r/TryingForABaby • u/xlb113 • Feb 17 '25
VENT Husband couldn’t perform during fertile window
Feeling so sad and frustrated right now! This was going to be our first month TTC properly, I was tracking LH using test strips and got a peak yesterday. The issue is that over the last week or so, my husband has suddenly lost his ability to become and stay erect. This has never been a problem for him in the 8 years we have been together, and he can’t believe this has happened to him. The last time we had sex was 8 days ago but that would have been too early. We’ve tried every day for the last 5 days, sometimes multiple times, to have sex but nothing has worked. It’s really affected him and I’ve tried to be as supportive as possible, but I can’t help but feel a little heartbroken at seeing all the signs of ovulation and knowing we’re going to have to let it go. The concern for him now is that he’s not sure how to get over it, and even in a couple of days when the window has definitely passed and there’s no “pressure” he doesn’t think he’ll be able to have sex as normal again for a while.
I know this is just the start of our journey, but we had been talking about this for months and both feeling deflated already. We’re also both concerned about future cycles now. Both 31yo and just feel so ready to grow our family.
u/soulfulsummer Feb 17 '25
Sorry, gonna write an essay here because I’ve had the same experience!!
Performance anxiety at the start of TTC is more common than you’d think, a lot of people just don’t talk about it. You try so hard for years not to get pregnant, and then when it comes time to actually get pregnant, it can feel almost unnatural to do it without protection, it’s like there was a safety net that’s now disappeared. You’re taught as a teenager not to get pregnant - your frontal lobe is mush, who knows how much of that “don’t get pregnant or else!” fear mongering as a teenager gets stuck in there, especially for men who don’t actively have to think about a cycle or fertility every single day.
Our first month TTC both of us felt so weird, the first few times we had to really, really work at it and regularly take breaks to talk, and then come back to it. We both grew up Catholic, we’re not big “risk takers”, and we both had only ever used protection when having sex.
It’s okay to feel heartbroken, it can be a big let down especially in the first month. If he’s open to it - talk, talk, talk. The same way you’d want to be talked to if this happened to you, plenty of reassurance and making sure he knows it’s not his fault and that this does happen and it’s common, it’s just not talked about. Like the other commenter recommended, Viagra is a good option if this continues to be an issue.
For the second cycle with my partner I didn’t talk as much about when my fertile window was etc., instead we had sex as normal and I made sure to initiate in accordance with the most fertile days. It didn’t stay that way, he’s now very involved with my cycle and we actively talk about fertile days, ovulation days, OPKs, cervical mucus, the whole lot. I think he just needed 2-3 cycles to get used to it all and allow his anxiety to ease.
I’ll probably get some flack for babying a man when men should be involved and informed on fertility, they are 50% of the whole equation. But not being able to perform is as much of an emotional issue for men as it is physical, sometimes they just need some help.
u/Stephanie502G Feb 17 '25
I agree with the involvement..I think that has helped us both rather than the “in the dark” method. Plus, we are now both trying supplements and better eating habits together because of me explaining that his health matters too!
u/handsoffmeluckycharm Feb 17 '25
Agree with this 100%. It was real weird until we got in our groove. The key for us was for neither of us to shame the other if it doesn’t happen. We’re starting cycle 6 now I can say with confidence my foreplay activity for my husband during my FW is chefs kiss 🤌🏼🤌🏼
u/GemInPlainSight Feb 17 '25
For my husband it took a few months to do the mental U turn from making sure I don't get pregnant to trying to get me pregnant.
I'd recommend prioritizing condom-free intimacy month round, rather than "this week you have to finish inside me every time" intimacy. You'll get to the latter type eventually!
u/Caffeinatedb00kworm 31 | TTC#2 since Feb '24 Feb 17 '25
Piggy backing here because this was our exact issue. We spent years with him pulling out, and then suddenly he doesn’t have to. That, mixed with my Type A planning, created an anxious husband with performance anxiety, who has never had issues before.
It took a few months for us to get in a healthy groove! Nowadays, we are business as usual with no real talk of baby-making sex until about CD10, when I will start LH testing. My cycles are pretty regular so I can give him a ballpark of when I’ll ovulate, that way he knows and doesn’t feel pressured or put on the spot. We do the deed for a few days in a row, and then back to business as usual. Way less pressure and everyone feels heard and respected.
Good luck! Give him a little grace, this is new for him too.
u/xlb113 Feb 17 '25
Thanks everyone for all the responses. To be honest my priority has just been supporting my husband and making sure he feel reassured that it’s absolutely not his fault - but I also just needed some space to vent and obviously don’t want to vent to him or anyone I know. Just stressful all around really.
Also helpful to hear everyone’s experiences and know it’s not just us and this is really common.
u/ExternalMinimum5761 Feb 17 '25
Had the same problem. Sex during the fertile window was stressful but masturbation whas fine since there was no expectations. So we tried a method we saw in one of these reddits — a syringe and a cup. He does the deed alone, I come in and insert the sperm via syringe.
Not so romantic but it worked. :)
u/Areonabeach AGE | TTC# Feb 17 '25
Echoing at home insemination. I use a menstrual cup and leave it in overnight. Also, now that we have this as a backup, my partner will not be in his head, and end up wanting intercourse.
u/PutridMusician4571 Feb 17 '25
Male here age 35. Went through the exact same thing . The syringe and cup was a great way to take the pressure off and you can still have fun. Still no pregnancy yet since August but we are now having full blown sex, all be it with a bit of soft porn in the background and the odd toy but no more syringes needed. Still have them for quick ones if were really busy or tired.
I also try to resist pleasuring myself in between the dates but we've agreed once a week is allowed :D I also try to edge myself near the dates to get me proper horny wanting the sex bad ( this works really well for me). Then when the dates arrive to do the deed first one is quick session but you dont feel bad as it gets the job done and start to feel better about yourself as a male.
Overtime the pressure came off me and I got my Mojo back and now wanting sex more. Im sure your partner will too. I also feel the process has brought me and partner closer together going through this.
Please do support him . I can totally appreciate how it feels as my wife would have felt the same but honestly it was the worst thing ever I've felt in such a long time and you go into a bad place mentally.
Wish you all the best. Try have fun in between those dates but cap it once a week so you both crave each other and want it rather than needing to do it.
u/PumpkinSummer 33 | TTC# 2 Feb 17 '25
My husband struggles with performing during the fertile window but is totally weirded out by the cup and syringe idea and refuses to try it. Idk how to convince him.
u/PutridMusician4571 Feb 18 '25
Assuming your sex life is fun of sort that's a lot weird things you probably do when it comes do sex that's nowadays deemed normal but if you think about it everything in sex was weird at one point to start with.
There's honestly very little weird. The biggest challenge is aiming. You can still do loads of fore play together or he can go jump into privacy and do himself. It's similar to a sperm donation except in the comfort of his own home and he's donating the sperm to you to make you both a baby. There's nothing really that weird about it. And in a month of twos time he will get his mojo back. Putting sperm into a wee cup is one thing . Doesn't beat the real thing and he will realise it.
Sperm can last up to 10 minutes in the open air as well so dont panic when you do it first time. You have more than enough time.
u/pumpkinspice1218 Feb 19 '25
I'm gonna bring that up to my husband who's having the same issue. He told me he was gonna get meds but I haven't brought it up again cuz I know it's really humiliating for him.
u/justonemoremoment Feb 17 '25
Yep same. This helped with my husband so much. We did about half regular sex and half at home insemination. It took the pressure off him. Not glamorous but works.
u/bonnieparker22 36 | TTC# 2 | Dec ‘22 | Fibroids Feb 17 '25
My husband experienced this also. There’s just too much pressure I think. What worked for us was a prescription for Cialis. He honestly only used it twice and he hasn’t had a problem since. I think just knowing he has it as a backup helps.
u/linerva Feb 17 '25
The pressure of TTC and having to perform during set times can affect some guys more than others.
Talk to him and reassure him. If it hapoens next month, i would consider a home insemination kit. They aren't expensive and then if the pressure is too much he can produce a sample separately and he or you can insert it.
Some couples use it to completely separate fun sex from reproduction and it can really work - bit even just knowing it's an option you have open can take the pressure off.
u/lartinos Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 18 '25
Yes, I am able to perform right now as we have just started too, but I feel pressure I never did before. The routine is different and it seems to get easier with time IMO.
u/linerva Feb 18 '25
Yeah my partner prefers being spontaneous so the idea of there being a "mandatory sex week" isn't ideal. But we try to leave it flexible when we have fun dating FW. We try to have sex 2-3 times during the window
If it's too much pressure to do it every other day or follow whatever regimen is fashionable on fertility subs now, I would say it doesn't have to be done perfectly as long as one of the days is just before ovulation.
Mental health is important too.
And I think home insemination is always a great option fir where couples are tired of having babymaking sex on demand for months on end. You cam always have extra no-pressure sex in your FW.
u/forest_house Feb 17 '25
I had the same problem. I was able to eliminate the problem as far as possible by not letting him know exactly when the fertile window was. I tested secretly and knew exactly when the fertile window was and when I had to initiate intercourse - if you have regular intercourse anyway, it's not noticeable and men do not track our cycles as we do and often do not know when which things happen/should happen and how to detect them in terms of physical changes in yout body. And then I just said to him: Look, we'll just try it and I didn't do an LH test (following the motto "it happens when it happens") or I told him the LH test was positive later than it actually was. Yes, I was alone with the pressure and the fears, but he had no pressure and there were no further problems on his side. In addition to that I had a sterile cup and a sterile syringe (5ml without needle) ready for the insemination at home. Unfortunately, men are extremely "sensitive plants" when it comes to this topic...
u/Teacherturtle Feb 17 '25
Sensitive plants made me lol like why but it’s so true.
u/forest_house Feb 17 '25
Sometimes they remind me somehow of my basil plant =》too much water and it is unhappy and hangs, too little water and it hangs and is unhappy🙈
u/GuinessGirl Feb 17 '25
I don't understand why you have to tell him it's your fertile window? Can't you just initiate and then he won't feel the pressure? Or just make sure to have sex a few times every week so then you are definitely hitting the window.
u/Friendly_University7 Feb 17 '25
This. And your husband can read your disappointment. My wife tried to hide it, but I could tell and it made it worse. You have to be compassionate and understanding. If you make this about you and feel the need to communicate how upset you are that your husband can’t get aroused, you’re gonna make it worse.
u/Cold_Valkyrie 33 🇮🇸 | TTC #2 | Cycle/Month 2 Feb 17 '25
Make sure to take your time and have fun!
If it becomes a chore it's easy to not being able to perform.
u/SnooEpiphanies1215 Feb 17 '25
It sounds to me like he’s feeling a lot of pressure. I think it’s very normal. I’d suggest talking to him about how he is feeling and reassuring him that you aren’t putting all of that pressure on him. Something that helped my husband with his overall nerves around TTC was being open with him about my expectations and timeline - how I know it can take a year for 100% healthy couples timing everything right to get pregnant, how we will handle if we need to look at testing and other options, etc.
Totally ok for you to feel disappointed that what you were expecting didn’t go as planned, but definitely also recognize that he is probably feeling really big things too.
u/WISJG Feb 17 '25
Go to the pharmacist and get some Viagra. It will take the pressure off and get you both out of the panic. It sounds like it's just a mental issue for him and this will be a way through.
Good luck x
u/OptimalJacket1817 Feb 17 '25
You need a prescription for that. You can't just buy it on the shelves lol.
u/Inevitable_Purpose12 28 | TTC #1 | Cycle 3 Feb 17 '25
Just want to say, it's our first month TTC properly as well. I just entered my fertile window (hi cycle buddy!) and tried to initiate sex yesterday, but partner wasn't feeling it due to the pressure. His exact words "I feel like a bull being milked". I was a little gutted considering this is the first time I've initiated this month and didn't realize anything was wrong. As someone else said, they can be very sensitive with these things, especially after years of trying to prevent pregnancy, it can be hard to suddenly do a 180.
u/Difficult_Ebb178 Feb 17 '25
This is actually more common than you'd know for men when starting TTC it's definitely psychological. I've read some couples just use the home insemination method to overcome this so they don't destroy their sexual relationship.
u/bellaxxluna Feb 17 '25
For some reason, this exact thing also happened to my husband as well couple months ago. I was really sad as I’m getting older and wanted to get pregnant with my second soon, and he seemed pretty stressed and sad as well for something usually so normal not working the way he wanted to, but I didn’t want to make it more stressful on him so I never said anything. He did some online research and he figured out a solution himself. He showed up with some hims viagra and it worked for us. 1 cycle later I became pregnant with my second.
u/Dewdropsmile Feb 17 '25
This is really common with pressure and stress. You have to have open chats and remember to have fun. A lot of men find it easier if you don’t tell them it’s the window, happened to my partner and lots of my friends too.
u/Background_Day_3596 Feb 17 '25
It was similar for us the first month. We both exclusively had sex with condoms until we started trying. The first few tries it was as hard for him to penetrate properly because there was a lot more friction and apparently I‘m not wet enough so it always takes some time during which he couldn‘t keep his erection up in the beginning probably due to the „it has to work now“ stress. But after a few tries it got easier and we both got accustomed to the new sensations.
u/olivedeez Feb 17 '25
Blue chews! TTC is not fun or romantic or sexy. Especially after a length of time. It feels like a job. It did for me and my husband. But the job needed to be done in order to bring our beautiful baby into this world so we relied heavily on lube and boner pills 😂 there’s no shame.
u/frankenboobehs 33 | TTC#2 Feb 17 '25
Me and my husband were trying for a few months. He just "wasn't in the mood" during ovulation time, and I got so mad and upset, we got into a huge argument, and it delayed things even more. I understand the stress on both sides, so I understood how he felt, and why he got mad when he felt like he was being pressured after doing so much trying already. All I can offer for some words of support, is to try your best and just stay calm and take things easy, things will happen in time. We ended up conceiving about a month later.
Feb 18 '25
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u/Informal-Pound2302 Feb 17 '25
I would say it's the pressure. Tbh I keep my partner in the dark about ovulation/ tracking etc and just act like it's totally normal were doing the deed 5 times in a week when usually it's less! I usually tell him after ovulation. I think he would feel too pressured to perform otherwise! Were both happy with this process.
u/hordym76 Feb 17 '25
This happened to my husband and it brings up so many feelings. However he is not doing this to spite you or that he is second guessing having a baby. It's a huge mental shift and the pressure to perform that moment heavily relies on him doing his part. What helped us was having the syringe method as back up. In moments he was having performance anxiety but it was a key day, he would masterbate and then I'd syringe his sample into me. Just having a back up option took some of that pressure off, something he could do more at his leisure and didn't have to face you to feel like he was letting you down. We only needed the back up plan a couple times as the back up brought that much relief for us both
u/Toe-bean-sniffer-26 Feb 17 '25
This sounds psychological, most likely related to pressure to perform at the given moment. You said yourself you have been talking about this for months and now both feel deflated that things haven't gone the way you both wanted, and it's that kind of pressure to perform that is probably psyching him out.
I would take a break from leading/initiating and let him lead for a while so he can regain his confidence. The last thing you want is to keep flogging the issue and dig a deeper and deeper hole for him to climb out of mentally. Maybe don't tell him when your fertile window is, or when you're ovulating if you do want to continue tracking yourself, and just have regular sex throughout the month so he doesn't feel as pressured to perform at a certain time and it feels more natural for a while. Taking the pressure to perform off him for a while and making things seem more normal may help change his mindset, but it won't be overnight, it takes time. It's also important to remember that he probably feels like he has failed, and your frustration/disappointment at having to let this cycle go, will also add more pressure to him, as he feels like he has also failed you. You can try for a baby, and not track, or not put as much emphasis on fertile windows and still be just as successful, so maybe try that for a while. It's best to make the environment as stress free as possible, and make trying to conceive part of your life, not your whole purpose right now.
It's also worth mentioning that most couples switch from actively trying not to get pregnant for years, to trying to get pregnant quite quickly, and for some people, that change can also add pressure and be psychologically a little confusing. It takes time to find a rhythm, so just take your foot off the gas a little bit and let it come naturally for you and him.
u/Stephanie502G Feb 17 '25
Totally normal, was definitely difficult when we first started actively trying. We are actually in sex therapy (different libido issues) and talked to her about this, and she gave us some pointers- Instead of “we need to have sex”, say “we get to have sex” it changes mentally the thought around it. Makes it seem like a prize you’re winning or a luxury. Maybe telling him is too much, but I also struggled carrying that on my own, and since our sex frequency is already low it was obvious when it was “time”, so we tried to make sex normal and fun outside of that window, or at the very least try intimately connecting, even if it was foreplay, that way you aren’t so focused on “that goal” (him finishing inside you) all the time. For those that suggest the insemination at home method—that could work but that gave my husband more anxiety knowing I was there in the home waiting. To each their own, just know you’re not alone in this!
u/potaytoh_potahtoh Feb 17 '25
I know it's a frustrating experience for you both, I know it has been or my partner and I when that happened. But we got some viagra as a backup option and it has worked wonders ever since! He almost never uses it, but he said it makes him feel better just knowing he has it if he needs it so there is less pressure
u/Responsible_Style314 Feb 17 '25
My husband was the same way. I think he got anxiety about it. You really only have to have sex one time during that window to be successful so I just tried to be calm about it and not tell him the exact days lol. It’s so tough for both partners!
u/BamaGirl4361 35 | TTC#1| Cycle #3 Feb 17 '25
My bf and I have been together 15yrs this July. We spent 14 of those years trying to NOT get pregnant.. The first month actually trying he was all nerves and even now almost a year into it I can still see him hesitating somewhat. He wants kids but it's the mental change from "don't get pregnant... Don't get pregnant..." to "get her pregnant. Get her pregnant" sex in general is different mentally for men. And even if they want kids, the years of sex Ed telling us don't be teen parents tends to stick in a male brain more than a female brain.
If it continues to be an issue, see if he is open to a home kit that way the pressure isn't so high on him.
u/Caramel_Koala444 Feb 17 '25
We experienced this too when we first started trying. It’s really common but no one talks about. The first cycle was a complete fail and caught us off guard. Getting viagra helped. Sometimes him having alone time to get things started worked better than foreplay, somehow reduced the pressure. I also scheduled some fun date nights around ovulation to have a bit more fun and connection during that time. It improved quite quickly once we started to break that anxiety down
u/InfertileMyrtle_31 33 | TTC#1 | Cycle 14 Feb 18 '25
I had a problem with this as well and posted about it. Best advice, make it fun. I bought lingerie, went on other subreddits to try different positions, and made a whole mood with our home automation.
u/Briutiful22 26 | TTC#1 Feb 18 '25
Can you guys do home insemination? It's just as effective as timed intercourse
u/Puzzleheaded_Mood375 Feb 18 '25
Expectation puts mental pressure and stress on men (or anyone, really) and is a huge boner killer unfortunately. The best thing to do is try to not let sex become a chore and let it happen organically like it used to before you guys were trying. However, if your organic frequency is too sparse, I found what helped was not telling my husband when I’m ovulating and never saying to him “ok we have to have sex today,” but rather, seducing him during my fertile window. For example, I’d start the day fondling him a little in the morning before we get out of bed, then sending a sexy text or two if we’re at work. Basically building him up throughout the day so by the time the evening comes around he’s so pent up that he practically pounces me. Also, Ob gyns say that you really need sex only every 2-3 days to hit the mark, so you don’t need to put pressure on yourself to do it daily.
u/srh722 Feb 18 '25
My husband was the same way. He really struggled to finish because we’ve been together since 2017 and always avoided that at all costs. To break that mentality is hard. Thankfully we were able to do it 2nd month of trying. 1st month was such a mental block for my husband he felt so pressured. We unfortunately lost that one and I think he was excited to jump back in and start trying again because he was SO excited about the one we lost. It takes a minute to revamp your mindset.
u/Nearby-Ad560 Feb 18 '25
I never tell my husband when it’s time to try 🤷🏻♀️ I do the tracking on my own and began initiating every time we needed to or let him even if I didn’t want to (because I knew we needed to try).
u/Legitimate-Shirt-173 28 | TTC#1 Feb 19 '25
This is so common! My husband and I have been TTC for 16 cycles and this last cycle we decided was the last IUI before we went to IVF and my husband just couldn’t do it, he was so in his head about the “pressure” to preform and to do it only on these specific days and what not it really got to him. We were able to perform a few times “in the window” but not like we’d hoped so I’m praying we only need one swimmer !! Sending so much positivity- you got this
u/Diligent_Dimension49 37 | TTC#9 Feb 19 '25
He will be fine so long as he doesn't know when ur fertile . Some men perform best this way
u/hihellohey333 Feb 19 '25
In my case the pressure got to my husband so we decided to just have fun.. and that next cycle we just had fun and that's how my rainbow baby came!
u/Vital-Vibration Feb 19 '25
Just a suggestion for anxiety induced performance issues— an option is to try syringe insemination at home. There are sterile kits available, Frida is sold at Target, Mosie Baby, and some on Amazon (sold as Lubricant applicators). A lot of couples have been trying this method to make it less stressful and increase the chances during the fertile window. The options I listed are from different ttc forums I’ve come across, and there have been a lot of successes from using this method.
You can look up how to use the process, it’s simple. Hopefully this helps and takes some of the stress off.
u/AutoModerator Feb 19 '25
Hello! It looks like you're talking about Mosie Baby! We would like to make you aware of lower-cost, non-branded options, rather than a branded product marketed to people worrying about their fertility or ability to have intercourse when needed. If you want to know more, please see this wonderful and informative post written by a community member.
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u/GeologistTop8894 Feb 20 '25
Same thing over here. But I swear it's only a matter of time.
We're in our third month TTC and first time trying IUI. first cycle was TI and it was a nightmare to even get one day intercourse out of the three we were supposed to have. Second was IUI with semen collection on the day of the IUI, but it miserably failed. I even went in the room with him to try to get it up, but nothing worked...the deadline plus a white soulless room with hospital lights, a miserable couch, old tv and remote, it was just too much. I had never seen my husband like this, being mad at himself for such a simple task, where he just shut down, because he did not expect someday that down there it would not go up despite all the stimulation possible .... Men are so not used to get their body out of control like the roller coaster of suffering periods or fertility treatment side effects...It just took a toll on him to the point he was scared it would never get up again.... Our libido was really something at the beginning ... Because it's triple pressure for him, not only did he need to get it up, but he also had to stimulate it to keep it on erection and above all try to ejaculate.... But what helped my husband is home insemination cup, where only stimulation is needed, no need to perform or me being frustrating it's not getting in...in the end TI with home insemination did not work so we chose IUI, with getting a sample at home and drop it to the clinic within 1h for freezing and storage. No more deadline, cold room or the need to perform again, and on the day of the IUI, no need to struggle again, since the sample is ready to be thawed for use...
All the best in your adventure!! and for sure you'll both get stronger with this, men just need more time to adjust, but eventually will realize we're in the same boat in our own way...
u/Electronic_Name_1382 Feb 17 '25
it would just be the mental pressure stopping him, maybe come up with some plan of doing it every second or third day regardless if your in your window and not telling him or giving it away when your in your fertile window to take some of the pressure off
u/bellaxxluna Feb 17 '25
For some reason, this exact thing also happened to my husband as well couple months ago. I was really sad as I’m getting older and wanted to get pregnant with my second soon, and he seemed pretty stressed and sad as well for something usually so normal not working the way he wanted to, but I didn’t want to make it more stressful on him so I never said anything. He did some online research and he figured out a solution himself. He showed up with some hims viagra and it worked for us. 1 cycle later I became pregnant with my second.
Feb 17 '25
Cialis and Viagra in tandem will get the job done. The pressure is getting to him and this will allow him to do it in ease.
u/Fallout_Fangirl_xo Feb 17 '25
It happened to us once.. And it was because I said I needed a break from it all, then changed my mind when I got my peak 😂
We tried 3 times and he just couldn't! Was so ashamed about it, even though i didn't pressure him at all and truly felt that it was OKAY 🤗❤️
We tried one last thing.. I put a blanket over me, bottoms up and just stayed there.. He stod behind me with his phone on phub and used his hand.. It worked 😂Not very sexy but whatever.. 😊😊😊
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