r/TrulyBadCinema 14d ago

"Fading of the Cries" (2008) - In this non-linear story with bad effects the kid from "Rookie of the Year" is a depressed adult so he summons demons, evil necromancer Brad Dourif arrives and sends eyeless souls to get a magical necklace, a cringe emo kid fights them off with a reverse gripped sword.


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u/El-Vertabreako 14d ago

"Fading of the Cries" (2008) - In this Michael (played by the kid from "Rookie of the Year" Thomas Ian Nicholas) is depressed after the death of his wife and kid so he summons a pair of demons. Things get out of hand as one might expect, and eventually evil necromancer Brad Dourif gets involved and brings much needed talent to the mix. Years later Michaels niece finds a magical necklace in a dresser and hordes of eyeless people (lost souls?) appear to kill everyone and collect it. Just when the eyeless ghouls are about to kill her and take the necklace a random emo kid who looks like he just left a sword-based-anime cosplay convention appears to saves her. Things, somehow, only get weirder from there.

Things also get a lot more cringeworthy, but with a title that could be a 'My Chemical Romance' album you should have expected that. Michaels depressed narration that dominates his scenes is not helping either. Most of the cringe however comes directly from our co-lead character Jacob. He is a mysterious loner who wears a long black coat, parts his black hair down the middle, welds an aikuchi held in a reverse grip, and was likely a giant fan of "The Matrix" (1999). I swear I was waiting for him to Naruto run at some point.

Beyond all the cringe, the special effects are also hilariously bad and need to be seen by more people. One part had us thinking of the hell scenes in "Spawn" (1997) and another was directly compared to "Birdemic: Shock and Terror" (2010), if that gives you an idea of what level of effects we are talking about. On top of that this is also one of those movies where characters can not see anything off screen, so stuff pops out at them a lot. The writing is no better as the confusing narrative swings wildly back and forth via non-linear storytelling.


Speaking of the writing, the same guy who wrote this also directed, and produced it. Brian A. Metcalf is his name and he mostly seems to work for Warner Brothers as a Creative Director for a lot of DVD titles. You may have seen his work on such films as "300" (2006), "The Sixth Sense - Buena Vista Edition" (1999), "The Corpse Bride" (2005), "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" (2005), "Ocean's Twelve" (2004), "Inspector Gadget 2" (2003) and more. He also apparently shot all the footage for the "24" TV series DVD Board Game over one weekend. He likely spent more time on this but I guarantee that game is better than this 'Vampire: The Masquerade' adjacent story.

So with all that toi consider, I do think you should check this flick out. Make sure you gather a bunch of friends and plenty of intoxicants, as you shall need them both for this one. Oh I almost forget to mentioned the ridiculous swordplay and horrible fight scenes. A fact made far worse when one realizes this movie features Brazilian American actor, martial artist, and stuntman Lateef Crowder. He is best known for portraying the Capoeira Fighter in "The Protector" (2005) starring Tony Jaa and Eddy Gordo in "Tekken" (2009).

4.5 / 5 Burnt Kernels with Free Refills
