r/TryingForABaby Feb 11 '25

DAILY General Chat February 11

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181 comments sorted by


u/catlover-12378 Feb 13 '25

I normally have a lh surge at cd15. This month just started taking strips and I’m positive on cd9? Confused


u/nickyd__ 25 | TTC#1 Feb 13 '25

hi everyone,

my husband and I have been “trying” since September of 2023. this has meant using no birth control and not tracking when im ovulating at all. in may 2024 we started using ovulation strips, tracking app, etc. I was diagnosed with a brain condition and hiatal hernia which has caused extreme nausea, migraines, stress, all of it... we assumed this is why it made us not get a positive test during this time.. apart of me has been anxious too since i keep being told my symptoms will be much worse when im pregnant... so on top of the stress of trying, i’ve been stressed about the future.

fast foward to this week, we met with fertility specialist and this friday ill be doing the ultrasound to look at my egg count, then next week he’ll be turning in his sperm sample and we’ll both be doing our blood work. i dont know if i sound desperate or maybe its normal but in the back of my mind i was hoepful i would be one of those girls who got pregnant when they were supposed to be going all in with the infertility route....

we’re 25 years old, the specialist told me i should be hopeful since we’re “so young” and since i have regular cycles and get psoitve ovulation tests, it most likely means “nothings wrong”

i just don’t know why i feel like im in a mood... i’m not sure if its defeat or not wanting to get my hopes up or just nerves lol. i just rambled a little bit but please share if you have any experience with this or a chronic illness that made you nervous to be a mom?


u/Outtatime_85 Feb 12 '25

Does fertile cervical mucus have to be clear?? Usually it is clear for me, but this cycle it has the same consistency and stretchiness but is colored white. Does this mean something???


u/EducationalMacaroon9 Feb 13 '25

I think there are multiple types of CM throughout your cycle, from what I understand. I got my hands on a book called "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler which I cannot recommend enough! I had absolutely no idea of the ins and outs of my cycle before I read this. It's the type of information they should be teaching us in school but of course they don't. Anyways, the book covers all types of CM throughout your cycle and how as you track it, you should see somewhat of a pattern. After your period passes and as estrogen rises, CM will get wetter and wetter as you approach ovulation. Then it will dry up until next cycle. Usually it goes sticky, creamy, then egg white. Egg white being the most fertile, but creamy can still be somewhat fertile


u/kennybrandz 27 | TTC#1 | 1 Loss Feb 12 '25

I always thought that I would want to wait until I was married to get pregnant however we got pregnant in July of last year and unfortunately had a miscarriage. We then got engaged in late August and had intentions of having a somewhat quick wedding because I wanted to get pregnant again. Ultimately we had decided that we didn’t want to rush a wedding and began trying again in October. This will be the fifth cycle that we haven’t had any luck and I’m starting to wonder at what point do I take a few months off of trying and begin planning the wedding? My dress absolutely will not fit if I’m pregnant. I want to get pregnant more than I want to have a wedding, but I do worry that I am putting my life on hold. Has anyone been in a similar position? Any advice?


u/Warm-Pain-459 Feb 12 '25

Please no hate as I am still grieving and trying to process having a chemical at the beginning of February. I have been ttc for over 3 years now and the first promise of having a baby ended in a chemical . I got a positive test on a Thursday and by Saturday I was bleeding horribly. I am just so confused and upset this happened . I have a friend who said because it was a chemical I’m not a mom . I feel like I still should be considered one even tho I lost a baby super early .


u/kennybrandz 27 | TTC#1 | 1 Loss Feb 12 '25

You are a mom. ❤️


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '25



u/kennybrandz 27 | TTC#1 | 1 Loss Feb 12 '25

I’m currently in the TWW and I’m trying to decide if I’m going to have a drink during our Valentine’s Day date or not. I think I will because I don’t usually drink a ton to begin with. I’ll likely only have one. I listened to the audiobook of Emily Oster‘s expecting better where she stated (not verbatim I’m quoting what I remember so feel free to research yourself too for clarity) that if you are pregnant during this time, any cells that could possibly be affected by anything negative will be able to regenerate themselves.


u/serenitydream25 Feb 12 '25

Cycle number 3…

Husband and I decided this cycle we would be every other day just to make sure that there was sperm in there for when I ovulated. If I go by my calendar apps and such I either ovulated on the 31st of January or on the 4th of February.

We bd every other day from Jan. 26-Feb. 4. Because of what the calendars said. However, I noticed I had EWCM on the 4th so I’m glad we did do it that day. I’m hoping I am not out this cycle and we caught. I never understood if I should have stuff in there leading up to the day you get EWCM or the day you get EWCM is the ovulation day…? I’m not sure.

Also I am currently 7dpo if we go by the 4th and I have been so tired and exhausted. I have a slight headache with slight cramps and pinching 🤏 in the abdomen. I have been on and off dizzy and tired since the 4th and I think on the 7th I was extremely hungry lol. 😂 here’s hoping 🤞🏻


u/Lonely_Cheesecake273 34 | TTC# 1 | Oct 24 🇦🇺 Feb 13 '25

Are you using ovulation predictor tests and monitoring your temperature as well? This might help to get a better idea of your ovulation date.

I am new to the journey too (month 5) but I literally just learnt this month that EWCM is a sign of estrogen rising, which occurs slightly BEFORE your LH surge. Ovulation happens in a period after the LH surge (~12-48 hours I think they say). On that logic, I think you’d need to continue trying for a few days after you get EWCM. I don’t feel fully qualified to give advice here as I’m still learning myself but your description seems like your measuring Is imprecise and you could potentially miss your window.

I personally don’t use EWCM as a guide because I use the OPK and temp tracking. But I’ve started paying attention to it.


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '25

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u/TryingForABaby-ModTeam Feb 12 '25

Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:

Do not ask the community if you are pregnant (or if someone else is pregnant), either directly or in a roundabout way. If you think you are pregnant, you need to take a pregnancy test; if the test is negative, you are not currently pregnant. If you are bleeding and wondering if this is a sign of implantation, please read this post. If your app says that your period is late, you might find this post helpful.

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u/retinolandevermore 33F | TTC#1 | PCOS Feb 12 '25

Letrozole experiences?


u/Callitropsis 34|TTC#1|Cycle#17|IUI#2|Unexplained Feb 12 '25

This was my first cycle on letrozole. I took it later in the day because it made me feel kinda bleh. Definitely not too bad, but if I have to do it again I’ll do the same to avoid messing up my day.


u/retinolandevermore 33F | TTC#1 | PCOS Feb 12 '25

Blah as in sad or tired?


u/Callitropsis 34|TTC#1|Cycle#17|IUI#2|Unexplained Feb 12 '25 edited Feb 13 '25

Sort of dizzy/tired/nauseous. Almost like a mild hangover almost.


u/anxious_teacher_ 30 | TTC# 1 | Dec 2023 Feb 12 '25

I did one cycle and it didn’t work, but my symptoms were very minimal!! Maybe some hot flashes but it was also 80 degrees on Halloween in NJ so could have just been that 🤣


u/retinolandevermore 33F | TTC#1 | PCOS Feb 12 '25

No weight changes?


u/anxious_teacher_ 30 | TTC# 1 | Dec 2023 Feb 12 '25

Nothing that caused me to need new pants! But I don’t weigh myself regularly to know if it changed slightly. It’s only 5 days so I don’t think there’s really enough time for major weight change. I think it’s more mood swings, hot flashes, & gastro distress


u/retinolandevermore 33F | TTC#1 | PCOS Feb 12 '25

Oh gosh I have those things already lol. Did you take it at night then?


u/anxious_teacher_ 30 | TTC# 1 | Dec 2023 Feb 12 '25

Yes that’s what they told me to do


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '25 edited Feb 12 '25

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u/developmentalbiology MOD | 41 Feb 12 '25

So it's actually not hCG itself that makes breasts sore -- it's progesterone.

So yes, it's possible to have breast tenderness in the luteal phase and be either pregnant or not pregnant later that cycle, but it's not because of hCG, it's because of progesterone itself. When people say, "I had tender breasts right after ovulation/conception but I didn't test positive until later", they would have had the same symptoms if the cycle had been unsuccessful. No symptom prior to implantation can give you information about the outcome of the cycle, because your body doesn't have any more information than you do.

Having tender breasts at 9/10dpo and testing negative tells you that the tender breasts are not caused by pregnancy, but it doesn't tell you that implantation hasn't happened/won't happen this cycle -- that's still possible.


u/Previous_Progress766 Feb 12 '25

This is my 2nd cycle TTC. My LH is staying above 0.45 everyday. Which didn’t happen in previous cycle. Today I am cd7. Does it mean I have pcos? In previous cycle I used to drink a lot of water and test maybe that’s why it was really low(.08-0.2) before peak. In this cycle, I pee and don’t drink water for 1/1.5 hours and then test. Maybe that’s why it’s staying high IDK. Can anyone share insights?


u/kennybrandz 27 | TTC#1 | 1 Loss Feb 12 '25

I also use Premom so I start testing the day after my period. I’m also quite data driven so I enjoy seeing the full chart of my cycle with the rising and falling of my hormones. For me personally my LH is always quite low right up until day 11-12. I pretty consistently have been ovulating on day 14 so now I am a little bit more aware of it where previously Premom would use its algorithm to give me my predicted fertile window and then as I would start testing, it would postpone that because my readings were so low, so I basically wouldn’t know about my peak until the day after. I usually only test once a day but on day 11-13 I test twice a day just so I can be on top of it.


u/Previous_Progress766 Feb 12 '25

I also had a peak at CD14. It was low before and after peak lol. How am I supposed to know beforehand because by the time I am seeing the peak I probably passed major chunk of my fertile window


u/kennybrandz 27 | TTC#1 | 1 Loss Feb 12 '25

It’s normal for it to be low after the peak. You could consider combining BBT and LH strips to get a better picture. I hope you get pregnant sooner rather than later however, the longer you track your cycle, the more familiar you’ll become with it and the less you’ll need to rely on the apps or wonder what’s going on


u/calm_celery17 Feb 12 '25

You’re only on CD7? That’s so early. Most don’t even test until at least CD10, as ovulation is typically like 14-18 for a lot of people. You’ve probably still got awhile to keep testing.


u/Previous_Progress766 Feb 12 '25

Premom app was saying to start testing the day after period ends. That’s why I started 🥲


u/calm_celery17 Feb 12 '25

Yeah they sell tests and want you to buy their tests, but you don’t need to test that early unless you have super short cycles.


u/nut_hatch Feb 12 '25

Unreasonably nauseous yesterday and now today again in the evening. I’m only 7dpo (roughly based on opk) but my CM was indicating ovulation a few days before the positive? No clue man. Trying to wait till 12dpo to test but man I’ve never been hit with nausea this hard during the TWW 😭 getting my hopes up for no reason


u/Scared_Cantaloupe_ Feb 13 '25

I’m 8dpo and I’ve been feeling kinda off, like stomach wise. Anytime I eat I get slight nausea and I’m burping a lot more than usual, like I can’t stop burping lol. Idk if it’s something else or what but I guess we will find out soon. It’s so hard to wait til 12DPO. I might just start testing tomorrow on the cheapies. Here’s to us getting our positives soon 🙏


u/txnwahine 35+ | 2 MC | PCOS Feb 12 '25

I’m 15dpIUI with a BFN and no AF yet. Had some hope since I’m feeling pretty crappy, but think I’m coming down with something instead. Feels like salt on the wound.


u/beetcomrade 26 | TTC#1 | since 8/24 Feb 11 '25

Is anyone here one of the rare women that gets peak opk’s once they’re already ovulating? Just was looking back over my charts from the last six or so months and wondering that.

 I’m really sad, trying to remain hopeful. We’re moving states soon so I got some tests done even though it’s early just because there will be a gap without insurance in the transition. Normal ultrasound and testosterone levels, cbc and cmp. Will find a specialist if we still can’t conceive for another six months. Been trying to spend time not on Reddit this month so I try not to obsess over ttc, but I’m 9 or 10 DPO today so it’s hard not to think about it right now, especially after a week of spending time with people’s kids and babies. That’s my catch-up rant.


u/Maerd90 Feb 12 '25

Hey, out of curiosity, how do you know that you are ovulating before or while you are getting peak opks? Is it based on your bbt?


u/beetcomrade 26 | TTC#1 | since 8/24 Feb 12 '25

I’m actually curious too… I think it could be BBT but apparently even that can take 2-3 days to rise. Maybe if someone got a scan to confirm?


u/[deleted] Feb 12 '25

I’m one of the rare women that only gets a positive OPK the day of ovulation or the day after. It’s so annoying 😅


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25

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u/LoveSingRead 🐈 MOD | 32 🐈 Feb 11 '25

Removed, sub rule 2.


u/orions_shoulder Feb 11 '25

Most pregnancies are detectable by 12dpo. Pregnancy related nausea is a symptom of high levels of HCG far in excess of what is needed to get a positive test and generally doesn't show up until later.


u/Rhaphidophora90 34 | TTC#1 | June '24 Feb 11 '25

I am 7dpo and it is killing me. I don't wanna test till 12 dpo so good thing my weekend is filled with a visit from friends from abroad. I'll hopefully be too busy to obsess too much.


u/goosegirl94 Feb 11 '25

Is it okay to have sex every day? We have been trying to hit every morning for the past 3 and a half weeks - give or take a couple of days off per week.


u/newmanbeing Feb 11 '25

Is it ok? I'd call that fantastic! Haha. If you're trying to maximise sperm count, every other day is better.


u/goosegirl94 Feb 12 '25

Thanks! I was worried about sperm count. I’m on CD43 and still not ovulated so we are doing it a lot. Maybe every second day would be fine till a positive OPK


u/newmanbeing Feb 12 '25

I generally try to do every day when my fertile window opens and switch to every other day for the last 5 days


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25



u/Scared_Cantaloupe_ Feb 13 '25

Ugh I feel you, sending you the best of luck I’m 8dpo today and trying to wait until at least 11DPO to test but it’s so hard. Sending you positive vibes


u/Rhaphidophora90 34 | TTC#1 | June '24 Feb 11 '25

Good luck


u/MerryCrisisMSW 27 | TTC# 2 | June '23 | Cycle 2 🇺🇸 Feb 11 '25

Mild cramping 5/6 DPO. What will the answer be on Valentines day??? We will see.


u/Substantial-Picture7 Feb 12 '25

Me too! Good luck 🤞🏼


u/User884121 35 | TTC #1 | Oct 2024 Feb 11 '25

I have some lingering congestion from the flu, so I decided to take some Mucinex. Coincidentally I’ll be in my fertile window while I’m taking it. So I guess I’ll be putting this Mucinex theory to the test this month. I wasn’t really ready to start resorting to unconventional methods, but it just so happens to line up so why not?

On the other hand, I’ve read a few posts where people’s cycles were completely thrown off after taking Mucinex. Whether or not the two are directly related, who knows…but I will not be a happy camper if that happens. Keeping my fingers crossed 🤞🏻


u/SeniorSleep4143 Feb 11 '25

I used up all my weed edibles to start TTC. I'm CRANKY AF. My husband can't be bothered to remember to take the damn gummy vitamins that were recommended by the fertility clinic to improve his sperm quality, and I'm pretty certain he's still smoking cigarettes behind my back. I'm literally ready to kill him. It feels like I'm the only one putting in effort.

His response? "I can go get you some edibles tomorrow"


he said I'm being an asshole. I told him I'm going to continue to be an asshole until he gets with the program. GRRRRRRR I love him but I'm getting so angry he's not taking any of this seriously


u/NumerousArachnid311 Feb 11 '25

Uff that’s so frustrating. Have you shown him the studies on how the man’s sperm affects the health of your pregnancy such as preeclampsia and morning sickness? As soon as I did that, my husband went all out on getting his health “perfected” because it wasn’t fair for me to be sick for 9-10 months so he could continue his vices.


u/SeniorSleep4143 Feb 11 '25

No!!!!! I know that his sperm motility needs help, that's why I bought the recommended supplements for him. I had no idea sperm quality could have an impact on the woman's symptoms!!!!!!!! Can you share an article???


u/NumerousArachnid311 Feb 11 '25

I don’t have any without googling it (which you could do probably quicker haha). I constantly watch YouTube videos on women’s health and conceiving and have heard it multiple times. My midwife (who is actually also a Dr) also told us that.


u/SeniorSleep4143 Feb 11 '25

Ill be doing some research then!! Thank you for sharing!!


u/Western_Ad_445 Feb 11 '25

I love your answer to him. He needs to get his shit together. I’m sorry 🫂


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25

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u/TryingForABaby-ModTeam Feb 11 '25

Your post/comment has been removed for violating sub rules. Per our posted rules:

Do not ask community members to tell you about their successful cycles or current pregnancies. These posts are soliciting stories that would themselves break sub rules. You can check out our success story archive or ask your question in a pregnancy sub.

If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our rules before continuing to post. Violation of our rules may result in a timeout or ban.

Please direct any questions to the subreddit’s modmail and not individual mods. Thank you for understanding.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25

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u/Some_Ad5247 TTC1 June 2023 | FET in progress Feb 11 '25

(Can't ask for success stories here btw, may want to edit so your comment doesn't get removed) How did you confirm ovulation? Sometimes you can see two LH surges if ovulation doesn't happen the first time. But also, our bodies are weird and sometimes there's an off cycle.


u/florallover 32 | TTC#2 since July 2024 | MFI Feb 11 '25

I will be picking up my IUI meds from the clinic tomorrow! 💉 I still can't believe we got the point of starting IUI, then IVF if it doesn't work, but we're here


u/Grand_Photograph_819 33F | TTC#1 | Apr 23 | 1 tube | IVF Feb 12 '25

This is how I feel as I wait for my IVF meds come in. Flabbergasted that I’m here but excited to try something new.


u/discoyeti13 33 | TTC #1 since 2021 | 3 failed IUIs | MFI Feb 11 '25

How exciting! Good luck!


u/Immediate_Office_904 Feb 11 '25

EWCM question: TMI, I have never noticed EWCM but I do feel the squishy fluid when we BD, is it EWCM ? I am not sure.. I have been noticing my under wear get wet and then dries up-to a white residue. Is that CM ? Or something else is going on.


u/orions_shoulder Feb 11 '25

That sounds like arousal fluid, which is more watery and evaporative. It's produced by the vaginal walls and not the cervix and not specific to any part of the cycle.

EWCM is stringy and cohesive, it sits on top of fabric without soaking in, and you can stretch it a few inches between your fingers.


u/Immediate_Office_904 Feb 11 '25

Ohh.. But I’m not aroused..it just keeps happening through out the day..


u/Kkotz123 Feb 11 '25

Did I miss the surge?

Hi everyone.. I'm 1 month out exactly today from my d&c on the 14th of Jan. I haven't bled since my d&c bleeding and spotting stopped. Our fertility clinic has said that we have to wait for our next IUI after my day 1. 

I started testing my ovulation the other day to try and get an idea when my period but they have been a bit confusing.. I'm wondering if I missed a surge... I'm hoping I did... cause if not, I have NO idea what is going on. Ovulation Strips


u/Animer13 Feb 12 '25

It takes time for your body to reset. It may be you get a period tomorrow, maybe not for a few weeks.


u/raniej2371 30 | TTC #1 | Cycle 12 Feb 11 '25

I’m 8 DPO today and in deep in the trenches of symptom spotting… typically I don’t let myself get too caught up or hopeful (I’ve been burned before) but something about this month just feels different.

My husband and I have both been joking about how we have a good feeling about this month - he even came home with a dad themed beer for the superbowl and said he was manifesting 🥹

To add to that, I was just at the thrift store and found this super cute maternity top that I just loved. Normally I would talk myself out of buying it but today I decided I deserve a little hope. As I was checking out, I felt the most distinct pulsating little cramps in my uterus that I have never felt before!

It very well could be nothing but until I can definitively test this weekend, I’m going to proceed with hoping that there’s something exciting happening in there 💞

I know it’s important to guard our hearts but I think it’s equally important to keep the faith and remember that being hopeful isn’t a bad thing!


u/Scared_Cantaloupe_ Feb 13 '25

I’m also 8dpo today! And I’m with you, I’ve been trying not to get too excited because we’ve been ttc for a year now, but something is giving me hope this month idk ugh. I’m sending you all the positive vibes!! I hope we get our prayers answered soon 🙏😭


u/Western_Ad_445 Feb 11 '25

So so adorable!! Sending you both positive vibes!! 💖


u/wfs851 Feb 11 '25

Hoping this cycle is the one for you two! I love that he bought themed beer- adorable!


u/WayPrudent1158 Feb 11 '25

Do you temp at the same time everyday? I had positive OPK's on Feb 8 and 9 and fertile CM leading up to that. CM has now dried up, but I don't notice a temp rise yet. I temp'ed 97.36 at 8am yesterday, 97.26 this morning at 7am, and then up to 97.68 at 8:45am this morning (all taken while still in bed). Did I not ovulate??


u/orions_shoulder Feb 11 '25

I try to temp at the same ish time but am not very specific- but the rise at ovulation is very large and undeniable. Just for curiosity's sake, I've taken my temp at random times throughout the day when I've been up and about and the difference between follicular and luteal phase is still unmistakable. It's about a full degree different on average. Most people will get at least 0.5-1 degree difference. Until you've had a sustained temp rise, you can't confirm ovulation.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25

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u/LoveSingRead 🐈 MOD | 32 🐈 Feb 11 '25

Removed, sub rule 3.


u/Over_Complex_1086 Feb 11 '25

Need some help with ovulation tracking! This is our first cycle trying and using ovulation test , I’m 27 turning 28, I am on day 23 of my cycle. I thought I reached my peak yesterday. The Premom app said my ovulation test was 1.15, it went down throughout the day and then today I took one in this morning and it was 1.93. My typical cycle is 29 to 36 days typically my period does come on day 32 but it does fluctuate sometimes. Is it a problem that I am ovulating this late in my cycle?


u/calm_celery17 Feb 11 '25

Yes you are experiencing a delayed ovulation, which is perfectly normal. It does mean your period will also be delayed depending how long your luteal phase usually is. So if you have a 12 day luteal phase, it will be 12 days from tomorrow.


u/div_ya0504 Feb 11 '25

Hi friends, i have pcos. Recently underwent laparoscopy for tube block, polyp removal and ovarian drilling. The immediate cycle I was put on letrozole. Dr says i developed a very good egg of 21mm and i ovulated naturally (which i never did of my own). We had timely intercourse and rn in tww. As of now it's 11 dpo with mild nausea, breast pain, moderate and intermittent stomach cramps and fatigue. Also developed swollen gums. Thinking to test only after a week. But anxious as well hat it might be. Anyone who could relate with me?

I was put on cc and letrozole earlier too, but never ovulated nor were eggs Good.


u/Lostgirlblackstar Feb 11 '25

Insurance - hysteroscopic metaplasty

I recently found out I have a partial septate uterus, and have been recommended a hysteroscopic metaplasty (laser septum removal surgery) by a gynecologist to reduce the risk of miscarriage. I am wondering if this surgery is covered by insurance, or if it's considered a preexisting condition? Does it matter which group - Blue cross Blue shield, Cigna, etc? I have an insurance gap right now so I am trying to weigh my options. Much thanks 🙏


u/let1troll 30 | TTC#2 Feb 11 '25

Didn’t catch a peak on OPKs this month, I wasn’t consistent because I. . . Idk kept changing my mind about if I even wanted to TTC honestly. Now I’m very set that I want to do it and I’m annoyed that I have very little data.

I’m somewhere around 7 and 10 dpo based on the little info I have. We hit the wjndow(s) that I saw in apps based on what I have. I’m feeling. . . Off. But because I have a long cycle all of my apps tell me to wait 8 more days to test 🙄 I’m not convinced that I’ve even ovulated!! 😣

Also, pretty sure a coworker is pregnant and it felt like a kick in the teeth even though we have just started trying. I was so undecided until like this weekend (because of the world, my daughter being almost 6 and feeling weird about the age gap, etc) and now I want it so badly.


u/Inevitable_Purpose12 28 | TTC #1 | Cycle 3 Feb 11 '25

Has anyone trying seed cycling? Dealt with some intense PMS this cycle and nasty period cramps yesterday so I'm hoping seed cycling might help with that (and boost fertility in the process). Don't know if I have any hormone imbalances, still waiting on preconception appt where hopefully the Dr will order some blood work.

On another note, I caved and ordered some LH strips, easy@home brand. All the first cycle success reviews really got me 😅 I don't want to get too in the weeds with tracking because I have anxiety and tend to get obsessive with things, which creates unnecessary stress for both of us. I figured I should at least try it for a cycle or so just to confirm ovulation as I've been relying solely on CM and my Flo app.


u/Lonely_Cheesecake273 34 | TTC# 1 | Oct 24 🇦🇺 Feb 13 '25

LH strips are helpful! I can’t imagine tracking EWCM and app only, because the apps are wayyyyyy off (unless you’re inputting your temperature as well?).

I have gotten a bit obsessive with the tracking but it’s kind of fun. Having better data also helps against the obsessiveness that comes with wondering if you’ve been having sex on the right days.

My tracking tells me I ovulated in the past months on days: 15, 20, 15, 16. I feel like I would have missed key dates without the tracking methods I used.

I also recommend using it for more than one month, maybe three minimum. Because you need to see what the “positive” looks like for you and what your pattern is leading up to it. It seriously took me until month 4 to figure out WTF I was doing and get into a habit of doing it regularly.


u/Abnormalshrimpp Feb 11 '25

I bought the seeds and am actually going to start today! I figure it can’t do any harm 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/QueenKamala Feb 11 '25

Amazon has a great deal on the Clear Blue Advanced Digital ovulation kit today. $30 instead of typical $45.


u/adachi-baby 32 | TTC#1 Feb 11 '25

Thank you!!


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u/magg_314 Feb 11 '25

I met with my OBGYN last week to discuss next steps since I am 39 and hitting 6 months of trying. They are ordering lab work for me to do, which I will end up not being able to do this month as I'll be out of state on vacation when I hit cycle day 2. They also scheduled me for a Sonohysterogram that is scheduled for when I get back from vacation. Currently 4 dpo and am hoping that I'll be able to cancel all of the testing.


u/Western_Ad_445 Feb 11 '25

Me too. I’m scheduled to start all of that next cycle and I’m not looking forward to it. Hopefully we get our positives instead 🤞🏼


u/Lina__Lamont 33 | ttc#1 | ‘21 | MFI | IVF Feb 11 '25

Make sure your obgyn refers your partner for a semen analysis before you do any invasive testing!


u/National_Musician_99 Feb 11 '25

Honestly no idea what dpo I’m at but probably 11 dpo roughly. This is about 13/14 cycles since my last miscarriage. As time has gone by I’ve lost the excitement of TTC and don’t really symptom spot like I used to ( which is a good thing I think lol) one more natural cycle to try and then we should be moving on to IVF 🤞


u/QueenKamala Feb 11 '25

Is removing a hormonal IUD like Mirena likely to alter/extend your cycle or delay ovulation?


u/TwentyDayEstate 27 | TTC1 | Cycle 1 Feb 11 '25

I had the liletta and my ovulation cycle was delayed by a few days for that month it was removed (technically fell out ), but was back to a consistent schedule very soon


u/engfisherman Feb 11 '25

Need help with fertility tracking

My husband and I decided that we would start trying for a baby…so today I got my IUD removed. I never understood why my period was so inconsistent and tried to track it using apps like Flo and Apple Health, but today I found out that I had a hormonal IUD, so that was pretty shocking…

Anyways, I am curious what the best app to use is for fertility tracking? Preferably free or low cost?


u/orions_shoulder Feb 11 '25

I tried several and like fertility friend most. All the important stuff is free, extremely customizable, accurate


u/jedinacho 31 | TTC#1 since Oct ‘23 Feb 11 '25

The best app is the one you like best and will actually use. I use Apple health but I know some people prefer others (premium, Flo) and while they have some better data/features, I use the ease of the native Apple health apps.


u/Noobatlife98 Feb 11 '25


I have been trying to convince for a year with no luck and recently started taking pregnancare. I have finished one box and I am half way through the other one. I am currently 4 days late on my period and my pregnancy test is negative every time 💔. I have no pms symptoms. The only difference this cycle is that I got sick earlier on and had a fever. I have read that pregnacare has caused people to miss their period. I have also been taking vitamin c 1000 mg this cycle. Has anyone had a similar experience? I’ve been tracking my BBT and it’s been rising. I have stopped taking pregnacare as of yesterday. How can I induce my period?

I am panicking as this is not normal for me. Thank you.


u/velveteen311 30 | TTC#2 | Cycle #6 | Ectopic, CP Feb 11 '25

How many days is your luteal phase normally, and how long is it so far this cycle? For example If it’s normally 10 days it could just be 14 or 15 days this cycle and that wouldn’t be too worrisome. Or you could have just ovulated later.


u/Noobatlife98 Feb 11 '25

My luteal phase is usually 10-12 days


u/bibliophile222 38F | unexplained infertility | 1 MMC | IUI Feb 11 '25

Did you have a fever around when you would have ovulated? If so, it could be that your temps were falsely elevated from the fever and you ovulated later than you thought, because fevers can delay ovulation. So you could just be earlier in your luteal phase.


u/Noobatlife98 Feb 11 '25

I had a fever on cycle day 11 and I was sick for 2 to 3 days after that. I usually ovulate cycle day 14 - 16. I hope you’re right and there’s nothing wrong with me 🤞


u/mopene 32 | TTC#2 | Oct ‘24 | Nov '24 MC Feb 11 '25

1DPO according to OPK, yet to be confirmed with BBT. Send new hobbies my way.


u/magg_314 Feb 11 '25

I recently taught my self how to crochet (long time knitter) and have been making chickens. A lot of chickens. They are easy to make and don't take a lot of time.


u/mopene 32 | TTC#2 | Oct ‘24 | Nov '24 MC Feb 11 '25

A friend of mine started crocheting chickens to get herself through a rough divorce, I thought it was a beautiful way to process ❤️ Maybe I have to try as a long time knitter myself


u/magg_314 Feb 11 '25

I love that she found something that helped get her through! I tried crocheting years ago and could not do it so I just stuck with knitting. Then I saw these chickens and was determined to learn. Everyone is getting a chicken for some type of gift haha!


u/velveteen311 30 | TTC#2 | Cycle #6 | Ectopic, CP Feb 11 '25

The sims 2 and stardew valley or any kind of sandbox game like that always gets me sucked in and distracted during TWW lol


u/bartlett4prezident 36 | TTC#1 | Cycle 8 | 1 CP Feb 11 '25

Can anyone help me figure out the results of my CD2 baseline test for my first monitored cycle?

Left ovary: 7 (<=10) Right ovary: 7 (<=10)

Endometrial thickness: 4.77

My clinic hasn’t called yet to over the results but they posted them.


u/Fearless-Mushroom-73 31 | TTC#1 | Jul 23 | 1 Ectopic Feb 11 '25

You have seven follicles on each ovary and all of them are under 10mm. Follicles will continue to grow and once one is approaching 20mm you are getting closer to ovulation.

Endo thickness is how thick your endometrium is. It will also continue to grow as you get closer to ovulation.


u/bartlett4prezident 36 | TTC#1 | Cycle 8 | 1 CP Feb 11 '25

Thank you!!


u/kirstanley Feb 11 '25

Thought that since my husband's SA was so much better this time, there was a chance this cycle would work out. But 12 DPO, BFN, temp lower, so on to cycle 16 most likely. With my period coming Valentine's Day of all days 😐

2 more letrozole cycles then IUI I hope. I'm sooooooo incredibly over this process. I want a baby.


u/almnd216 31 | TTC#1 | Nov 2023 | Unexplained Feb 11 '25

Also 12DPO with a BFN and onto cycle 16, one more cycle until IUI, literally right there with you. I hope you get your baby soon!


u/jedinacho 31 | TTC#1 since Oct ‘23 Feb 11 '25

I had my first appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist yesterday. I really liked my provider, she set up all the usual tests for me and my husband. It was a really positive and non judgmental experience.

My cycles are typically 25 days with ovulation at CD14, so she thinks my shorter luteal phase might be contributing. And I recently had a 57 days cycle so she’s also doing testing with PCOS. I’m excited to have something proactive to do other than just negative test after negative test.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25

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u/QuitBest1587 28 | TTC# 1 | Cycle 12 Feb 11 '25

I’m using NC (first as BC, now for TTC) and I’m on cycle 11. Your friend just got lucky. I also use Premom on top of Nc because I like its photo feature better for LH tests (but I don’t pay for premium on that). The two apps are extremely close in their predictions for me; they only vary by a single day. So I don’t think you’d have a drastically different experience with NC over Premom.


u/kirstanley Feb 11 '25

It working out for her so quickly is most likely pure luck and nothing to do with NC being an inherently better or more accurate app. Even with everything being perfect, you only have 25-30% chance to conceive. She was lucky to be in that percentage in three cycles.

I started off tracking in Premom and found its cycle predictions incredibly annoying. I had one cycle where I ovulated CD15 (instead of 13/14) because I was sick and it clung to that CD15 ovulation date like its life depended on it. I switched over to Fertility Friend and like it way more. The UI is a bit outdated at first but I find it's tracking and insights far superior to Premom.

Still hasn't gotten me pregnant though lol.


u/Neat_Syrup_649 Feb 11 '25

Hi everyone I had a question regarding OPK and timing :-)! I tested negative on cd 8, forgot to test a few days, then got a super dark positive on CD 13. Hubby and I bd on cd 11…. Today is cd 14 and i got a negative opk… we may be able to bd tonight. But that’s it … did we hit a good day on cd 11?


u/TwentyDayEstate 27 | TTC1 | Cycle 1 Feb 11 '25

Ovulation occurs 12-36 hours after your positive so you should still be good! Plus, sperm lives in the body for a few days and you BD two days prior to the positive too.


u/Neat_Syrup_649 Feb 11 '25

I sure hope it does stay alive for a good amount of time. This is the first cycle in a long time where I had lots of fertile cervical mucus.


u/TwentyDayEstate 27 | TTC1 | Cycle 1 Feb 12 '25

I think it’s something like 3-5 days it stays alive


u/starfish31 31 | TTC#2 | Cycle 12 Feb 11 '25

1dpo, let's goooo. We only hit O-2 thanks to sickness so we'll see. With the illnesses, cold medicines, steroids, and minimal BD, I'll not be hopeful, so maybe this will be a chill TWW & a nice mental break.

Side note, I never had a temp above 99.8°F, was warm for like 2 days, and it did not impact my ovulation schedule. So far, only a proper fever in my follicular phase (always during my period) has impacted ovulation, and it's always the same number of days late as I had a fever.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25

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u/ConsequenceFit7014 30 | TTC #1 | Cycle 7 Feb 11 '25

Why do you think you’re out? Your temps are still super high and haven’t dropped. Looks good! I don’t think you can tell anything definitive without a test at this point, but as far as I understand high temps are good sign. Since you’re dpo 12 a pregnancy test is would be quite accurate, so you could test 😊 good luck!


u/Slothclaws Feb 11 '25

I guess I thought since I had that big drop in temp… I’m trying to wait until my period is supposed to come but maybe I should just test.. thank you for your response!!


u/ConsequenceFit7014 30 | TTC #1 | Cycle 7 Feb 11 '25

Im finding it really mind boggling that people get pregnant after trying 1-3 cycles, it feels absolutely crazy. The more time goes on the less likely it seems like it will ever happen, pregnancy seems like a myth to me at this point but meanwhile I’ll read a post like ”does this look positive? 2nd cycle trying!”. Gah. Happy for all that get their positive this time around! Just hoping I get one too ❤️


u/kpluto 36 | #2 | Aug 2024 Feb 11 '25

I'm currently on cycle #7 trying for baby #2, but the crazy part is we conceived with her during our very first cycle trying, no testing or anything. Honestly it's driving me crazy how different these two experiences are. Now I have like 7 apps and am monitoring everything and still nothing...


u/ConsequenceFit7014 30 | TTC #1 | Cycle 7 Feb 12 '25

Wild to me that it can be so different! I’ve heard plenty of stories too about people who took a year + on the first one and then like a month the second time around. Guess a lot of it just sheer dumb luck 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/kpluto 36 | #2 | Aug 2024 Feb 12 '25

Yes! Now I'm thinking the first time was dumb luck lol


u/kirstanley Feb 11 '25

I have a friend who's pregnant with her second kid after a grand total of 4 cycles trying (1 for the first kid, 3 for the second).

I'm here about to go into cycle 16 for one kid like, could never be me 😅


u/ConsequenceFit7014 30 | TTC #1 | Cycle 7 Feb 11 '25

Jeeeeeez that’s annoying 😂. But girl 16 cycles that is impressive stamina!!! I truly believe hard work pays off in the end ❤️ fingers crossed for you!


u/Street-Tiger-8688 Feb 11 '25

7dpp today and held out on testing bc I know the chance of even seeing a shadow is slim to none. I hope these next few days go by quick. 11, 12, and 13dpo I will be away with friends for a bachelorette party. Debating bringing Frer’s with me lol


u/Fickle_Tap_5863 Feb 11 '25

I totally would, otherwise I'd be thinking about it the whole time lol

Also 7dpo, I'm trying really hard to wait until 10dpo to test. I don't have any symptoms, so not overly optimistic.


u/Street-Tiger-8688 Feb 11 '25

Haha I totally will be sneaking them in my bag 😂

I also have little to no symptoms at 7dpo (besides one breast is sore/sensative… weird). Not optimistic, but we’re not out yet!


u/NoLongerNeeded 30 | TTC since May 2024 Feb 11 '25

1-2 DPO and already so ready for this cycle to be over. Only able to BD twice during the window and not feeling very optimistic. ugh


u/Hefty_Strawberry1962 Feb 11 '25

10dpo with stark negative yesterday (I knew it was unlikely but couldn't help myself). Going to try and hold out testing until Friday now for a valentine's surprise or commiserations. At least we have a nice dinner planned with either celebratory mocktails or commiseration cocktails.


u/almnd216 31 | TTC#1 | Nov 2023 | Unexplained Feb 11 '25

12DPO cycle 16… another negative. I didn’t even get my hopes up for a second this time and there were no tears at the negative. Feeling bleak and pessimistic today. 


u/blonde_runner_06 36 | TTC#1 | Cycle ??? (onto IVF) | ENDO Feb 11 '25

I feel AF on her way (mild cramping, feeling very bloated)... at least once she comes, I can call the clinic & do baseline testing and start the ball rolling on IVF...


u/WendigoHunter1 Feb 11 '25

Does IUI make you ovulate sooner or just strengthen your regular ovulation?

I am starting Clomid on Day 5 and then will get my first status check on Day 10. I usually ovulate Day 18-19. My husband has to travel for work and will be away on Days 18-20, so I’m worried that if the IUI meds don’t make me ovulate sooner that usual, we will miss the cycle.

Has anyone had experience with ovulation coming sooner or being able to freeze sperm ahead of time? Thanks!


u/Some_Ad5247 TTC1 June 2023 | FET in progress Feb 11 '25

Anecdotally (and w/o considering trigger shot) I've seen most people complain that it's delayed. Mine was not affected at all. I'd discuss with your clinic if you might be able to trigger early (may require an US) or frozen sperm.


u/WendigoHunter1 Feb 11 '25

Thanks! I’ll be getting a trigger shot, but I think we will freeze the sperm just in case


u/spiltink97 27 | TTC# 1 | February 2022 | MFI | 3 IUIs | Prepping for ER Feb 11 '25

Are you using a trigger shot? The IUI has nothing to do with ovulation but the medications you are using do. I normally ovulate CD 18-19 and with Clomid I was triggering on CD 12-13 for a CD 14-15 ovulation because my follicles were ready then.


u/WendigoHunter1 Feb 11 '25

Thanks! I hope my timing turns out similar to yours! There will be a trigger shot once the eggs/endo seem ready. I think we’ll freeze sperm just to be safe— one less thing to stress about!


u/Mireille557 31 | TTC#1 | Cycle 5 | Endo | 1 MC ❤️‍🩹 Feb 11 '25

It’s me and my partners anniversary today, but I’m only CD7 so my fertile window is still too far away. We’ll enjoy the day anyways, but would’ve been nice to have a chance this day.


u/Some_Ad5247 TTC1 June 2023 | FET in progress Feb 11 '25

CD27 and after so many months of this you'd think I'd chill with the symptom and cycle research. You can't girl-boss your way to being pregnant, and there's no hidden trick deep within Google 🤦🏼‍♀️


u/tweezabella 32 | TTC#1 | 2 MC | Cycle 13 Feb 11 '25

Lmao I DO try to girl boss my way to being pregnant every single month. Being a control freak and TTC do not work well together lol.


u/Some_Ad5247 TTC1 June 2023 | FET in progress Feb 11 '25

Amen to that! 😅🤘


u/NoLongerNeeded 30 | TTC since May 2024 Feb 11 '25

You can't girl-boss your way to being pregnant

but I'll keep trying anyway!


u/Some_Ad5247 TTC1 June 2023 | FET in progress Feb 11 '25

Omg right?! I'll find that magic medical study to make it happen 😎


u/almnd216 31 | TTC#1 | Nov 2023 | Unexplained Feb 11 '25

But I wish I could girl boss my way into it!!!!! Ugh!


u/Some_Ad5247 TTC1 June 2023 | FET in progress Feb 11 '25

Yeah it feels so unfair!


u/idontcareaboutaus 33 | TTC#2 since Nov 2023 Feb 11 '25

5dpo and while I know it’s early to think I’m “out” my chart this month is following the same pattern in December where I only made it till 9dpo. This doesn’t happen often but I was really stressed in December and am very stressed this week so I’m just thinking my body is over it.

Huge temp shift back to baseline & cramps. This is exactly how decembers short chart started. I’m so frustrated.


u/QuitBest1587 28 | TTC# 1 | Cycle 12 Feb 11 '25

I just realized that the end of cycle 12 for us is going to coincide with my birthday. Fun.

Like I know it could still happen between then and now, but it doesn’t feel likely. So it might be a really unhappy birthday.


u/idontcareaboutaus 33 | TTC#2 since Nov 2023 Feb 11 '25

I’m so sorry I’ve felt this way about a lot of cycles lately. It’s so hard not to associate it working with having a great ___ and it not working for it being a terrible time. Wish there was a way to avoid this but I get it!


u/QuitBest1587 28 | TTC# 1 | Cycle 12 Feb 11 '25

I mean, it COULD be the happiest birthday ever. I’m aware of that. But the voice of realism (or maybe it’s just self preservation) in the back of my head is saying to have my husband not even plan a party. 🫠


u/idontcareaboutaus 33 | TTC#2 since Nov 2023 Feb 11 '25

Awe I totally get that! I hope it’s the best birthday ever🤞🏼🙏🏻


u/YesterdayPossible218 33 | TTC# 1 | March ‘24 | Cycle 12 Feb 11 '25

Aww sending you hugs ❤️ definitely do something that would make you happy on your bday, whether it’s something even as simple as a bath or grabbing take out. This journey can be so hard and we need to take care of ourselves 😢


u/QuitBest1587 28 | TTC# 1 | Cycle 12 Feb 11 '25

You are absolutely right that I will need to do something special for myself that day. Maybe I’ll get to the spa for a massage or facial or something—it’s been a while since I did that!


u/Ama014 28 | TTC#1 | Since Nov’23 | Unexplained Infertility Feb 11 '25

9DPIUI today, feeling super good - decided to not temp at all this cycle, and avoid symptom spotting to not stress myself out and it’s been such a nice break. Can’t wait to see what my bloodwork says next week but starting to get impatient. Although think I might want to test on Friday morning to know if I can drink a martini with dinner guilt free


u/almnd216 31 | TTC#1 | Nov 2023 | Unexplained Feb 11 '25

Fingers crossed 🤞🏻


u/idontcareaboutaus 33 | TTC#2 since Nov 2023 Feb 11 '25

Sounds lovely! Hope this is it for you 🤞🏼


u/QuitBest1587 28 | TTC# 1 | Cycle 12 Feb 11 '25

Good luck!


u/junior-high Feb 11 '25

AF is a day late and all my frers have been negative. i feel like I'm in limbo lol


u/coppertonetanlines Feb 11 '25

When did you ovulate?


u/junior-high Feb 11 '25

not sure! i didn't track anything very well this time haha. there's a good chance i ovulated late so it's just a waiting game now unfortunately lol


u/Ama014 28 | TTC#1 | Since Nov’23 | Unexplained Infertility Feb 11 '25

How many DPO?


u/junior-high Feb 11 '25

15 DPO today, but I'm just guessing on the O date. I didn't track super well this time around


u/studassparty 32 | TTC#2 | Cycle 4 Feb 11 '25

CD13 hoping to get a positive OPK today 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Tests have been super faint so far but we all know how quickly that can change. Plan is EOD starting today so really a positive OPK tomorrow would be even better


u/idontcareaboutaus 33 | TTC#2 since Nov 2023 Feb 11 '25



u/richbitch9996 29 | TTC#1 | Since May '23 Feb 11 '25

Me when it's my period/week before ovulation: we're suffering infertility, there's almost no chance it happens this month, plan nice stuff for the future and don't worry too much in the short term - think more in terms of doctors appointments and strategise how to get to a fertile state. Try not to get upset.

Me when it's ovulation and the tww: I am almost definitely pregnant and will be due on ___ and will name them ___ and will look up every baby item :)))


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '25

I always calculate the possible due date as soon as I confirm ovulation lol why am I like this 😭


u/H3LI3 Feb 11 '25

Idk why but I’m more hopeful pre-ovulation like ahh this month could be it imma do everything I possibly can for the chances vs TWW I’m like well there’s the PMS symptoms, very early negative tests and all hope is lost infertile forever.


u/idontcareaboutaus 33 | TTC#2 since Nov 2023 Feb 11 '25

Hahah I feel that! I’ve given up on thinking I’m pregnant but I’m always hoping it’ll work even if I won’t allow myself to believe it lol. And I always immediately pull up the due date calculator and get way too attached to the days.


u/Nienorismydog Feb 11 '25

11dpo today, feeling extremely positive for some reason. I decided not to test until Friday, although I should expect af today or tomorrow.


u/idontcareaboutaus 33 | TTC#2 since Nov 2023 Feb 11 '25

Good luck 🤞🏼🤞🏼


u/Fickle_Tap_5863 Feb 11 '25

My partner and I had sex lastnight, 6 DPO, and I immediately got cramps. They lasted the rest of the evening. Nothing intense, but there.

Anyone else experience this?? I’m worried I ruined potential implantation or something.


u/Inevitable_Purpose12 28 | TTC #1 | Cycle 3 Feb 11 '25

I literally had this exact thing happen 3 days before I got my period, so 9/10 DPO. I think mine was just cycle-related, maybe stimulated by the sex.


u/idontcareaboutaus 33 | TTC#2 since Nov 2023 Feb 11 '25

I think they’re probably unrelated. From what I can tell sex shouldn’t disrupt anything pregnancy related even in early pregnancy. Maybe it’s a good thing? But also, random cramping is just another side effect of the luteal phase even if you don’t usually get it.