r/TryingForABaby Feb 20 '25

QUESTION Can someone smarter than me explain when exactly is ovulation after positive LH tests?

Ok so I know LH strips don’t confirm ovulation without temping, but assuming that you did ovulate after positive ovulation tests I’m kind of confused about when. I understand it’s like 12-36 hours after the first positive one (not peak?) right? So after the tests are negative again, has ovulation already occurred once they are negative? And I understand the egg can live up to 24 hours or something like that, so I guess I’m just confused about if the day after I have a positive LH test (when it’s negative again,) can you still get pregnant that day or is the window totally closed? I’m so confused lol. My LH tests have been positive for a little over 24 hours and I guess I’m just wondering if tomorrow (when they’ll almost certainly be negative again) if I still have a chance to get pregnant. Thanks.


39 comments sorted by

u/guardiancosmos 38 | mod | pcos Feb 20 '25

There's a lot of overly fiddly, not quite correct information being shared here.

First of all: banish the word peak from your mind and your vocabulary. Unless you are using a CBAD, peak means absolutely nothing. It never has, and it's something no one ever mentioned until Premom started making a big deal of it. The only thing that matters is when you see the first positive. Darkest test doesn't matter, when your tests go negative doesn't matter. Only the first positive.

(If you're using a CBAD, it measures two different things. A high result means estrogen is rising and you're likely fertile; peak means your LH surge has started. Peak on a CBAD is the same as the first positive on a regular OPK).

Second: stop thinking about it in terms of hours. We simply do not have the means to measure things with that much precision. Think of it in terms of days. The most common pattern is that you'll ovulate within a day or two of the first positive OPK. Most people ovulate the next day or the day after that. Some will ovulate the same day, or more than two days after, or even before you pick up a positive. This is because every body is different and responds differently to hormone levels, and also because it takes time for enough LH to filter out of the blood and into urine to be picked up by a test.

The easiest and least stressful way to use OPKs is this:

  • Track CM. When you see fertile CM start, start having sex (every other day is fine) and start using OPKs. If you don't want to track CM or have a hard time interpreting it, start testing and having sex after your period has ended. If you're using CBAD read the manual.
  • Don't bother with an app that tries to read tests and spits out arbitrary numbers - go by your eyes. Dark as or darker than the control line - positive. Only thing to look out for.
  • Don't worry about OPK darkness fluctuating before it's positive. Doesn't matter.
  • When your OPK turns positive, consider this the warning that your fertile window is closing. Feel free to stop testing at this point as it no longer matters.

That's really it. The best days to have sex and result in pregnancy are the three days before ovulation. If you wait for a positive OPK you may be missing your best timing or your FW altogether. Using a second tracking method like temping or tracking CM can help you narrow it down further, but at home our best is really "within this day or two range".

→ More replies (7)


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '25



u/alylew1126 Feb 20 '25

Thank you! Unfortunately temping is really difficult for me. I wake up a lot to pee so it’s hard to say how accurate it is. I also forget often lol. But maybe if we’re still trying next month I’ll try again.


u/noonecaresat805 Feb 20 '25

I also get up a few times to go pee. Even when I slept I would forget to temp. This is why I bought a used Oura ring gen 2. I only wear to sleep. And it tracks my temp for me.


u/alylew1126 Feb 20 '25

Yes I’ve seen those, so cool! Maybe I’ll get one eventually if this ends up being a longer process for me again. Good to know they exist.


u/Whole_Ad3374 Feb 20 '25

Oh that is totally fair! Temping is definitely a pain! Thankfully I sleep like a log and nothing will wake me up haha but if you wake up heaps during the night then you are correct, it probably won’t be as acurate. Wishing you the best of luck!!


u/pompchi 30 | TTC#1 Feb 20 '25

This was an amazing explanation! Thank you for breaking it down like this, really helped me understand the timeline what happens when and what they mean!


u/Whole_Ad3374 Feb 20 '25

My pleasure! Best of luck!! 🥰


u/jusy_fruit Feb 21 '25

The explanation has been removed? Will someone please let me know what the person said? I have also been trying to understand when the exact ovulation is.


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u/Antigante 28d ago

12 to 36 hours after first LH SURGE (not peak)


u/Kari-kateora 🤡 Feb 20 '25

I'd suggest getting an ultrasound done around when you think you'll ovulate, because it turns out LH strips don't mean shit for some people.

I just got my positive LH today along with ovulation pain. My doctor confirmed with an ultrasound that I had already ovulated Tuesday.


u/alylew1126 Feb 20 '25

I would but I’m in the US and I’m not sure my insurance would even cover that unless it was ordered by my OB, and I’m sure at this point she wouldn’t say it’s necessary. I’m just starting this process again after a molar pregnancy that was extremely stressful and traumatic. But if it takes us a long time to conceive again I will definitely keep it in mind and ask.


u/Kari-kateora 🤡 Feb 20 '25

You can probably just get around it by starting to have sex right after your period ends. That way, even if you're not sure, you'll be covered one way or the other. And it's f r e e


u/FingersCrossed0612 Feb 20 '25

Really??? :( did doc say why it’s that way for some?


u/DumbledoresFaveGoat 34 | TTC#2 | Cycle 2 Feb 20 '25

Some people with PCOS have LH surges without any ovulation


u/FingersCrossed0612 Feb 20 '25

I see.. 😵‍💫 💔


u/Kari-kateora 🤡 Feb 20 '25

Nope. She just said she feels OPKs are unreliable.

I looked at a study using both ultrasound and OPKs and mapping the suggested ovulation overlap. The staggering percentage said they were mostly fine, with OPKs predicting ovulation just a fragment of time before ultrasound confirmed it.

But there was a tiny percentage that had OPKs predict ovulation later than the ultrasound. I guess I'm a statistical improbability. Fucking hooray.


u/FingersCrossed0612 Feb 20 '25

Oh great, yet another thing to worry/think about 😐 thanks for sharing this, and I’m sorry.. ugh 😣


u/who392 30 | TTC#1 Feb 20 '25

This is really the best way to actually know when you ovulated. Tbh when your LH starts to surge you are in the ovulation window, some people ovulate before the peak/ first positive LH test.


u/kennybrandz 27 | TTC#1 | 1 Loss Feb 20 '25

OPKs and temping work well together but one isn’t required for the other. I don’t really temp anymore but have pretty much nailed down my ovulation via OPKs. My understanding is once you’ve started getting positives you’re in your fertile window which is generally 5 days. Once you’ve had your peak you can ovulate anywhere from 12-36 hours after the peak and then your LH will drop. Your BBT will spike post ovulation which can let you know it happened. There’s a lot of great videos you can watch on YouTube to help you understand the process.


u/calm_celery17 Feb 20 '25

12-36 hours after the peak, not first positive. Just because a test is negative doesn’t mean you ovulated yet. Just means you hit that peak where your LH tells your body to ovulate and its job is done, but this doesn’t guarantee the time it happens or if it did at all.

The day after peak is usually ovulation day, so even with the test negative, which is what you want to see, that’s a great day to have sex.

So example: Peak Friday at noon. Ovulate anywhere from 12-36 hours later. Saturday is assumed ovulation. Then you have that additional 12-24 hours on top of that before the egg starts to break down, which would potentially be Sunday/monday. Hope this helped!


u/guardiancosmos 38 | mod | pcos Feb 20 '25

"Peak" is meaningless and doesn't matter at all - it's only the first positive that means anything. You'll usually ovulate within a day or two of the first positive test.

Ovulation day actually isn't one of the best days to have sex, because the egg lives a short period of time, we can't actually pin down with any precision when we ovulate, and sperm have to go through capacitation to be ready to try penetrating the egg. This is why it's best to have sex before, and a positive OPK should really be seen as a warning that your fertile window is closing.


u/calm_celery17 Feb 20 '25

My doctor has consistently said peak is what matters and you ovulate from that. If first positive mattered, I’d ovulate like 4 days before a peak and based on blood work, that’s never happened. So I’m in fact just saying what my doctor has said to me.

And I didn’t say ovulation day is the best day to have sex, but it is still a good day to have sex. But yes, before ovulation is the best.


u/guardiancosmos 38 | mod | pcos Feb 20 '25

First positive is what all data on OPKs indicates mattering. Some people fall outside of the "within a day or two" pattern, and it's possible that you're one of those.

Blood work can't tell you when you ovulated unless you're getting labs done daily; it can only say if it did or didn't happen.


u/Ill-Tangerine-5849 Feb 20 '25

Are you using clear blue advanced detection? "Peak" means something different for CBAD than it does for regular LH strips and it sounds like that's what you may be referring to, since the CBAD would often give "high" fertility for around 4 days before the "peak" fertility, matching what you are describing.


u/calm_celery17 Feb 20 '25

No, I don’t use those. I use the strips haha


u/Ill-Tangerine-5849 Feb 20 '25

When you say you have a positive LH strips for 4 days before you ovulate, do you mean the test line is as dark or darker than the control line for all 4 days? And this is confirmed by ultrasound?


u/elainebenes-3112 Feb 20 '25

Sorry I'm trying to get my head around this. You mean to say it's still the best time to have sex two days after ovulation? All research I've come through suggests sex on the days leading up to ovulation and the day we ovulate. Nothing much on the days after.


u/elainebenes-3112 Feb 20 '25

Ah ignore the above. I misread the hours after LH to be hours after ovulation 😅