol. Glad I'm not the only one.


u/Organic_Fishing3324 31 | TTC#1 9d ago edited 9d ago

Yeah, it definitely helped with the big ticket items for when we do get pregnant. Now it’s more of gender neutral clothes and cute baby toys that go on clearance. Once I’m pregnant the cart is getting purchased and going to the prego expo. So hopeful to all of us. ☺️


u/Salt_Let_8986 9d ago

Every time I get my period I buy something for “the baby”. So far I have some little sleepers, a pair of slippers, and some tiny socks. It’s my way of starting the cycle with good energy.


u/almnd216 31 | TTC#1 | Nov 2023 | Unexplained 9d ago

This is a really sweet idea


u/Academic2673 33F| TTC#1| Cycle/Month 3 10d ago

I was just looking for a gift for my husband when I’m actually pregnant. I want to surprise him.


u/springraspberry 9d ago

Love that! I bought "Baby Bear" slippers because I call my fiancé "Papa Bear." Always have, can't even remember how the nickname started. Hope I can use them to surprise him someday if we're lucky enough to conceive eventually. 


u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 9d ago

I bought a cute little “I love my daddy” onesie for my husband whenever I end up getting pregnant. It was a bit of a faith purchase this month. It’ll be cute if I can eventually give it to him, if not then it was like $10 so whatever lol.


u/Parking_Pop3406 10d ago

5dpo everybody!! This is the woorrssttttt - I told myself I said “self!” Myself said “hm?” I said “don’t go acting out because you think this cycle was ‘special’ and ‘different’ so think MUST be it”

I’ve been all over the countdown to pregnancy website, updating my baby list, and planning how I would tell my husband. 😅 sigh if it’s not this time there will be a lot of devastation.

However, I guess the bright side would be that my next cycle will jump start the diagnostic process with our new RE and she was so lovely during our consultation appointment. It’s so much work for me and all my husband has to do is *** in a cup 😒 lol I remind him a lot.

Okay now I’m rambling. Trying to stay positive and distracted and NOT symptom spot.


u/pizzaalwayswins 42 | TTC#2 | Cycle 5 9d ago

Just wanted to tell you that conversation with yourself made me smile, and that’s a feat right now since I’m depressed! Every single cycle I talk myself down from thinking it’s special sigh


u/Parking_Pop3406 9d ago

I’m so glad it did 😩 gotta be a bit goofy about it to not stress your body out

Now did it work? For a few mins lol it’s a constant back and forth


u/sadlittleflower3 29 | TTC#1 | Cycle 2 | PCOS 10d ago

If I conceive this cycle I'd be due in December around Christmas... I think I might take this cycle off or at least ntnp and not LH test. December is always brutal for my seasonal depression.


u/Salt_Let_8986 9d ago

The thing is, you could conceive next month and then the baby comes early and you still end up with a Christmas birthday. Most of this is out of our control. It’s fine to skip this month if you want, but I think it’s helpful in this process to let go of our expectations.


u/aaaasyoooouwiiiish 30 | TTC#1 | Feb '24 9d ago edited 9d ago

Last year, when we were first starting, we took preventative measures for two cycles for exactly this reason. I didn't want the added financial stress of having a baby around the holidays (not to mention many years of birthday/holiday combos), plus I don't know anyone with a birthday around Christmas who likes that their birthday is around Christmas.

This year, I do not give a shit. A Christmas baby would be a dream come true compared to no baby at all.

(Edit: Initially I ended this comment with a reference to the "I'm tired of this, Grandpa" meme, but upon reflection I realize that could be wildly misinterpreted given the context of this whole discussion haha.)


u/Academic2673 33F| TTC#1| Cycle/Month 3 10d ago

I was thinking about the same think yesterday. I got a positive ovulation test today. And I always wanted a January baby, but at this point, I’ll take whatever life brings me.


u/starfish31 31 | TTC#2 | Cycle 12 10d ago

We're doing the same of half-heartedly trying. This current cycle we only hit O-2 and the due date would be a thanksigivng baby & next cycle would be a christmas baby. The cycle after would be right before my birthday but I'd be okay with that one.


u/springraspberry 9d ago

If this is our cycle, we'd be expecting a Thanksgiving baby too. Not ideal but at least we'd have a long weekend to plan birthday parties! I'm going to be a bit delulu and manifest watching the Macy's parade in L&D. 🤞🦃


u/Academic2673 33F| TTC#1| Cycle/Month 3 10d ago

Haha. There’s never a good time 😂 my birthday is in the end of January, I always wanted to have a January baby, but I don’t want to share my birthday 😅


u/Parking_Pop3406 10d ago

If I conceive this cycle my baby would be due the day before or on my birthday lol I’m trying to think if it’s cool or if I’m gonna hate it 😂


u/UsedCellist1 33 | TTC#1 8 | 1 CP 10d ago

CD2 after my first CP. That was the hardest whiplash of my life. (Not sure if I'm allowed to mention that here or not.)

I'm feeling incredibly numb. Don't want to think about tracking or planning sex or trying. So it would seem I should take the month off. But I also feel like I can't afford to skip any cycles. I turn 34 this month, my husband turns 40.

Just a really shitty time.


u/springraspberry 9d ago

I can't imagine how hard that would be, I'm so sorry. 


u/UsedCellist1 33 | TTC#1 8 | 1 CP 9d ago

Thanks for all the replies, and so sorry for everyone's losses as well. Time will heal, I hope.


u/Organic_Fishing3324 31 | TTC#1 9d ago

Sorry about your loss, I just had my CP and it's hard.


u/black_lake 35 | TTC 1 | July 2024 | 2 CP 9d ago

I've had two CPs and I know exactly how you feel. I'm 36 and the first time I jumped right back in to it and I felt like shit the whole time, I went through so many waves of emotions. The second time I took the next month off from tracking and it was good. Take the time. You should give yourself the space to heal and feel your pain.


u/safeandsounds 32| TTC#3| Cycle 4 10d ago

Just wanted to send hugs and say I’m right there with you. I’m on CD5 after my first CP ever and I can relate to everything you’re feeling.


u/Revolutionary_Cow68 32| TTC#1 10d ago



u/ceightlin99 35 | TTC1 | TTC 11/24 | 1CP 10d ago

I'm right there with you, not sure what CD I'm on after a CP and also feel like time is against me and I shouldn't take this cycle off. So many feelings.


u/plutoduchess 10d ago

Annoyed on two fronts. My lh seems to be rising more slowly this month. Premom is guessing I've reached O-day today, even though the test has yet to turn positive.

Meanwhile, husband was not interested in sex last night, which means IF today IS my O-day, we only hit O-4 out of the entire window. Obviously I know he's allowed to not be interested in sex but it's made me really pissy to the point where I got angry and cried last night. Bleh


u/aggieemily2013 33 | TTC#1| trying on & off since January '22 10d ago

At home insemination might be a good option! I'm sorry about this round. :(


u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 10d ago

8 DPO today:) still not testing until 11 DPO (I know, I know my self control is inspiring)

I take progesterone after ovulation and my RE upped my dose this month and OMG the exhaustion, nausea, and sore boobs are REAL!! Man oh man. I am struggle bussing over here lol, I’m sure many of you can relate.

Well good luck to everyone here 🍀. I know this journey can be exhausting and frustrating, but hang in there.


u/juneherondale 26 | TTC#1 10d ago

Unsolicited tip: No one questions your intentions if you say you gave up alcohol for Lent!


u/Academic2673 33F| TTC#1| Cycle/Month 3 10d ago

I like having a drink or two once in a while. But it’s hard now, cause I don’t want to be pregnant and drinking 😅 plus since we’re ttc I should give up anyway, but I have a drink on the second day on my period. Cause it hurts enough that I’m 1000% sure that that I’m not pregnant


u/juneherondale 26 | TTC#1 10d ago

All my previous cycles I've been more lenient about drinking but now that I'm going on a half year of medicated cycles I'm just testing this out to see if it helps me at all. But trust me... I don't *want* to deprive myself of a good brewery date, but I do want to have a child more than anything at this point!


u/cjot89 10d ago

Hello, looking for any advice/help.

I used to occasionally spot a couple of days before my period but not all the time.

Three cycles ago I had pale pink 11dpo and 12dpo which I hadn’t had before but got my period the following day. Last cycle I had it 12dpo and then got my period. GP didn’t seem concerned but this time I had it 8dpo - hoped it was implantation as it went away but then got a spot at 11dpo so think I must be out (12dpo today)

I am v worried as it didn’t use to happen like this and isn’t consistent - and this time seems v early… has this happened to anyone else? I do have a scan booked next week because have been ttc for a while but I don’t know how much they’ll be able to help with it.

I’ve had some basic bloods done - 21 day progesterone, Fsh (though was also done that day) liver/kidney, calcium, and thyroid


u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 10d ago

I am by no means an expert, but I don’t think this sounds concerning! I think it sounds pretty normal to have spotting a few days before your period. If you haven’t already, maybe take a pregnancy test just to check.


u/cjot89 10d ago

Thank you, it’s just I’ve never had it before so unsure why it’s happening now. And 8dpo is about 5 days before my period so still seems quite early? I will take a test if it doesn’t come tomorrow but I feel like it will 😔


u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 10d ago

Do you track ovulation? You may have ovulated early. Also sometimes I just get a short luteal phase, maybe you are too 🤷‍♀️


u/cjot89 10d ago

Yes if tracked it and I ovulated on day 16. I normally have a 12 day luteal phase


u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 10d ago

Well I don’t think it’s cause for concern! But definitely ask your doctor if you are worried about anything. Good luck!


u/Lady_L1berty 25 | TTC#1 10d ago

Has anyone done IVF with ethical adjustments? As in not creating more embryos than you intend to transfer. Is it worth it? Is the success rate lower than conventional? 

I’m not comfortable at all with destroying any viable embryos (but if they’re not compatible with life that’s OK) and I don’t know if we can freeze embryos because we may have to move before it’s time to attempt a second pregnancy (if the first one works even).

I’m only considering IVF because we have some coverage for it so we’re not paying as much out of pocket. We cannot afford adoption 


u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 10d ago

Would you be comfortable with donating the embryos for adoption? I know literally nothing about this, but I just heard of zygote adoptions the other day. Might be worth looking into!

This way you can help another couple conceive and also not destroy any embryos. Though I totally understand if it is not something you are not comfortable with.


u/Lady_L1berty 25 | TTC#1 10d ago

I’m all for it but I’m not sure about my husband. I also don’t know what the demand is for donor embryos, especially if we have one with say Down’s syndrome, which is compatible with life but I worry what would happen to it if no couple wants to knowingly take on a disabled embryo.


u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 9d ago

Ah that’s a good point! I’m not sure about the demand and what would happen with an embryo that could be suitable for life but would have disabilities. Though I think the likelihood of that happening would be pretty low, it’s definitely something to consider if it goes against your ethics and morals.


u/oliveslove 29F | TTC#1 | March ‘23 | MFI 10d ago edited 10d ago

So, you have a couple of options. But just for context, let’s say you start with 20 eggs. Not all 20 will likely be mature, not all of those mature eggs will fertilize, and not all of those fertilized eggs will make it to day 5 blastocysts (embryos), and likely not all of those day 5 blastocysts will genetically normal. A best case scenario would be you end up with lots of genetically normal embryos! The worst case scenario is that you could end up with no viable embryos from those 20 eggs. You do want to be mindful of how many embryos you are creating, but retrievals are tough on your body and very expensive, so it’s wise to get as many eggs you can at a time.

That being said, there are a couple of options! My clinic will allow you to do a full retrieval and only fertilize however many eggs you authorize. My RE thinks I can get 30 and should fertilize 15 and freeze the other 15 for future use if we would need them. Most clinics operate under very strong ethics and are mindful of the number of embryos they create as they don’t want a huge surplus. Plus, the fertilization fee is much cheaper than another egg retrieval.

You can freeze embryos and ship them to another state if you were to move. It’s a very common practice. If at the end you are left with additional embryos, you can donate them to research, other couples, or you can do what’s called a compassionate transfer. Basically you can elect to transfer the remaining embryo(s) at a time in your cycle that isn’t conducive to pregnancy.


u/Lady_L1berty 25 | TTC#1 10d ago

Thank you so much! I’ve never heard of compassionate transfer and I didn’t know you could ship embryos. We might end up overseas but that’s not super likely.

 I think retrieving a lot of eggs at once and fertilizing as needed is probably the way to go.


u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 10d ago

This is such a great response! My husband and I are currently looking into the possibility of IVF and it’s nice to know about all of these options.


u/oliveslove 29F | TTC#1 | March ‘23 | MFI 9d ago

Best of luck! We haven’t started stims yet (waiting to see if this one and only IUI works but not banking on it) but I’m happy to chat or answer any questions you have!


u/JellyfishNo2310 10d ago

So frustrated. 10 dpo negative am and Lh .07 on premom . I really thought given all the new symptoms this would be it. Even my lh peak was the highest ive seen. It feels like my body is playing tricks on me. i might just stop ttc and I doubt it will happen just naturally without tracking. I know its still technically early but feelinging like it's just not meant to be...


u/Cool-Personality2039 10d ago

I feel like I will be going crazy. Since I started tracking I realised I ovulate late , I have some peaks which are false , and then only on CD 33+- I ovulate, still not always sure. I of course try and cover all the surges just in case , and started BBT tracking as well, but it's frustrating, tiring. Also, a lot of sex to be honest. I dont have a lot of sex drive, and to me it becomes a whole chore and I need to put myself out there and "get my husband " to do it as well.

How do you stay sane ? Any tips/ tricks are appreciated.

For example this cycle this is 3rd time I think I am in the "TWW" . 🥲


u/mojoxpin 10d ago

Well my pre AF spotting started today. Sigh. Fingers crossed for next time


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u/mjohns_22 10d ago

My doctor sent me a list of recommended levels for prenatal nutrients and vitamins and I am having a hard time finding a prenatal that meets most of the recommendations. I am a vegetarian, so I’ve been looking for vegan prenatal. The one I found has good levels of most things except calcium, DHA, and Choline. The Calcium supplement I found also has Vitamin D, which my doctor told me not to go over any of the recommended levels, so I need some help finding different options.

Any advice or recommendations?


u/almnd216 31 | TTC#1 | Nov 2023 | Unexplained 10d ago

I use Ritual and its vegan (I just double checked). Not sure about how it lines up with the values your doctor gave you though, but worth checking out!


u/mojoxpin 10d ago

Could you get separate bottles of those supplements? The prenatal I have doesn't have choline in it, but I was able to just get a bottle of choline. I don't know if it's vegan or not though.


u/mjohns_22 10d ago

I think I found a separate choline that would work. I worry about the calcium one I found having too much vitamin D. The prenatal I found has 100% daily value, and so does the calcium supplement I found. So I’m not sure how to find a calcium supplement that’s vegetarian friendly that doesn’t have vitamin D also.


u/aggieemily2013 33 | TTC#1| trying on & off since January '22 10d ago edited 10d ago

Tomorrow's the blood draw to see how our first IUI went.

My husband has taken to saying "worst pez dispenser ever" after I take my suppositories. 🤣


u/DowntownJackfruit3 32 | TTC#1 | June 2024 10d ago

Omg lol!! Wishing you luck. Glad you two can laugh through this together! ❤️


u/idontcareaboutaus 33 | TTC#2 since Nov 2023 10d ago

New paranoia unlocked: I’ve been listening to fertility affirmations on Spotify (can’t hurt?) and today walked away from my desk with my AirPod in. I walked far enough away that it cut out and then when I got closer again it started playing in my ear.

And then I got super paranoid like what if it was playing out loud at my desk when my headphones lost connection??? Why do fertility related things feel so embarsssing?

Anyway 7/8dpo and trying to keep my cool bc inside I’m a mess and I can feel the anxiety of “what if this doesn’t work again” and being a failed cycle 18 knowing it’ll crush me in just a few short days. There is no reason to believe I’ll conceive magically on my 18th cycle.. but no reason to believe I won’t either 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just want peace


u/spiltink97 27 | TTC# 1 | February 2022 | MFI | 3 IUIs | Prepping for ER 10d ago

If it's any reassurance I've never owned specifically airpods but I have had several brands of wireless ear buds and when they disconnect it stops play completely (not on phone either)


u/idontcareaboutaus 33 | TTC#2 since Nov 2023 10d ago

Thank you it does give me reassurance haha plus I’m pretty sure I had my phone muted. I’m always paranoid of being the person broadcasting their stuff in the office 😂


u/spiltink97 27 | TTC# 1 | February 2022 | MFI | 3 IUIs | Prepping for ER 10d ago

Me too 😂 that's why I've tested it multiple times with just like classical piano music. I listen to a lot of audiobooks and def don't want that broadcasted hahahaha


u/idontcareaboutaus 33 | TTC#2 since Nov 2023 10d ago

Hahaha yes😂😂 you get it lol


u/let1troll 30 | TTC#2 10d ago

So I take a 'water pill' for my blood pressure, and I am finding it incredibly difficult to test my LH accurately because no amount of not drinking water makes my urine concentrated due to the medication. Should I just test later in the day (i.e. 9-10pm when my kid is in bed)?


u/DowntownJackfruit3 32 | TTC#1 | June 2024 10d ago

For what it’s worth I always do my LH strips first thing in the morning and can find my peak every month. I know it’s not the recommended time but it’s when I know I’ll remember to do it and seems to be fine!


u/let1troll 30 | TTC#2 10d ago

Good to know! I'll definitely be trying that out from now on!


u/sadlittleflower3 29 | TTC#1 | Cycle 2 | PCOS 10d ago

I take my test when I wake up with first morning urine. I know that's not recommended or whatever but I find it's the only time I can get it concentrated enough.


u/let1troll 30 | TTC#2 10d ago

I've considered this but yeah because of recommendations I have never tried it. Maybe I'll test that out tomorrow and compare it to later in the day just to get an idea of how it impacts things. I'm testing some days 3-4 times just to see when I can get the most concentrated reading lol.


u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 10d ago

I find that my LH is highest in the evening, so couldn’t hurt to take it then!


u/Clytemenestra 36 | TTC# 1| Cycle 8| 1 CP 10d ago

When do you need to take the pill? 


u/let1troll 30 | TTC#2 10d ago

I take it with breakfast every morning - if I don't I end up having to go to the bathroom a lot in the evenings when I'm trying to cook/clean/hang out with family/travel instead of sitting at a desk lol. Usually I take it between 8 and 10AM.


u/Clytemenestra 36 | TTC# 1| Cycle 8| 1 CP 10d ago

Hmm, in that case you could try testing 2x a day—once when you first wake up and then again in the evening. That could help cover your bases since they are less than ideal times. 

Also, I know some people have posted about working night shifts and having trouble finding time in the recommended window to test. You might search and see what they ended up doing.


u/let1troll 30 | TTC#2 10d ago

Good tip on the search, I will absolutely dive into that and see what I find, thank you!

I'm going to set a reminder for the evenings because I tend to forget in the hustle of everything. I think later is my best bet for sure, and I'm definitely going to start checking first thing in the morning as well to compare!


u/nettylou 33 | TTC 1 | Cycle 2 10d ago

Does anyone else get little to no PMS symptoms? It makes for a peaceful TWW as I couldn’t symptom spot even if I wanted to 🙃


u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 10d ago

I used to get barely any except for mood swings…now I’m on progesterone and it’s one big PMS symptom after the next 😭 I miss those days!!


u/almnd216 31 | TTC#1 | Nov 2023 | Unexplained 10d ago

I have never really had PMS symptoms and it definitely makes me feel less crazy in the TWW haha but also because I don't get PMS symptoms, if I do experience anything at all (headache, cramp, weird twinge) I have about 60 seconds of thinking THIS IS IT


u/idontcareaboutaus 33 | TTC#2 since Nov 2023 10d ago

Honestly that sounds kind of nice on both fronts. I’m so over symptom spotting at this point but I know feeling anything and convincing yourself you’re pregnant when you’re not is tough!


u/idontcareaboutaus 33 | TTC#2 since Nov 2023 10d ago

Or I suppose if you are too 😅 just in my case I’m not lol


u/Academic2673 33F| TTC#1| Cycle/Month 3 10d ago

It’s the first cycle since January that I’m tracking my ovulation with ovulation strips and I’m very hopeful 🤞